Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
Across the national, there are ongoing Independence Day celebrations. It is my fond wish that these celebrations are done in the truest spirit as it was the on the day that our ancestors so valiantly won our rights to be a free and independence nation. A day that has lead us into to being one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, super nation in the known world.
Our newest citizens, those who entered our country as immigrants, and who just passed the citizen exams, might have a greater sense of what this is to live in a country where independence and individuals freedoms are cherish norm. Rather than some of us, who were borne here, and who still struggle with petty territorial grievances. I speak of those of us, who in general, take this day for grant and simply gather to party without much reflection on the to full importance of what it has truly meant for us as a nation when our fore fathers of 1775 signed a simple piece of parchment declaring us a free nation. That simple piece of parchment could have meant their death and our continuous servitude to another country if they had failed in their effort.
It seems to me that on this Independence Day, we should remember and thank God to those men and women in our nation’s history who had the fortitude face to the challenges it took to free a budding nation so that we today make what it into the glorious nation is today.
Now, a few words from our governor, the Honorable Charlie Crist, about the men and women who are meeting the challenges keep us a solid and free nation today