Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The $700 Billion Letdown

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with the latest from Politico.com.

 Politico.com Breaking News:

The House of Representatives rejects $700 billion financial rescue plan.

For more information...http://www.politico.com

For some idea of what to expect. Check the The Arena .


Evelyn out.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain, and Obama Head for The White House Financial Summit

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a couple news breaks from Politico.com.

Politico.com Breaking News:

McCain wants Friday debate postponed, urges Obama to join him in Washington to focus on the financial crisis.

For more information...http://www.politico.com


Politico.com Breaking News:

Bush invites McCain, Obama to White House financial summit on Thursday.

For more information...http://www.politico.com

Evelyn out.

D.A.R.T. Center (Direct Action and Training Center) and F.AS.T.

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

As a active member of F.A.S.T. (Faith and Action for Strength Together), I have posted its official parent site for those wanting to know more about our mission. F.AS.T. is part of the D.A.R.T. Center (Direct Action and Training Center), which is a national organization.

Although I have considered myself a member of a crime prevention program for some years and have achieved some success in stopping certain crimes, I have often felt alone in dealing with these issues, the offenders, and at time the police department.  However, F.A.ST.  has opened my mind to the fact that I am not alone, and that more can be achieved thorough unity.

Evelyn out.

Possible Alternatives to Boom Car Drivers

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a copy of a letter from another member of NoiseOff who is offering some help those of us who are experiencing problems with drivers who disregard their neighbors by blaring their car stereos. The problem with this type of boom car driver is that they are our neighbors, and many of them are ignorance of Florida's law and of those who do know it, they disregard it as they do us.

These drivers stalk us, threaten us,  damage our cars and/or any other unprotected property, and  then attempt to cause problems for us among people we associate with daily. I empathy with the writer of this letter because his story is so like my own.

Possible Alternatives

I want to pass on a couple ideas that may work for others as I have
had hesitant results here.

In Florida we have a stalking law that includes "harassment" which
defines any act directed at a specific person that causes substantial
emotional distress and servers no purpose. I tried this against one
of those loud exhaust cars that blears his stereo. I had to push hard
to get an officer to agree to take the complaint, but I had video of
him slowing down in front of my house and revving his engine and
complained of being woken up by it many times. I do not know if it
would have worked because when I convinced the officer to take the
complaint the tags on the car came back registered to a truck.
Eventually after a few more run-ins with the car it stopped coming

Another limited success I had was complaining to the headquarters of
the local pizza delivery chain about cars with loud exhaust and
stereos. I supplied vehicle description and tag numbers. I threatened
with a web campaign against them over it when they did not take me
seriously the first time, promissing to hand out coupons to their
competitors to my neighbors and ahy one else I could reach. They said
they would take action and one driver quite over it, the other
harassed me for a few days (he lives near me and I am not shy about
letting them know it's me) then all was quiet from them for a few
weeks. I have had occasional problems but it seems most of them are
short lived.

Just wanted to shear a couple ideas that may work for others.

We need more people like the writer of this letter because it takes courage and a special person to step up and attempt to stop these boom car drivers from violating the law and our legal rights to have and maintain peace of mind.
Here is few additional  tips:

1. get tag/plate number
2. make/model of the car
3. color of car
4. if possible description of driver (male/female)
5. location of car and/or incident, finally report all incidents to the police department, They take you more seriously than you might think. Also, try to be as discrete as possible.If the boom car driver catch on to you, continues on but do not give into their harassment. Report it too.

For those offensive drivers who read my page, I repeat Florida Statutes 316.3045, the law governing the use of loud car stereos for you. This includes the man in the silver Chevrolet who just sat out in front of my home blaring his stereo.

Florida Statutes 316.3045 states:

The 2007 Florida Statutes


Chapter 316

View Entire Chapter

316.3045  Operation of radios or other mechanical sound making devices or instruments in vehicles; exemptions.--

(1)  It is unlawful for any person operating or occupying a motor vehicle on a street or highway to operate or amplify the sound produced by a radio, tape player, or other mechanical sound making device or instrument from within the motor vehiclesothat the sound is:

(a)  Plainly audible at a distance of 25 feet or more from the motor vehicle; or

(b)  Louder than necessary forthe convenient hearing by persons inside the vehicle in areasadjoining churches, schools, or hospitals.

