Thursday, December 31, 2009

Obama and Black America

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a NPR's reflective interview on President Obama's first year in office. Dated December 25, 2009 and entitled Obama and Black America. You must have Windows Media Player to listen to Renee Montagne interview of Juan Williams

Listen to the Story

Evelyn out,

A Message from Attorney General Bill McCollum on Protecting Our Constitutional Rights

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Below is a message from Florida's Attorney General Bill McCollum on "Protecting Our Constitutional Rights".


Protecting Our Constitutional Rights
This week, I announced my intent to review whether an individual mandate currently included in the federal health care legislation violates the U.S. Constitution as well as our individual rights and freedom. The mandate levies a tax or a fine on anyone who chooses not to purchase health insurance coverage ? a tax on doing nothing at all.

Congress has defined powers upon which it can act, like the Commerce Clause where the Supreme Court has required some economic activity to be affected by interstate commerce. However, the individual mandate is different than any other requirement the federal government imposes in that it regulates non-activity.

I am very concerned about the implications of this mandate and have called on my fellow Attorneys General to join me in my legal review. As the new year approaches, I look forward to getting answers for our citizens and protecting them from something that may have crossed a Constitutional boundary.


Evelyn out.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

On December 16, 2009, the Saint Petersburg police department launched its new online reporting page. On this page crimes such as Criminal Mischief, Harassing Phone Calls, Identity Theft, Lost Property, Theft, and Vehicle Burglary can be reported online.

How does it work? The reporters fills out a short questionnaire with the details of the crime and they will receive an email confirmation. They can also print a copy of their reports. A police officer/ report writer will contact the victims at a later date.

This new reporting system is strictly for reporting crimes that are not 911 related.  These reports include those crimes involving fire arms or physical assaults.

Persons unable and/or not wanting to use the new system may still make their reports by call the Saint Petersburg Police Department's non-emergency line at 727-893-7780. All persons using the new system must be at least 18 years of age.


Evelyn out.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Obama Travels to Copenhagen for United Nations' Climate Summit

POLITICO Breaking News:

President Barack Obama will travel to Copenhagen on Dec. 9 for the United Nations summit on climate change, a White House official told POLITICO.

For more information...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Senate Health Reform Bill Shuts Out Illegal Immigrants and Denided The Use of Taxpayers' Funding For Abortion

POLITICO Breaking News:

The Senate health reform bill will not allow illegal immigrants to get benefits and prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion, reports Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad. He said that unlike the House bill, there's no surtax on the wealthy, but there is a Medicare payroll tax of 1.95 percent on couples who earn more than $250,000 annually. The reimbursement rates for the public plan will not be tied to Medicare, and co-ops will still be offered.

For more information...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

U.S. President Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

POLITICO Breaking News:

From the AP: The Norwegian Nobel Committee says U.S. President Barack Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

For more information...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Buyer Beware: Unbeknown to Online Buyers So Called "Cash Discounts" Companies Can Leech Bank Accounts"

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Beware of online services that offer to give you a percentage of you purchase price back on online orders. What these services do is deduction up to $10 - $13.00 per month from your checking account. Many customers do not understand that when they hit the so-called "cash back" or "special cash back "shopper discount", they have unwittingly given these companies access to their checking account by way of their credit and/or debit cards.

And what to these customers get in return? NOTHING!  The so-called discount company will give customers the line that they are receiving huge saving on each online purchase, but the truth is that many online stores will give their customer those saving with their online sales and promotions automatically when offers.  In short, customers are better off not clicking away their checking accounts to unscrupulous companies offering further discounts. Victims of such unethical practices can cancel such accounts and request a full refund of deducted funds.  However, if the company doesn't want to refund the funds or attempt to lead customers into a further commitment, a complaint can be filed against them with Better Business Bureau with positive results. Usually the customer will find that the company has a long list of complaints.

Two such companies are:
1. Great Fun, a service provided by Trilegiant Corporation at 
2.  Shopper Discount and Rewards, a, Inc. at

So, what appears to be a great deal at the end of that order transaction really is not, so be satisfied in knowing that you have ready gotten the best deal for your dollars from the company you trust, and don't push that so-called special discount/saving/refund button at the end!

Evelyn out!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Unemployment Up


Unemployment Up To 9.8 Percent; Payrolls Down 263,000

The Labor Department said the unemployment rate was the highest since June 1983 and payrolls had now dropped for 21 consecutive months.

