Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Stop Website Tampering!

Once again someone is interfering and tampering with a couple of my sites. The incidents have been reported as such.

In addition, I don't recommend deleting old post as they are a history/timeline of events. Especially events that are true and helpful too many many others.

All too often, people who harm others and commit serious crime want to stop the victim and/or witness from speaking out.

I say do not let them still your voice because the truth is very powerful, and they do like  others knowing it.

Friday, November 20, 2015

St. Petersburg's Eagle Eye Program An Intended Deterrent To Crime

A few years ago I announced that I was a member of the now struggling Noise Off and  Dare programs and was also instrumental in bringing the crime prevention program to a former neighborhood in which I lived.  In that former neighborhood the use of security cameras became a necessary deterrent against the drug pushers that sold illegal drugs while mocking  and  terrorizing their neighbors in various ways  unchecked for three long years. 

Today the use of security cameras for home protection is becoming more common as increasing crime make residents realize  that cameras  are a must to protect both the inside and outside of their homes. 

This being stated and because of the recent criminal activities coming from old sources and surprisingly new ones in my present neighborhood, just being a member of the neighborhood crime prevention program is not enough. I learned this from that former neighborhood.  

Therefore, our use of security cameras has become  part of the reason for the harassment we experience here. In addition,  knowing that we are not the only residents victimized here does not  bring us any comfort as we do not know who is trustworthy among our neighbors.  Still  the cameras are in no way the cause for the harassment. They are the result of past and continuous Illegal actions. 

As stated in previous posts the troublemakers in this area dislike the cameras and have done awful things to get them removed. The security cameras are legal , but still,  the troublemakers are unwilling to accept that it is their harassment ( yes, criminal actions) that has caused the cameras to come into existence. 

Below is a copy of the letter sent to me  by Anthony Holloway, Chief of Police in St. Petersburg, Florida. It stands as our truth that we have done no wrong. He is thanking me registering our camera and thereby becoming members of the Eagle Eye Program.

 My lawn sign. Nothing is hidden here.

As stated in previous posts the cameras are here to stay.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


11/25/2015 UPDATE:

Is has been nearly a month my husband was bitten by a dog and the owner has not come forward yet.
Enforcement at the Pinellas County Animal Services wants to talk to the owner.

Here is the details of the attack.

Seeking owner of two bulldogs. A brown and white bulldog, and the other a brown or mostly brown one.
The smaller brown  bulldog bit a man and broke his skin on 39th street and 4th avenue north. The dogs then ran down an alley.
The man suffered a bite that broke his skin. the bulldog needs to be brought in to the Pinellas County Animal Services and check for its rabies shots record and license.
The dog's owner should call 727-582-2600 and ask for Enforcement at the Pinellas County Animal Services.
The incident occur a little after 6pm on Monday 11/2/2015.
Should anyone having information on the whereabouts of these two bulldogs and their owner, please do the same. All help is appreciated as the dog might attack a child next.
11/19/2015  UPDATE:

Those who have been involved in this latest bit of harassment include members of that church staff. They too read these messages and took it upon themselves to seek revenge for the lost of their principal as well as the younger children of that school.

Why they wish to lay blame at my door when it was their former principal  who began spying on us in the early hours of the morning is beyond me.

So for revenge the staff of that church decided to take revenge by aligning themselves with the troublemakers among my present neighbors,  known pushers, hustlers, and thieves. Not only did they reject the presence of our security cameras, they had someone interfere with our internet service.
They also dug up at least one of those drug pushers from the far south side of town. I am referring to  the pushers who sold illegal drugs on a street corner for three years like people buy food from a fast food joint, and afterwards left their young children and toddlers outside on a darken street, while they remained inside smoking and doing up the profits.  I am not fond of black diamonds, and the writing is on the wall.

The troublemakers among my present neighbors have knowledge of these people actions and have now discovered as have the members of that church that in contacting those drug pushers that they invited the devil in.  The people they contacted are also part of the group that were coming around and trespassing on other people properties during the time of those multi robberies in 2012.  
I must ask. What stupid pills did they all take to come up with the decision to contact people who are no true friends of anyone but those of their own perk? These people are known for turning on the very people they claim they want to  help.  They steal, lie, sell and do illegal drugs, damage people properties, and some of their women prostitute themselves for money while deluding men into thinking its love.

