Saturday, June 28, 2008

11 Gang Members Indicted in South Florida

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a news release from the Media Office of the Attorney General Bill McCollum on . . .

Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release

Date of release: June 27, 2008

11 Gang Members Indicted in South Florida

TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum and Palm Beach County
Sheriff Ric Bradshaw today announced multiple arrests under indictments
issued by the 18th Statewide Grand Jury. The indictments were handed down
earlier this month against 11 members of Top 6, a dangerous gang that
operates statewide, on charges of criminal racketeering and conspiracy to
commit racketeering.

“Without the partnerships with local, state and federal authorities, this
cooperative crackdown on gangs would not be possible,” said Attorney
General McCollum. “We’re going to keep taking these dangerous criminals off
our streets and out of our neighborhoods.”

Search warrants were served yesterday at the residences of the defendants
wanted on the racketeering charges. These arrests are the culmination of an
extensive two-year investigation named “Operation Deep Six.” Local and
state authorities believe the gang has been responsible for numerous
violent crimes including homicide, attempted homicide, drive-by shootings,
armed robberies, weapons possession, and other violence-related crimes.

“I commend all of the law enforcement agencies that stepped forward and
cinched their belts locally and joined the task force to ensure it was
successful. Our communities deserve to live in peace and tranquility,” said
Colonel Michael Gauger of the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. “Our
residents deserve a safe environment to live, to raise their children and
not worry about being victims of violence. Local and state law enforcement
delivered a message that violence will not be tolerated.”

“Florida law enforcement is serious about cracking down on gangs,” said
Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Gerald Bailey. “We've
stepped up training, improved intelligence collection and we're out in full
force to dismantle violent organizations.”

The 11 individuals arrested on RICO charges have been identified as the
core group of the gang:

- Futo Charles – DOB 10/30/1980
- John Jerome – DOB 08/27/1982
- Daniel Jerome – DOB 07/18/1986
- Thomy Thomas – DOB 05/24/1982
- Daniello Olius – DOB 07/18/1978
- Ernst Exavier – DOB 09/18/1983
- Smith Dort – DOB 12/25/1986
- Jesse Thomas – DOB 03/11/1986
- Wilson Gilles – DOB 05/24/1988
- Carlington Gordon – DOB 06/28/1985
- Wilbertson Noelzinord – DOB 09/26/1985

Over the past two years the Violent Crime Task Force has investigated 41
shootings and 14 homicides, including the triple homicide in Lake Worth on
March 27, 2007, directly related to this gang. Law enforcement has also
attributed over 150 shootings, including the 2006 Christmas Eve shooting at
the Boynton Beach Mall, to Top 6 over the same time period. This gang has
been an extremely active and violent criminal enterprise in Palm Beach
County for several years.

Attorney General Bill McCollum’s Office of Statewide Prosecution will
prosecute the 11 individuals arrested in the 15th Judicial Circuit using
the racketeering charges to attack the gang as an organized criminal
operation. To address the gang issue on a statewide level, the Attorney
General’s Office launched the Statewide Grand Jury in August to investigate
criminal gang activity including crimes involving narcotics or other
dangerous drugs and robbery, as well as violations of the Florida Racketeer
Influenced and Corruption Organization (RICO) Act. The jurors are also
studying various criminal issues and have made recommendations on needed
laws to deter gang activities and punish those involved in these pursuits.

The agencies involved in the operation include the Attorney General’s
Office of Statewide Prosecution, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office,
the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms and Explosives, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Drug
Enforcement Administration, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
Boynton Beach Police Department, the Lake Worth Police Department, the
Lantana Police Department, the State Attorney’s Office for the 15th
Judicial Circuit, the Palm Beach County Violent Crimes Task Force, and the
Palm Beach County Gang Task Force.11 Gang Members Indicted in South Florida


Evelyn out

Deadline: Monday

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a message from the camp for Presidential hopeful Barack Obama.


Dear Evelyn --

On Monday, everyone will be watching our fundraising totals to see if we can compete with the McCain campaign.

This month is the first test of our grassroots fundraising strategy since we declared our independence from the broken campaign finance system.

You can help build our organization and show that a movement of ordinary people giving only what they can afford is changing the way presidential campaigns are funded.

Now is the perfect time to step up and own a piece of this campaign. And if you make your first donation right now, you'll receive a special gift.

Make a donation of $15 or more by midnight on Monday, June 30th, and show off your support with an Obama logo car magnet:

Donate Before the June 30th Deadline

Thanks to the support of people like you, this is the first presidential campaign in a generation to build an organization in all 50 states.

This campaign is committed to changing the political map and competing in every part of the country, not just in traditionally Democratic areas.

It's going to require unprecedented resources to take on John McCain in states like Virginia, Alaska, North Carolina, Montana, Georgia, North Dakota, Indiana, and Colorado.

And right now, we're opening offices and adding staff in these states and many more. That's why your contribution now is so crucial to our success in November.

Make a donation of $15 or more before Monday's financial reporting deadline. Not only will you help build our 50-state strategy, but you will be able to show your support with an Obama logo car magnet that's not available anywhere else:

Thank you for everything you're doing,

Obama for America



Paid for by Obama for America


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

VIDEO: Barack speaks to staff

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a message from the camp for Presidential hopeful Barack Obama.


Dear Evelyn --

I want to share a very special video with you that shows a side of Barack Obama few outside the campaign have seen.

A few days after he became the presumptive Democratic nominee, Barack spoke to campaign staff and volunteers at our headquarters in Chicago.

He shared his personal thoughts about what we had accomplished and outlined the challenging road ahead.

We were all so moved by what Barack had to say that I knew we had to share it with all of you:

Video: Barack Speaks to Staff and Volunteers

In just a few minutes, Barack expressed what this campaign is all about. He reminded us of the challenges we face -- and that our fellow Americans are counting on our success.

That's a message that everyone who believes in this campaign should hear.

And now that we have declared our independence from a broken campaign finance system, what Barack said about building a national movement for change is more important than ever.

The consequences of allowing John McCain to continue George Bush's failed policies are too great -- we all need to take action now.

Watch this video and join more than 1.5 million donors who own a piece of this campaign by making your first donation. If you give right now, your gift will be matched by a previous donor, doubling your impact. You can even choose to exchange a note with a fellow supporter about Barack's speech and why you are supporting this campaign.

Watch this video and make a matching donation of $25 now:

The stakes in this election couldn't be higher. Help build this movement by supporting our campaign today.

