Tuesday, March 31, 2015

To You Troublemakers In My General Area

UPDATE: As of 05/07/2015 my husband has started a round of antibiotics for the fast food illness that I had been treated at the original posting of this message. We hope he will not be on it as long as me. Although we know the evil minds behind this, we need the actual proof that they incited it. Nevertheless, this should never happen again.

This Message is only for those of you that cannot drop your acts of revenge against people who report lawbreakers like you.  I don’t have to name you because you know who you are.  

Stop with the lies, the stalking and the paranoia. If you are truly with crime prevention, then get with it and stop messing around with innocent people like my husband and myself. If you are using crime prevention as a way to continue causing trouble among the other residents of the community, then know your actions are noted.

Now, some of you who would like others to think that you are looking out for the community, however, I know you to be the very troublemakers that have been reported to our local CP and the Police Department.  Therefore, that sign on your lawn stating that you are members of crime prevention is meaningless.

In addition, you are the reason some of us now install security cameras. Don’t doubt it because it is true. The cameras would not exist had it not been for your constant harassment. You want to continue your harassment unnoticed and unchecked.  We understand you resent the cameras. Too bad. They are in use to record the crimes of anyone, man, woman, or child who breaks the law in our area. We are not watching your every move or those of your children. So stop with the lies. Like I have stated before, these cameras are to catch the dishonest among us who interfere in our lives uninvited.

We do not apologize for their presence. To do so would be saying we do not mind what you have done to us, and what you are still trying to do to us. We mind very much, and we want you to stop.  It is your dishonest actions that are the reason for the cameras.

We wish it was not true. In fact, we loath having the  need for the cameras but you provide the need with such actions as stealing mail, packages, stalking locally and online, and messing with people that prepare our fast foods. To the latter, I am on my second round of antibiotics because someone evil said something to a cook who in turn sold us bad food. The cook is forgiven. You are not.  

As I stated at the start, this message is for those troublemakers who cannot desist in the harassments they do and lies they tell that is hurting this community. Should anyone other than them take offense to what is written here, I cannot apologize as the truth (and not the twisted tales of the troublemakers must be known to all?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

‘Seven Ninety Seven’ The Bargain Queen

Hello to all you bargain hunters. 

The other day I was in one of the local Walmart’s stores when a woman that I can only surmise was clearly not a fan of a mine, tried to insult me.  Whether she was a part of the group of harassers who have been attempting to cause trouble among the neighbors in the area or an outrage mother who dislike me saying that some mothers in our neighborhood were essentially clueless to the whereabouts and actions of their trouble seeking off-springs I don’t know and I truly don’t care. 

One thing was clear she and her companions were sizing me up. True I am a little slow on  catching hints and some of the stupid slights women tend to make toward other women, but it was clear to me this woman was overly curious about me.  She and the others watched everything that I put in my cart, and so when she could not engage me in conversation or bait me into an argument she resorted to calling me ‘Seven Ninety Eight’. 

As stated above I am slow to catch a hint or a slight directed toward my person. This is probably because I was taught better manners. Nevertheless, when I realized that this woman was attempting to insult me because I was buying some inexpensive reading glasses, I was not sure if the matter was worth getting angry over. And now that some time has passed, my response to her is thank you for recognizing the super bargain hunter that I am. Like millions of people, I truly believe that in saving on the cost of some products one can have the funds for nicer things when needed. 

Therefore, being called ‘Seven Ninety Eight’ is no insult. 

Personally, I did looked good when I was out shopping the other day.  So if the glasses I wore were the only thing about me this woman could find to insult, then I am doing well. In fact, for sixty-four year old, multiracial woman dressed as nicely as I was --- I looked down right fantastic.   Many other people told me. However, since I enjoy dressing for me, I did not need the compliments. Yet, a little conceit does a body good from time to time.  

I also want to thank that woman for helping me come up with the title to my new blog, ‘Seven Ninety Seven’ The Bargain Queen. It will be about bargain shopping, easy fix recipes, cleaning the and other fun money saving tips. I have been thinking on such a blog for some time now, but could not come up with an interesting title before this incident.

In the next coming weeks ‘Seven Ninety Seven’ The Bargain Queen will premiere with fresh new articles. Yes, the title is one cent less, but I am a bargain hunter after all.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!