(2)  The provisions of this section shall not apply to any law enforcement motor vehicle equipped with any communication device necessary in the performance of law enforcement duties or to any emergency vehicle equipped with any communication device necessary inthe performance of any emergency procedures.

(3)  The provisions of this section do not apply to motor vehicles used for business or political purposes, which in the normal course of conducting such business use sound making devices. The provisions of this subsection shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power, from regulating the time and manner in which such business may be operated.

(4)  The provisions of this section do not apply to the noise made by a horn or other warning device required or permitted by s. 316.271. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall promulgate rules defining "plainly audible" and establish standards regarding how sound should be measured by law enforcement personnel who enforce the provisions of this section.

(5)  A violation of this section is a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a nonmoving violation as provided in chapter 318.

History.--s. 1, ch. 90-256; s. 220, ch. 99-248; s. 9, ch. 2005-164.


Evelyn out.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Trillion or Bust!

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a little breaking news from Politico.com on the state of the economy in the U.S.


Politico.com Breaking News:

Lawmakers told as much as $1 trillion could be needed to avoid total U.S. financial meltdown.


Evelyn out.

For more information...http://www.politico.com

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Behave or We'll Crush Your Car!

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with the latest of steps to end loud music from cars stereos. In  England the offending drivers are being warned that theirs' cars would be crushed if they continue to break the law pertaining to loud music. Now if Saint Petersburg can get so lucky.


Powys drivers warned: behave or we'll crush your car

Published Date: 19 September 2008

By Dominic Robertson <mailto:dominic.robertson@...>

DRIVERS are being warned of the expensive consequences of anti-social
driving and driving without tax or insurance.

Dyfed Powys Police spent the day at Morrison's in Newtown to warn people
that their car could be crushed if they are caught committing any of the

PCSO Paul Wenban and Newtown's Neighbourhood Beat Manager, Wyn Rees, spent
the day handing out information and talking to members of the public.

They also had a crushed car on display to leave people in no doubt of the
consequences of driving without tax or insurance.

They were also keen to let members of the public know that anti-social
driving should not be tolerated and that there are steps they can take to
eliminate problems.

Anti-social driving incorporates behaviour like speeding, thoughtless
driving, mobile phone use and loud music.

Newtown PCSO Paul Wenban said anti-social driving is a problem in Mid Wales
but that the police are equipped to deal with it.

He said: "Anti-social driving is the main problem we've got, boy racers
driving around in a dangerous manner and playing loud music.

"If they are sat outside your house at 11pm with the engine running and loud
music playing that's anti social behaviour and it can go down as a section
59 offence.

"They would then get a warning for that and if they are caught again then
their car can be seized.

"We are trying to educate people to stick within the law," they said.
Evelyn out.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Politico Daily Digest for Monday September 15, 2008v

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

with today's Politico Daily Digest. Today's features story is "On the stump, Obama Moves Past Hope"

Evelyn out

Politico Daily Digest for Monday September 15, 2008
POLITICO Daily Digest: The stories that drive the political conversation every day
Monday September 15, 2008
On the stump, Obama moves past hope By: CARRIE BUDOFF BROWN

Is the "hopemonger" gone? He sounds more like a man trying to shake a rain cloud these days, with the inspirational giving way to the traditional.

Read More | Comment

The Politico: On the stump, Obama moves past hope
Bank meltdown wallops campaigns By: MIKE ALLEN

The crisis is at a tipping point where Wall Street will visibly affect Main Street — and will shake up the plans of both candidates. See also: Banks form rescue fund

Read More | Comment

Obama needs more cash By: JEANNE CUMMINGS

His historic $66M August haul is only a downpayment on what he needs. See also: RNC cash

Read More | Comment

Rove quote delights Dems By: MIKE ALLEN

It’s not every day that Dems embrace Karl Rove, but the Obama camp is e-mailing a comment he made.

Read More | Comment

Biden speech to take hard hit at McCain By: VICTORIA MCGRANE

The campaign is emphasizing Biden’s unique standing to hit at McCain.

