Saturday, November 18, 2006

War Against Neighborhood Crimes

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


In the war against drugs in our neighborhood, it takes more than being aware of the fact that there are illegal drug sales going on our streets. It also takes the actions of every responsible and civic mined resident who genuinely wants to help put an end to the illegal sale of the drugs and the crimes that are associated with them. Even if it means sending the people who are selling and/or using the drugs to jail, we as residents of this neighborhood should not depend on one or two individuals to help keep our streets and avenues drug free. We each have a responsibility to notify the proper authorities when certain activities strongly suggest and/or are witnessed as the sale of drugs. To do otherwise is the same as consenting to allow the crimes with full knowledge that those who commit such illegal activities are slapping us and the the laws that protect us from such crimes in the face. 


I bring this matter to the forefront because for the past week or more, I have heard an increase in the amount public disturbance of the peace. This disturbance  have taken the form of the gunning of cars engines, playing loud music from cars in home parking lots, allowing youths to shout obscene comments as they pass by or drive by  on the street and from the doorways of their homes.  


At least three homes on this avenues  (two that are on my street ) are still actively flaunting their contempt of the laws openly, and if my guess is right they are still trying to manipulate it and those still unaware of their history in illegal drugs. They are still committing these and other crimes, which in the past has included intimidation of their neighbors, destruction of property, inciting others to stalk and/or attempt to harm and threaten the innocents. Their activities have also extended to the delinquency of minors by influencing them into committing crimes in their stead. They are also known to harm and maimed their neighbors’ pets.


Because my life have become busier in the last couple years, I may not see all that is occurring out there on our streets and avenues as I once did, but there is no reason for any other resident to ignore the lawlessness that is only rising because it is being allowed. 


I have stated more than once in earlier entries that those who want control of our streets and avenues will try anything to undermine those who oppose them as well as those in our law enforcement system. I also stated that those who disturb our streets and sell the illegal drugs are a mean and dangerous lot, and they would only become meaner if we, ordinarily responsible residents and citizens, allow them that control.


It simply boiled down to making a call to crime stoppers, 911, our community police officer and/or The St. Petersburg Police Department’s Vice and Narcotics Unit. You can find some of those links on this blog. 


Stay alert and active in preserving the streets and avenues of our neighborhoods. The recent drug bust of 20 drug dealers in the Child’s Park is proof enough that we too can stop these crimes. However, to achieve this, it will take more than one person or family, it will take every civic mined person who walks these streets, drives thorough these avenues, and lives within our blocks.




Evelyn out.

Governor elect Charlie Crist on Attorney General Elect Charlie Crist

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


The following is an excerpt from this week’s news release from the Office of the Attorney General Charlie Crist. The excerpt features Charlie Crist’s confidences in passing of the reins of the Office of the Attorney General to Attorney General Elect Bill McCollum in January 2007.




Message from Attorney General Charlie Crist

This week, as our nation and our state began to adjust to the many
changes facing us in the days ahead, our office took the first steps
towards transitioning into new administrations. This office is no
exception.  I am pleased that the people of Florida will be
represented in the Attorney General’s Office by a highly capable
leader such as Attorney General-elect Bill McCollum.

I have known Bill McCollum for many years and consider him a friend.
Not only has he shown tremendous dedication by serving our country for
more than 20 years as an officer in the Naval Reserve’s Judge Advocate
General (JAG) Corps, he also represented the people Central Florida
for 20 years as a member of the United States Congress.

Attorney General-elect McCollum’s priorities as a U.S. representative
were evident - he believed that keeping our families safe was the most
important task he and his colleagues in the House of Representatives
could undertake. In 1989, he founded the House Task Force on Terrorism
and Unconventional Warfare and served on the Intelligence Committee.
He made it clear that he would accept nothing less than the best
safety and security our nation could offer.

This week, General-elect McCollum held an agency-wide conference call
to introduce himself to the staff of the Attorney General’s Office.
During the call, he congratulated the staff on their hard work and
good reputation and expressed his pleasure at coming on board with
such a talented group of individuals.