The pages on this site is filled with warnings about these people. Yet a church and a few of my 'know it all' neighbors invite them in.

Well, after all this recent harassment, which includes pretending to be my friend in public, attempting to malign my character to resemble those of their women, telling god knows what lies to the merchants and service people we do business with (both in the area and online), interfering with our internet and security services, joint spying (stalking), and finding more clueless people to harass me and this area with drivers driving  SUVs, sedans, a big white unmarked truck, and pickup trucks that are either black and gray, they (the church) are moving out.

If they believe all this upheaval and deception is their Christian calling, then who or what is their god?

For the record, I have not cause the failure of  these people to make it here; the evil in them did it. I barely thought about them. It is only by a occurrence chance occurrence that I made the connection.  

 ----------------------Original message-------------------------

I must extend my apologies to the readers of my woes for not posting more frequently. However, I have been under attack by the same troublemakers in my area. They have in their lame wisdom enlisted the cooperated of some of the personnel in some of the businesses I frequent.  This is nothing new. What terrible lies these troublemakers must  have told these people to gain their cooperation, I do not know.  However, I do know the  troublemakers have spread one lie that included making me appear to be a who#e. It really did surprised me,  as well as made me down right angry, that people who have neither met me, talk to me, nor informed me of the lie would believe such  malice and in turn spread it to others.

It is because of the troublemakers lies that my husband shops with me.

I can only surmise that the known troublemakers are responsible telling the awful lie, because recently I have numerous problems with my internet service, my security service, some man spying on me in the supermarket and no doubt claiming I am doing what I am not, and some woman attempting to crowd me at the checkout line to peek at the ATM box as I paid for groceries. However, as the holidays are upon us, she may have been to run of the mill credit information theft.  I did inch her back after she refused my request for her to move on her own. Her actions were views by store security. These are just a few to the problems the troublemakers are responsible for.

My outdoor security camera is part of the reason for why they attack me. However, as stated before, the troublemakers should not doubt that they are indeed the cause of the camera being out there.

Let's not forget that harassers associated with the school occupying to church building on my avenue. Although, the school has rid themselves of the principal that was part of the people that drove by on our street with unnecessary frequency a while back whenever residents came outside, there are still people boldly driving onto the church's grounds while classes are ongoing. who clearly think their are protecting it. When in truth, they are not.  However, they do make one miss the days when the church was just an empty building. Sorry, I do not see them as blameless. Just another spoke in an already broke wheel.

To make matters worst someone dog bit my husband, and regardless of the fact that signs were posted, put on porches, and  in mailboxes asking the owner of the dog to come forward,  the owner has not done so.

For as long as I have been here the neighbors across the street have initiate a lot of the harassment, I am treated to it when I wait for a bus or walk to the store. They must think 'out sight, out of mind'.  However, their paws prints are all over the harassment. Third party my arse.

Well this is enough rants for today.
Until next time.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Happy Wedding Anniversary 36th To Stanely and Evelyn Fain!

Stan and Evelyn Fain quietly celebrated their 36th wedding Anniversary on October 8. 2015. They exchanged gifts all week long, and then enjoyed their time along together.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sex Life of a Separated Spouse

Years ago, I received the best advice ever about the extramarital sex activities of husbands who are separated from their wives. Now, I am passing on that advice. It is very simple. 

Wives no matter what you hear. No matter what you see. Respect yourself and children (if any) and do nothing to bring harm.

Sure, your first impulse will be to exact revenge in its many forms, but do nothing. Remember, your spouse no longer lives with you, and he is living a separate life.  Though, you may still love him, addressing an issue that you can do very little about is painful for all parties.

Should the woman or women he sees be of bad character(s), he will see it, and in some cases, he may want what he believes he has lost, which is you.

Remember, many such relationships end with the women reputation damaged. However, since you and your husband are legally leading separated lives, both of you should be respected for your choices. 

In addition, and keep in mind, husbands have been known to lie to such women as to their real marriage status. In this case, should the woman he is involve make a harmful and threatening issue of your present status as his wife, or attempt to interfere in your  life, then legal action against her to protect yourself is your only recourse.  

In addition, should you mend your marriage, but the woman and other people want to remind you that your spouse has had other partners, ignore them, as their motives are questionable and they may only want to cause harm.  You do not have to prove your worth to anyone.

Like I stated before, this is simple advice and you don’t need a shrink to tell you so.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!