Sunday, April 8, 2007

Florida Board of Executive Restores Civil Rights of Qualify Ex-Offenders

Happy Easter Eveyone,

Evelyn here,

with another message from the loft.  This one is fromm our govenor, Charles Crist. Read on.


Notes from the Capitol

Volume 1, Issue 12
April 6, 2007

Dear Friends,

Yesterday was a historic day for Florida. The Florida Board of Executive
Clemency voted to restore the civil rights of certain ex-offenders. These
people have paid their debt society and once that debt has been paid we do
not have the moral right to add to it. Today's actions provide the people of
Florida a fundamental fairness.

Under the new rule, certain ex-offenders who have committed less severe
crimes qualify for approval without a hearing for restoration of rights to
vote, serve on a jury, apply for an occupational license and to hold public

Ex-offenders who have completed their sentence and probation or supervision
and have paid 100 percent of victim restitution deserve a second chance to
be responsible and to make the right decisions for themselves and their
families. Giving a person a meaningful way to re-enter society, make a
living and participate in our democracy will encourage good behavior and
will help thousands of Floridians restore their dignity.

It is significant that we visit this issue during Holy Week, a week about
forgiveness. A fundamental belief of both Passover and Easter is that the
debt for a person's wrongs can be paid in full. People can be forgiven by
their Creator - the Creator who endowed each of us with certain unalienable
rights - and we can do no less.

This week Jewish families in Florida and around the world gather for the
traditional Seder, while Christians join together to renew their faith and
celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As we celebrate with our family
and friends, we remember our military men and women serving overseas, we
pray for peace, take comfort in God's eternal love and pray for their safe
and speedy return. I send you all my best wishes for a Happy Passover and

May God continue to bless the great state of Florida,



Copyright(c) 2007 State of Florida


Evelyn out.

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