Read More | Comment

Palin hit hard on the Sunday shows By: LISA LERER

Palin-mania continued to dominate the conversation, as Dems slammed her for distorting her record.

Read More | Comment

©2008 Capitol News Company, LLC
The Politico Daily Digest. Unsubscribe

Friday, September 12, 2008

Stop the Noise!

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

It doesn't matter where you live these days, crime involving boom car drivers, loud, rude and pushes neighbors, drunken neighbors or drug addicts exist. It seems to be more present is our everyday existence today than from a decade or two ago, but more on this on another day.

Right now, I intend to impart some information that will help those of you wanting to do something about the loud music coming from cars of inconsiderate drivers in your area.

Also, I want to stress that it is a misconception to think that all boom cars drivers are young and male.  Boom car drivers come in both sexes, the young, the old, and of all races. Take a good look at some of their faces as they drive by you sometimes.

As I write this there are passing boom car drivers, someone blowing a horn that sounds like the type use in semi-trucks, people arguing. Is this a normal Friday evening? Not really. This is the protect of a small group people who have just learned that I am part an organization whose goal is the improve our current noise law. This law, Florida Statutes 316.3045-On The Operation Of Radios And Other Sound Making Devices A In Vehicles, is to my dismay little known, and of those drivers who doing know of it, much abused.

Florida Statutes 316.3045 states:

The 2007 Florida Statutes


Chapter 316

View Entire Chapter

316.3045  Operation of radios or other mechanical sound making devices or instruments in vehicles; exemptions.--

(1)  It is unlawful for any person operating or occupying a motor vehicle on a street or highway to operate or amplify the sound produced by a radio, tape player, or other mechanical sound making device or instrument from within the motor vehicle so that the sound is:

(a)  Plainly audible at a distance of 25 feet or more from the motor vehicle; or

(b)  Louder than necessary forthe convenient hearing by persons inside the vehicle in areasadjoining churches, schools, or hospitals.

(2)  The provisions of this section shall not apply to any law enforcement motor vehicle equipped with any communication device necessary in the performance of law enforcement duties or to any emergency vehicle equipped with any communication device necessary inthe performance of any emergency procedures.

(3)  The provisions of this section do not apply to motor vehicles used for business or political purposes, which in the normal course of conducting such business use sound making devices. The provisions of this subsection shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power, from regulating the time and manner in which such business may be operated.

(4)  The provisions of this section do not apply to the noise made by a horn or other warning device required or permitted by s. 316.271. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall promulgate rules defining "plainly audible" and establish standards regarding how sound should be measured by law enforcement personnel who enforce the provisions of this section.

(5)  A violation of this section is a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a nonmoving violation as provided in chapter 318.

History.--s. 1, ch. 90-256; s. 220, ch. 99-248; s. 9, ch. 2005-164.

So these in is the problem. The law is too weak. There are probably some lawmakers out there unhappy with my choice of works, but I can think of no other polite set of work for a law that has causing so much unrest and violence due to drivers the music extreme volume level within their cars.

Now the viable solutions.

Write and call you local representative, senators, city/county councilwoman of counsilman. 

In addition, NoiseOFF, the organization to with I am a member, is working on is getting the police to consider adding booming to the newly re-instated impoundment law, which Sarasota has begun. Some of the Saint Petersburg Police Department doesn’t think it's necessary. How can call either Bill Proffitt, their spokesperson; or Don Gibson, the PD attorney; or leave a message at Chief Harmon’s office. Call 893-7780 and ask for any of them.

No one of us is alone out there; and the police department as well as our representatives should be made aware of it. Members of the police department should be constantly reminded of the fact that when they fail to take serious a call of a citizen (who is suffering under the extreme volume of a boom car driver, and in some cases suggested to verbal abuses and threats of bodily harm) that they are in a sense condoning those the actions of the lawlessness of those drivers as well as not enforcing even this weak law that we now have on the legal docket.

I end this post as I began it with a boomer’s loud music intermittently playing in the background outside.

Evelyn out.