More at

--- For NPR on your mobile phone, visit ---

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The Senate Finance Committee has rejected the public health insurance option amendment on an 8-15 vote.

For more information...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Greenpeace Presents The New Docu-Drama-Animated Film 'Age of Stupid'

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

The Following is a message from the people of Greenpeace International.


Come to the movies with us!

We've teamed up with the film makers behind the new docu-drama-animation 'Age of Stupid' to deliver the world's biggest film premiere - September 21st (USA) and September 22nd (40+ countries). And we want you to be there.

Synopsis: Age of Stupid stars Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite as a man living alone in the devastated world of 2055, looking back at 'archive' footage from 2007 and asking: why didn't we stop climate change when we had the chance? 

The Age of Stupid Global Premiere Trailer from Age of Stupid on Vimeo.

Find a screening near you / Watch the trailer / Learn more

The global premiere will feature a Green Carpet in New York, where actress Gillian Anderson will lead notables including Kofi Annan, Mary Robinson and James Hansen in a discussion about how we can stop catastrophic climate change. Greenpeace will be contributing live feeds from the front lines of climate change, and is backing efforts to get the film seen by as many politicians and diplomats as possible.

So don't be stupid. Mark your calendar, buy your tickets, and invite that friend of yours who doesn't quite get why climate change matters so much. This film will make them an activist.

Tickets are on sale now. Find your nearest screening here. If there isn't a screening in your area you can join us at the premiere online.

See you there!

All of us,

Greenpeace International

Greenpeace International


Want to join Greenpeace? Then SIGN UP HERE

Evelyn out.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Florida Governor Crist Names George LeMieux As GOP United States Senator

As message from GOP Governor Charlie Crist


August 28, 2009

Dear Friends,

The process of selecting a United States Senator has been guided by the
intent to select someone of great honor and integrity, who also has
demonstrated a commitment to serve the people of our state.

I am grateful to the Floridians we considered for this appointment –
for their service in their respective capacities, and for their patience
with this process. They are honorable men and women of great distinction,
and I thank them all for their wisdom and their candor.

I am also grateful to Senator Mel Martinez for his years of service to
our great state. His is a story that illustrates the American Dream for so
many in this country and around the world. I wish him and his family well
as he transitions back into private life.

The guiding principle of my career, my campaigns, and our
administration has been public service. I have had the great honor to work
with so many hard working public servants who choose to put service above
self in ways that inspire and encourage me to continue my commitment to the
people each and every day.

So many of the individuals who serve in our administration sacrifice
time with their families and financial opportunities in the private sector
to give back to the very communities that nurtured their upbringing in our
great state and around the country.

George LeMieux has been a tremendous example of this very type of
commitment. When the private sector first called, George chose the path of
public service – to first serve as Deputy Attorney General, and then as
Chief of Staff in our administration.

I am proud to inform you today that I am appointing former Deputy
Attorney General George LeMieux to the United States Senate where he will
serve the remainder of Senator Mel Martinez’s term.

He has argued before the United States Supreme Court and played an
integral role in the creation of the Florida Cyber Crime Unit. He was
instrumental in developing legislation to provide handheld devices to
protect our children and to improve higher education for our students.

He has built a beautiful family with his wife Meike and their three
wonderful boys – all while fighting for Florida’s families, small business
owners and seniors.

May God bless you and the great state of Florida.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist Expected Name George LeMieu To Fill GOP Senate Seat

POLITICO Breaking News:

Florida GOP Gov. Charlie Crist is expected to name former aide George LeMieux to fill the seat of outgoing GOP Sen. Mel Martinez, two Florida sources told POLITICO.

For more information...htPost Optionstp://

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thief, Saboteur, and Creep!

To my faithful Readers, the following message is only addressed to a thief and saboteur.

If you're reading this, and you know who you are, then you know that I have put my all sites back in the order that I had originally set them up. I have also changed all my passwords. You could have only gotten my information from my home or from my work computer . In any case, you are a super-creep, and you are locked out, and I will not be that careless around you again.

