Friday, October 24, 2014

Speaking Out Against My Harassers

To My harasser: The Definition of Elderly Abuse 

Emotional or Psychological Abuse

Emotional or psychological abuse is defined as the infliction of anguish, pain, or distress through verbal or nonverbal acts. Emotional/psychological abuse includes but is not limited to verbal assaults, insults, threats, intimidation, humiliation, and harassment. In addition, treating an older person like an infant; isolating an elderly person from his/her family, friends, or regular activities; giving an older person the "silent treatment;" and enforced social isolation are examples of emotional/psychological abuse.


The above stated, what goes through your heads? What type of mental processes makes you the harassers you are? 

If you think your harassment is going unnoticed, you are wrong.  You are notice from bus stop to grocery store, as well as the people you talk into helping you to stalk me by repeating the half-trues you  heard from someone else among you or heard those children shouting out from some unknown speaker system every day for the past 12 years  -- you are noticed.

That is correct. Your toddlers and middle schoolers from back in 2002 are now teenagers and some are adults. Yet today, people are still hearing young children. You parents of these children have come up with the idea of having your youngest children vocalized as well to fool the public into thinking they hear the same children from 12 years ago.  However, once people do the math, they realized that they are hearing a new group of young children in your homes. These children are most likely the younger siblings of your first group who started the vocal harassment in 2002. Are you going to keep them out of school as well?

Finding your children and you should not be this hard. Especially since at least one of you work in Walmart  store #5218, or you have spoken to someone who is watching my activities in that store from the security camera.  I am surprise that after all these years they are still playing music with lyrics to attract my attention and  to harass. You like using music to harass, don’t you?


To the Public:

Recently, and within the last three months I have experiences this harassment after buying live fish so unhealthy from Wallmart store #5218 that they either died before we got them home or with hours of bringing them home. 

Although I returned these dead fish for refunds, a few workers in the store and those with links to the  children above and those with  connections to those drug pushing families on 52nd and 53rd Avenue South, see my return for refunds as opportunities for harassment.  This situation has been a problem in this store since it opened on the Southside. Is it my problem alone? I do not know. All I know for sure is that I am speaking out about it. 

I dislike harassers and these types the most. They are the same type that told my neighbors lies so gross that one woman verbally abuse my character one 4th July night a couple of years ago as I was watching the fireworks. It never appeared to cross her mind or the minds of the other people at their firework party that their heads had been filled with lies.  This situation came about because one branch of the drug pushing families on 53rd Avenue South use to live on the block up the street from me and spoke to a couple of people living  on my block. The harassment, stalking, lies and half-trues spread and became more gross from then onward.

During my last trip to Walmart store #5218, and as I was standing in line to return more dead fish (I bought more fish from another store that same week and they are alive and well) there was a wheelchair bounded man and a wheelchair bounded woman. Both were holding up the customer service counter line talking about how the store’s manager did not know what was happening in the store. One customer left but not before saying he would return when they were fone. No doubt I was being watched and by more than the regular employees. 

After I had gotten my refund, I could not help but notice that the wheelchair bounded woman was following me from aisle to aisle talking about my relationship with my daughter as if it were a soap opera. It was clear to me that this woman had been told some half truth about my relationship with my daughter. Generally I say nothing to such people and do my business and return home. However on this day, I stopped the woman and corrected her and also made it clear that I do not associate with Negroes who use other people and  twist stories around or just tell flat out lies to hurt others. I did not say Blacks because not all black people are harassers.  (I see Negroes as people who live to cause others trouble and will use anyone regardless of color and condition to fulfill their goal of harm to others). This woman repeated her twisted tale from bits of information she got from someone who had listened to those children.  If I sounded rude, I considered myself being well controlled, and I kept my message direct even though  I was not feeling nice at all.

After this incident with the woman, the man she had been talking to returned, and the case of water I purchased came up missing from my grocery. So this  meant another trip to Walmart store #5218 and another refund. However, before I got home, my husband received a call from the store from a person calling himself George. This George wanted me to call him. I did not. I reported the incidents instead.
Will I continue to shop at Walmart store #5218? Yes, and I will continue to report poor employee service, bad products, as well as harassment from the personnel watching those security cameras. I would do the same at any store I frequent if the same problem occurred. It is my right as a loyal customer to be treated right and not harassed by employee or another customer.

Since these incidents, I have been harassed by both Negroes and some whites. I ignore them for the most part, and  regardless of them, Walmart store #5218 is still one of my stores for shopping.
In fact, as I think about it. I have had a few problems in other places. A McDonald, a bad chicken sandwich.  A medical center doing poor post-op care. Online the stalkers still trying to influent online workers. A neighbor making a false report of my behavior as I sat outside reading, and one young woman making the remark, “She should be whipped,” , and then the next morning whipping something in her backyard when I sit outside. And just how many gray and black vehicles are going to stalk me whenever I am out and about town or sitting on my porch?


Charles Barkley Slams ‘Unintelligent,’ ‘Brainwashed’ Black People for Holding Successful Ones Back (Audio)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

35th Wedding Anniversary!

It was 35 years ago on this date that Stanley and Evelyn (Altheimer) Fain married, and as on that day, they are still in love.  They have a love that has endured some trying times from both within their marriage, as well as those trying times caused by bitter and envious outsiders.

As they have matured and grown older, Stanley and Evelyn have gained and lost many material things during their 35 years, which they found were easily replaced. There were also times when they thought that their love would not last. Yet, God has had other plans for Stanley and Evelyn, and their love has grown stronger and is still a shining beacon that others can see.

Both being sixty-four years old, Stanley and Evelyn have a legacy of two children, and four grandchildren to which they are looking forward to seeing during their golden years.

Another fact about Stanley and Evelyn Fain’s marriage is that there are many years in which they celebrate it on two separate days because their actual marriage was on October 08, 1979, which is also Columbus Day.

So as with today, they will also celebrate their 35th Wedding Anniversary quietly together on Columbus Day this Sunday as well.

Ain’t love grand!

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!