Tuesday, November 25, 2008

An Announcement from President Elect Obama

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

With a message from the President Obama on the creation of new jobs and stabilizing the economy.

Evelyn --

Today and yesterday, President-elect Barack Obama announced key members of an economic team tasked with creating jobs, stabilizing the economy, and getting our country back on track.

Barack is bringing together some of the best minds in the country to make swift progress on the economic challenges we face.

Timothy F. Geithner, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, will serve as Secretary of the Treasury. Lawrence H. Summers, former Secretary of the Treasury under President Clinton, will serve as Director of the National Economic Council.

Christina D. Romer will serve as Director of the Council of Economic Advisers, Melody C. Barnes will serve as Director of the Domestic Policy Council, and Heather A. Higginbottom will serve as Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council.

Peter Orszag, currently Director of the Congressional Budget Office, will serve as Office of Management and Budget Director, and Rob Nabors will serve as Deputy Director.

Watch the video of Barack's announcement yesterday and learn more about the economic team:

Learn more about Barack's economic team

Barack's economic team has already begun work on a recovery plan, and he'll provide progress updates in the coming weeks. He'll also provide their initial recommendations to the incoming Congress.

You'll be instrumental in generating support to pass legislation that puts America on the road to recovery.

While we can't underestimate the challenge we face, we also can't underestimate the opportunity we have to bring the change our country needs.



David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


Evelyn out.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Obama and Clinton Paired Once More!

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

with the latest on the Obama administrative team. According to Politico.com, President-elect Barack Obama has plans to select Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton as his secretary of state. This will occur after the Thanksgiving holiday. Clinton is expected to accept.

Evelyn out.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Gregory B. Craig Has Been Selected As Obama's White House counsel

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

With a breaking news update from Politico.com
Gregory B. Craig has been chosen to serve as President-elect Obama's White House counsel, according to Democratic officials.

For more information...http://www.politico.com
Evelyn out

Greg Craig To Be Named White House counsel

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

With some breaking news from Politico.com

Politico.com Breaking News:

Exclusive: Greg Craig to be named White House counsel By Mike Allen Gregory B. Craig, a well-known Washington lawyer who quarterbacked President Bill Clinton’s impeachment defense, has been chosen White House counsel by President-elect Obama, according to Democratic officials. Craig is intimately familiar with the president-elect’s record because he played the role of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in debate preparations. The officials said Obama has settled on Craig, but were not sure when it would be announced. The choice gives the president-elect both experience and loyalty. During the primaries, Craig was an early Clinton alumni defector to Obama. Columnist Robert D. Novak reported back in the winter of 2007 that Craig had told him he “was impressed with Obama when he first met him at the home of investment banker Vernon Jordan, an intimate friend and supporter of the Clintons.” Craig was an Obama foreign policy adviser during the campaign. At the start of the Clinton administration, he had been the State Department’s Director of Policy Planning, the head of State’s in-house think tank. He also was senior adviser on defense, foreign policy and national security to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.). The White House counsel, among the most powerful members of the West Wing inner circle, serves as the president’s lawyer, giving him legal advice and handling pardons and conflict-of-interest issues. Craig, 63, is a protégé of the late Edward Bennett Williams, the legendary Washington power lawyer. Craig is currently a partner at Williams & Connolly. His selection adds to the surprisingly heavy number of Clinton White House veterans who are at the top of the Obama roster. Craig, who had been friends with Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham at Yale Law School, was recruited for the impeachment job by John Podesta, then deputy White House chief of staff and now a leader of Obama’s transition. A Washington Post “Style” section profile in 1998 by Lloyd Grove and John F. Harris reported: “Craig brought along his best bedside manner when Clinton summoned him to the White House residence on the night of Sept. 10 -- the day after independent counsel Kenneth Starr's lurid report to Congress was published on the World Wide Web. On a balcony overlooking the South Lawn, Clinton and Craig sat talking for two hours.” Among Craig’s other high-profile cases: successfully representing Elian Gonzalez's father, a Cuban, in his efforts to regain custody of his son; and representing U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan in connection during the Volcker Commission's investigation of the Oil-for-Food Programme at the U.N. From Craig’s official biography: “In September 1998, President Clinton appointed Mr. Craig to be Assistant to the President and Special Counsel in the White House where Mr. Craig served as quarterback of the President's team that was assembled to defend against impeachment. Mr. Craig was also a member of the President's trial team in the United States Senate and presented the President's defense with respect to Count One during that trial. “In 1997, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright appointed Mr. Craig to be one of her senior advisors, and he served the Secretary as her Director of Policy Planning during the years 1997 to 1998. “For five years (1984-1988), he served as Senator Edward Kennedy's Senior Advisor on Defense, Foreign Policy and National Security issues. “Mr. Craig also has taught trial practice at both Yale Law School (1975-1976) and Harvard Law School (1981-1984).”

