Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Florida's Attorney General Statement on the Deaths of Palm Beach Sheriff's Deputies

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


Today’s statement from Attorney General Bill McCollum concerns the senseless shooting of two more Florida Sheriff's Deputies.




Bill McCollum

Attorney General

News Release

November 28, 2007           


Statement on the Deaths of Palm Beach Sheriff's Deputies


                TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today released the following statement regarding the tragic deaths of two Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Deputies early this morning:


                “I was deeply saddened to learn of the deaths of Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Deputies Jonathan Wallace and Donte Manuel. Deputies Wallace and Manuel, killed this morning in the line of duty, were individuals committed to protecting their communities and they made the ultimate sacrifice for that effort.


                “My sympathy is with their families, friends and colleagues at the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, as well as with the family and friends of the third Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Deputy who was also injured this morning in the line of duty.”




Evelyn out.

Reported Hate Crimes at Lowest Level Since 1998

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


In a new release from November 19, 2007, the Attorney General, Bill McCollum, wrote about the current reported incidents of hate crime as being at its lowest since 1998.



Bill McCollum

Attorney General

News Release

November 19, 2007           



McCollum: Florida Hate Crime Level Drops for 2nd Consecutive Year


Reported Hate Crimes at Lowest Level in Eight Years, Below Annual Average


                TALLAHASSEE, FL – Reported hate crimes in Florida fell last year to their lowest level since 1998, Attorney General Bill McCollum announced today. McCollum released the Florida Hate Crimes Report covering the 2006 calendar year, noting that a total of 259 hate crimes were reported by local law enforcement agencies that year. Since hate crime reporting began in 1990, Florida law enforcement agencies have reported an annual average of 277 reported hate crime incidents, well above this year’s total hate crimes reported.


                “As this report indicates, the number of hate crimes committed in Florida has been decreasing for years, a statistic I am pleased to support,” said Attorney General McCollum. “Our Office of Civil Rights is committed to fighting any hate-motivated injustices as part of its mission.”


                There are two broad categories of hate crime offenses: crimes against persons and crimes against property. Reports for 2006 showed that a smaller share of hate crimes were directed at persons than in the previous year, with a corresponding increase in the share directed at property. Crimes against persons accounted for 66 percent of all incidents reported in 2006, down from 71 percent in 2005, while crimes against property accounted for the remaining 34 percent, up from 29 percent in 2005.


                The 2006 report shows not only the number of hate crimes committed, but also categorizes the offenses by the nature of the motivating factor. During 2006, hate crimes motivated by the victim's race represented 55.2 percent of all reported hate crimes, followed by crimes motivated by sexual orientation at 18.1 percent; religion at 13.5 percent; and ethnicity/national origin at 13.1 percent. No hate crimes were reported under the categories of disability or advanced age. Data in the Hate Crimes Report was submitted by local law enforcement agencies to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, which then provided it to the Attorney General's Office for reporting.


                The Hate Crimes in Florida Report is prepared each year pursuant to the Hate Crimes Reporting Act, section 877.19, Florida Statutes. The report summarizes data collected by local law enforcement agencies and submitted to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Any attempt to rank or categorize an agency, county or region based solely on this report may be misleading by making it appear that certain areas have a high number of hate crimes when in fact their law enforcement agencies may have different polices of identifying and reporting such crimes. The report does not include unreported crimes or those that may have been hate-related but were not classified as such by the local law enforcement agency.


                Since 1994, the Attorney General's Office of Civil Rights has conducted hate crimes training seminars for state and local law enforcement agencies throughout Florida. Through the end of the period covered by the latest annual report, more than 3,500 law enforcement personnel from more than 272 jurisdictions had received this training. The Office of Civil Rights has also developed programs for elementary, middle and high school students to teach them how to recognize hate crimes, how the law protects victims of hate crimes, and how such crimes affect Florida communities.


                A copy of the Hate Crimes in Florida 2006 report is available here.


                Earlier today, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released the national Hate Crimes Report for 2006 which is available on the FBI's website at



Evelyn out.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Prayer of Thanksgiving and Gratefulness From governor Charlie Cris

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

I was greatly moved by the following message from our honorable Governor Charlie Cris.


Notes From the Capitol

November 21, 2007
Learn More About Governor Crist's Priorities

Governor Crist Appoints Robert Hodges to 5th Judicial Circuit
Governor Crist Attends First Carbon-Neutral College Football Game
Governor Crist Names Peggy Brooks of Levy as Point of Light
Governor Crist Appoints Matthew Destry and Carlos Rebollo to the 17th Judicial Circuit Court
Governor Crist Appoints Donald “Neil” Kelly as Lake County Clerk of the Circuit Court

Governor Crist Launches Government Scorecard Web Site

Governor Crist Appoints Wilbert "Tee" Holloway to Miami-Dade School Board
Governor Crist Commends Green Building Efforts, Receives Award for Environmental Leadership
Statement by Governor Charlie Crist Regarding Petition Filed by the Florida House of Representatives

Click here to download Governor Crist's podcast.

