Saturday, December 23, 2006

Afro-Americans: The Continous Struggle and The Shame of a Race

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


We live in a sociality where centuries of battles for freedom,  civil rights’ and equality to do even the simple things like ride in the front of a bus, attend whatever college and/or university of one’s choice, or to pursue a descent living and work in a safe work place should have brought more unity among Afro-Americans as a race. Where there is unity there is growth, and not just in number. Where there is unity there intellectual enlightenment and purpose. Where there is unity there is prosperity.


Instead, some of members of the Afro-Americans community in which I now live really surprise me by overshadowing all that is good about being an Afro-American with their corrosive corruption. I find myself constantly appalled by the behavior some of Afro-Americans in my neighborhood. More importantly, the outlandish behavior of those who occupy several houses on my avenue where their illegal drugs and other crimes has brought disgrace to Afro-Americans, like me, who still struggle daily against some lingering and warped forms of racial and social bias placed on us simply because our skin is naturally tan and more so of late. Yet, uncaringly these so called ‘good neighbors’  have succeed in bringing insult and shame to memory of centuries of Afro-American Path Breakers. The free blacks and those whites who supported and fought alongside them against the injustices of slavery and social oppression of ex-slaves can feel the lash of today’s willful and self-destructive black hatemongers.


The path breakers of yester-year suffered torture, mutilations, hanging and other forms of unjust incarceration and murder so that- and here is the kicker- these, and by now we all know of whom I speak, so called righteous free Afro-Americans of today, could act “the fools”. The results being that they besmirch those of us who are struggling against the stereotyping and social bias caused by the spread of their ignorance, poor self-image, and jealousies of other Afro-Americans success and repeated criminal behavior. Behaviors that thrust their deplorable actions into the limelight while those of us who want real change and are willing to take the right steps to make those changes happen go unnoticed or have our motives made suspect.


Excuse me, but ignorance is NOT always blest!


These are very strong words and very strong charges; however, I must speak out when I witness active hatred enacted and taught to the young. This is what I witnessed last Thursday as I left to attend a meeting and returned from that meeting. I saw a male black adult bring a child of the age of three or four outdoors and have that child make hatful comments.


All children of that age are very impressionable, and they are only stating what he/she was told to say. Some children do it for approval and/or for an award of some type. However, a child of this age, who is being poorly influenced by an irresponsible lout of a parent, older sibling and/or other guardian, can be considered blameless until such thoughts are rooted with understanding. However, the parent, the older sibling, and/or the guardian are never blameless and should be considered a menace to the developmental and emotional well-being of the younger child.


The teaching of hate is not a form of recreation or some other play activity to pass the time, and it should never be minimized and ignored as something that if let alone will simply “go away”. When one teaches to another hate – they in affect setup a cycle of sadness and pain for themselves that is repeated through their young.


Evelyn out!


What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!