Monday, December 12, 2016

New Scammers and Unwanted Caller List

12/12/2016 - Caller's number: 727-865-4364, Time: 2:22 PM.  Recording stated a survey call for the City of St. Petersburg, Florida. Discovered number belongs to a scammer. Action taken: Blocked number.

01/16/2017 - Unwanted caller 727-638-1878. Time: 12:08 PM. Probably related to the person that came and played loud music from a car off and on today in parking lot that divides Dartmouth and 38th Street. Action taken:  Blocked caller.  Boom car driver is a dark skinned black male.


01/22/2017  - Caller's number:866-419-5000, Time: 2:39 PM. Caller ID: Emergency Comm. Too many negative reports of the caller. Everything from Code Red, car jacking, hoax, scammer wanting your driver's lic. and bank numbers, flood warning, missing kids, and dangerous/wanted criminals on the loose in the area. Action taken: Blocked number.

03/10.2017 -  Caller's number:845-459-2756, Time: 11:44AM. Another scammer pretending to be a Microsoft technician.  Action taken: Blocked number.

04/08/2017 - East Indian caller's number:330-433-5039, Time:10.:58AM. Caller ID: Synchrony. Caller asked for Ruthie. Told him that he had the wrong number. He went on the say, "But Ruthie said ...". At this point I cut him off and told him again that he had the wrong number and never to call us again. After some brief research I discovered that this caller is a scammer with too many negative reports ranging from pretending with Synchrony, JC Penny', Verizon, GE, and other well known companies. Action taken: Blocked number.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Neighborhood Awareness Message: Trouble On The Avenue

10/22/2016 - off and on today there has been  at least two intruders driving around the avenue of Dartmouth and 38th Street. They were disturbing a neighbor's dog, speeding, and blowing their horns. At least one of the drivers was on a motorcycle or was driving a car with a very loud muffler.
Tonight one of them started banging on something very loudly. The police department has been notified. 

Two nights ago a strange man was walking in the alley between 5th Avenue North And Dartmouth. He was wearing a tan coat with the hood pulled over his head. He was black and walked bent slightly over, At the same time someone was playing loud music in a car that was either parked in the same alley or in  the parking lot that  divides 38th street and Dartmouth Avenue North. The police department was notified. 

It is believed that the two incidents are related. Should you see or hear this person or persons report them to the police department.

As members of crime prevention we need to be alert of what is happening to our avenue and protect it from those who are causing trouble and do not live on it.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Michelle Obama Speaking Of the Importance of Women

The two videos above are of  Michelle Obama speaking on two heartfelt issues that women should already know to be true and adhered to in their lives. 

The first video is about the shameful ways in which Trumps spoke about his views and relationships to women.  Unfortunately, Trumps views and mistreatment of women is not limited to him alone. It is a problem that women in both high and low places face from men of his type every day. Women must stand up for themselves against such open display of sexual harassment, whether it happens in public, private,  or small closed off places where it should be safe. Say "NO", and stand firm in your convictions that such behaviors from men are not acceptable.

The second video is on the importance of women getting higher education.  I am known for speaking to young people (girls and boys) about getting quality education instead of running around living wasted lives on endeavors and people that derail their lives, and although some people have objected to my views, many young people have come around to the same belief.

Don't second guess your life.  

Don’t sit around waiting for the "situation to be the way you want it". 

It might never be the way you want it.  

Don't wait for your peers and/or distractors to approve or like you.

It is your life, not theirs. 

Finally, get up and get your education.

Be advised: this third video is not for children nor the immature. In this video is the video in which Lady Obama is referring to and where Trump speaking about women. In this video Trump's distorted perceptions and handling of women is very self incriminating. Be advised: this third video is not for children not the mature

Related: Michelle Obama slams Donald Trump for ‘bragging’ about sexual assault
Anderson Cooper told Trump ‘That is sexual assault.’ The Justice Department agrees.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Prowlers Alerts, Down Street Lights & Would-Be-Robbers

As the people on my avenue are aware the street lights on the entire block are out because of storm damage. However, what some might not know is the Jay and his sister, and probably other thugs of their association are prowling the block between the hours of 3:45 A.M. and 5:45 A.M.  Furthermore, Jay and his sister do not think I know their voices, but I know them well. I am better with voices than with names. I also know that they are not alone in their harassment.

They are taking advantage of the fact that the street lights are out to harass me when I sit out on my porch to drink coffee. They are also banging on the metal trash bends in the alley behind us. The police department has been called this morning because our alarms was set off.  The police department has been called nearly every morning this week because of these thugs prowling about on the darken street and alley. On two previous occasions, people associated with them have been caught up on the power and the cable lines to disrupt service. Each time was at night.

In addition, there has been too much attention to my back entrance. However, let me assure the would-be-robbers. There are cameras throughout the house, and the first attempt failed at robbery and was reported. Your interest in where our cameras are and what is in our house as well as mail has also been reported. In addition, you should not questioned people who do enter our house about our security system.  What we do, where we go, how long we are gone, what we buy, and what is in our home is not your business. Just know that our security system exist and that we as well as the police department are of aware of your intents.

It should also be noted that the same cars the thugs drive to harass during the day are the same ones we see at night.

Here is the excuse I overheard one harasser (a staff member of King/Queen Christian School) tell someone was the reason for them harassing me. "She put it online."  

She meant my informing the community of the bad things she and the other troublemakers are doing to upset good people lives.

She is dead wrong, I post and have always posted their bad doings online BECAUSE IT IS WHAT THEY HAVE DONE AND STILL DOING TO PEOPLE, AND THE COMMUNITY SHOULD BE AWARE IN ORDER TO PROTEST THEMSELVES FROM HARM. This is and has always been the true purpose of the Constituent. 

As the description under the title of the blog states:

What is ‘The Constituent”? It is a page to post some of today’s pressing issues, such as product review, health, education, careers, and to inform people of crime with the intent of preventing further crimes. ‘The Constituent’ is not to be used as a source for individuals to gain information to cause harm to me or other persons. This is a public blog and is intended for readers 21 and over. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STORNGLY ADVISED!

 Be aware that the troublemakers have done this to others,  and that we are not alone in these incidents. As stated above, my posting of their crimes is no invitation to do more crime. That is crazy thinking. To do so on the lame excuse of "she posted it" is ludicrous and clearly a disregard for other people and the laws.

And, I ask again. Why so much objection of security cameras? What is happening on our avenue that they do not want us to know or witness?

We have contacted the power company and they have informed us that the street lights will be in operation within 10 days.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!