Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
I feel like a thounderhead. I was unware that I had received the following news tip. yesterday afternoon. However, I am sure many you saw the CBS early morning show, and Governors Charlie Crist and Arnold Schwarzenegger in a debate on wha tcan be done tothe end the growing threat of Global warning.
The following message was sentfrom the News Room of the Honorable Governor Charlie Crist
Governors Crist and Schwarzenegger to Appear on CBS Early Show Monday
Florida Governor Charlie Crist and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will appear on the CBS Early Show tomorrow Monday, July 16, 2007. Please tune-in to your local CBS affiliate at 7:00 a.m., to hear more about the Serve to Preserve Florida Summit on Global Climate Change and what these Governors are doing to make a difference in their states, across the nation and around the world.
Evelyn out.