Monday, December 10, 2018

These criminal families are s_it!

Well it would appear that "tis is the season" for some people to attempt to scam others. Twice in one week this has happened to me. Both times, I knew that those family that sold illegal drugs and sent their women to sleep with my husband for money were behind these new attacks. Attacks that were not only online and by mail, but physical as well.

These families lies and say that I am to bland as to what happened to them. This is not true, they, their lifestyle and their criminal treatment and disregard of other people is the cause. All I did was warn people about them by what they have done to me and my family as a result of the greed. Yes greed. These are people that prey on others. They believe they can steal, lies about and physically hurt others people and that those people should not seek justice. We their victims should not tell other about them or their crimes. 
That we their victims should not seek to stop them. How sick are they people, have they used too much of their own illegal products that they truly believe that we their have no legal right to fight them, or that we should just lay down let them continue steal, lies, and physically harm us without saying anything, without said Enough! Without saying  Stop! Without seep legal justice!

Sorry but I do not see it their way and will continues to seek legal justice to stop as they have no decency to stop while they still have a life and family that needs them more then this sorry excuse for revenge against people who see them as they are and have been hurt by them.

No people need to know that these criminal families are bad and they should protect them from any crime they attempt to do.

To date, they have infiltrated my doctor and infected their staff with lies. They had people mess my electricity, cable and internet.  They drive in front of our bedrooms windows playing music so loud we hear the lyrics both during the day and at night. They lies to people of other races and has they to commit crimes as well.

They even have one of their own to infect physical harm on my arm to which I still under doctor care for.
And their want to tell people it is my fault the that family member got fired, and not accepting she brought her firing on herself for damaging my arm.

These criminal families are crazy and I still said to people beware of them because they only care themselves, will use you, and turn on your as well. Thereby, making you an addition victim.
They followed me from St Pete to Largo and back again. They no sense that all this happened because of the way they are and that it is never their victims fault.


Thursday, February 15, 2018



Like the others these callers are harassers, and scammers,which are filling my Call block app. I want to keep them as the numbers begins to row over past the alloted amount of number that an be block before yo have to remove some of them.

(513) 576-5760    
(515) 576-5760    
(612) 435-8142    
(706) 635-7555    
(706) 745-0757    
(727) 469-8811    
(727) 494-7281    
(727) 641-7515    
(800) 288-4545    
(877) 609-5704    
(800) 609-5704    
(917) 576-6373

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

We Of The "Me" Group Say, "We Do It For Ourselves, And Not For A Him!

Hello Darlings,

It has comes to my attention, after leaving a couple of professional offices because of questionable and uncomfortable situations with the staff, that the problem for that mistreatment is due to two reasons. The first, the troublemakers from St. Petersburg came here to Largo, and poisoned the minds of these people because I was new and they did not know me. 

The troublemakers I speak of are the people who ran the now failed King/Queen Christian School. They and a few residents on Dartmouth Avenue were responsible for keeping avenue and the neighborhood in turmoil. What did they want. The property that other people were living in. Now that their school close, they want to bland me for its failure, while at the same time, blinding themselves to the fact that they were the only caused for it.

What occurred was that some members of King/Queen Christian School (we assumed they were teachers, but we don’t know be sure)  allowed a group of kids in their charge to call me a lady of ill repute (not the exact wording) as I was on a daily walk that took me pass the school in the mornings. This childish lie came from mouths of the young minds that they were supposed to be educating for a brighter future to ensure their tomorrows. What happened was that children were corrupted and learned nothing of value from that school. In addition, because, the school refused to take responsibly for leading those children to say such an awful thing,  I have had to defend myself repeatedly since the incident occurred, and I still have the security recording with their voices saying that whore repeatedly on it.  They never apologized. Instead they overturned a neighborhood.

Yes, I know they came up here and poisoned the minds some people here in Largo. They did it only because they did not want people to know that I am not a bad woman they have tried to make others believe. However, their attempting to hurt me is such a childish way, only shows what type of people they are and nothing truly about me.

The second reason, and this is more disturbing deals with the question of my finances, which is no one's business but my husband and myself. This was brought about because some women noticed that I dressed nicely just to go on routine errands. I paid them no minds and ran my errands as usual.

However, recently, I came to this conclusion after I was told by another woman that some woman dress nicely attract professional men.

