Saturday, June 7, 2014

To Tattoo and Friends

Now that I know who you are and the people who are in this with you. Those gray, black, maroon cars and SUVs trouble me no more. You are instigators of all this trouble. Granted those drug people filled heads with lies when they came around three years ago. However,you believe them and acted on those lies, so now it is you who will answer to the authorities. Your mind games of taking bits of my conversations with others people Friday and try to enact them was expected; because it is you ways to use what your learn to try to cause others harm.

I knew you were coming with that and I fear you not. In truth, you should have come to me after those troublemakers people filled your heads with lies. There is no shame in my life and my husband's life that we should fear the likes of you. If any of you had had the decency to tell me of the lies going around, you would have learned the truth from us and the police department.We have done no wrong and you have only help those troublemakers to victimize us more.

You know that I heard you and your voices carry from your houses. Based on the lies you were laughed, jeered, harassed us with vehicles and made those lies worse. Not one of you had the decency to inform us of what was said.

Learning you were all wrong only made more vicious, which is why I spoke those people for I knew you all would be told of what was said. These actions of yours against me doe not help you, it only exposes you for what you are inside.

If you had not so readily let your bias control your actions towards us and sought the truth instead attacking us, none of this would have occurs.

In conclusion, you do not need to know my financial state, so stop asking people working in stores to tell you how much I spend, what I buy, whether who I live with. You do not need to know my new cell phone number either, so not trouble people into asking me for it.  I am comfort without talking to you and not having you in my life. These things and more is not your business. Truly I care nothing for your state of affairs, and you should discontinue your efforts to seek and caused trouble in mind.

In addition, I have given the truthful information about myself to those people in question, your can believe it of not. However, now all communication of such information had stopped.   You have shown yourselves as untrustworthy, and I have learn to keep evil out of my house.

Should you continue to push this situation because of misguided sense of praise or you simply cannot accept that you all have been wrong in your opinions and handling of us, then we can talk in court

I like myself. I am a honest and truthful woman and that makes me awesome.

P.S. This harasser is called Tattoo only because I have refrained from using her real name. I am not judging her appearance. I want her and her "friends" to know that it is they I am writing to, but Tattoo's racial background, religious beliefs, or her nor her "friends" sexual orientations are the issues here. It is Tattoo and her "friends" lack of respect and harassing of me that is the issue.  Also, although she and her "friends" have gone out of their way to harass me based on lies told to them by the drug families I have written about and reported so often, I could care less about Tattoo's friendships and families ties so long as they are not harassing me or interfering with me or in mine in anyway.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!