I don't really care who you are, just know that if you try it again or are messing in other people lives as you have mine, you will get caught because there are people searching for you.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

The 2009 Florida Statutes - Title XXIII Motor Vehicles - Chapter 316 - State Uniform Traffic Control

The 2009 Florida Statutes


Chapter 316

316.3045 Operation of radios or other mechanical soundmaking devices or instruments in vehicles; exemptions.--

(1) It is unlawful for any person operating or occupying a motor vehicle on a street or highway to operate or amplify the sound produced by a radio, tape player, or other mechanical soundmaking device or instrument from within the motor vehicle so that the sound is:

(a) Plainly audible at a distance of 25 feet or more from the motor vehicle; or

(b) Louder than necessary for the convenient hearing by persons inside the vehicle in areas adjoining churches, schools, or hospitals.

(2) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any law enforcement motor vehicle equipped with any communication device necessary in the performance of law enforcement duties or to any emergency vehicle equipped with any communication device necessary in the performance of any emergency procedures.

(3) The provisions of this section do not apply to motor vehicles used for business or political purposes, which in the normal course of conducting such business use soundmaking devices. The provisions of this subsection shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities, with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power, from regulating the time and manner in which such business may be operated.

(4) The provisions of this section do not apply to the noise made by a horn or other warning device required or permitted by s. 316.271. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall promulgate rules defining "plainly audible" and establish standards regarding how sound should be measured by law enforcement personnel who enforce the provisions of this section.

(5) A violation of this section is a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a nonmoving violation as provided in chapter 318.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eunice Kennedy Shriver Dies At Age 88


Eunice Kennedy Shriver Dies At Age 88

Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the younger sister of President John F. Kennedy, has died at the age of 88, according to news reports. Shriver had been hospitalized since last week in Mass.

More at

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Unemployment Drops To 9.4 Percent


Unemployment Drops To 9.4 Percent

Payrolls drop by just 247,000; jobless rate falls to 9.4 percent, sign recession ending.

Sunday, July 26, 2009




Climate change video FAQs

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a bit of news from the Saint Petersburg Times. According an in today's newspaper Florida's unemployment rate rose to 10.6 percent in June,which is the since 1975. For more on this article read, Florida unemployment rises to 10.6 percent in June.

More news: it was announced yesterday,July 17, 2009, the CBS News Anchor Walter Cronkite has died at age 92.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sign-On to Save the Earth - Greenpeace


Evelyn here,

with a message about saving the earth and ultimately saving ourselves.

To Our Nation’s Leaders,

I am a daughter of this earth. I am also a member of Greenpeace. Every day I am distressed by the excessive use of our limited nature resources to the point that nations are at war to gain control of them. I am also disturbed with the growing lack of concern about the condition of our atmosphere caused by the amount of carbon dioxide emissions released into the air by aerosols, vehicles, heavy equipment, and factories. The overall affects from this daily release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere reduces the ozone layers, which in turn prevents the production of many dangerous diseases including cancer. With each nation’s pledge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 50% by the year 2020, you will have set into motion the means to help to restore our vanishing atmosphere and set a positive example for other nations to following and save the earth.

Sign-On with Lucy Lawless, or become an online activist at Greenpeace USA or Greenpeace International.

Sign On - The World Needs Us


Evelyn out.

This message was sent to the White House.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The History Channel's Gangland

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

With some breaking some on an interest story.

The History Channel's Gangland series will feature the Attorney General and the Office of Statewide Prosecution this week in an episode about the Top 6 gang, a dangerous gang that operates statewide, on charges of criminal racketeering and conspiracy to commit racketeering. Over the past few years, South Florida law enforcement has investigated 41 shootings and 14 homicides, including the triple homicide in Lake Worth on March 27, 2007, directly related to this gang. Law enforcement has also attributed over 150 shootings, including the 2006 Christmas Eve shooting at the Boynton Beach Mall, to Top 6 over the same time period. This gang has
been an extremely active and violent criminal enterprise in Palm Beach
County for several years.

The episode will air on the History Channel this Thursday, July 2, at
9pm/8pm Central.
More information is available The History Channel's Gangland.

Evelyn out.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

School grades plummet statewide and around the bay area

School grades plummet statewide and around the bay area
Ron Matus, Times Staff Writer
In Print: Friday, June 19, 2009

After years of struggling, Gibbs High in St. Petersburg got an F. Nine other Pinellas high schools dropped a letter grade. High school grades plunged all over Florida on Thursday, the latest sign that progress in the upper grades remains sluggish despite a decade of reforms.

The number of A high schools dropped to 68 — down nearly 50 percent — while the number of D high schools climbed from 70 to 116, according to results released by the Florida Department of Education. The trend looked worse around the Tampa Bay area. Two high schools improved. Nineteen held steady. Thirty-seven fell. Among them: Gibbs High in St. Petersburg, which became Pinellas County's first F high school.