Attorney General's Weekly Newsletter

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

 with this weeks Attorney General's Weekly Newsletter, Generally Speaking.
Generally Speaking
  Publication of the Office of the Attorney General • Volume 6, Issue 37 • September 12, 2008

Orca Jumping at Seaworld


Space Shuttle



Sea Birds

Week in Pictures CyberCrime UpdateConsumer Protection Actions Criminal Proceedings News Releases Audio Message Text Version En Español Weekly News Items Additional Notes Contact Us Attorney General's Website Unsubscribe Weekly Message from Attorney General Bill McCollum

Yesterday, on the seventh anniversary of the terror attacks that claimed the lives of thousands of innocent civilians and first responders, I had the honor and privilege of speaking at the dedication of Mount Dora's memorial to fallen police officers and firefighters.

This monument was created to recognize the brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day, standing up for public safety, especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country and its citizens. Without these heroes, America would be a very different place. Even seven years after the attacks on our country, we are still facing the threat of terror and these public servants are the ones standing between us and danger.

Since 2001, Florida has made significant progress in the sharing of intelligence between our local, state and federal law enforcement agencies by enacting our own security structure. Chief in this structure is the Florida Domestic Security Oversight Council which consists of state agencies and law enforcement officials who have a critical role in Florida's security. This council, of which I am a member, acts as an advisory body and funding mechanism to those who directly investigate threats and respond to a wide range of potential hazards.

While Florida's domestic security preparedness is reputedly the best in the nation, we need to do more. The public needs to be better educated about how to report suspicious behavior and our state must remain focused on securing the specialized equipment necessary to stay well-informed, prepared and protected. I am committed to do what it takes to make sure Florida is the safest state in the nation and continuing to support our brave men and women ? especially our law enforcement and firefighters ? who are protecting our citizens every day.


Sail Boat

Palm Trees



Daytona Speedway

Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's Officially! Republicans Nominate McCain!

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn one,

with more breaking new from Politico.com.

Republicans officially nominated Sen. John McCain for president.

For more information...http://www.politico.com

Politico.com Breaking News:

Evelyn out

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Third Edition Deck of Statewide Cold Case Playing Cards Unveiled

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

with the an update on the Attorney General to fight crime and bring to justice futives on cold cases with the use the this third edition deck of statewide cold case playing cards.

Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release
August 29, 2008

Third Edition Deck of Statewide Cold Case Playing Cards Unveiled

206,000 decks of cards to be distributed to county jail
inmates, state probationers

TALLAHASSEE, FL -- The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE),
Department of Corrections (DC), the Attorney General’s Office, and the
Florida Association of Crime Stoppers again teamed up with Florida sheriffs
and police chiefs to create a new deck of statewide cold case playing
cards. The third edition features 52 of Florida’s unsolved homicide and
missing person cases. Beginning today, the decks will be distributed to
inmates in all 67 county jails and to supervised offenders reporting in
through the state’s 156 probation offices. Each card features a photograph
of the victim and factual information about the case.

“This is a creative and well-crafted approach to investigating some of
Florida’s toughest cases,” said FDLE Commissioner Gerald Bailey. “I’m proud
of the collaboration between law enforcement agencies to put this program
in place. It’s worked before and we’re betting it will work again.”

There are approximately 65,000 inmates in the state’s county jails and
141,000 supervised offenders serving on state probation. By distributing
the cold case playing cards to offenders, law enforcement will reach
thousands of potential sources who may be able to provide critical
information about an unsolved case. Printing for the third edition deck
was funded through federal grant monies.

“We’ve already had two inmates come forward with information that solved
crimes in response to the Cold Case Cards initiative and I anticipate some
of our offenders on community supervision will do so as well. I applaud
this joint effort among lawenforcement agencies and pledge to help in any
way we can to assist in solving these unsolved crimes,” said DC Secretary
Walter McNeil.

“These cards have been immensely successful in generating tips and two
cases have been solved, bringing closure to the victims’ families and
friends,” said Attorney General Bill McCollum. “The Attorney General’s
Office welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with our corrections and law
enforcement partners, particularly on such a creative and important

A toll-free number for Crime Stoppers is listed on each card and offenders
in county jail facilities will be given access to a phone in order to call
in information. As with all Crime Stoppers initiatives, no identifying
information is obtained from the callers – they are free to remain

“People are often fearful of providing information on criminal activity –
especially in a prison environment,” said Florida Association of Crime
Stoppers President Steve Rowland. “Crime Stoppers is privileged to use our
existing anonymous call taking network in this valuable initiative. Our
greatest hope is to continue to gather the missing information needed to
bring closure to so many grieving families in Florida.”

