10/22/2016 - off and on today there has been at least two intruders driving around the avenue of Dartmouth and 38th Street. They were disturbing a neighbor's dog, speeding, and blowing their horns. At least one of the drivers was on a motorcycle or was driving a car with a very loud muffler.
Tonight one of them started banging on something very
loudly. The police department has been notified.
Two nights ago a strange man was walking in the alley
between 5th Avenue North And Dartmouth. He was wearing a tan coat with the hood
pulled over his head. He was black and walked bent slightly over, At the same
time someone was playing loud music in a car that was either parked in the same
alley or in the parking lot that divides 38th street and Dartmouth Avenue
North. The police department was notified.
It is believed that the two incidents are related. Should
you see or hear this person or persons report them to the police department.
As members of crime prevention we need to be alert of what
is happening to our avenue and protect it from those who are causing trouble
and do not live on it.