"It made me sick," said Pinellas superintendent Julie Janssen.

Principals scrambled Thursday to pinpoint why they struggled more this year, particularly with their bottom-tier kids in reading. At the same time, an especially bad year for their high schools put a stark frame on a bigger picture.

It wasn't just the usual suspects who got hit. In Hillsborough, Freedom High went from an A to a C. In Hernando, Nature Coast Technical went from a B to a C.

"It's a challenge," said Frances Haithcock, Florida's K-12 chancellor. "We have a long way to go."

Critics of Florida's accountability system, largely shaped by former Gov. Jeb Bush, offered other descriptors.

"Abysmal," said Rep. Marty Kiar, D-Davie, the Democrats' point person on education issues in the state House. The high school results "show the state's accountability system . . . does not work."

School grades can bring joy or shame, rewards or sanctions. They're based on Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test scores in reading, math, writing and science.

Schools that make A grades or improve their grades get bragging rights, plus a modest share of reward money that totaled $147 million last year. Schools that make poor grades get branded with the stigma and are subject to increased oversight.
Not all the news was bad Thursday.

Statewide, 1,822 schools earned A grades, 237 more than last year. Six schools leaped from F's to A's.

"Give me a hug!" principal Christi Buell told her teachers at Sulphur Springs Elementary in Tampa, after learning the school had moved up from an F to a B.
The state also announced how Florida schools fared under federal standards set by the No Child Left Behind Act. The result, again, was not good. Only 23 percent made "adequate yearly progress."

But all of that was overshadowed by the high school grades.
In the short term, the results show more high schools struggled this year with their lowest performing students. Under the state's grading formula, schools that don't make enough progress with those students get docked a full letter grade.
Last year, 78 high schools got whacked. This year, 106 did.

At Central High in Brooksville, principal Dennis McGeehan was at a loss to explain why.
"Something just didn't come across," he said.

There's plenty of speculation. Maybe budget cuts whittled away at programs for struggling students. (Pinellas alone cut 63 reading coaches.) Maybe the lame economy put more strain on at-risk kids. Maybe the scores just reflect the natural ups and downs that come with standardized testing.

Then again, maybe a tweak in the grading formula last year made this year's drop look worse. Sixty-three high schools did not get penalized a grade last year after the state Board of Education eased the requirement on the lowest-performing students.

Regardless, a one-year dip wouldn't attract so much attention if it wasn't for a long-term funk.

In the past decade, Florida's elementary students have made big strides, and middle school students are beginning to perk up. But since 2001, the percentage of high school students reading at grade level has grown more modestly, from 32 percent to 42 percent. This year's scores didn't budge after three years of gains.

Former K-12 chancellor Jim Warford said we shouldn't be surprised.

The state has done a good job beefing up academic standards and increasing expectations, he said. But it hasn't done as well making students realize why their classes matter.

"Kids don't get more stupid or less capable in high school. It's just not relevant (to them)," said Warford, who now heads the Florida Association of School Administrators. "These are iPhone kids. Our schools are still chalkboard worlds."

The state knows it must find ways to get high schools moving, said Haithcock, the current chancellor.
It's pushing more career and technical education. It's pushing Advanced Placement classes. It has come up with more precise ways to get kids reading better.
Haithcock said there's reason for hope, too, in the growing numbers of kids testing better in early grades.

"We're hopeful that in the next two, three, four years we are going to see high schools . . . not stall," she said.

Neither Haithcock nor Warford would rule out an irony at play.

In the past decade, Florida's drop-out rate has fallen substantially, from 5.4 percent to 2.6 percent, according to Department of Education figures. But progress on that front may have left more marginal students to drag down test scores.
Whatever the reasons behind this year's report card, making the grade won't get easier.

Beginning this fall, Florida will evaluate high schools on a slew of factors besides FCAT scores, including graduation rates and AP results.

A computer simulation found a third of them would drop a grade.

Times staff writers Donna Winchester, Jeffrey S. Solochek, Tom Marshall and Tony Marrero contributed to this report. Ron Matus can be reached at

For full story: School grades plummet statewide and around the bay area

Breaking News: Obama's Health Reform Get Help From Drug Companies

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

with some breaking news of the Health reform program. Drug companies are offering Congress and the White House a $80 Billion saving, which will span a ten years period. According to POLITICO stated that this saving will help President Obama's reform plan.