As Florida’s new Attorney General, Bill McCollum intends to continue
his emphasis on keeping Florida’s children and families safe and
secure. The Attorney General’s Child Predator CyberCrime Unit has
made monumental efforts in the fight against the sexual exploitation
of children and Attorney General-elect McCollum will continue to
champion the mission of that unit, which netted yet another arrest
this week.

As my administration as Attorney General draws to a close, I feel
confident that Bill McCollum will do an outstanding job for the people
of Florida.  Please join me in wishing him well as the new Attorney
General of Florida.

Charlie Crist



Evelyn Out.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

St. Petersburg Police Department’s Vice and Narcotics Unit Drug Bust 20

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

As many of my readers know, I am an advocate against the sell, use, and transport of illegal dugs in America, and that I have been trying to keep certain families from engaging in the practice here on our avenue. I must admit that I have seen some changes, and that there appears to be more awareness of the problems here. I have come to believe there are more residents attempting to keep the drug traffic off our streets.

To show the seriousness and non-tolerance level of the St. Petersburg Police Department’s Vice and Narcotics Unit in stopping the drug trade in our city, the following link leads a November 4, 2006 news release that tells of the arrests and charges of twenty drug dealers from the Child’s Park area.

Evelyn Out.

The Shawna Farina Story

Hello Again,

On Sunday Noember 12, 2006, 8 PM.  ET/7 PM. CT,  the cast and crew of ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition along with Relay For Life volunteer: The American Cancer Society will go to St. Meinrad, Indiana and will rebuild the home of Shawna Farina. Shawna is a cancer survivor, and her increditable story and the of the story of a community that supported her will be told nationwide during the reality series Sunday evening broadcast.

A Message from Attorney General Charlie Crist

Hello Everone,

Evelyn Here,

On November 9, 2006, Attorney Charlies Crist issue to followoing message in his weekly News Release  - Volume 4, Issue 45.

A Message from Attorney General Charlie Crist

Two days ago, almost 5 million of our fellow Floridians exercised the
greatest gift of democracy when they went to the polls and voted. Now,
we should all take a moment to remember those who preserved that right
to vote, and all of our cherished rights, by serving in our nation’s

Saturday is Veterans Day, and we must never allow this special
occasion to become just another three-day weekend. We must always
preserve the special feelings that led to it becoming a holiday in the
first place. After all, where would we be if not for the brave men and
women of the United States military who have preserved and protected
our rights for more than two centuries?

The dedication and sacrifice of our nation’s military personnel
never be taken for granted. This is especially so in Florida, which is
home to the second-largest population of military veterans in the

Almost 2 million of our neighbors are military veterans, and close to
one in ten of them retired here after serving a full military career.
No matter where they served or what their role, each one of these
American heroes played a role in keeping us free, and each one of them
deserves our thanks and our respect.

That’s what Veterans Day is all about.

It is also about the special young men and women currently serving in
the military, who will soon join the ranks of the veterans we salute
this weekend. Many of those now participating in the global war on
terrorism are National Guard members who never expected to be deployed
to combat zones, yet they willingly do their part to ensure the
freedoms of those of us back home.

More than 10,000 Floridians serve in the Florida Army National Guard,
and another 2,000 serve in the Air National Guard. Three-fourths of
these courageous young Floridians have participated in the global war
on terrorism, and right now more than 1,000 of them are playing
important roles in this vital cause.

For those overseas, what could be more fitting than to return home on
the day reserved for those who served? For more than 150 members of
the Florida National Guard’s 652nd Military Police Company, that
special moment will arrive on Saturday - Veterans Day - when they
return to Plant City following a one-year tour of duty in Iraq.

For that group of soldiers and their families, Saturday will take on a
special meaning. For those who served earlier in our nation’s
military, November 11 already had a special meaning.

And for all of us who cherish the freedoms they fought to protect,
Veterans Day will always be one of the most special days of the year.
We salute the brave men and women who have served our nation through
military service, and wish them the best as we honor their dedication
and service on this weekend reserved for them.

