Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Burdened of Freedom - The Financial Cost of the F-35 Fighter Jet on a Debilitated American Economy

I am not an unpatriotic person. In fact, being bred and borne right here in America, I am very patriotic in most things American. However, like many Americans, I do not have think hard on my objection to spending 1.5 trillion dollars on warplanes (F-35 Fighter) that might never, with the exception of routine practice runs, leave the ground. 

Grant it, I am neither a military commander, nor do I have a psychic power of Nostradamus to predict when a foreign enemy will strike our homeland. However, I do know that  millions of people are still hurting as they hunt for jobs to buy food, pay rents and mortgages, and thanks to Obama-care, find or even attempt to maintain the same or better standard of healthcare as before the government stepped in to crushed what was not broken. In addition, the fact that low level federal and civil employees with limited monthly income had their salary reduced to help fund Obama care and/or help reduce the national deficit, which at this writing is a whopping $ 1 7 , 2 7 0 , 1 2 2 , 1 2 2 , 9 1 2 . 2 1 and is estimated as rising at a rate of $2.38 billion per day since September 2012, was not made clear at the beginning and is outrageous.

Yes, we must preserve and protect our homeland. There is no doubt about that. However, we must also ask this question. Are we not bordering a little bit on the paranoia side that dropping $400 billion dollars before extra options and technology is applied for 2400 F-35 Fighter Jets, when at this point in time of our nation’s history, it appears that more is being done to oppress than advance of the American people (the poor, the infirmed, and the minorities) by making a decent income and realizing their American dreams hard to come true?

As stated earlier in this writing, I cannot predict if or when a foreign enemy might strike us, or if it would ever happen again for that matter. However, I can ask what kind of America are we becoming that the basics needs of people are shuffled aside in favor of war machines costing trillions of dollars, and while its people are still losing jobs, businesses are struggling to survive, jobs that once seemed limitless are now in short demand of workers and many come with specialized requirements. Neither should we forget the impact the cost of higher education, housing, transportation, and food is having on limited and single income households.

These are the issues that I see our 1.5 trillion going toward. Because it is our tax dollars that is funding the F-35 Fighter jet program over the next four years.

If Uncle Sam were real, he should weep over the suffering our government is placing on its people to not only protect them, but also for the corrections in the government’s overall overspending practices that has brought America financially to her knees.   

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