For more information... Politico.Com

Attorney General Bill McCollum Recognizes Father's Day

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Attorney General Bill McCollum recognizes Father's Day and the responsibilities of being a father.


Recognizing the Importance of Florida's Fathers

This Sunday is Father's Day, a time to recognize the important impact fathers and father figures have on children and who those children will become. The love, support, and wisdom provided by these men set a powerful example and are key factors in raising responsible citizens. I know my dad has been an incredible influence in my life and in the lives of my three sons and two grandsons.

Many fathers will be away from their children this Father's Day, serving in the Armed Forces. These men are making strides to promote freedom and democracy around the globe, ensuring a better future for children all over the world, and for that we owe them our sincere appreciation.

I encourage everyone to take a moment to reflect on the time they?ve shared with fathers and family. Make a phone call, send an email, or write a letter to thank a male role model in your life for the difference he has made. A few words can make all the difference, and these men deserve that and so much more.


Evelyn out.

Republicans Herald "Juneteenth" And The End Of Slaver

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

The following news release is from RPOF Chairman Jim Greer.

Republicans Herald "Juneteenth" And The End Of Slavery

Tallahassee - Representative Jennifer Carroll, Chairperson of the Republican Party of Florida’s African American Republican Leadership Council, and RPOF Chairman Jim Greer today released the following statement regarding "Juneteenth," a celebration recognizing June 19, 1865, the day the last American slaves learned that they were free:

"'Juneteenth' is a celebration of the day when the last remaining slaves received word that President Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation, resulting in their freedom. As the Party of Abraham Lincoln, the Republican Party of Florida is built on the foundation of freedom, and this principle is as important to us today it was so many years ago, when President Lincoln helped to found the Republican Party as the anti-slavery party," said Representative Carroll. "Over 140 years, we have championed these convictions. From the Civil Rights laws of the 1860s to the landmark 1954 decision in Brown vs. the Board of Education, which called for the end of segregation in public schools, the Republican Party has always been an advocate for civil rights."

"Republicans are still spearheading reform today, including efforts to increase access to homeownership among African Americans, provide quality education for all children, and ensure strong support for small businesses. We are proud to share the same core beliefs of lower taxes, less government, and more freedom as many African American families, and this is why we will continue to fight for the African American vote," said Chairman Greer.


Evelyn out.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bill McCollum Bid for Governor Runs Strong

Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,

According to Blas Padrino, journalist for the Orlando Republican Examiner, Attorney General Bill McCollum 2010 race for the covet position of the office of governor is running strong, while Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink’s democratic bid for the office is still recovering from Sink attempt to block payment of McCollum’s television endorsement of his Child Predator CyberCrime Unit (CPCU).

Although the Florida Professional Firefighters, Inc endorsed Sink in her campaign, a recent poll has McCollum ahead of the Chief Financial Officer in by 8% (41% to 33%) and Floridians pleased with the result the CyberCrime Unit in making the safety of Florida a must.

Evelyn out.

Florida GOP Congressional Delegation Endorses Bill McCollum for Governor

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

The following is from the Florida's RGOP.


Bill McCollum

Florida GOP Congressional Delegation Endorses Bill McCollum for Governor
Tallahassee – Members of the Florida GOP Congressional Delegation have endorsed Attorney General Bill McCollum to be Florida’s next Governor, the campaign announced today.

McCollum received the endorsement of U.S. Representatives Gus Bilirakis (9th); Ginny Brown-Waite (5th); Vern Buchanan (13th); Ander Crenshaw (4th); Lincoln Diaz-Balart; Mario Diaz-Balart (21st); Connie Mack (14th); John Mica (7th); Jeff Miller (1st); Bill Posey (15th); Tom Rooney (16th); Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (18th); Cliff Stearns (6th), and C. W. Bill Young (10th).

“Bill McCollum has the vision, the experience, and the conviction of his principles necessary to lead our state during these challenging times,” said Congressman Vern Buchanan. “Bill McCollum is the right candidate at the right time, and Florida’s Republican Congressional delegation is committed to ensuring we elect him as our next Governor and move our great state forward.”

“My years in Congress afford me a unique perspective on the importance of working closely with our Governor and Legislature to get the job done,” said McCollum. “Florida has benefited greatly from our delegation’s commitment to bipartisanship and putting Floridians first, and I look forward to continuing in that tradition as our next Governor.”

