Sunday, March 18, 2007

Notes From The Capitol

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Below is more information from the Governor Crist on ’Sunshine Week", which is really a yearly week-long commemoration of open government. In his latest “Notes from the Capitol”,  the Governor commends the signing into law the  Anti-Murder Act, which allows for the enforcement of stiffer laws for parolees who violate their parole after committing a murder. The Governor also speaks of being joined by John Walsh, who lost his young son, Adam Walsh, in a senseless and brutal staining. Governor Crist describes Mr. Walsh as being "a tremendous advocate of public safety and host of America's Most Wanted. John Walsh was instrumental in the federal passage of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act in July of 2006


Notes from the Capitol
March 16 , 2007

Dear Friends,

This week has truly been a week of firsts. Florida joined the rest of the
nation to participate in 'Sunshine Week', a yearly week-long commemoration
of open government. Florida, the first state to begin this observance with
Sunshine Sunday in 2002, has long been a leader in ensuring the public's
access to information.

As Floridians, we are fortunate that the sun shines not only on our faces
but also sheds light into our government. The Sunshine Law creates a window
for Floridians to look through to observe and participate in the democratic

Monday, I had the privilege of signing into law the first bill of the 2007
Legislative Session, the Anti-Murder Act. Throughout the day, I was joined
in Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale, Deltona and Tallahassee by local elected officials
and members of the law enforcement community, as well as families of child
murder victims. I am so grateful for their support of this important
legislation. The children of Florida are our first priority, and the
Anti-Murder Act makes them safer by keeping individuals who violate the
privilege of probation off of our streets.

At the ceremonial bill signing in Ft. Lauderdale, I was joined by John
Walsh, father of slain child Adam Walsh, a tremendous advocate of public
safety and host of America's Most Wanted. John Walsh was instrumental in the
federal passage of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act in July of
2006. The act enables child protection investigators to have direct online
access to criminal history records and warrants. The Florida Department of
Children and Families is the first state agency in the country to implement
the program.

The technology is already enhancing the state's ability to protect child
victims of abuse and neglect. Florida once again leads the way for the rest
of the nation by providing unprecedented access to technology that will help
protect both the victims of child abuse and neglect and the public servants
charged with protecting them.

On Wednesday, I had the honor of participating in the ceremony where the
first African American female justice of the Florida Supreme Court and the
first female president of a Florida community college were inducted into the
Florida Women's Hall of Fame.

Later in the week, I had the opportunity to ride on the nation's first
hybrid school bus. The Manatee County School District purchased two buses,
which are projected to reduce by 50 to 90 percent carbon emissions that
contribute to global climate change.

We are able to celebrate all of these Florida firsts because of the rich
culture and tradition that has made our state so strong. This week we marked
the beginning of the fourth annual Florida Heritage Month, celebrated from
March 15 through April 15. During the upcoming weeks, Floridians will have
the opportunity to appreciate Florida's rich cultural heritage. To mark the
occasion, Lt. Governor Kottkamp and I joined Secretary of State Kurt S.
Browning to dedicate the latest installation of the Indian Heritage Tableau
sculptures downtown in Tallahassee.  The American Royalty sculpture
represents the residents who lived in Florida during the time of the first
European contact.

So many people contribute to the complex history of our great state and to
the rich diversity of cultures we see today. I look forward to participating
in other events throughout Florida Heritage Month and celebrating many more
firsts for our state in the weeks and months ahead.

May God continue to bless the great state of Florida,


Volume 1, Issue 9
Copyright(c) 2007 State of Florida


Evelyn out.



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