Wednesday, December 24, 2014


We have a thief or thieves in our mist. Today a package was stolen from our property. According to the USPS the package was left outside for us to receive. However, we never saw it and can only conclude that there is a thief among us who is watching the comings and goings of the shipping services that are delivering packages throughout the neighborhood.

Therefore, it is important that everyone in our area be aware that the thief is still out there and might be someone you see every day. Be watchful of persons, male or female loitering around who either is not from our area, or is acting unusual and more attended of the comings and goings at your home more than they need to be. 

The theft of our package has been reported to the seller, the USPS and the St. Petersburg Police Department.  Luckily, because we took some simple safeguards the seller has refunded our money. So the only harm done was the minimizing of the thief integrity and reputation. 



It is a federal crime to steal and to conspired with others to steal the United States mail!

Protecting Your Mail'


12/26/2014 – Update
It is surprising how things go missing and later turns up in a place previously search more than once. This was the case with our package. Nevertheless, mail tampering is a serious crime. The person or persons who took our package on Christmas Eve morning brought attention to their misdeed to the entire avenue in which we live. We doubt that we would have gotten the package back if we had not shared the information with all the families in our immediate area. In fact, we had written the package off as a lost. 

Yet, now that we have the package, we have to make things right with the seller because they were kind enough to issue a refund.  In addition, the person or persons behind the theft has insured that we upgrade our security system. 

No one was happy about this incident. However, at the time of the theft, the thief did not care about anything but what he/she could gain from it.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Speaking Out Against My Harassers

To My harasser: The Definition of Elderly Abuse 

Emotional or Psychological Abuse

Emotional or psychological abuse is defined as the infliction of anguish, pain, or distress through verbal or nonverbal acts. Emotional/psychological abuse includes but is not limited to verbal assaults, insults, threats, intimidation, humiliation, and harassment. In addition, treating an older person like an infant; isolating an elderly person from his/her family, friends, or regular activities; giving an older person the "silent treatment;" and enforced social isolation are examples of emotional/psychological abuse.


The above stated, what goes through your heads? What type of mental processes makes you the harassers you are? 

If you think your harassment is going unnoticed, you are wrong.  You are notice from bus stop to grocery store, as well as the people you talk into helping you to stalk me by repeating the half-trues you  heard from someone else among you or heard those children shouting out from some unknown speaker system every day for the past 12 years  -- you are noticed.

That is correct. Your toddlers and middle schoolers from back in 2002 are now teenagers and some are adults. Yet today, people are still hearing young children. You parents of these children have come up with the idea of having your youngest children vocalized as well to fool the public into thinking they hear the same children from 12 years ago.  However, once people do the math, they realized that they are hearing a new group of young children in your homes. These children are most likely the younger siblings of your first group who started the vocal harassment in 2002. Are you going to keep them out of school as well?

Finding your children and you should not be this hard. Especially since at least one of you work in Walmart  store #5218, or you have spoken to someone who is watching my activities in that store from the security camera.  I am surprise that after all these years they are still playing music with lyrics to attract my attention and  to harass. You like using music to harass, don’t you?


To the Public:

Recently, and within the last three months I have experiences this harassment after buying live fish so unhealthy from Wallmart store #5218 that they either died before we got them home or with hours of bringing them home. 

Although I returned these dead fish for refunds, a few workers in the store and those with links to the  children above and those with  connections to those drug pushing families on 52nd and 53rd Avenue South, see my return for refunds as opportunities for harassment.  This situation has been a problem in this store since it opened on the Southside. Is it my problem alone? I do not know. All I know for sure is that I am speaking out about it. 

I dislike harassers and these types the most. They are the same type that told my neighbors lies so gross that one woman verbally abuse my character one 4th July night a couple of years ago as I was watching the fireworks. It never appeared to cross her mind or the minds of the other people at their firework party that their heads had been filled with lies.  This situation came about because one branch of the drug pushing families on 53rd Avenue South use to live on the block up the street from me and spoke to a couple of people living  on my block. The harassment, stalking, lies and half-trues spread and became more gross from then onward.

During my last trip to Walmart store #5218, and as I was standing in line to return more dead fish (I bought more fish from another store that same week and they are alive and well) there was a wheelchair bounded man and a wheelchair bounded woman. Both were holding up the customer service counter line talking about how the store’s manager did not know what was happening in the store. One customer left but not before saying he would return when they were fone. No doubt I was being watched and by more than the regular employees. 