Thanks for everything you do,


Steve Hildebrand
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America



Paid for by Obama for America

Fw: Governor Crist Invites Public to View Live Web Casts of Florida Summit on Global Climate Change

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

with the latest from Givernor Crist's on the opening of the 2007 Serve to
Preserve Florida Summit on Global Climate Change to be held in Miami
Florida. The summit will last 2-days and for more information check the
links below.


June 25, 2008

Dear Friends,

This morning I was privileged to open the 2008 Serve to Preserve Florida
Summit on Global Climate Change in Miami. I invite you to join us in
learning about we can explore opportunities for expanding Florida’s
renewable and alternative energy marketplace and greening our business
community. Please join us by taking advantage of the live Web casts of
portions of the Summit. The Web casts provide a tremendous opportunity to
learn from the outstanding scientists and national and international
leaders who will share their expertise on global climate change with us.

You can visit to learn how you can observe
portions of the two-day conference. Live Web casts of most of the sessions
will be available during the summit, and recordings of keynote speakers and
other presentations will continue to be available from the Web site after the summit concludes. Visit the
Web site and click on the Web cast link at the right for the complete
schedule of Web casts.

Many of you joined us via Web cast last summer for our first summit on
these important issues. By encouraging companies to invest in our state’s
energy future, Florida will transform its energy marketplace to enhance
fuel diversity, lessen dependence on foreign sources of oil and reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. This dialogue will help us continue to consider
ways that technology can help us reduce greenhouse gases and increase our
energy efficiency. It makes sense for us to also use the technology of
live Web-casting to increase your access to the important information that
will be shared at the summit.

I hope you will take advantage of listening in on thesummit. It is
important for us to learn as much as we can about how we can protect
Florida’s beautiful environment. Thank you for your interest in making
Florida a better place to live for generations to come.

May God continue to bless the great state of Florida.


Evelyn out.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Florida Urban Leagues Recognize Attorney General McCollum for Distinguished Public Service

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a news release from the Media Office of the Attorney General Bill McCollum on . . .
  Florida Urban Leagues Recognize Attorney General McCollum for Distinguished   
                                 Public Service                                 
      TALLAHASSEE, FL – The Florida Consortium of Urban Leagues today
awarded Attorney General Bill McCollum with its Public Service Appreciation
Award during a ceremony at the 23rd National Conference on Preventing Crime
in the Black Community underway in Tampa.  The award recognizes Attorney
General McCollum for his support of and dedication to the Black on Black
Crime Prevention Program, administered by Florida’s Urban League affiliates
and Derrick Brooks Charities, Inc.

      “I’m honored to receive this recognition from the Urban League,” said
Attorney General McCollum.  “I’m proud to join with the dedicated men and
women of the Urban League in their efforts to uplift and empower Floridians
facing challenges to achieve their hopes and dreams.”

      “We applaud Attorney General McCollum for his support of the Black on
Black Crime Prevention Program,” said Rev. Ernest Ferrell, President of the
Tallahassee Urban League, who presented the award.  “This program is one
Mr. McCollum believes in, and he has made every effort to ensure its
continued funding, and for that we are grateful.”

      The Black on Black Crime Prevention Program was established more than
20 years ago as a public awareness and education effort to unify the Black
community and to support crime prevention activities.  The program’s goals
include raising awareness of the negative effects of crime and educating
and motivating communities to stand against crime by working with their law
enforcement agencies. The Black on Black Crime Prevention program works to
establish a network of individuals and groups who will safeguard their
community. Young people who participate are involved in after-school
activities, such as tutoring, arts, crime prevention workshops and visits
to area attractions.

      The Urban League was established in 1910 and is the nation's oldest
and largest community- based movement devoted to empowering African
Americans to enter the economic and social mainstream. The Urban League has
more than 100 local affiliates in 35 states and the District of Columbia
that provide services to more than two million people through programs,
advocacy and research.

      A photograph from the awards ceremony is available online here:$file/DSC_0245w.jpg

Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release                                  
 June 20, 2008

Evelyn out.

ttorney General McCollum Launches 23rd National Crime Prevention Conference

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a news release from the Media Office of the Attorney General Bill McCollum on . . .

  Attorney General McCollum Launches 23rd National Crime Prevention Conference 

 Annual conference provides strategies, tools to prevent crime in local

TALLAHASSEE, FL - Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum today addressed
the attendees of the 23rd Annual Conference on Preventing Crime in the
Black Community at the conference’s opening session in Tampa. The
conference, established by the Florida Attorney General’s Office in 1985
and co-hosted with the Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker’s Office, is
a cooperative effort to encourage communication and action within local
communities by showcasing innovative ideas and successful prevention
strategies that focus on crime issues in African-American neighborhoods.

“One of the most effective weapons against crime in our communities is the
community itself,” said Attorney General McCollum. “When neighbors unite
against criminals and work with our law enforcement agencies to fight back,
the criminals don’t stand a chance, and I’m proud to showcase so many
successful efforts at this year’s conference.”

In its 23rd year, the National Conference on Preventing Crime in the Black
Community attracts law enforcement officers from throughout Florida and the
country. Other invitees include county commissioners, mayors, victim
advocates, community members, church groups and more than 500 teenagers.
Participants from over 25 states and the District of Columbia, as well as
representatives from several nations, will come together to address the
concerns of crime in minority communities. The 2007 conference attracted
over 2,500 participants.

"This conference exists to offer support for those who want our communities
to foster inspiration and nurture achievement, rather than serve as a haven
for crime and anguish," said Attorney General Baker. "I believe that this
year's conference is yet another step forward in our effort to reduce crime
rates in communities that see crime statistics far higher than should be
expected or tolerated."

Attorney General McCollum delivered the key note address at the
conference’s opening session this morning. Remarks were also made by
Secretary Walter A. McNeil of the Florida Department of Corrections,
Secretary Robert A. Butterworth of the Florida Department of Children and
Families and a representative from the Florida Department of Education.

The conference was designed to address issues relating to the
disproportionate number of African-Americans who are under the supervision
of the criminal justice system. The agenda is designed to showcase
successful programs and promote a positive exchange of ideas on the
subject. Workshops will feature dynamic topics such as “Innovative Ways to
Fight Crime in the Black Community,” “Gangs: Identification, Intervention
and Transition of Former Members,” and “Reentry and Our Communities,” as
well as Florida's restoration of civil rights initiatives, human
trafficking and conflict resolution. In addition to the adult sessions and
workshops, a full schedule of workshops has been specifically designed for
teens and their chaperones. Teens and adults will be able to participate in
an open discussion and share their experiences and insight on factors that
contribute to crime and violence.