The McCollum campaign recently announced the endorsement of Agriculture Commissioner Charlie Bronson, more than 60 state legislators and U.S. Senator Mel Martinez. For campaign news and updates, visit


Evelyn out.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pinellas School Board gives early approval to property tax rate increase

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

The following article written by Donna Winchester St. Petersburg Times staff writer is of important to every home owner in the county. Personally, this should have been done long ago.


June 16, 2009

Pinellas School Board gives early approval to property tax rate increase

Pinellas School Board members on Tuesday unanimously gave initial approval to a property tax rate increase to help offset a projected $19 million budget shortfall.

But not without first offering a few choice words to state legislators.

Board member Carol Cook was most outspoken, charging that politicians in Tallahassee have abdicated their responsibility to quality education in Florida.

"I’m supposed to take it on faith that the legislators will turn around (next year) and do the right thing," Cook said. "They have not done that so far. I cannot have faith when time after time it’s been proven to me that I can’t trust that they will do the right thing for our children."

At least one board member applauded Cook’s comments.

Board chairwoman Peggy O’Shea followed Cook, stating that the Legislature had put local school boards in a terrible position.

Without the additional $14 million budget infusion the district will receive with the tax increase, school employees likely will face six to 10 days without pay, O'Shea said. But the additional tax assessment could be a problem for many of them, especially for those who rent their homes, she said.

“This cuts both ways,” O’Shea said. “This will get passed off to them in the form of a rent increase, and they will pay a huge burden.”

The seven-member board must approve the measure again during budget hearings on July 28 and Sept. 15. But it’s not likely that the board can vote no at either of those meetings after the yes vote today, Cook said.

“Each time we vote on it, we’re more and more committed,” she said. “This time we’re saying, ‘Go forward and add this into the budget.’ In July, we’ll be saying, ‘This is the highest amount we can levy.’ But by that time, we’ve already hired people.

"In September, when we take the final vote, school already will have started. To say in September, ‘We’re not going to do this,’ that just won’t work."

- Donna Winchester, Times staff write


Evelyn out

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Unemployment on the Rise!

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Six days ago, NPR reported that the U.S. unemployment Rate jumped to 9.4 Percent, and that employers cut 345,000 nonfarm jobs in May as the national jobless rate rises to 9.4 percent.

This rise in the unemployment is about 0.9% hike from the beginning of the year when it was nearer to 8.5%.

Evelyn Out.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

In honor of World Environment Day, which occurs on the 5th day of June each year, the following video was posted by Pete Cashmore, CEO at Mashable.

Evelyn out.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

I am sure that everyone in the city of St. Petersburg has notice to lack of boomer cars on streets and/or parked in private or public drives. However, and in spite of the new noise ordinances and complaint form on the St. Petersburg Police Department website, there still those boomers in my area that tempt the Fates. They come blaring their way up the drive near where I live and occasionally the driveway on which I live.

Those who blaringly drive their way pass my place are mostly targeting either me or some other poor soul who was put upon unmercifully by their booming car stereos, and finally had enough of it to report them. Whatever the case, these resisters to the new "norm" of respecting the rights of others to have and cherish peace of mind, generally work their ill mannered blaring after hours, when managements are closed and on weekends when police service seems all but non-existence.

That they do this when they believe being caught is less likely to happen, tell us that they are intent on blaring their way unwanted through the lives of others, and that their repeated actions is not a simple "Oops; sorry, I forgot", situation.

What gets me is some people have the new resources to stop the boomers, but do not appear to be using them. Perhaps the following video clip remind people of what we are fighting against. My stance - "Ban All Boom Cars!"

Evelyn out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with some Breaking News. Governor Charlie Crist has announced that he will run for the U.S Senate seat now occupied but soon to be vacated by Senator Mel Martinez.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Florida’s Gang Reduction Strategies Gain Results

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with an advisory message from the Attorney General, Bill MCCullum.



Attorney General Bill McCollum’s Audio Message - May 6, 2009

I’m Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum.

Yesterday, my office and law enforcement in the Central Florida area made
substantial progress in our fight against gangs.18 members and associates
of a dangerous drug-trafficking gang were arrested, including the gang’s

This case will be the first filed using the gang kingpin statute, a new
crime which allows for a life felony sentence against anyone convicted of
leading or directing organized, criminal gang activities.