After I had gotten my refund, I could not help but notice that the wheelchair bounded woman was following me from aisle to aisle talking about my relationship with my daughter as if it were a soap opera. It was clear to me that this woman had been told some half truth about my relationship with my daughter. Generally I say nothing to such people and do my business and return home. However on this day, I stopped the woman and corrected her and also made it clear that I do not associate with Negroes who use other people and  twist stories around or just tell flat out lies to hurt others. I did not say Blacks because not all black people are harassers.  (I see Negroes as people who live to cause others trouble and will use anyone regardless of color and condition to fulfill their goal of harm to others). This woman repeated her twisted tale from bits of information she got from someone who had listened to those children.  If I sounded rude, I considered myself being well controlled, and I kept my message direct even though  I was not feeling nice at all.

After this incident with the woman, the man she had been talking to returned, and the case of water I purchased came up missing from my grocery. So this  meant another trip to Walmart store #5218 and another refund. However, before I got home, my husband received a call from the store from a person calling himself George. This George wanted me to call him. I did not. I reported the incidents instead.
Will I continue to shop at Walmart store #5218? Yes, and I will continue to report poor employee service, bad products, as well as harassment from the personnel watching those security cameras. I would do the same at any store I frequent if the same problem occurred. It is my right as a loyal customer to be treated right and not harassed by employee or another customer.

Since these incidents, I have been harassed by both Negroes and some whites. I ignore them for the most part, and  regardless of them, Walmart store #5218 is still one of my stores for shopping.
In fact, as I think about it. I have had a few problems in other places. A McDonald, a bad chicken sandwich.  A medical center doing poor post-op care. Online the stalkers still trying to influent online workers. A neighbor making a false report of my behavior as I sat outside reading, and one young woman making the remark, “She should be whipped,” , and then the next morning whipping something in her backyard when I sit outside. And just how many gray and black vehicles are going to stalk me whenever I am out and about town or sitting on my porch?


Charles Barkley Slams ‘Unintelligent,’ ‘Brainwashed’ Black People for Holding Successful Ones Back (Audio)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

35th Wedding Anniversary!

It was 35 years ago on this date that Stanley and Evelyn (Altheimer) Fain married, and as on that day, they are still in love.  They have a love that has endured some trying times from both within their marriage, as well as those trying times caused by bitter and envious outsiders.

As they have matured and grown older, Stanley and Evelyn have gained and lost many material things during their 35 years, which they found were easily replaced. There were also times when they thought that their love would not last. Yet, God has had other plans for Stanley and Evelyn, and their love has grown stronger and is still a shining beacon that others can see.

Both being sixty-four years old, Stanley and Evelyn have a legacy of two children, and four grandchildren to which they are looking forward to seeing during their golden years.

Another fact about Stanley and Evelyn Fain’s marriage is that there are many years in which they celebrate it on two separate days because their actual marriage was on October 08, 1979, which is also Columbus Day.

So as with today, they will also celebrate their 35th Wedding Anniversary quietly together on Columbus Day this Sunday as well.

Ain’t love grand!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Harassers Reach A New Low

To the Harassers.

Never interfere with my health care again. We know what you did and it is known by those in authority. Your interference is not approved of on any level. This type of harassment and interference in my life is sick. We know that you are seeking vengeance because you dislike that I defend myself from you. It is clear by the lengths you have gone in your vengeance that your thinking is twisted. In truth, you need to seek professional psychiatric help because of your obsession with me.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


The article "New Law Requires Welfare Recipients To Submit Sweat To Prove How Hard They’re Looking For Job" is no doubt a joke to stress the divide between recipients of federal aid and those at the United States Department of Labor when it coming to proving that the recipients are searching as best as they can for employment in a society recently turned upside down by federal and state budgets. These cuts where made to help balance the national debit, but in turn, inflated the budget and caused millions of people to lose good jobs. Many of these jobs are now filled by younger faces.


I have one question. Who will be providing the jars, the federal recipients or the Labor Department? 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Could The City Of St. Petersburg, Florida Benefit From Stricter Youth Curfews?

The city of St. Petersburg, Florida could probably benefit from a model like that of Baltimore, Maryland's new youth curfew. In an online article by Ian Simpson and entitled, "Baltimore poised to impose strict new youth curfew", the police department and many concerned citizens of Baltimore are making an attempt to save their inner city youths from the clutches of crime before their life options are destroyed early in life. One of the major steps to saving  these youths is by enforcing stronger curfews that holds parents and caregivers more responsible for the actions and whereabouts of their children.

Like Baltimore, many of the inner city youth in St. Petersburg,  particularly those witnessed here in the black communities are often seen outside after 10 p.m. and as early as 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. in the morning. It is generally assumed that these youths are out without their parents knowledge.  Some of these children seen out so late at night are youths as young as 4 years old,  and they are usually in the companies of youths between the ages of  13 or 14 years of age.