Charlie Crist


Charlie Crist Wins Governor's Florida's State Election!

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

When things go right in the office, things go superbly right. Governor Jeb Bush has appointed Melissa Underwood to the Sixth Judicial Circuit Judicial Nominating Committee.

Congratulation, Melissa!

As many of you know, Attorney General Charlie Crist won in the November 7, 2006 election for Governor of the State of Florida. His first term as governor will begin in January of 2007. Having met Mr. Crist several times when he visited our office, I know him to be a likeability person, a dedicated pubic official, and that he and that all the state offices under his leadership have achieved many great things during his terms as Attorney General.

I believe that Mr. Crist will do well as governor of the state Florida. 

Congratulation, Mr. Crist!

Additional congratulations to goes to Bill McCollum for winning the seat as the new Attorney General for the State of Florida. On Thursday, November 10, 1006 and during his first state wide conference call to us, Mr. McCollum promises to bring about positive changes during his term.

Personal commit:  Mr. McCollum, it was, still is, and always will be “Pipe Dreams” that has built and will keeps our country going.

Congratulation, Mr. McCollum!

The photo above was taken by Times photographer, Scott Keeler.

Evelyn out.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Hello Everyone,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Evelyn Here,

Time for a little plain talk. You know, I always find it pleasing and interesting to know that I have developed a fan base or at least a strong readership. However, I wish to speak to one women I met this evening in my church’s parking lot. 


I understood you, and I am very glad that you are a reader of my work. However, (and this is a bogy with me) do not continue spy, eavesdrop, interfere or to stalk me. This behavior is not only rude, but against the law. 

So read as much as you want, but keep your distance, to which very, very far and away from me. 


Evelyn Out!


Hello Everyone,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Evelyn Here,

Time for a little plain talk. You know, I always find it pleasing and interesting to know that I have developed a fan base or at least a strong readership. However, I wish to speak to one women I met this evening in my church’s parking lot. 


I understood you, and I am very glad that you are a reader of my work. However, (and this is a bogy with me) do not continue spy, eavesdrop, interfere or to stalk me. This behavior is not only rude, but against the law. 

So read as much as you want, but keep your distance, to which very, very far and away from me. 


Evelyn Out!


Hello Everyone,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Evelyn Here,

Time for a little plain talk. You know, I always find it pleasing and interesting to know that I have developed a fan base or at least a strong readership. However, I wish to speak to one women I met this evening in my church’s parking lot. 


I understood you, and I am very glad that you are a reader of my work. However, (and this is a bogy with me) do not continue spy, eavesdrop, interfere or to stalk me. This behavior is not only rude, but against the law. 

So read as much as you want, but keep your distance, to which very, very far and away from me. 


Evelyn Out!


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Time for a little plain talk. You know, I always find it pleasing and interesting to know that I have developed a fan base or at least a strong readership. However, I wish to speak to one women I met this evening in my church’s parking lot. 


I understood you, and I am very glad that you are a reader of my work. However, (and this is a bogy with me) do not continue spy, eavesdrop, interfere or to stalk me. This behavior is not only rude, but against the law. 

So read as much as you want, but keep your distance, which is very, very far and away from me. 


Evelyn Out!

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

"Surfing on a Wednesday's Afternoon."

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Yeah, I know the real lyrics, but I have just been enjoying surfing the net for whatever interests me. I am in a great mood and things appear to turning in a positive direction for me. I have spent a lot of creative time working on the BTCC site. If you have not ventured there, the link is posted on this site. I enjoy working on the site just  as I do this blog.

Above is a collage I made earlier this evening. I was on one of my favorite Xena sites, and I posted a topic about who could replace actor Kevin Smith, who played Ares on the series, if a Xena movie was done. As all Xenites know, Kevin died of injuries he sustained in a fall in February of 2002. His death rocks the world of Xenites hard, and he is still missed. Kevin was 38 years old at the time of his death, and his acting career was just beginning to bloom here in the USA.