Included in this year’s program will be the annual report from the Council
on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys, which was created in 2006 by
the Florida Legislature and was made permanent with the Governor’s signing
of legislation passed this spring. Housed in the Office of the Attorney
General, the Council studies socio-economic conditions affecting black men
and boys, including income, employment and education, and makes
recommendations to address identified areas of concern. The recently-signed
legislation will also allow the Council to develop strategic programs and
funding initiatives to improve education and mentoring opportunities for
Black youth.

This year’s conference is being held in Tampa at the Marriott Waterside
Hotel and Marina and the Westin Tampa Harbour Island Hotel. Additional
information, including a full schedule of events, is available online at

Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release                                  
 June 20, 2008

Evelyn out.

Attorney General Recognized for Support of Florida Council Against Sexual Violence

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a news release from the Media Office of the Attorney General Bill McCollum on . . .

   Attorney General Recognized for Support of Florida Council Against Sexual   

TALLAHASSEE, FL – The Florida Council Against Sexual Violence (FCASV)
recognized Attorney General Bill McCollum today for his support of the
Council’s mission, specifically for advocating legislation last year which
brought Florida into compliance with the 2005 Violence Against Women Act.
The Attorney General was presented with the Elizabeth Knake Outstanding
Victim Advocate Award. Elizabeth Knake was one of the founders of FCASV in

“Victims of crime deserve the full support of our state and every available
resource to help them recover, and I’m honored to have been part of this
effort,” said Attorney General McCollum. “One of the most important charges
of my office is ensuring that crime victims have the assistance they need
to heal.”

“General McCollum has inspired us with his passionate advocacy on behalf of
exploited children, victims of sexual assault and all victims of crime.”
said Jennifer Dritt, Executive Director of the Florida Council Against
Sexual Violence.

The Federal Violence Against Women Act required states to allow victims of
sexual violence to obtain a forensic sexual assault exam and have the cost
of the exam billed to the Victims Compensation Program without requiring
the victim to report the assault to law enforcement.

Florida’s legislation, which passed last year as HB 989, allows a victim
advocate to bepresent – at the victim’s request – during a forensic
medical exam. Additionally, it requires the court to order specified
defendants to undergo a HIV test within 48 hours after the victim requests
such testing. The legislation also raises the amount paid by the Attorney
General's Crime Victims Compensation Fund for the forensic exam from $250
to $500.

Attorney General McCollum worked with bill sponsors Senator Mike Fasano
(R-New Port Richey) and Representative William Snyder (R-Stuart) to add
language to the legislation which allows Floridians who are victimized by a
violent crime while traveling abroad to be eligible for compensation under
the Attorney General's Crime Victims Compensation Fund. This benefit is
essential for those who are unable to obtain appropriate medical and other
emergency services while overseas.

The Attorney General was also recognized for supporting a $400,000
allocation from the Victims Compensation Trust Fund to the Council. The
funds will be distributed to certified rape crisis centers and will help
fund services provided to sexual assault victims.  Without the funding,
services at some of the centers would have been severely impacted.

Additional legislation developed in part by the Attorney General, which was
signed into law this week by the Governor, allows Florida victims of child
pornography the opportunity to be heard in court and to be compensated for
the crimes committed against them by the continued distribution of images
of their sexual abuse. While victims have those rights in federal court,
there is no similar law in any other state. The Council noted that through
his work to protect exploited children and to ensure that perpetrators of
child pornography are vigorously prosecuted, the Attorney General has made
significant progress toward protecting the innocent children of Florida.

Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release                                 
June 19, 2008


Evelyn out.

The Marijuana Grow House Eradication Act goes into effect on July 1, 2008.

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,
with a news release from the Media Office of the Attorney General Bill McCollum on the new Marijuana Grow House Eradication Act, which goes into effect on July 1, 2008.

Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release                                 
June 17, 2008
      McCollum: Landmark Bill Targeting Marijuana Grow Houses Becomes Law      

      New law tackles for-profit growers, aids law enforcement

TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today announced that the
Marijuana Grow House Eradication Act has been signed into law, giving
Florida’s prosecutors and law enforcement essential tools to combat
for-profit growers of marijuana. The new law, sponsored by Senator Steve
Oelrich (R-Gainesville) and Representative Nick Thompson (R-Ft. Myers),
passed as House Bill 173 during the 2008 Legislative Session and was signed
into law by Governor Charlie Crist today. The bill was developed because of
the increasing number of grow houses operating in the state and violent
crime which tend to be associated with these operations.

“Grow houses are not only furthering this dangerous drug trade within our
state, they are bringing violent crime into our neighborhoods,” said
Attorney General McCollum. “This new law will help protect our families and

The new law makes it a second-degree felony to grow 25 or more plants,
targeting for-profit growers who exploit Florida’s previous threshold of
300 plants. The law will also make it a third-degree felony to own a house
for the purpose of cultivating, packaging and distributing marijuana and a
first-degree felony to grow 25 or more plants in a home with children

“Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in America and we must
take a stand against the for-profit growers who were previously exploiting
higher thresholds,” said Sen. Oelrich. “By lowering the number of plants
necessary for criminal charges, we’ve given Florida’s authorities valuable
tools in the fight against these criminal operations.”

"Grow houses have become a very real threat to the safety and security in
too many Florida communities," said Representative Thompson.  "Floridians
who use grow houses to traffic drugs belong in prison.  This law sends the
message loud and clear that if you grow, you go. I am grateful to Attorney
General Bill McCollum for his support and Governor Crist for signing this
bill into law."

Recent statistics reveal the alarming increase in the number of grow houses
being maintained in Florida as well as the ever-developing levels of
sophistication of grow house operations. Marijuana grow houses primarily
specializing in hydroponic marijuana have been detected in more than 40 of
Florida’s 67 counties and within the past few months, cooperative efforts
by law enforcement statewide have taken down more than 140 houses and
seized more than $41.6 million worth of marijuana. Another recent case out
of Palm Beach County brought charges against 29 people who were part of a
drug trafficking ring which operated and maintained 25 marijuana grow
houses throughout Palm Beach County and one in Miami-Dade County.

Other important aspects of the law will provide substantial benefits to
Florida’s law enforcement community. Previously, law enforcement around the
state were required to store cumbersome grow house equipment in order to
preserve it as evidence. To address this growing storage burden, the new
law allows a photograph or video recording of equipment used in the
cultivation of a marijuana plant to be considered as evidence in the
prosecution of the crime. The law will also allow law enforcement to
destroy grow house equipment upon the completion of all investigations and
provides immunity from any civil liability to law enforcement for the
destruction of the grow house equipment

The Marijuana Grow House Eradication Act goes into effect on July 1, 2008.