Together with my partners in Florida’s gang reduction strategies, we will
keep combating gangs with these new tools and better protecting our
neighborhoods and communities.

I’m Bill McCollum, and this has been a public safety update.


Evelyn out.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Hello Evryone,

Evelyn here,

the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states the first line of defense against spreading Swine Flu is hand washing. Check out this video from the CDC's headquarters.


Put Your Hands Together. Flash Player 9 is required.

Also "What is Swine Flu?"

Swine Flu. Flash Player 9 is required.


Evelyn out.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

St. Petersburg Police Department Shows Support with “Tone Down Violation Form”

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

It is truly a glorious day when we can see our government and law enforcement agencies at work. The St. Petersburg Police Department has not only updated their website but has included a noise compliant form. The form called the “Tone Down Violation Form” is the achievement of many dedicated and determines members of Noise Off and other concerned citizens of St. Petersburg.

We, the members of NoiseOff, other concerned groups, as well as the concerned citizens of St. Petersburg want to thank the St. Petersburg Police and the City Council for their support in providing their citizens with an easy and safer method for reporting noise violators.

Tone Down Violation Form

God Bless,


Saturday, February 14, 2009

NoiseOff, Noise Free Florida and Contact Compliant Form

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

For those of your who campaigned, wrote soft letters, or contacted the officials of the St. Petersburg Police Department, the City of St. Petersburg and other state representatives, you will be glad to know that our efforts have bore fruit and that a noise complaint form for your use will be posted on the St. Petersburg Police Department web site.

When this form will be posted is unknown at this time, but be assured that it will be done, and that it will provide a safer media for citizen of St. Petersburg to lodge their complaints of violators of the noise law.

And although you still being rudely insulted by repeat violators, who do not want to obey the law, have patience, and keep reporting.

God Bless, America!

Evelyn out.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Statewide Gang Strategy comes to South Florida

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a message from Attorney General, Bill McCollum, on the statewide program to fight gang violence in our cities.


Statewide Gang Strategy comes to South Florida

Thursday marked the final organizational meeting of Florida's regional gang reduction task forces which are developing and implementing a statewide strategy to reduce gangs and gang violence. Together with state agencies, law enforcement, legislators, business and community leaders and youth-oriented organizations, the Attorney General's Office is working to stop the growth of gangs, reduce their numbers, and render any remaining ineffectual.

This strategy is unique in that it will be tailored to fit the specific needs of each of the seven regions. Now that all the organizational meetings have occurred, each region has a blueprint to develop its own strategy, including the structure, priorities and focus. We have already seen our efforts bring about positive change; if we continue working together and pooling not only resources but also initiative and talent, I am confident we can rescue our state from the dangerous threat of criminal gangs.


Evelyn out.

Sunday, January 18, 2009




A Temporary Farewell

Hello Everyone,

I must now temporarily stop posting until my semester ends at USF. If you did not know it I am a creative write major and my classes are occupying my time with a great deal of reading and writing. However, I will still be keeps on with the current events.

See you in the spring.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

President-elect Obama - Adding A Little Truth to It

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

In his address yesterday President-elect Obama added some already well known truths about the path of economy recovery and employment before recovery is seen.

--------------- Breaking News:

In an address on the economy to be delivered this morning in suburban Virginia, President-elect Obama warns that the economy “could become dramatically worse” and the nation could face unemployment above 10 percent without bipartisan support for his $750-billion stimulus plan. Using his signature word “change” twice in brief excerpts released by his aides, Obama calls for "a new course for this economy" and declares: "Only government can break the vicious cycles that are crippling our economy.”

For more information...


Want more, than read Obama, Dems face hard sell on stimulus.
Evelyn out.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Special Message from Governor Charlie Crist

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

With a message from Governor Crist about the new stimulus package and how the fund will help Florida businesses recover and generate new employment.


January 6, 2009

Dear Friend,

Today I had the pleasure of meeting with economic development organization leaders to discuss my Economic Stimulus Plan targeting small businesses, a proposal that will help Florida’s small businesses expand and reach their fullest potential. The result will be new jobs and a stronger economy for current and future generations of Floridians. Now more than ever, our Florida businesses need the resources to grow. By helping them build their futures now with a modest investment of taxpayer dollars, we can plant the seeds that our homegrown businesses need to flourish.

