Saturday, December 30, 2006

Farewell Attorney General – Hello Governor!

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


This Tuesday, January 02, 2007, we the people of the State of Florida will welcome our new governor, Charlie Crist. On this same day, we will extend our greetings to Bill McCollum as our new Attorney General. During my employment in the office of the General Attorney, I came know Charlie Crist, and I have grown to like the man and his politic.


Through his weekly News Briefs, I have had the rare opportunity to follow what he had achieved for the people of Florida in his four year as General Attorney. It has been through his news briefs that I have been able to share with you many invaluable and often first hand news releases. Many of these news releases related to problems and issues on our streets and in our neighborhoods today.


Mr. Crist’s words and actions to protect the people of this state has brought home a message that we all needed to hear, and that is - we, the people, do have the means to change things for the betterment of our communities and ourselves. And, that we can changes things by making decisions that help make our voices count for more than destructive noise.


In the following news briefs, Charlie Crist is addressing the people of Florida as our Attorney General one last time. He will be missed in our office, but we, who voted for him, are confident that we have elected a great governor.



Attorney General's News Briefs



Message from Attorney General Charlie Crist

This is my 197th weekly newsletter, and the last I will write as
Attorney General. In just four days, I will place my left hand on the
Bible and take the oath to become Florida’s 44th Governor. Even as I
begin my new role, I cannot help but reflect back on the wonderful and
humbling opportunity you have given me to serve you these past four

While my time as Attorney General has been filled with many
achievements for which I am proud, the thing I will remember most
about my term in this office is the people - those we helped, and
those with whom I served. The people of the Attorney General’s Office
are some of the most outstanding and dedicated public servants it has
been my privilege to know.

Sadly, this past week included some unwanted news for me personally,
and in a broader sense for all the people of Florida. The Attorney
General’s Office lost a cherished employee following a lengthy
illness, and the people of our state lost a dedicated worker who
embodied everything that is good and noble about public service.

Cheryl Kent was one of those unsung public employees few outside of
government ever heard about. She served as this office’s Deputy
Director of Legislative Affairs throughout my four years here, and
before that under former Attorneys General Bob Butterworth and Richard

Prior to joining the Attorney General’s Office in 1999, Cheryl spent
more than 20 years working for the Broward County Commission, for
state Senators Jim Scott and Ken Jenne, and for the state Department
of Business and Professional Regulation. In her career she contributed
to both the legislative and executive branches, and helped each
understand the other.

With her vast knowledge of the inner workings of government and her
mastery of detail, Cheryl certainly could have earned a higher salary
in the private sector. But she shared a deep appreciation for the
value of public service, and passed up more lucrative opportunities so
she could continue to work on behalf of the people of this state she

Cheryl’s passing served as a poignant bookend for the year, coming 11
months after the death of another member of our office family. In
January we lost Bob Timmann, a veteran law enforcement officer who
served us as a Medicaid fraud investigator. Bob left our office to
become a civilian advisor teaching others how to bring law and order
to the people of Iraq, and he lost his life when his helicopter
crashed in northern Iraq. Bob saw that job as an opportunity to
provide help where it was needed, just as he did throughout his
career of public service here in Florida.

Government needs more people like Cheryl Kent and Bob Timmann,
individuals who put the needs of others ahead of their own interests.
The amazing staff of the Attorney General’s Office is filled with such
people, and I hope to begin fostering a similar commitment to public
service throughout the executive branch.

As I conclude this final News Briefs message, I want to express my
deep appreciation for your interest in your government. Individual
involvement is the lifeblood of our democracy, and informed citizens
keep it strong.

It has been an honor serving you as Attorney General for these past
four years, and I look forward to working for you and with you as
Governor beginning at noon on Tuesday. Please join me in wishing Bill
McCollum well as he assumes the challenges as your Attorney General.
I know he will do a great job.

I wish you a safe and Happy New Year’s weekend and a productive,
positive year ahead.

Charlie Crist



Good Luck, Charlie!


Evelyn Out.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!