More often than not these children end up disturbing the areas of the community in which they have invaded. Later, and by the reactions of their parents, who appear clueless to what their children are really about, a community war ensues because their children are not truthful to them from the start. Then, these parents believing they are saving their children, turn and harass the very people their children have disturbed. Sadly, these children quickly learn that they can cause harm this way and some do so because it seems easier to them than facing their parents with the truth of their wrong doings. While other youths do it out of plain meanness against adult authority.  Some of the parents behave hostile and threaten violent in various ways that infects the neighboring areas in which they live, and it is all based on the untruthful words of children causing trouble at places where they should not be without adult supervision.

It must be strongly stressed and stressed often that these unsupervised youths make trouble for themselves, their parents, and the rest of their community by taking minor problems and making those problem major ones and even criminal ones.

In April of 2013, the St. Petersburg City Council rejected imposing an 11 p.m. curfew on school nights for those 16 and younger, the problems addressed with that motion and the ensuing crimes committed by youths since the Council's decision -- has escalated.

Therefore, will stricter curfews with monetary fines and counseling of both parents and their children through social services help stop some of the senseless crimes done by youth here in St. Petersburg? It is worth a try.  Will imposing stronger parental awareness of their youths whereabouts, and who their children are with at any hour of the day and night help prevent some of the youth orientated crime in this city. Once again, it is worth a try.  But, somehow the communities and authorities figures of this city have to get these parents on-board to save their children using positive solutions.

Like my parents told me and my siblings, "There is nothing in those streets worth destroying your life over."


When Adults Gave Their Mixed Messages

Thursday, July 3, 2014


This just happened I maroon colored car drove by and the driver is his/her windows down and was playing something with the words of "my grandchild".
this driver is one of the harassers who has been driving around in their attempt to upset me. They failed. A black SUV drove by about the same time. 

These two harassers are working together, and did this in defense of the children who had been coming around causing trouble by trespassing on the property of  an abandon church. cursing and threatening the adults residents who live of the avenue. And then, running home to lie about their activities to their parents, who in turn start harassing, lying to their neighbors and friends. These people then start throwing trash on peoples lawns, stalking, and driving by the victims homes and attempting cause them trouble in the business them frequent.

Now, how are these children to learn how to be property and honest citizens, when their parents are breaking laws themselves. 

This is every day. what amazes me is that these parents criminal behavior is why their children behavior as badly as they do and end up in trouble. 

These parents are only making more trouble for themselves. The only thing to do is keep reporting them.  Eventually, people will get tired of the daily unrest they are causing and turn them into the police department. 

If they were truly concern about their children, these parent would accept the they children were wrong and that they are wrong and truly need to clean up their acts and to better their children future. 
Right now, everyone can from their parents behavior why their children behavior as badly as they do.  
You parents of those unruly children truly need to wake-up.  Because more and more people are catching on to YOUR BAD BEHAVIORS! And do not attempt to harass them as one woman did yesterday. Yes, we caught on to her and she  use a intimidating tone with someone. It was a foolish attempt to make it appear that she was warning someone about me. It is her people should wary of because she it one of the harassers. She did not like that protecting myself from the likes of her. I am not the problem. You harassers are the problem. 

When you parents act that way, we see you in your children.

What is this really about? 

Is this about illegal drugs? Well, we do not need them here. Is it about that failed church? They should not trusted you so readily. Like you used your friends and neighbors, you used them for your own purpose, which has nothing to do with religion. And, now you use your children. Why? Because you do not like some of the residents on our little street. You do not like that we like our street as it is and that we will stand up for it whenever trouble come from around the corner.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

True Prophet Preaches Repentance & If a Child Never Learns How to Behave

 Generally I would put something like this on my faith page. However, since this page has become message board for  those troublemakers, the stalkers and the the others harassers, I place it here:
The True Prophet Preaches Repentance And Obedience To God's Law
Jer 23:21 I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.
Jer 23:22 But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings.
Jer 26:4 And thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the LORD; If ye will not hearken to me, to walk in my law, which I have set before you,
Jer 26:5 To hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you, both rising up early, and sending them, but ye have not hearkened;
Jer 26:6 Then will I make this house like Shiloh, and will make this city a curse to all the nations of the earth.
Jer 35:15 I have sent also unto you all my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them, saying, Return ye now every man from his evil way, and amend your doings, and go not after other gods to serve them, and ye shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers: but ye have not inclined your ear, nor hearkened unto me.
Isa 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
And, to you harassers who think not correcting children no matters what their ages, and who lie for the purpose of causing adults problems, is a better cause then you are only adding to the problems those children will experience because they are not learning how to cope with what is right behavior and what wrong behavior and that lying will only land their and those they involve in bigger trouble.

So do not attempt to preach to me. For I see you as corrupted beings with little true respect for anyone or anything that you cannot product from. your trouble because I want to live free of you and do not need you in my life. This and not my racial background that bugs you, I am not of your mindset and never will be.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!