This two-pronged Economic Stimulus Plan would require a state investment of no more than $10 million. A loan program of $8.5 million would support companies with between 10 and 99 employees that demonstrate high potential for growth and expansion. The loans, up to $250,000 per business, would help these companies purchase new capital, train existing employees, and hire new workers. In addition, my plan calls for $1.5 million for economic stimulus. This economic infrastructure will assist small businesses so they can grow and prosper.

Already, we provide support and incentives for new startup businesses and for larger companies in specific sectors that are considering relocation to Florida. We will continue to work to help new businesses form, and to recruit companies here to Florida. But we also have small businesses right here in Florida that are ready to expand and create new jobs. They just need a little push, a little help. I believe government should provide that push so that small businesses can expand now, creating new jobs even during these challenging economic times.

Research and data have proven the wisdom of focusing on the expansion of small, existing businesses. Businesses of this size have the highest potential for growth and new jobs creation. Between 2005 and 2007, just eight percent all Florida establishments were companies with 10 to 99 employees. Yet those companies created nearly 36 percent of the new jobs during that period. These are significant, impressive numbers that illustrate the wisdom in adding this plan to our economic development strategies such as Accelerate Florida.

Florida is feeling the effects of the economic adjustments that are impacting the nation, and we must continue to explore pioneering and smart avenues to strengthen our economy. These challenging economic conditions require us to join together, and with multiple approaches, to aggressively focus available resources on activities that keep Floridians employed and move our economy forward. By making this conservative investment in our small businesses, we can make a dramatic and positive impact on Florida’s economy and your quality of life for decades to come.

May God continue to bless the great state of Florida and her people in the coming year.

Photo Caption: Governor Charlie Crist and Lt. Governor Jeff Kottkamp discuss the Governor's Economic Stimulus Plan for small businesses with members of the Florida Economic Development Council during a Tallahassee Tuesday visit at the Governor's Mansion.

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I would like to keep you informed about actions my administration is taking on a variety of issues, if you are interested. I invite you to click the link below and select the issues you want to learn more about. Feel free to select as many topics as you like.

Thank you and God bless. It is a privilege and honor to serve you as Governor.


Evelyn out.

Monday, January 5, 2009

And There's More

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

As the title of this post implies. There is more news on the plans for the stimulus package of President-elect Obama release by Breaking News.


President-elect Obama plans to propose huge tax cuts for businesses and middle-class workers that will total about 40 percent of the package, or up to $310 billion, congressional officials said.

For more information...


Evelyn out.

Saturday, January 3, 2009



Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a few words on Obama’s weekly president-elect pep talk to the nation.

Obama wants to start this relief stimulus by putting the nation deeper into debt. The current national debt is fast approaching the $11 trillion mark, and this is the downward swing. Now, Obama is asking for an amount of money ranging between $675 billion to $775 billion for next two fiscal years, and some say this amount could rise to $850 billion by legislators adding additional packages to the deal.

No one doubts that America needs change and some immediately relief from the hardships cause by the economy going south last year, but will shelling out billions upon billions to stimulate a failing country the answer. The plan behind this stimulus will supposedly created millions of jobs and gives some “immediate but short term” relief to families hurt by the lost of their employment, and ergo, the necessary income to pay bills and keep up with their monthly mortgages.

Furthermore, this new stimulus is also being granted to outset major companies on the verge of bankruptcy that will then and supposedly lower the cost of goods and adding more relief to the consumers’ wallets. There is also the hope that once relieved that of these companies and others that consumers will then buy more goods, which frankly was a dismal failure early last year. Families were already feeling the affect of last year’s economical failure, cutbacks and lay offs. They used their stimulus funds to help keep their heads above water and their creditors from their front doors. The notion that this new stimulus plan would not have a similar affects at a time when millions upon millions of more people have become jobless since the issuing of the first one and the threat of more jobs being lost during this new year of 2009 would be remiss.

Sure, the country needs to recover and change does take time, and we need the strong beliefs that this country can and will be turned around for the better, but still, let’s hope Obama and the other decision makers up there in Washington are not gambling our nation away and the future of it people along with it.

Here is where we are as a nation at the time you have finished viewing the video and reading this article.

National Debt Clocks and Savings Clocks

Obama Urges Congress to Pass Stimulus

So you know that I am not alone in my thinking that we need to be concern about how our govenment in handle the debt and deficit problems check out "Great News: National debt may jump $2 trillion this year" by Rick Moran.

We want change, but let’s keep it real.

Evelyn out.

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