Anyway, I was greatly impressed by some of the responses I got back. I had asked for photos of the actors that were considered as possible "Ares" replacements. The photos that intrigued me the most were of Tom Welling (Smallville) and Peter Reckell (Days of Our Lives). My preference among these two Kevin Smith look-alikes was Peter Reckell, but I had to agree that look were not everything and that chemistry and the ability to make us believe that he was Ares has a great deal with the role.

It is getting late, so I will leave you now. By the way, ‘The Women Within” officially became a year old on November 5, 2006, and it is still going strong

Evelyn Out!

Friday, November 3, 2006

One Night with The King - The Story of Esther

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Last Tuesday evening I went the movies with a friend to see the movie “One night With the King", which is based on the biblical story of Esther and King Xerxes/Ahasuerus. the movie tells a beautiful story of the a n intelligent young Jewish woman, Hadassah, with a free-spirit who is caught up in the political intrigue and a 500 year old grudge that threatens to destroy her, her people and Xerxes' kingdom.

On the advice of her uncle, Mordecai, Hadassah changes her name to Esther. Her story begins when she and hundreds of youth women throughout the kingdom are brought to Xerxes' palace to train as candidates for new queen of the land. Xerxes dismissed his first queen, Vashti, for not coming to a political feast. Her presences would have meant a show of unity in the kingdom in front of the other princes and consulates. According to the bible, after refusing to come to the feast several times an ancient law was provokes that resulted Vashti losing her status as queen and sent to lands unknown but where men were despised.

Esther is trained alongside all the other candidates and becomes popular among them. However, unlike the others, she does not change as a person. she is her own woman. whereas some  women  put on airs they never possessed before, show signs of selfishness and greed, or simply faint away at their first sight of the king. Esther does none of this and is so unpretentious and witty that King Xerxes falls in love with her at their first meeting. 

The story get more involved, and an ancient race of people bent on settling a 500 year grudge bring Esther and Xerxes’ love more to the surface. The movie ends with this determine young woman saving the king, the kingdom, and her people by defying age old traditions, which states that no woman under any circumstances shall enter the presences of the king without being first summoned. The penalty for such as act was immediate unquestionable death.

As with other religious based movie released in the last three  to five years, I have enjoyed this one, and I was surprised that it was not given better promotional reviews like the “Passion of Christ”. While “One Night With The King” does not have Mel Gibson as director and producer, the movie has all the spiritual elements that not only unified a nation but can empower woman of today.. The Book of Esther is a great biblical story, and Esther is a great role model for women throughout the ages.

This version of the Book of Esther is adapted from the book, Hadassah: One Night with the King” by authors Tommy Tenney and Mark Andrew Olsen.

The movie has a PG rating for violence, very mild sensuality, and some of its thematic elements. Its moral rating is Excellent!

The cast includes Peter O’Toole (Samuel), Tiffany Dupont (Esther), James Callis (Haman), John Rhys-Davies (Mordecai), Omar Sharif (Prince Memucan), Luke Goss (Xerxes), John Noble (Prince Admantha), Tommy Lister (Hegai)

Director: Michael O. Sable

Producers: Gener8Xion Entertainment / Marilyn Beauties, Stephan Blink, Richard J. Cook, Matthew Crouch, Wendi Lampas, Lawrence Mort Orff, and John Nelson

"One Night With The King" released on October 13, 2006.

This is a “must see” movie for the Christian community.


The Proclaim

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Athough, I have not posted anything lately, I have not been idle.  I have been tied up with out youth group and its website t which I am the moderator. Though the site is site in it infanty, I am adding the direct below.

I have enjoyed modifying the site and of those who have been following this blog, they will recognize my handy and graphics art. I am happy with the results to date. 

In closing I am also posting a testimony that I never got to do the ways in which I wanted to for a youth group proclaim.  I think it expresses my feelings on the issue of God, brotherhood/sisterhood, and where I am in Christ today. 