“The issuing of the third edition of cold case playing cards is a testimony
to the success of this program. Distributing these to the thousands of
inmates within the jails and corrections facilities in our state exposes
the cases to an audience of people most likely to have come in contact with
these individuals,” said Okaloosa County Sheriff Charlie Morris, President
of the Florida Sheriffs Association. “This will provide an excellent source
of information to help law enforcement solve crimes. The Florida Sheriffs
Association is proud to be a part of supporting this effort.”

“The Florida Police Chiefs Association wholeheartedly supports this
creative and innovative program that provides visual aids and factual
information as a means to jog the memories of individuals that may have
information vital to these cases,” said Port Orange Police Chief Gerald
Monahan, President of the Florida Police Chiefs Association. “It is the
hope of our members that this program coupled with state-of-the-art
technology that was not available at the time of many of these murders will
lead to many more solvedcases throughout Florida.”

The idea for cold case playing cards originated in 2005 with the Polk
County Cold Case Assessment Team who developed a deck of unsolved cold
cases from the local area and distributed them in the Polk County Jail.
Within months, an inmate tip led to arrests in an unsolved murder. In July
2007, Florida developed two statewide decks of cards which were distributed
to 93,000 inmates in 129 state prison facilities. Two murder cases were
solved as a result of the statewide decks (James Foote and Ingrid Lugo) and
tips from the cards continue to be received regularly. The first and
second edition statewide decks were funded through the Crime Stoppers Trust
Fund which is administered by the Attorney General.

Florida was the first to develop a deck of statewide cold case cards and
distribute them in the state prison system. Since then, the concept has
been replicated by law enforcement and correctional agencies across the
country and internationally. At least 13 other local jurisdictions in
Florida have developed local decks of cold case playing cards in
conjunction with Crime Stoppers: Miami-Dade County, Jacksonville, Martin
County, Escambia County, Palm Beach County, Lee County, Tampa Bay, Pinellas
County, Manatee County, Leon County, Flagler County, Orange County and Polk
County. Numerous states, including Texas, California, Washington, Illinois,
Missouri and New York have implemented similar programs and are
distributing their own cold case playing cards in local areas. Australia
has also developed a playing card program based on the Florida model.

To learn more about the Cold Case Playing Cards initiative and to view
cards from each of the three editions, please visit
www.fdle.state.fl.us/OSI/unsolved. The public can purchase cards through
Priority Marketing at www.prioritymarketing.com.

For Further Information Contact:
Heather Smith or Kristen Perezluha
FDLE Office of Public Information
(850) 410-7001

Department of Corrections
Office of Public Affairs
(850) 488-0420

Sandi Copes
Press Secretary
Office of the Attorney General
(850) 245-0150

Steve Rowland
Florida Association of Crime Stoppers
(941) 812-1618


Evelyn out.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Obama bounces – NYT and NBC: Campaign steps up retroactive Palin vetting

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with an excerpt Mike's Politico Playbook.

Politico Playbook
Tuesday Sep 02, 2008
63 days – Bush reportedly to address convention by satellite in prime time tonight – Obama bounces – NYT and NBC: Campaign steps up retroactive Palin vetting

Sep 02, 2008 09:53 AM EST


Prime timers: Senator Lieberman, Fred Thompson

Good Tuesday morning. Prayers are answered in the Gulf as Gustav fades, allowing the Republican National Convention to get back on track. ABC's George Stephanopoulos was first to report (online last night) that President Bush will address delegates today.

CBS News' Steve Chaggaris has the deets: The convention will return to a regular program today at 6 p.m. CT. Tonight will be a 'biographical sketch' of John McCain. Key primetime speakers (9 to 10 p.m. local, 10 to 11 p.m. Eastern) will be former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) and Sen. Joe Lieberman, (I-Conn.)