I found her statement confusing as I had no interest in such things or behavior. Grant it. There are women that do this kind of thing. They are women looking for attention because they are either lonely, or predictors looking for attention in the wrong places and for the wrong reasons. I am neither of these women.

However. and thank god, there are  women dress who dress as I do for simple and common sense reasons. 1. many, many women professions in offices dictates dressing nicely.  Their either wear business suits or nice dresses that can be worn on the job or an evening out.  I was lucky enough to be one of these women.

Then there are those of us who are in a third group, an entirely difference  group of women, called the "Me" group. Motto "I Do It For Me." I am a part of this group as well, and we dress the way we do for ourselves, and NOT FOR A HIM.  We like to looking nice and as opened minded women, we see absolutely no reason way we should dress like hags to please someone else's perception of what we the "Me" group should be dressing like.

Wake up ladies. Should my dressing nicely set up you, make you jealous, or question where the money coming from ti  dress my way, perhaps you needs learn how to shop, open your minds, or simply turn your attentions elsewhere.

Because Dearies,  I, and I do mean I, … DRESS FOR ME. Therefore, I have ABSOLUTELY NO INTERESTING in dressing for a HIM.

Not only that! I have a HIM to whom I drag around town with me on occasions. He is my Mr. Grumpy, and we have been married nearly 40 years.

In conclusion, I enjoy being among the open minded "Me" group, and  I neither need another HIM nor want someone else's HIM.



P.S. I am truly surprise at the number of base thinking people who were involved in attempting to damage my reputation. Let's turn our minds to higher thinking.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

I don’t lie, It's Just More Sh_t

Well, it appears that it is a regular things to harass people in any sneaky  means impossible. Today, I went to Winn-Dixie, and being on alerts for retaliation from the people here, unfortunately, I was not disappointed.

This harassment came in the form of music that where the singer song of things that had happened in his life, and happens in many people lives. However, knowing the sneakiness of troublemakers, I knew the music was directed at me.

Well. No biggy it been done before, and it does not cause any embarrassment because shit like this happen to people.

However, I did not lie about what my old neighbors did nor the fact that at least one of them came all the way from St. Pete to Largo to cause all this upset. What one of my downstairs neighbors (1801) has done was a new twist because I have never had to deal with people who does like the sold of Asian entertainment , and the nerve tell me that they did not like "Rice".

Not being use to such sly racism I did not catch on at first. However, when I understood. My thoughts were and bad too. The wall are thin and some have holes, get use to it.  The other neighbors (1802) had someone go to my Asian neighbors to discover what I am watching and why. However, I could have asked me and I would have told them simply. "I like it", and to "stop beat on their walls or ceiling" wherever they hear me watching.  They also agreed to allow a gardener to start do some harassment as well. Like I said, the walls are thins, and one must be careful of what one say when the doors and windows are opened.

The yet other neighbor (1809) , a black woman, really got in good with the troublemaker from St. Pete and started parading about men that favored the womanizing men I rejected in St. Pete years ago.

What is the worst is that one of them spoke with some in my new doctors office and suddenly, I having troubling by mistreatment.

What troubled me the most is that one medical office, took my debit card number and placed it in her computer. Had I not notice her doing it, I never would have known that she had done. When I asked her what she was doing with my card. She stated, "They wanted It" without telling me who "they" were or why.

I didn't this. Therefore, after some research I discovered that no doctor or medical group can take a patient credit card, debit card, checking account information, etc without getting prior consent from the patient. Such practices generally  is done with patients without insurance. I do have insurance and my consent was not granted, so I cancelled to card.  Had I been asked if they could store my debit information the answer would have been understandably, "no". This inference in my medical treatment is an unforgivable act my neighbors.

As for the troublemakers from St. Pete who came here to spread whatever tales they wanted to my new neighbors, they are trying their best to cause a racial instance.

They first tried it with other blacks. When that failed they tried it with whites. From there East Indians. Now they are attempting to use the Hispanic, who has involved the Asian just because they don't like heard Asian entertainment.
These attempt at causing racial instances are ridiculous, and is more telling the blacks troublemakers that inciting the other races than those races. Racism is no crime, act on the emotion of racism is a crime, a federal at that.  

I wonder what racial group these troublemaker s will try to incite next.  It is a sad state on being, but people filled with unjustified hatred don’t see or act clearly.

I almost forgot. We have had some thief of kitchen and  personal items. We changed the locks.


What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!