Evelyn out.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Video: Important announcement from Barack

 Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a video message from the Barack Obama campaign camp.

Video: Important announcement from Barack

Evelyn --

Donate to Declare Your IndependenceBarack announced an important decision for our campaign today.

I want to add a little context to the video message you received earlier announcing that we will not participate in the public financing system for the general election.

Even though we stood to receive more than $80 million in taxpayer funding for our campaign, the system has been so gamed and exploited by our opponents that it is effectively broken.

John McCain, the Republican National Committee, and their allies in so-called 527 groups that raise and spend unlimited contributions are dedicated to manipulating this broken system to raise as much money as possible -- and they've proven that they're very good at it.

A top McCain adviser told MSNBC earlier this month, "now that we're in the general election, the RNC money counts, the DNC money counts. So the truth is today, John McCain has more cash on hand and more money than Barack Obama does."

In April alone, they raised nearly $45 million. That's more than our campaign and the Democratic National Committee combined. And that doesn't include the plans of 527 groups like the one called "Freedom's Watch," which has said it will spend as much as $250 million under Karl Rove's direction to attack and defeat Barack Obama.

To compete, Barack has put his faith in ordinary people giving only what they can afford. That's been the strategy of this campaign from the beginning, and more than 1,500,000 supporters like you have gotten us this far.

We have a historic opportunity to prove that a movement of ordinary people has the power to change the way political campaigns are funded. And we have a clear goal as we begin this new challenge: 50,000 people declaring their independence by making a donation before July 4th.

You can help take on John McCain and the RNC by making your first donation today.

A previous donor is standing by to match your gift and double your impact. You can even exchange a personal note with them about why you've chosen to support Barack.

Declare your independence from our broken system. Make a matching donation today:

Opting out of public matching funds was an extremely difficult decision, and frankly we are at a disadvantage when it comes to raising money. Unlike John McCain, this campaign has never accepted donations from Washington lobbyists or special interest PACs.

While McCain has built his fundraising strategy around high-dollar donors giving huge checks to the RNC, you are creating a new model for publicly financed campaigns.

Thank you for your support and for taking on the masters of a broken system,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America



-----Original message-----
Sender: Obama for America
Subject: Video: Important announcement from Barack

Evelyn --

Barack Obama recorded a video message with an important announcement that he wanted you to hear first:

Video: Important Announcement from Barack

We have made a crucial decision that will impact how we compete in the general election, and it's important that you understand the decision, its implications, and the challenge ahead.

Please take a moment to watch the video.

Thank you,

Obama for America



Paid for by Obama for Ameri

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mike Allen's Politico Playbook Daily Update

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with an excerpt from  from today's Mike Allen's Politico Playbook Daily Update. Don't forget to check Mike's site.


Jun 18, 2008 08:28 AM EST


Good Wednesday morning. Quinnipiac – it's what's for breakfast -- Obama leads in three big swings:

Pennsylvania – Obama 52, McCain 40 percent
Ohio -- Obama 48, McCain 42
Florida -- Obama 47, McCain 43

AP's Jim Kuhnhenn and Beth Fouhy: 'Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton plan to meet with some of her top contributors next week in an effort to calm donors who remain frustrated with Obama's presidential campaign. The meeting is set for June 26 at the Mayflower Hotel ... The former first lady will introduce Obama to her financial backers.'

And expect to see Senator Clinton in D.C. as early as today.

D'OH: The Hill has a headline today saying, 'Clinton takes month off.'

High-profile Clinton loyalist LANNY DAVIS tells us the Obama campaign's appointment of PATTI SOLIS DOYLE, Hillary Clinton's former campaign manager, could mean good things for Hillary: 'Senator Obama's decision to select Patti in a major role in the general election as chief of staff to the vice presidential candidate is indicative that he takes seriously the need to integrate Hillary loyalists into his campaign as Hillary takes seriously encouraging her loyalists to support Senator Obama. Indeed, I still believe that the strongest ticket would be for Senator Clinton to be Vice Presidential candidate. ... So it could be that Patti Solis Doyle will return to the role in which she has the most experience - chief of staff for her long-time friend and political mentor, Hillary Rodham Clinton. And if someone else gets Senator Obama's nod, Patti will do a great job for him or her.'

BREAKING: On Friday, Senator Obama will host an economic discussion with Democratic governors in Chicago.

Go to Playbook Now >>


Evelyn out.

The next big challenge

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a message from Barack Obama and his "The Next Big Challenge".

Obama for America

Evelyn --

Are you ready for the next big challenge of this campaign?

On Saturday, June 28th, more than a thousand supporters like you are hosting Unite for Change house meetings all across the country.

Ordinary people will be opening their homes and inviting friends and neighbors to come together and talk about our common cause of change.

See what Barack has to say about these Unite for Change events and sign up to host one in your community:

Barack speaks about Unite for Change

The goal of Unite for Change is to bring together people who supported all of the Democratic candidates, as well as Independents and even some Republicans. We want to reach out to anyone who is tired of the politics of the past and looking for new solutions to the challenges we're facing.

We'll talk about the common values we share and our strategy for bringing more people into the political process than ever before.

Hosting a Unite For Change house meeting will be easy and fun. Whether you are a seasoned campaign veteran or a first time volunteer, our staff will be there to help you every step of the way.

Sign up now to host a Unite For Change event on June 28th:

Since last February, we have worked to build a grassroots movement that will enable us to compete in all 50 states in the general election.

It's going to take all of us working together to bring about the change our country needs.

Help us grow this movement and Unite For Change:



David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America


Paid for by Obama for America


Evelyn out

Message Advisory - Attorney General McCollum's bi-weekly audio message available online

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,
with a video advisory from Attorney General Bill McCollum.



Date: June 18, 2008

Attorney General Bill McCollum's bi-weekly audio message is available
today online. Below is a link to the current audio message.

- - -

I’m Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum.

This week, I announced the winners of my CyberSafety Challenge, issued to
encourage Florida’s principals to sign their schools up for my CyberSafety

Taylor County was the first to register all of its schools and Miami-Dade
County registered more schools than any other district during the
2007-2008 school year. Overall, more than 300 schools and 132,000 students
received the life-saving presentation about internet safety.

Next year, we’re enlisting Florida’s school resource officers to help
bring this program to all of Florida’s middle and high schools. I believe
every student should learn about and practice safe internet use.

I’m Bill McCollum and this has been a CyberSafety update.


Evelyn out.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with some sad news.
Meet the Press' Tim Russert Dead at 58
Tim Russert on Friday died of a heart attack, after collapsing at NBC's Washington bureau earlier in the day. He was 58. Click here for up-to-the-minute news on this breaking story.