***President Bush reported to address the convention via satellite at approximately 8:38 p.m. CT, 9:38 ET.

AP: 'The revamped schedule suggested that convention planners were easing back into partisan politics with an appeal to independent-minded voters.' AP reports Mayor Giuliani may be off program as keynoter, but will address delegates in prime time Wednesday or Thursday.

BREAKING, from AP: 'President Bush says Gustav should prompt Congress to OK more domestic oil drilling.'

National Journal Convention Daily leads with, 'A Touch of Glamour: Laura Bush and Cindy McCain kick off a Day One blown off course by Gustav.'

Mrs. McCain and first lady Laura Bush go before cameras at the Minneapolis Convention Center to preview the care-pack assembly line that will be open Wednesday and Thursday, and to thank Target, FedEx and the American Red Cross.

Vets for Freedom today launches a $7 million campaign calling on Senator Obama to 'acknowledge the surge worked.'

Senator Obama is on ABC's 'This Week' on Sunday.

THE BIG IDEA – Politico, 'New Palin details may help, not hurt,' by Charles Mahtesian: 'Fishing permit violations. A blue-collar husband who racked up a DUI citation as a 22-year-old. An unmarried teenage daughter who is pregnant and a nasty child custody battle involving a family member. All of this, to one degree or another, has surfaced in recent days as a result of efforts to discredit or undermine Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. But these revelations may have the opposite effect: In one sense, they could reinforce how remarkably unremarkable she is.

'So far - and it is hard to tell what the future may hold for Palin's unexpected national candidacy - the travails of the Palin family probably seem awfully familiar to many average Americans. It is this averageness that makes her such a politically promising running mate for John McCain - and such a dangerous opponent for Democrats. Many voters will find it easy to identify with her family's struggles - a significant advantage in an election where the voting calculus is so unusually and intensely personal.'

SCOOP – ABC News, 'October Surprise' Over Palin Investigation? 'Likely Damaging' Report on Governor Scheduled for Release Days Before November Election,' by Brian Ross and Len Tepper: 'The Alaska state senator running an investigation of Gov. Palin says the McCain campaign is using stall tactics to prevent him from releasing his final report by Oct. 31, four days before the November election. 'It's likely to be damaging to the Governor,' said Senator Hollis French, a Democrat, appointed the project manager for a bi-partisan State Senate Legislative Counsel Committee investigation of claims that Palin abused her office to get the Alaska public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, fired.'

TALKER – The aforementioned ABC's Brian Ross: 'As residents of New Orleans were fleeing Hurricane Gustav, top Republican party officials donned pink boas and swigged vodka shots at a wild whirl of corporate and lobbyist-paid parties this weekend in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Many corporate sponsors and their lobbyists carried through with plans for lavish entertainment of GOP lawmakers and others despite calls from the campaign of Sen. John McCain that Republicans should tone down the convention festivities. ... [L]obbyists for the National Rifle Association, Lockheed Martin and the American Trucking Association put on a raucous six-hour party at a downtown bar featuring music by the band 'Hookers and Blow.' There was no evidence of any actual prostitutes or cocaine.'

DRIVING THE DAY -- ABC's George Stephanopoulos: 'I think what a lot of Republican operatives and delegates here are asking is: What else is out there about Governor Palin? Was the vetting process complete and professional?'

***A top McCain official tells Playbook: 'She was vetted as fully as all the candidates before her selection. The team sent to Anchorage last week was the communications jump team, set up for whoever the pick was, to integrate their world into ours.'

DRUDGE BANNER: 'MEDIA TURN ON MCCAIN IN ELECTION SHOWDOWN' -- links to Bloomberg News' 'McCain Turns Sour on His Onetime Media `Base' as Election Nears.'


L.A. Times A1, Mark Z. Barabak: 'Palin spokeswoman Maria Comella said more than two dozen McCain aides reviewed public records and legal documents, her credit history, news accounts, speeches, financial records and any formal complaints against her. Palin completed a 40-page questionnaire and was interviewed for three to four hours by Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr., a longtime Washington attorney, and spoke at length with McCain's top advisors. In the interview with Culvahouse, Palin disclosed her daughter's pregnancy and her husband's DUI, Comella said.'