Click here to learn more about Governor Crist's administration.
Dear Friends,
    This week, the people of our nation and our state turn aside from their hectic schedules to spend time with loved ones and family and count the many blessings because we as Americans have so much to be thankful for.  God has indeed blessed our state and our nation far beyond compare, giving us unparalleled prosperity and opportunity. 
    For the freedoms we enjoy as Americans, we are grateful to both our nation's founding fathers and the many generations of leaders who have served our democracy so well.  For protection and defense of our freedoms, we honor the brave men and women of our armed forces.  For love and caring we share with those who daily surround us, we are thankful to family and to our great friends. 
    We are also most thankful to God for Florida's natural beauty, climate and protection from hurricanes. Prayers have been answered so that we are fortunate to celebrate this season in peace and security.  Let us not forget our neighbors who may be less fortunate on this day of thanksgiving, and share from our abundant resources as we are able to do. 
    Please join me in expressing our gratitude to those working the jobs we so often take for granted -- the law enforcement officer, emergency medical staff, the school teacher, the airline pilot, the toll booth worker, the grocery bagger.  These citizens, and so many more, help us celebrate our holidays and every day.
    We sincerely ask for God's continued protection and blessings on our nation and our state.  May our actions truly express our gratitude to Him and to each other.
    God bless each and every one of you and the great state of Florida. Thank you.


Evelyn out.


Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


With the latest consumer Alert form the Office of the Attorney General, Bill McCollum. The General’s Office has issued a warning and recall of millions of toys made by Mattel and Fisher-Price and thoughts of as “must – have items. For more, read the General article below.












    TALLAHASSEE, FL - Attorney General Bill McCollum today issued a

consumer advisory, urging parents to check toy recall lists before

shopping for their children’s holiday presents. According to the U.S.

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), more than 50 toys have been

recalled since the beginning of the year, most due to toxic levels of

lead or lead paint. The toys include popular brands such as Mattel and

Fisher-Price and millions of "must-have" toys such as certain Thomas &

Friends Wooden Railway Toys, Aqua Dots craft kits and some Barbie doll



    "I am concerned about the staggering number of reports of tainted

toys coming into the United States and the dangers they pose to our

children," said Attorney General Bill McCollum. "Parents need to do their

research before they head out for holiday toy shopping. There is nothing

more important than the safety of our children and in this case,

knowledge could literally save lives."


    The dangers don’t stop with lead exposure, as evidenced with the

recall this month of the Aqua Dots craft kit because of toxic coating on

the toy that rendered at least two children unconscious. While most toys

should at this point have been pulled from store shelves, McCollum

encouraged parents to go back and check any toys they may have purchased

earlier in the year before recalls were announced. Recalled toys can also

occasionally show up at flea markets and resale shops. To make it easier

for parents to keep track of the recalls, the Attorney General’s Office

is providing a "Do Not Shop" List containing the most recently recalled

toys for parents to print and take into stores when holiday shopping.


    The list, along with links to the CPSC’s website is available on

the Attorney General’s website at A current

list of toys recalled this year can also be found at


    The Attorney General’s Office will continue to monitor the recalls

and discuss options with Attorneys General around the country who are

equally concerned about lead-tainted toys. As it becomes available, the

Attorney General’s Office will provide additional recall information on

its website.


    A copy of the Attorney General’s "Do Not Shop" List is available

online at:$file/DoNotShopList.pdf


Thank you.




Evelyn out.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Just As Faith Require Only Belief, So Too Truth Requites No Apology

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

It has come to my intention that some people are not happy about the disclosure I made in my 11.17.2007 article. However, consider the fact that a member of that family, who only recently where stopped from selling illegal drugs on my avenue, took it upon themselves to send a male of their family’s member to St. Petersburg General Hospital in which I was staying and who then misled the staff and my roommate so bad that one young nurse abused my hand. I see no problem in relating a true incident that left a negative impact on my life.

Consider the fact that these same families have lied, brutalized, and destroyed personal property of not just my family but also many other families over a period of years, I see no problem in informing others of the truth on the chance they might come in contact the their deceptions.

Consider the fact that many of the people that these families  misled and flat out lied to were medical personal, police offices, court officials and other persons of importance, when it is important that the truth be told  to show ugliness of the long string of lies.

Why? Why did they do it? They did it all to hide the truth about the drugs. Others did it for the parents of children, who cannot accept that their children are significantly different, and who in their frustration victimized me without having met me and because I chose to live and enjoy my life instead of dying or becoming a blundering idiot fix who only for force hospitalization. They did it to foster a lie that I was responsible for the problems down here, and to foster the lie that I was not “capable and/or intelligent enough” to care for myself or do any function of apparent difficulty or important, which might be required of me. 

Their grand lies were things of evil and created these same lies became acts of evil, and because of them, many innocent people suffered because of them. I spoke out against these families and their actions at the start. No one wanted to listen or believed me. Yet, these families, these liars, frauds, and drug pushers were believed and the problems grew, and the abuses worsen with time.

My point. These families act as if they cannot let go and in bitterness have infection numerous people with it, and I . . .

 I make absolutely no apology for whatever truth about what occurred here that becomes known.

Evelyn out.