For video clips of his work, visit TV Guide's  Online Video Guide.

Evelyn out

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Addendum to Richard Tur's remarks on noise

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Below is the latest development of combating the noise problems here in St. Petersburg.
Judy Ellis wrote it in response to Richard Tur's remarks on noise.
Subject: Fwd: Addendum to Richard Tur's remarks on noise
--- In, "Judy Ellis" <jellis5610@...> wrote:

Everything else aside, the encouraging news is that as part of the
lengthy legislative intent section of the proposed ordinance, the City

The City Council, having received an increasing number of complaints
from the citizens of the City concerning excessive noise as the City
continues to develop and grow, and having information and evidence
concerning the impacts of excessive noise, hereby finds that the
health, safety and welfare of its citizens require protection from
excessive, unnecessary and unreasonable noise.

Having this on the record as part of their intent will somewhat assist
in reminding them how we got to this point in the first place.


Evelyn out.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Raise your hand if you’re dead to the Clintons: A Mike Allen's Politico Playbook Daily Update

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with an excerpt from "Mike Allen's Politico Playbook Daily Update" for today, June 11, 2008.

Raise your hand if you’re dead to the Clintons



Jun 11, 2008 09:23 AM EST




BREAKING NEWS – The (London) Times cover – 'President Bush regrets his legacy as man who wanted war': 'In an exclusive interview [in the Air Force One conference room], he expressed regret at the bitter divisions over the war and said that he was troubled about how his country had been misunderstood. 'I think that in retrospect I could have used a different tone, a different rhetoric.' '

A sidebar calls AFOne a 'flying virility symbol.'

Good Wednesday morning. What does Senator Obama have in common with President Bush? They both ride Trek bicycles. Below, the surprising answer to what Senator Obama has in common with the president's FATHER. (It involves Anna Kournikova.)

TOP TALKER: Mark Halperin and Dan Balz are doing '08 books, out in '09. Details below.

Obama strategist David Axelrod tells MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' that the senator will announce his V.P. choice 'well before the convention -- but when, I'm not sure. It's better to do it right than do it fast.'

***An instant classic -- The N.Y. Times' Mark Leibovich dishes up 'Political Memo: Those Loyal to the Clintons Take Note of Who Was Not,' reporting that 'Doug Band, chief gatekeeper to former President Bill Clinton ... keeps close track of the past allies and beneficiaries of the Clintons who supported Mr. Obama's campaign ... 'The Clintons get hundreds of requests for favors every week,' said Terry McAuliffe, the chairman of Mrs. Clinton's presidential campaign. 'Clearly, the people you're going to do stuff for in the future are the people who have been there for you.' ...

'As the Obama bandwagon has swelled, so have the lists of people Clinton loyalists regard as some variation of 'ingrate,' 'traitor' or 'enemy' ... While Mrs. Clinton has a short list of people who disappointed her, Mr. Clinton, who reportedly has an encyclopedic memory of all the people he has helped, employed or appointed over the years, apparently has a far longer one, the campaign officials said. Mrs. Clinton's friends have a list of their own (it has frequently included the former president) ...'

In the early version of Leibo's article in the International Herald Tribune, Mr. Band's enemies list was a physical 'BlackBerry document.' Now, it seems to a psychic tally. Either way, it's probably not a great place to be. One of the categories in the story's early version was 'dead to us.' Playbook can assure you that category is alive and well.

David Letterman comments on the Northeast heat, saying it's '97 and sultry – like Barbara Walters.'

Interviewing Senator McCain on 'Today' today, Matt Lauer asks: 'You've shown enormous political courage when you backed President Bush's surge policy in Iraq at a time when – '

McCAIN: 'May I correct that statement?'

LAUER: 'Go ahead.'

McCAIN: 'I advocated the surge policy. ... The past strategy, I said, was going to fail.'

The Boston Globe fronts 'McCain ad asserts his hatred of war: Senator shifts tone to draw moderates,' by Sasha Issenberg: 'John McCain, who credits his defiant defense of the Iraq war for his comeback victory in the Republican primaries, is using his first majortelevision ad of the general election to show his dovish side. 'Only a fool or a fraud talks tough or romantically about war,' McCain says over mournful strings against a bleak backdrop, including the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. 'I hate war, and I know how terrible its costs are.' It is a far different tone than McCain took during the primaries, when he launched a 'No Surrender' tour to highlight his involvement in the Bush administration's 'surge' strategy in Iraq.'

GRAF OF THE DAY -- The N.Y. Times' Jim Rutenberg, in 'Deconstructing the Bump,' on the Obamas' exotic fist pound: 'Um, people: This is a common gesture, and its use is not limited to Democrats with unusual names. In 2001 it was used by Carleton S. Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive -- now advising Senator John McCain -- and Michael D. Capellas, then the Compaq chief executive, to salute the completion of their merger. And in 2006, former President George Bush shared a fist bump with Anna Kournikova at a celebrity tennis event -- and he was 82 at the time.'

***Jay Leno last night showed Senator McCAIN supposedly riding one of those high-wheel bikes that had their heyday in the 1880s – and crashing.

BEING BARACK, per his campaign: 'Today in Chicago, Obama will meet with Illinois families at a roundtable discussion on predatory lending ... Obama will be joined by consumer advocate and debt expert Elizabeth Warren to discuss the impact of the credit crunch and Obama's plan to help working families climb out of debt. Tomorrow, Obama will visit Kaukauna, Wisconsin for a 'Change that Works for You' town hall meeting, and Friday he'll hold a meeting with seniors in the Columbus, Ohio area.'

Senator McCAIN is at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, where he'll talk about national security, economic and environmental damages caused by a reliance on imported oil. Tomorrow, New Hampshire and New York, where the campaign is contemplating TWO CHAIRS on the stage at Federal Hall during the town hall he has challenged Obama to join. Friday: New Jersey.

McCain's new policy on press access to fundraisers: 'The policy is to include a print pool with no still or video coverage inside fundraisers where McCain appears and makes remarks.'

CHARLIE COOK in NationalJournal, on the 50-state strategy: 'Personally, I am skeptical that North Carolina or Tennessee will get particularly close and find the idea that Georgia, Louisiana and particularly Mississippi will get close extremely dubious ideas. ... Current polling suggests that while there are new places where [Obama] runs tantalizingly close compared to previous Democratic nominees, there are also other places that seem just as resistant to his charms. This is not just in Florida and Ohio, either. He might have to fight even harder than Gore or Kerry did to hang onto Michigan and Pennsylvania. Those are not cheap states, by any means. And Obama will need them to compete.'