The McCain campaign's Nicolle Wallace says on ABC's 'Good Morning America' that Senator McCain knew about Gov. Palin's unmarried pregnant daughter: 'We all knew. ... It was certainly known, and it didn't give senator McCain any pause.' Wallace wouldn't tell Diane Sawyer when McCain found out, or whether he and Governor Palin talked about it.

Wallace, on NBC's 'Today,' says the disclosure was prompted by 'Democratic- and liberal-leaning fervor, really, in the blogosphere [delving] into the private life of the Palin family. after her announcement. There was a hateful slew of rumors and innuendo about her most recent pregnancy-- a roar of activity about the personal life of this family.' On the vetting: 'I think a process that is secret shouldn't be confused with a process that's hasty.'

NBC's Matt Lauer asked Mary Matalin why the information was put out 'on the eve of the Republican Convention and she replied: 'It was an open secret.'


QUESTIONS OF JUDGMENT -- USA Today drives the conversation with a tough headline on Martha T. Moore's front-pager about Senator McCain and Governor Palin, 'Privacy, judgment raised after news of pregnancy': 'Delegates to the Republican National Convention, as well as Democrat Barack Obama, reacted sympathetically Monday to the disclosure that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's unmarried teenaged daughter is pregnant. But others said the revelation raised questions about John McCain's judgment.

'Steve Schmidt, chief strategist for the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, insisted the party's ticket would not be hurt and said the idea that 17-year-old Bristol Palin's pregnancy would affect Palin's ability to be vice president 'is demeaning.' ... McCain learned of the pregnancy last week, Schmidt said, before he offered Palin the spot as his running mate. McCain adviser Mark Salter said Palin disclosed her daughter's pregnancy to rebut rumors on the Internet that Palin's son, Trig, who was born in April and has Down syndrome, is Bristol's child.'

HASTE, JUDGMENT -- The N.Y. Times' off-lead (col. 1-2), 'Palin Disclosures Spotlight McCain's Screening Process: Daughter's Pregnancy One of Several Revelations,' By Elisabeth Bumiller: 'Aides to Mr. McCain said they had a team on the ground in Alaska now to look more thoroughly into Ms. Palin's background. A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential choice. The campaign was still calling Republican operatives as late as Sunday night asking them to go to Alaska to deal with the unexpected candidacy of Ms. Palin.

'Although the McCain campaign said that Mr. McCain had known about Bristol Palin's pregnancy before he asked her mother to join him on the ticket and that he did not consider it disqualifying, top aides were vague on Monday about how and when he had learned of the pregnancy, and from whom. While there was no sign that her formal nomination this week was in jeopardy, the questions swirling around Ms. Palin on the first day of the Republican National Convention, already disrupted by Hurricane Gustav, brought anxiety to Republicans who worried that Democrats would use the selection of Ms. Palin to question Mr. McCain's judgment and his ability to make crucial decisions.

'At the least, Republicans close to the campaign said it was increasingly apparent that Ms. Palin had been selected as Mr. McCain's running mate with more haste than McCain advisers initially described. Up until midweek last week, some 48 to 72 hours before Mr. McCain introduced Ms. Palin at a Friday rally in Dayton, Ohio, Mr. McCain was still holding out the hope that he could choose a good friend, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, independent of Connecticut, a Republican close to the campaign said. Mr. McCain had also been interested in another favorite, former Gov. Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania.'

OUT TODAY – John Fund's latest -- 'Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy,' Revised and Update by Author (75 percent new), Encounter Books, $17.95.

OBAMA GETS HIS BOUNCE -- USA Today 6A, 'In poll, Obama gets 'convention bounce,' by Susan Page: 'The Democratic National Convention significantly boosted Americans' views of Barack Obama as a strong leader who 'shares your values' and can manage the economy and Iraq, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll takenSaturday and Sunday finds. Republican John McCain's advantage in handling terrorism was dramatically reduced, and his 'unfavorable' rating ticked up to its highest level this year. ... In the head-to-head race, Obama leads 50 percent-43 percent among registered voters. In the USA TODAY Poll taken Aug. 21-23, the Illinois senator held a 4-percentage-point lead.'

