Sunday, May 31, 2015

Discerning a False Prophet

Update 06/11/2015: It has become more than clear that the people responsible for the present church members involved in the harassment on this avenue are not only some of the local thugs but the mothers of the young boy that lied to another neighbor and the four girls that openly harassed and threatened me and one of my neighbors and then myself when I came to her defense.
To refresh your memory, I had asked the boy if the church was closed, but he probably thought he was getting into trouble for being on abandoned church property and then turned and lied to a household known for openly smoking pot on a public street (witnessed).  (Stop Corrupting The Morals Of  Your Minor Children)

Even though the church was informed that much but not all of the trouble on the avenue was brought in by people not living on it, the harassers still misled them, particularly their school principal, who one day took it upon herself the sit in the driveway of the church at five in the morning watching as my husband and I drank coffee on our porch. When I noticed her, she sped off like a bat startled out of its cave. 

It was my misfortune to report the incident to three other members of that church, which probably accounts for the increase harassment I experienced while out and about town while doing my weekly errands and online.  I was aware. I just did not deem it worth acknowledging since harassing me by those drug pushing families had become common in recent years. However, I had trusted those women.  

Just this past Sunday, in one of the two incidents of that day, some of the harassers recently made a show of appearing on our avenue with their children to show themselves to me by having a white car drive around continuously playing very loud music, much like criminals revisiting the scene of a crime. They appeared to take some perverted joy in revealing themselves at the household mentioned above and as some of them stood at the entrance of the church (that might be closing) shouting something about children. 

Early in that week cars had started tapping their horns repeatedly, and at one o’clock on a Wednesday morning while I was watering plants and cleaning my porch, a car (similar in design and color as the car as the shooter of the young boy in Tampa) had driven up just pass the parking lot on our street and tapped his/her horn and then drove on. Shortly after this incident, a box shaped dark SUV drove by and whoever was in it pounded the metal in the car five times, which was meant to be threatening.  This also brings to mind the incident in which I had another package stolen and that same week five gray/silver cars drove by and two of them nearly drove into each other because they were driving too fast to safely turn onto the street in front of the church. It was also the day that one of those five drivers shouted at me not to “mess with that church”. 

Considering that I had not thought the church was involved at that time, I was shocked but all that I had been experiencing up to that point made sense. Like, I have stated, I trusted those church women. 

My mistake. 

I stated in the message below I liked the idea that a Christian school had moved into that church building. However, it is too bad that they have involved themselves with the harassers who have only used them.

It is also sad that the mothers of these children still fail to accept that their children did lied to them and other people about what truly happened on my avenue and in so doing allowed the incidents to balloon into something that now require police intervention and security cameras. 

I now ask you mothers of the fore mentioned children and the other harassers to stop manipulating and inciting other people with lies created by you and your unruly children. Stop corrupting and exploiting churches that only want to help other with those lies.  

To churches to help other is God’s will and God had nothing to do with the trouble and dishonor you have brought to that church and the one before it. 

To me for people to corrupt a church is a great sacrilege and such a church as this one should be re-blessed to dispel the evil visited upon it.


This is an update to article ‘True Prophet Preaches Repentance & If a Child Never Learns How to Behave’: I thought when the last church fellowship failed to make a go of it back in early 2014 that I would never see the likes of them again. And after their departure there was some peace on our avenue. However, and in truth, I believe that in that case the members were at fault and not the preacher. His members hounded and harassed the residents on this avenue like outlaws from the old West with drive-by of multi vehicles, stalking their victims, and instead of accepting that the residents had no interest in them sought confrontation and fell in with the local thugs who had their own evil reasons for wanting to upset the residents. That was the action of this previous church. 

Now there is a new fellowship in there and they have proven to have fallen under the same evil spell as the previous church. They also have supporters/church members that are doing the same stupid things and no doubt are influenced by the same group of people that helped to cause the failure of the previous church. However there are two things that are different with this fellowship than from the last one that is disturbing.

1.      This church is also a Christian school.  They are supposed to be a fellowship influencing the minds of the youth for God's Will, and not their own;  however, 

2.      The principal and those who manage the school are a part of the new trouble on this avenue and they are condoning stalking and harassment of its residents, at least those not in this with them and the thugs. 

On the arrival of the new church I was delighted that they were here and that they taught the young. I even told them so.  Apparently, they did not believe me. However, after witnessing their harassment and being a victim of it, I am sadden that we have a true false prophet in our mist and she and her followers are influencing children by preaching to them the bible and then doing and letting them wetness them do things not of God. They obviously cannot tell good from evil. 

I tried informing her of the troubles being visited above us and our avenue, thefts,  but that was be for I discovered that she and her supporters were a party to some of the more recent troubles.  I trusted her and she has proven unworthy of it and false.

As I have been told by some long time residents of the neighborhood, this church building has seen many fellowships come and go. I believe it will see many more fail before those seeking to fellowship in it accept that who they choose to align and respect is the cause of their success or failure. 

 Am I concern they will learn of this report? Not at all because this is truly for them, and they need to know that they are walking the same Devil’s path as those that came before them.  

Related; How can I recognize a false teacher / false prophet?

Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Right To Good Service

A message to the children of the parents who have allowed their children to verbally harass, incite, and tell lies to those in the public. I am speaking of people like us who are forced by you  to listen to your children using an unknown sound system these past 12 years. This message is also for those people nearer to us and who have badly influence people with their own lies.

Stop spreading lies, and telling the lie that we will accept damaged goods. You know this is not true.
We are fed up with reporting and returning damage goods and bad food because you want your lies to cause us and the sellers nothing but unnecessary trouble.

Understand this! We do not want to receive bad merchandise, be they dry goods, clothing, furniture or food. We return all such items, which is something we would not have to do if you had not gotten people to believe your lies and do such bad things.

 You are using these merchants  for your own purposes, and you do not bother to tell them, be they online or local, that should they sell us bad goods that we will not only return them but that I write product reviews warning people of bad merchandise and the businesses that sells it..

So stop with this nonsense. One of your most recent lies has already and literally made us so food sick that we had to seek treatment. So Stop. We are entitled to good service as well as good merchandise like everyone else.

So again, stop with all these lies. You don’t see us making any effort to enter your lives. So stay out of our lives.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

A Consumer’s Alert Follow-Up! The Fight To Protest Personal Privacy Is Still An Uphill Battle

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 I wrote a consumer’s alert entitled, SCAM ALERT! Insurance Race Crimes, which informed my readers of the phone numbers of insurance scammers, so-called automated debt collectors, harassers, and just plain old malicious and unwanted callers who repeatedly call.

In addition, since originally posting that alert, the list of phone numbers has grown.  All of these callers are blocked including their extension numbers. If the calls are from individual persons seeking to harass the person that they are calling, their landlines and cell phone numbers are blocked and reported as well.

What I have also discovered since posting that first alert is that

1.      instead of using their personal phone, a individual scammer or malicious caller will try to hide their identity behind their workplace by using the company’s phone, and
2.       a group of scammers will use business names that look and sound similar to well known and respected businesses.  

My original advice still stands.  You have every right to your personal privacy that is free from harassers and callers with malicious intent.  So protect yourselves. Continue to report and block these callers.

A special message for residents of St. Petersburg, Florida, our local police department now has a program called Eagle Eye

The program’s summary according to the St. Petersburg Police Department.

Eagle Eye. is an SPPD initiative to enlist the help of community members in the fight against crime. Citizen-provided security camera footage is increasingly becoming an invaluable asset to SPPD, helping establish leads and identify suspects. By voluntarily registering your contact information with SPPD through this site, detectives will know how to reach you if a crime occurs in the vicinity of your property.”

I strongly suggest registering your security cameras in the Eagle Eye program. It may not only help you and your family when needed but your neighbor as well. 

06/02/2015 Follow-up.

Consumer Information on Robocalls

“If a company doesn't care about obeying the law, you can be sure they're trying to scam you.”


What's a Robocall?


If you answer the phone and hear a recorded message instead of a live person, it's a robocall.
You've probably gotten robocalls about candidates running for office, or charities asking for donations. These robocalls are allowed. But if the recording is a sales message and you haven't given your written permission to get calls from the company on the other end, the call is illegal. In addition to the phone calls being illegal, their pitch most likely is a scam.

What's the Reason for the Spike in Robocalls?

Technology is the answer. Companies are using autodialers that can send out thousands of phone calls every minute for an incredibly low cost. The companies that use this technology don't bother to screen for numbers on the national Do Not Call Registry. If a company doesn't care about obeying the law, you can be sure they're trying to scam you.

What's the FTC Doing About Robocalls?


Duing the last few years, the FTC has stopped billions of robocalls that offer everything from fraudulent credit card services and so-called auto warranty protection to home security systems and grant procurement programs. Tracing these calls is a tough job:

Many different companies use the same or very similar recorded messages.

Robocallers fake the caller ID information that you see on your phone. That's called caller ID spoofing — and new technology makes it very easy to do. In some cases, the fraudulent telemarketer may want you to think the call is from your bank, or another entity you've done business with. Sometimes, the telephone number may show up as "unknown" or "123456789." Other times, the number is a real one belonging to someone who has no idea his or her number is being misused.
Robocallers often place the calls through internet technology that hides their location.

What Should You Do If You Get a Robocall?

If you get a robocall:
  • Hang up the phone. Don't press 1 to speak to a live operator and don't press any other number to get your number off the list. If you respond by pressing any number, it will probably just lead to more robocalls.
  • Consider contacting your phone provider and asking them to block the number, and whether they charge for that service. Remember that telemarketers change Caller ID information easily and often, so it might not be worth paying a fee to block a number that will change.
  • Report your experience to the FTC online at or by calling 1-888-382-1222.

What Prerecorded Calls Are Allowed?


Some prerecorded messages are permitted — for example, messages that are purely informational. That means you may receive calls to let you know your flight’s been cancelled, reminders about an appointment, or messages about a delayed school opening. But the business doing the calling isn’t allowed to promote the sale of any goods or services. Prerecorded messages from a business that is contacting you to collect a debt also are permitted, but messages offering to sell you services to reduce your debt are barred.

Other exceptions include political calls and calls from certain health care providers. For example, pharmacies are permitted to use prerecorded messages to provide prescription refill reminders. Prerecorded messages from banks, telephone carriers and charities also are exempt from these rules if the banks, carriers or charities make the calls themselves.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!