For more information...http://www.politico.com


Evelyn out

Threats Against Obama on the Rise

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

In respect to the increasing number of threats directed toward President-Elect Obama, security measures are on the alerts for any overt attempts to harm him.

In other news, the Democrats have moved ahead and selected Ronald A. Klain as chief of staff to Vice President-elect Joe Biden. Klain, the former chief of staff and counselor to Vice President Al Gore, has accepted the offer.

Also, some women groups worry that these early Democratic staff picks and Cabinet nominees will be interpreted as Obama's staff excluding women. See, "Will men dominate Obama administration?"

Evelyn out.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Woman faces the music for noise complaints

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

I spent an uneventful day working on my fan page "it's a Woman Thing" and study for my English literature course.

There was just a few interruption from noisy neighbors but nothing unusual their. I guess they did not think I was alive in here.:) Nevertheless,I got my work done and as was reading my email I ran across an based on the arrest of a woman who just doesn't it. It is reproduced here with permission.

Woman faces the music for noise complaints

By TONY SIMMONS / Online Editor
November 3, 2008 - 2:44PM

CALLAWAY - Loud music brought a deputy to a woman's door three times Halloween night, but either she wouldn't listen or couldn't hear the order to keep it down, and had to face the music.

The visits began when a noise complaint sent a Bay County Sheriff's deputy to an address on Pridgen Street at a couple minutes after midnight on Nov. 1. The deputy could hear the music as soon as he arrived on scene, according to an incident report.

He told the homeowner to turn down the music. It was too loud and constituted a breach of the peace, he said. The owner, Rosario Aguirre, agreed to turn down the music, but it didn't stay low for long.

"As I walked to my vehicle, I was able to hear that the music volume went up to the original level," the deputy wrote in the report. "I then returned to the residence and made contact with the owner and advised her to move the party inside of the house and keep the music level down, and that she could be arrested for disorderly conduct."

About an hour and half later, another noise complaint sent the same deputy back to the residence. He heard the music before exiting his patrol car and thought the music was even louder than before, according to the report.

The deputy advised Aguirre that he was placing her under arrest for disorderly conduct and her guests would have to leave.

As the guests left, Aguirre asked "in a low tone" if there was anything she could do to avoid going to jail, the report said.

"I responded to her statement with, ‘No ma'am, you will go from here to the Bay County Jail," the deputy wrote in the report.


What a fine piece of police work. For those of you who are unaware of the new law governing loud music whether in a car or playing outside during a home party and/or a driveway, the new law states if a police can hear you at 25 ft of distant you are breaking the law. If this music is coming from inside a home, it should play moderately up to 11 P.M. If it is louder you are in violation of the law and the 25 foot distant applies.

Evelyn out.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with an excerpt from Governor Crist's "Notes from The Capital"


Dear Friends,

Dear Friends,

This week we witnessed a truly historic election. We can never take for granted that here in America – we experience the peaceful transition from one leader to another.

Now that the people of Florida and our nation have spoken, it is time for our nation to unite and rally behind our leaders – and our new President-elect Obama – with one purpose – to strengthen our economy and increase opportunity for our people. It is time to focus on getting things done – just as we have done in Tallahassee.