CBS News: 'Democratic nominee Barack Obama's lead over Republican John McCain has grown after the Democratic convention, which 71 percent of Americans say they watched. Obama and his running mate Joe Biden now lead McCain and Sarah Palin 48 percent to 40 percent, according to the latest CBS News poll. This is the first CBS News poll to include the vice presidential candidates in the horserace question.'

SCOOP -- Newsweek Exclusive – 'Top Clinton Supporter John Coale Endorses McCain' John Coale, who traveled with the Senator Hillary Clinton, President Clinton and her family through out the primary season has endorsed John McCain, complaining of sexism and saying the party is 'being taken over by the moveon.org types' in an exclusive interview with Newsweek. He told Tammy Haddad that he tried to prevent Hillary Clinton's brother, Tony Rodham, from attending an August 18th meeting in Scranton, Pa. with McCain campaign surrogate Carly Fiorina. 'I urged him not to go and told him it would embarrass his sister, but he has a mind of his own.' Coale says Mr. Rodham asked Ms. Fiorina about McCain's Supreme Court picks.'

NEW AD on GOP Katrina failures TODAY FROM CAMPAIGN FOR AMERICA'S FUTURE -- Playing across the country, including on news channels in more than 5,000 hotel rooms where Republican delegates are staying in the St. Paul area. Called 'Thanks for the Memories.'

HAPPENING TODAY: At the convention, TIME Managing Editor Richard Stengel hosts a breakfast discussion with Meg Whitman, former president and CEO of eBay.

ST. PAUL DAYBOOK: Lesley Stahl of '60 Minutes' moderates former HHS Sec. Tommy G. Thompson and former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, both of whom were very involved in Katrina, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the historic James J. Hill Library. (Good chance for reporters to catch up with either of them.) Kirsten Fedewa was hired to organize the event, which is co-hosted by The Mayo Clinic, the Universityof Minnesota, the University of Colorado and the Obesity Society. New Hampshire State Sen. Bob Clegg will also speak.


WHAT'S THE LEAD? AP, 'Convention Rdp, Republicans try to get convention back on track,' by Sara Kugler: 'Hamstrung by Hurricane Gustav and distracted by the revelation that Sarah Palin's unmarried 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, Republicans were trying to get back on track Tuesday with the political pageantry that celebrates John McCain's candidacy for president. ... One of the speakers scheduled for Tuesday night's session, independent Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, said he would address delegates as planned.'

SPOTTED: Wearing Team America hats, Team McCain (Conant/Wilkerson/Bounds) raises a glass with Team Obama (Vietor/ Sevugan/Cherlin). The venue, 'The Spirits of Minneapolis,' renamed 'The Spirits of the Gulf Coast' as an American Red Cross funder. Sponsorted by the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States, The Weekly Standard, The Hill, etc.


BUSINESS BLINK – WSJ lead story – 'Google Tackles Microsoft In Launch Of Browser.'

DESSERT – LA. Times A1, 'Movie theaters offering upscale ambience: Some cinemas are kicking up the experience -- and the ticket price -- offering such things as reclining seats, high-end food and alcoholic beverages,' by Josh Friedman: 'The upscale theater trend is accelerating as exhibitors cater to the over-40 crowd, the fastest-growing segment of the population and a relatively affluent demographic ... Over-21 screenings, where alcohol is permitted, enable adults to avoid yakking teenagers. ... The Gold Class experience starts with online seating selection, valet parking and a concierge desk at check-in.'


Announcement: F.A.S.T. Remembering Justice Workshop

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

There is F.A.S.T. Remembering Justice Workshop on Saturday Morning, Sept 6th.
Time: 9:00 AM to Noon. Place: First United Methodist Church 212 Third St. North.
Parking is provided on the West side of the Church.

See ya there!

Evelyn out

Monday, September 1, 2008

Republican GOP Vice President Nominee Palin's Daughter Unwed Mother

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn one,

with more breaking new from Politico.com.

Politico.com Breaking News:

Sarah Palin released a statement saying her daughter is pregnant and plans to marry the father.

For more information...http://www.politico.com

Evelyn out

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