Bloomberg's Hans Nichols, 'Lieberman's Stances on Social Issues May Preclude Spot on McCain's Ticket': 'While picking Lieberman as his running mate would allow McCain to reaffirm his identity as a trans-partisan politician, it also would burn the social conservatives who have propelled every Republican victory since 1980 and who may bolt the party.'

ABC's Jake Tapper on 'Good Morning America': 'The economy has emerged as the major issue pitting Barack Obama against John McCain. they disagree on the issues and use the issues to caricature each other.'

Reuters wrapup, 'McCain, Obama present different views on taxes,' by Jeff Mason in Washington: 'Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama staked out starkly opposing stances on taxes Tuesday, with McCain promising corporate tax breaks and Obama pledging tax increases for many. ... Obama told CNBC that he would raise taxes on Americans making $250,000 a year or more and raise the capital gains tax for those in higher income brackets while exempting small investors. ...

'McCain, 71, vowed to maintain Bush's tax cuts, lower corporate tax rates from 35 percent to 25 percent and allow companies to expense new equipment and technology in their first year. He supported keeping capital gains taxes as they are now, doubling a tax exemption for children, and phasing out the Alternative Minimum Tax, which he said would save some 25 million middle-class families up to $2,000 in a year.' .

Politico's all-terrain Jonathan Martin turns in impressive reporting from deep inside CheneyWorld, writing that the vice president and Senator McCain, who 'have clashed publicly and privately during the Bush years ... have settled into something of a non-aggression pact. It helps that they don't talk-and that McCain currently plays little role in Senate policy-making.'

Martin points out that the V.P. is 'a highly effective fundraiser in an election cycle where Republicans are starved for cash, a hero to the wing of the party that views John McCain with the most suspicion. He has four decades of campaign experience, ranging from a short stint running Gerald Ford's election bid in 1976 to two successful races on the presidential ticket.' But 'McCain sources note that there are no plans for Cheney and McCain to campaign together.'

Cheney communications director Lea Ann McBride 'emphasized that Cheney supports McCain and mentions him in all his political speeches while also warning of what an Obama administration would look like. ... What is most likely, say friends and observers of Cheney, is for the vice president to reprise his 2006 role as down-ballot fundraiser and server of partisan red meat. ... 'His view is very much that he will do whatever he can to get McCain elected,' said a close Cheney adviser. 'If that means doing nothing or not being out there very much, he'll do that. If it means being out there, he'll do that.' '

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: 'The Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) is holding its 12th annual DLC National Conversation in Chicago, Illinois, June 28-30. The media is invited to attend the Conversation and much of the program is open to the press.'

THE BOOKS OF '08 (all out in '09):

1) John Heilemann of New York magazine and Mark Halperin of Time magazine are writing a book on 'the inside story of the presidential election of 2008' for publication in the fall of 2009, HarperCollins announced Tuesday. Heilemann and Halperin met in 1996 – in New Hampshire, they think. The publisher's announcement said the two will 'unsparingly reconstruct the stunning end of the Clintons' hold on the Democratic Party' as part of 'a sweeping, novelistic, and ultimately definitive portrait of this historic political saga.'

Halperin: 'This campaign has it all: great plot, bigger-than-life characters, epic dynamics, history-right-before-our-eyes, and intense public interest. Rarely is a story this important this fun to cover.'

2) Dan Balz, national political correspondent at The Washington Post and the dean of daily campaign reporters, has teamed up with the legendary Haynes Johnson. Viking will publish their book in the second half of 2009, probably ahead of the Heilemann-Halperin project. Balz, who signed the contract last summer, said the book 'will be a narrative history of the 2008 campaign, set against the broader canvas of the country's changing politics.'

3) Newsweek magazine is publishing a book version of what's known internally as 'The Project' - 18 months of behind-the-scenes reporting from inside the campaigns, gathered with the understanding that the information won't be published until after the election. The book will be written by Newsweek assistant managing editor Evan Thomas and published by Peter Osnos, founder and editor at large of Public Affairs Books.


--FLORIDA – Former Florida governor and U.S Senator Bob Graham tells the N.Y. Observer that Obama can still win the Sunshine State, where he's an underdog and polls showed Senator Clinton comfortably ahead of McCain: ' 'Obama's going to have a chance to redeem himself ... by directing the DNC to seat the Florida and Michigan delegations with a 100 percent vote.' That symbolic gesture, which Mr. Graham expects Mr. Obama to make over the summer, 'will largely be a big vacuum cleaner eliminating all the refuse that that initial decision caused.' '

--PENNSYLVANIA – The Philly Inquirer fronts 'Prime turf for McCain, Obama': 'Both parties' presumptive nominees are visiting the state this week, in what amount to the opening days of the general-election campaign. Arizona Sen. John McCain, the GOP candidate, plans a town-hall meeting this morning at the National Constitution Center. Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, fresh from clinching the Democratic nomination, is scheduled to hold a fund-raiser Friday evening at Sheraton Philadelphia City Center Hotel.'

THE SPOUSES -- L.A. Times A1 – 'The GOP takes aim at Michelle Obama: A Web video by the Tennessee Republican Party deriding the potential first lady for her 'proud of my country' gaffe is widely seen as a harbinger of future attacks': 'In the current climate -- where sound bites are recycled endlessly and context is ignored in favor of impact -- her more dour pronouncements have paved the way for brutal critiques. ... [I]n a Washington studio, a conservative outfit called Citizens United is scrambling to finish a 90-minute anti-Obama documentary.'



Evelyn out

Statement on Barack Obama

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with words from the Republican party side of the Presidential race here in Florida.