I have been very privileged to work together alongside Republicans and Democrats.
Together, we have accomplished much for the people of Florida. It is amazing what we can achieve when we keep our focus on the people who really matter – the people we serve – our boss.

This week I visited a small business here in Florida that is struggling because of the shape our economy is in. I want to continue working with both parties to bring that business and the many others like it relief and prosperity.

We are moving forward in a bipartisan manner – not for the next election – but for the next generation.

God bless you and God bless Florida.



Evelyn out.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Breaking News from Politico.com

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with breaking news from Politico.com

Politico.com Breaking News:

Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) has accepted the position of White House chief of staff for Barack Obama.

For more information...http://www.politico.com


Evelyn out.

Battleflag - Barack Obam

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

the following is from aoxelfrieda, a Xenite and who like me is an undying fan of the smash hit series Xena Warrior Princess (1995-2001. However, this video is a review of campaign 2008.



Evelyn out.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Message fFom President Elect Barack Obama.

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with the current message from the President Elect Barack Obama.


Evelyn --

I'm about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first.

We just made history.

And I don't want you to forget how we did it.

You made history every single day during this campaign -- every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it's time for change.

I want to thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign.

We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next.

But I want to be very clear about one thing...

All of this happened because of you.

Thank you,



Link to Obama's speech last night.

Evelyn out,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack Obama the 44th President of the United States of America

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Tonight America has spoken and achieved two undisputable victories. The first, the Democratic have ousted the Republicans, and second, to the glory of America has elected its first black president.

With 333 of electoral votes and in a night to never be forgotten around the world, Barack Obama beats John McCain and became our 44th U.S. president.

God Bless Amercia!

Evelyn out!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obama and McCain - Dance Off!

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Before Election 2008 ends this Tuesday, there is one final battle of skill that our presidential hopefuls must pass to the satisfaction of their constituents. And that is can only be decided is the age-old tradition of the break dance. As conscientious voters, i know after viewing this video, you will rush out and vote your political consciousnesses to the utmost.


Obama and McCain - Dance Off!


Evelyn out.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

At NoiseOff, there is a message posted by someone realized that not all of his/her neighbors can be trusted and that neighbors will lie during the course of reporting a crime. Below is my posted reponse. If you wish to see the concerned person's original message, logon to NoiseOff and read "neighbors lie, say they aren't bothered".

My Response:

I am surprised that there are still victims of crime out there who still believe that they can unquestionably count on their neighbors as bare witness to whatever crime that has occurred. The majority of them will not. They will either side will the offender(s) or become noncommittal regardless of what they might have seen or heard and many remain ignorance of the incidents behind the safety of closed doors.

And yes, they lie. Why? They lie because they are afraid to take a stand against the neighborhood toughs and criminals. Especially those criminals who are known to harass and harm those of us who attempt to change things for the betterment of the community.

Neighbors like yours, and I have them too, will tell you that you are a nutcase, that you are bothering everyone, while at the same time allowing the crimes and sometimes very serious crimes to continue. They will groups together and step up the noise, drive around more often playing very loud music will stereos with broken basses, they will to disturb your rest at night, and if their they have a very bad fly beat on their cars, there is no peace until they leave the area.

The following statement is important, but I am guessing you will know it to be true. While in your presence, they will try to manipulate police officers and security personnel, but do not be distracted by this display. It is only an intimidation tactic so do not back down. Continue to report the incidents truthfully. Such neighbors have become bullies themselves.

This has been my experience and it has not changed. Where I live now, and I have not lived here long, but they fear me because they know that I represent change and that is what NoiseOff is all about, changes for the better.

You have gotten many suggestions on how to handle the offenders and your neighbors in your area. As suggestions go, these are good ones. Also, join your community D.A.R.T. organization. If you are a religious person, your pastor will know of the group and your local branch. The local police department might know of the group also.

Keep in mind as long as you want change and actively work toward it, many of your neighbors will not like you and fewer will trust you. So stand strong, but get some real support behind you because you do it along and you cannot trust everyone. Not even your neighbors.

Evelyn out.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!