Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The True Intentions of the Widescreen Network News

Widescreen Network News is a community website, and it was born out of many years of being a witness of and a victim of harassment, slander, and other crimes caused by people with  criminal mentalities and behaviors.  In short, Widescreen Network News  was born because of crimes committed by people with low morals and no respect for anything nor anyone outside of their own ugly and greedy motives.

At first, this website was intended to be a portal for people on my avenue to share information helpful to keeping our homes safe and hopefully prevent additional crime by making the other residents living  on it aware of the crimes in our immediate area and the potential risk of further crimes.  However, a group of  criminal minded people changed the scope of it today. There is no need to lists the crimes. We all know of them, but we are not all aware of when they are occurring, because we are not openly sharing what we know or the experiences that could be important to preventing a neighbor from becoming a victim of the same crime or similar crimes. Unlike some people who group together to share information or give out misinformation to mislead people while excluding other residents,  Widescreen Network News is for all the residents.

It is a fact, that there are people living and working in this community who are not as civic minded as others, and these people have attempted to stop the good residents by harassment, thief, and bodily harm, because they do not want the civic minded residents of the community to talk and be aware of what is really happening around them. However, it will be through the sharing of information  with  each neighbor which can be helpful in keeping the streets and homes peaceful, such as, when someone in a white sedan attempts to run a neighbor over, and  mail and garage thieves are casing the area during times when home deliveries are occurring, or illegal drugs are being sold and residents threaten because of it. All true and recent incidents. Then sharing this information with everyone could prevent such crimes from being repeated and perhaps help catch the criminals. 

Yes, the bad people are reading this website  too, and it is unavoidable, but this is good because they know and will know that everyone is aware of them and of what they are doing. 

Emailing 'Widescreen Network News'  at widescreennetworknews@gmail is a voluntary act for the brave ones in our community who want it to be more peaceful than its has been of late. As stated above,  there is no need to signup and all messages can be anonymous. However, all messages that are posted must be factual. Otherwise they are useless to people attempting to safeguard their person and homes.   

I want to thank King/Queen Christian School and their cohorts for changing the demographic of  Widescreen Network News to include the entire community by having their cohorts attempt to harass and threaten  me after they became aware of what this website true intent is for this community.  

Cameras don;t lie, people do.

Cards with this email address shall also be given out to help people become aware of this website as a known portal for informing our neighbors of potential crime, as well as a means to share information that prevents further crime through open awareness. The cards will state:

"Got news that's helpful to the community? Email it here, No names nor sign-up are required as long as the information helps the residents of this community protect it and is true."

As always report all crimes to the police department first.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!