Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Could The City Of St. Petersburg, Florida Benefit From Stricter Youth Curfews?

The city of St. Petersburg, Florida could probably benefit from a model like that of Baltimore, Maryland's new youth curfew. In an online article by Ian Simpson and entitled, "Baltimore poised to impose strict new youth curfew", the police department and many concerned citizens of Baltimore are making an attempt to save their inner city youths from the clutches of crime before their life options are destroyed early in life. One of the major steps to saving  these youths is by enforcing stronger curfews that holds parents and caregivers more responsible for the actions and whereabouts of their children.

Like Baltimore, many of the inner city youth in St. Petersburg,  particularly those witnessed here in the black communities are often seen outside after 10 p.m. and as early as 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. in the morning. It is generally assumed that these youths are out without their parents knowledge.  Some of these children seen out so late at night are youths as young as 4 years old,  and they are usually in the companies of youths between the ages of  13 or 14 years of age.

More often than not these children end up disturbing the areas of the community in which they have invaded. Later, and by the reactions of their parents, who appear clueless to what their children are really about, a community war ensues because their children are not truthful to them from the start. Then, these parents believing they are saving their children, turn and harass the very people their children have disturbed. Sadly, these children quickly learn that they can cause harm this way and some do so because it seems easier to them than facing their parents with the truth of their wrong doings. While other youths do it out of plain meanness against adult authority.  Some of the parents behave hostile and threaten violent in various ways that infects the neighboring areas in which they live, and it is all based on the untruthful words of children causing trouble at places where they should not be without adult supervision.

It must be strongly stressed and stressed often that these unsupervised youths make trouble for themselves, their parents, and the rest of their community by taking minor problems and making those problem major ones and even criminal ones.

In April of 2013, the St. Petersburg City Council rejected imposing an 11 p.m. curfew on school nights for those 16 and younger, the problems addressed with that motion and the ensuing crimes committed by youths since the Council's decision -- has escalated.

Therefore, will stricter curfews with monetary fines and counseling of both parents and their children through social services help stop some of the senseless crimes done by youth here in St. Petersburg? It is worth a try.  Will imposing stronger parental awareness of their youths whereabouts, and who their children are with at any hour of the day and night help prevent some of the youth orientated crime in this city. Once again, it is worth a try.  But, somehow the communities and authorities figures of this city have to get these parents on-board to save their children using positive solutions.

Like my parents told me and my siblings, "There is nothing in those streets worth destroying your life over."


When Adults Gave Their Mixed Messages

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!