For Immediate Release                                                                                Erin Vansickle
June 10, 2008                                                                                               (850) 339-3184
Statement by RPOF Chairman Jim Greer on Barack Obama
Tallahassee- Republican Party of Florida Chairman Jim Greer released the following statement today regarding Senator Barack Obama.
"Florida families are feeling the crunch, rising mortgage rates and higher fuel costs have slowed Florida's economy. It doesn't seem to be affecting Obama and his well connected Washington friends, who are able to get millions in backroom loans from Countrywide Mortgage and Angelo Mozilo. We can't afford that kind of hypocrisy, something we're seeing more and more out of the Obama campaign, but it’s no surprise considering Obama's sweetheart deal from convicted felon Antoin Rezko."
Top Campaign Adviser Jim Johnson Received Special Loans From Countrywide:
Jim Johnson, A Former CEO Of Fannie Mae Chosen To Lead Obama's Vice Presidential Search Committee, Received Special Loans From Countrywide Financial CEO Angelo Mozilo. "Countrywide Financial Corp. makes mortgage loans through a vast network of offices, brokers and call centers. But a few customers have gotten their loans a special way: through Countrywide Chief Executive Angelo Mozilo. These borrowers, known internally as 'friends of Angelo' or FoA, include two former CEOs of Fannie Mae, the biggest buyer of Countrywide's mortgages, say people familiar with the matter. One was James Johnson, a longtime Democratic Party power and an adviser to Sen. Barack Obama's campaign, who this past week was named to a panel that is vetting running-mate possibilities for the presumed nominee." (Glenn R. Simpson and James R. Hagerty, "Countrywide Friends Got Good Loans," The Wall Street Journal, 6/7/08)
While CEO Of Fannie Mae, Johnson And Mozilo Worked Closely And Maintained A "Close Friendship." "From 1991 to 1998, Mr. Johnson served as CEO of the Federal National Mortgage Association, also known as Fannie Mae, which worked closely with Countrywide, one of the nation's leading lenders and loan servicing companies. In 1996, Mr. Johnson named Mr. Mozilo as chairman of Fannie Mae's national advisory council. A 1999 article in the American Banker said the two men had a 'close friendship.'" (Josh Gerstein, "Top Talent Scout For Obama Tied To Subprime Lender," The New York Sun, 6/9/08)
"Property Records Show Mr. Johnson Has Received More Than $7 Million In Loans From Countrywide Since 1998, The First Coming In The Waning Days Of His Fannie Mae Tenure." (Glenn R. Simpson and James R. Hagerty, "Countrywide Friends Got Good Loans," The Wall Street Journal, 6/7/08)
At Least Two Of The Mortgages Were At Rates "Below Market Averages." "The Journal said at least two of the mortgages, among a series of loans made available to people Countrywide officials called 'friends of Angelo,' were at rates below market averages, though it is difficult to predict a market rate without access to nonpublic information about a borrower's credit history and other factors that can reduce interest charges on a loan." (Josh Gerstein, "Top Talent Scout For Obama Tied To Subprime Lender," The New York Sun, 6/9/08)
NOTE: Johnson Is Also A Bundler For Obama's Presidential Campaign And Has Committed To Raising $100,000 To $200,000. (Obama For America Website,, Accessed 5/19/08)
FLASHBACK: Obama's Campaign Attacked Sen. Clinton's Campaign For Its Countrywide Ties:
Obama Senior Campaign Strategist David Axelrod Criticized Sen. Clinton For Employing Mark Penn, Whose Firm Once Represented Countrywide. MSNBC's Keith Olbermann: "Senator Clinton not stopping to hear a reporter's question about Mark Penn, let alone answer it, leading Penn's counterpart in the Obama campaign to fill in the vacuum about Penn's non-departure departure this morning on MSNBC." David Axelrod: "She's stuck him with him through the revelation that his firm was working fro Blackwater and working for Countrywide, and, you know, so, it`s kind of stunning. Remember that the embassy said they weren't sure whether he was there as a representative of his firm or a representative of Senator Clinton. I mean, I think there are issues associated with this. I'm not - you can use the word hypocrisy, but there are certainly questions that arise from this." (MSNBC's "Countdown," 4/7/08)
Axelrod: "Penn's Business Dealings Have Always Been An Issue." "Last week, she turned her fire on a huge proposed pay-out to the founder of Countrywide Financial, the mortgage company at the centre of the storm. Yet two months ago, Countrywide turned for temporary help with its tattered image to the public relations firm Burson-Marsteller, whose president is Mr Penn. ... Mrs Clinton's criticism of lenders also raised fresh questions over the role of Mr Penn. Mr Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, said: 'Penn's business dealings have always been an issue. The Clinton campaign is clearly not too worried who its chief strat-egist does business with.' Burson-Marstell er said it was no longer working with Countrywide and that Mr Penn did not have a hands-on role with many of its 2,000 clients." (Philip Sherwell, "Clintons' Pain And Gain In Housing Crisis," The Sunday Telegraph, 1/20/08)
The Obama Campaign Criticized Sen. Clinton For Accepting Contributions From Representatives Of Countrywide. "Obama aides also said Clinton is in no position to stiffen oversight after taking contributions from mortgage industry lobbyists, including funds from representatives of Countrywide, which has been at the center of the mortgage meltdown. 'If we're really going to crack down on the practices that caused the credit and housing crises, we're going to need a leader who doesn't owe these industries any favors,' campaign manager David Plouffe said." (Anne E. Kornblut, "Clinton Unveils Plan To Ease Housing Crisis," The Washington Post, 3/25/08)
But Now The Obama Campaign Says Reports of Their Hypocrisy Are “Overblown and Irrelevant”:             
“This story is overblown and irrelevant.” (Obama Camp Talking Points On Jim Johnson And Countrywide, The Page, 6/9/08)
Paid for by the Republican Party of Florida. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.



Evelyn out.

Jim Johnson, manager of Obama's Vice Presidential Search Team Resigned

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with the latest on Barack Obama campaign.

---------------------------- Breaking News

Jim Johnson has stepped down from his post on Barack Obama's vice presidential search committee, the campaign has announced.

For more information...


Evelyn out.

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Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

As I listened to WUSF/NPR radio on Friday on morning June 06, 2008, I heard a portion of Hillary Rodham Clinton final campaign speech since losing the democratic the nomination for president of the United States to Barack Obama.  In this public speech it was clear that she wanted it known that she wants her supporters to votes to matter, and that she has endorsed Obama. She also encouraged her supporters to cast their votes wisely and for the unity of the Democratic Party. 

This speech, expected as it was, wasn't greatly significant. However, what struck me was a comment made by one of her support who replied that she would only vote for Obama if Hilary's thought it was the best thing to do. 

Excuse me as I pause for a little emotional clarity.

This comment grated on my bones because to me exercising one right to vote is the epitome of freedom of expression under the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in 1919-20. This amendment also implies that one should exercise one free will to judge and make an intelligent decision on one own without any undue external influences or emotional promptings from this or that person and/or event.

In short, a voter, whether male or female, must look beyond the glamour, popularity, race, religion, and age of a political candidate to what is best for the party and the country. If a voter truly believes that his/her chosen candidate has the muster to fulfill his/her campaign promises and bring about changes which results in the betterment of the nation and not just one group of people, then by all means cast that intelligent vote.

What more is there to say.


Evelyn out.