I. Read Matthew 25: 31-46 - Sheep and The Goats. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


The Testimony (Proclaim)


Are we faithful like the sheep or ornery like the goats in our relationship with Christ? This week, we were asked to feed Jesus in different ways. Although I did not feed Him with money or actually food, I fed his by opening a door for the reconciliation in a possible explosive relationship with “a person” who saw me as the “enemy” because of my sense of “what is right and just”.


I said something kind and from the heart to her. I felt that I was not met with resistance from this person. I felt thankfully, and thought that was ended it. However, as we were leaving work the next evening this person stopped long enough to wish me a good evening. It was a returned kindness. How beautiful after a couple of months of both baiting and back biting on her part or silence on my part. I was surprised and overwhelmed with the feeling of Jesus presence and love for what had transpired from those two brief encounters.


So did I feed Jesus this week? Yes, it was an unintentional act, and I did it by being honest and letting humility replace my fears. In short, I symbolically kneaded before my sister in Christ and in the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ took the first step – a self sacrifice- that unlocked our chains of fear and pain.


II.                  Roman 8: 14-17


            “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children

                of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall

                back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption.

                When we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’ it is that very Spirit bearing

                witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if

                children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with

                Christ—if, in fact, we suffer with Him so that we may also

                be glorified with Him.”


As we, you and I, are part of the family of God so is the person to whom I opened up too. She, like me, failed in the sight of Jesus, but she, like me, being of His family reached out to the other and climbed back up again. We are all children of God, and as part of His adopted family we do the will of our Father by setting side for all times the anger and petty jealousies that separate us from Him.


How do we do this? The answer is in the Beatitudes. Love vs. Fear


I recognized that it was my failings of pride and anger and just being poor in spirit was blocking me from seeing her as one of God chosen. My fear was blocking any show of forgiveness and mercy, which is the love from Our Father. In order to breach my angst and stubbornness- self-sacrifice- was the only way. No other person could make us mend our differences and any outside attempt to force us to by another would have only created more resentment. We have to do it – ourselves - and as a child of Christ, who accepted Him ways, I took the first step towards peace and found her open for it.




I had the see her as I saw myself from the perspective of one who knows first hand what it is to be treated with disrespect, lacking intelligence, and to suffer and survive the anguish from being the victim of abuse. Having been treated as a person of little or no value, I was unwilling to treat other as lesser than myself. My personal experiences in irreverence opened my eyes to the valve of this woman – this sister in Christ. In those moments, I loved her as I love myself and as God loves us both. I understood her struggle as one of Christ chosen was just as great if not greater than mine. Was I motivation selfish? A little, but it was not completely self serving. It is clear to me now that neither of us wanted the situation to continue. I mean, who really wants the stress of fighting day after day.


                Verses 10-11 in First John make this all to clear.



I John 4:10-11:


                “In this is love, not that we loved

                God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the

                atoning sacrifice for our sins. Beloved, since God

                loved us so much, we also ought to love one another.”



Conclude by reading the story of Heaven and Hell’s Banquet.


When I reviewed this, proclaim yesterday, I was totally surprise when I saw Saint Joan de Arc name listed in today’s program. I thought to myself “I was meant to do this proclaim”, and I believe this because Joan is my confirmation name. I have always felt a great adoration for this saint because she gave of herself fearlessly in the name God and for the love of God. Therefore, I would like us to read this prayer to her.



Prayer to St. Joan of Arc


For Faith


In the face of your enemies, in the face of harassment, ridicule, and doubt, you held firm in your faith. Even in your abandonment, alone and withoutfriends, you held firm in your faith. Even as you faced your own mortality, you held firm in your faith. I pray that I may be as bold in my beliefs as you, St. Joan. I ask that you ride alongside me in my own battles. Help me be mindful that what is worthwhile can be won when I persist. Help me hold firm in my faith. Help me believe in my ability to act well and wisely. Amen.




Unfortunately I am also in that discovery phase where I recognize those who are struggling with their owe notion of brotherhood/sisterhood in Christ. When I am close that such a person it hurt to see their struggle ad know that sometimes the do not even know that they are struggling, especially when they hurt another.


Evelyn Out!




What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!