McCain Promise Shocker

hello Everyon,

Evelyn here,

The the latest in political comedy from funny man Andy Borowitz of the Borowitz Report.
 McCain Promise Shocker
The Borowitz Report
Prepare to be shocked
Winner Of The First-Ever National Press Club Award For Humor June 10, 2008
Breaking News
McCain Vows to Campaign in All Thirteen Colonies Kicks Off Contest in Dominion of Virginia
Republican presidential nominee John McCain officially kicked off his general election campaign today, promising to bring his race for the White House to "all thirteen colonies."

At a campaign stop in the Dominion of Virginia, Sen. McCain said that if his Democratic opponent, Sen. Barack Obama, takes any of the thirteen colonies for granted, "he doth so at his peril."

Sen. McCain made his remarks in the Dominion of Virginia, which many McCain advisers concede will be a key colony in the fall election.

But in announcing his 13-colony strategy, Sen. McCain appeared to give notice that he intends to contest such traditional Democratic strongholds as the Province of Massachusetts Bay.

In the conclusion of his remarks, Sen. McCain vowed that his campaign would employ "the latest technology" to spread his message across the thirteen colonies.

"We will use the telegraph key, the carrier pigeon, and the pony," he said.
Andy with Jeffrey Toobin and Joy Behar - October 22 - Half-price Tickets!

Andy hosts "Countdown to the Election, with special guests Joy Behar (The View) and Jeffrey Toobin (CNN, bestselling author of "The Nine") at the 92nd Street Y in NYC on October 22 at 8 PM. Half-price tickets for students! For tickets go to

 Evelyn out.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hillary Clinton

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a message from the presidential campaign camp of Senator Barack Obama about Senator Clinton commitment of support toward Obama and the Democratic party.

Evelyn --

Hillary Clinton announced her support for our campaign today.

Senator Clinton made history over the past 16 months -- not just because she has broken barriers, but because she has inspired millions of Americans with her strength, her courage, and her commitment to causes like universal health care that make a difference in the lives of hardworking Americans.

Our party and our country are stronger because of the work she has done throughout her life, and I'm a better candidate for having had the privilege of competing with her.

Senator Clinton will be invaluable to our efforts to win in November, and I look forward to campaigning alongside her to bring this country the change it so desperately needs.

Hillary and her supporters are joining us at an urgent moment.

It's going to require a new level of commitment from every single one of us to build a national campaign in the general election.

And we're going win this election the right way -- by growing our grassroots network of ordinary people giving only what they can afford.

Will you help by making your first donation today?

If you give right now, a previous donor has agreed to match your gift, doubling its impact. Help us reach our goal of 20,000 new donors by making a matching donation today:

It's time for all of us to come together to take on John McCain in the general election. John McCain offers another four years of George Bush's policies, which our country simply cannot afford.

To win, we must continue building an unprecedented organization in all 50 states. And that will only happen if we all work together, side-by-side.

Thank you for joining this movement and supporting a new kind of politics.

Together we can do more than just win an election. Together we can change this country, and we can change the world.

And we are honored to have Hillary Clinton at our side as we do it.




Paid for by Obama for America

Evelyn out. Breaking News

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Today marks the end of the Clinton campaign for the presidential seat of President of the United States for 2008. Although Clinton has announced her endorsement of Obama, she had not conceded but wisely suspended her bid in order to hold the Democratic party together during this election. For to concede now and during this crucial time of the party division would spelling disaster as more democrats defect to Senator McCain.

And that would not be politics. Breaking News:

Hillary Clinton suspends her campaign and endorses Barack Obama.

For more information...


Evelyn out.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Attorney General McCollum Recovers $9.8 Million for Florida from Walgreens

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with the Attorney General Bill McCollum's  message.on Walgreens' financial $35 millions restitution several states across the nation.

Bill McCollum
Attorney General

News Release

Date of release: June 4, 2008

Attorney General McCollum Recovers $9.8 Million for Florida from Walgreens

TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today announced that
Florida will receive more than $9.8 million from a $35-million multistate
settlement with Walgreens over claims the company switched dosage forms for
several medications commonly prescribed for Medicaid recipients. The
switches allegedly caused Medicaid programs nationwide to pay substantially
more for these drugs than necessary. Florida’s civil case was handled by
the Attorney General’s Complex Civil Enforcement Bureau, which is part of
the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.

“Florida will not tolerate activities that undermine its Medicaid
program and pass increases along to our taxpayers,” said Attorney General

Today’s settlement is the result of a joint federal-state
investigation that was initiated by the filing of a false claims act
lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Chicago in 2003. The lawsuit alleged
Walgreens filled prescriptions for numerous Medicaid recipients by
aggressively switching dosage forms of ranitidine, the generic form of
Zantac, a commonly-prescribed anti-ulcer medication; fluoxetine, the
generic form of Prozac; and selegiline, the generic form of Eldepryl, which
used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and senile dementia. This
conduct allegedly violated various federal and state statutes and

Government investigators contended that these improper practices
continued from July 2001 through 2005, and that the wholesale substitution
of alternate dosage forms of these drugs resulted in higher payments under
the automated Medicaid reimbursement system, with no corresponding medical
benefit to the individuals receiving the prescriptions. The settlement also
resolves allegations that Walgreens made these wholesale switches without
physician involvement and therefore violated numerous state regulations
governing pharmaceutical dispensing.

In addition to the payment of cash settlements to the state and
federal governments, Walgreens has agreed to the terms of a corporate
integrity agreement with the Office of the Inspector General of the United
States Department of Health and Human Services. The agreement will include
provisions to ensure that Walgreens does not switch dosage forms of
medications if the result would increase the costs to third-party payers,
including Medicaid, and will subject the company’s billing practices to
ongoing federal scrutiny. Of Florida’s share of the settlement, the state’s
Medicaid program will receive more than $1.8 million in recoveries; over
$1.8 million in damages will be awarded to the state’s general revenue
fund; and $100,000 will reimburse the state for the cost of its
investigation. The remaining settlement funds will be allocated to the
Federal Medicaid program.

This settlement is the third and final in a series resulting from
investigations of similar conduct by pharmacy providers nationwide.
Together, the three cases have brought back more than $120 million to
Medicaid programs around the country. The settlement was the result of
negotiations jointly conducted by the United States Attorney’s Office for
the Northern District of Illinois and the National Association of Medicaid
Fraud Control Units, with the Attorneys General of Florida, Ohio, Illinois,
Massachusetts, and Texas leading the effort for the states.

In addition to those states named above, participating states also
include Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho,
Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota,
Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico,
New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island,
South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington,
Wisconsin, Wyoming, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.


Evelyn out.

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