It is better to be hated for things done for the betterment of a sociality, than to have placidly given in to its corruption and done nothing at all.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Crime Stoppers Organizations Get $4.4 Million in Grant Money for the 2007-2008 Year

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

The non-profit organization Crime Stoppers was awared a grand sum of $4.4 millions by the State of Florida Office of the Attorney. Crime Stopper is the organization that receive information about community crime and relies the information (tips) to the appropriate law enforcement agency.


Bill McCollum

Attorney General

News Release


November 16, 2007   


Statewide Crime Stoppers Organizations Get $4.4 Million in 2007-2008 Grants



Grants are awarded by the Attorney General’s Office

to support county anti-crime programs


            TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today announced that his office has awarded more than $4.4 million to the state’s Crime Stopper organizations, a group of non-profit organizations that receive information about crimes from the community and provide those tips to the appropriate law enforcement agency. The Attorney General’s Office administers grants to the organizations through the Attorney General’s Victim Services Division under the Florida Crime Stoppers Act. A total of $4,446,405 was granted to 29 programs which encompass 59 counties. The grant period will be run through September 30, 2008.


            “Every cooperative opportunity we can make to fight crime in our communities is a step toward making Florida a safer place,” said Attorney General McCollum. “The Crime Stoppers programs work every day to bring in information about unsolved crimes and I know this information is essential to pursuing resolutions for those cases.”


            The Crime Stoppers programs work by receiving tips through a phone line or online in a strictly anonymous setting. By guaranteeing a caller’s anonymity, Crime Stoppers allows the caller to give any necessary information without the fear of retribution or retaliation. As an incentive to callers who might be otherwise reluctant to provide tips, cash rewards are offered for information leading to indictment or arrests. Tips have included information about murder, robbery, rape, assaults, drug and firearm offenses.


            The Florida Crime Stoppers Act was passed by the Legislature in 1998 and established the Crime Stoppers Trust Fund by imposing a court surcharge of $20 for criminal offenses in all county and circuit courts. In addition to providing funding for the state’s Crime Stoppers programs, the law provides for enhancement of public awareness for the organizations’ crime prevention methods and for training the public in personal safety principles, especially citizens who live in, work at, or frequent locations with high crime rates. The Attorney General’s Office administers the grant funds every year to carry out the purposes of the Florida Crime Stoppers Act.


            "The beauty of Florida's Crime Stopper Trust Fund is that the funding does not come from tax dollars and it perpetuates itself," remarked Steve Rowland, President of the Florida Association of Crime Stoppers. "By utilizing the funding from the Crime Stoppers Trust Fund, our programs have been able to provide information leading to the seizing of multi-millions of dollars’ worth of illegal drugs, the recovery of millions of dollars of stolen goods and property, and tens of thousands of criminal arrests. There may be no better example of a public/private partnership which does as much to keep our citizens safe and the crime rates down in our communities."


            One of the more innovative programs to be funded by the Crime Stoppers program was the Cold Case Playing Cards initiative, unveiled this summer at state prisons throughout Florida. In late July, approximately 100,000 decks of cold case playing cards were distributed to 93,000 inmates in the state’s 129 prisons. Each card features a photograph and factual information about an unsolved homicide or missing person case. The cards were given to the inmates so they could serve as of potential sources who may be able to provide critical information to help resolve an unsolved crime.


            To date, two cases have been cracked from information provided by inmate tipsters who saw the case information on the playing cards. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is currently working with Crime Stoppers and Florida law enforcement to develop a third edition deck of cards to feature 52 new unsolved cold cases. Printing for the initial two different decks of cards, which profiled 104 unsolved cases from across Florida, was funded by the Florida Attorney General’s Crime Stoppers Trust Fund.




Evelyn out.




Attorney General, Florida Drug Czar to Host Presentation on Threat of Drugs to State of Florida

hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Below is a important news release from the office of the Attorney General about a meeting of the Attorney General Bill McCollum and Colonel Bill Janes, Director of the Florida Office of Drug Control, where the two announced that they will jointly host a December presentation on the current state of the drug trade in Florida.


Bill McCollum

Attorney General

News Release

November 14, 2007  



Attorney General, Florida Drug Czar to Host Presentation

on Threat of Drugs to State of Florida


Workshop will seek to inform, educate Florida’s leaders

on growing threat of illegal drugs


            TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum and Colonel Bill Janes, Director of the Florida Office of Drug Control, today announced they will be jointly hosting a December presentation on the current state of the drug trade in Florida and the significance of the drug quantities seen today. The program will be presented to the Governor and members of the Florida Cabinet and will include speakers from the Office of Drug Control and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration as well as Gerald Bailey, Commissioner of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The workshop is designed to provide Florida’s leaders with new information and insight into the growing threat of illegal drugs in the state today.


            "We are not seeing simple cases of small quantities of narcotics or a couple of extra pills. We are seeing organized, state and nationwide operations that are using drugs to fund criminal activity, retain strongholds in communities, and destroy our way of living," said Attorney General McCollum. "Drugs are a real and constant threat. We must renew the war on drugs and fight for the safety of our families, our citizens and our state."


            Authorities, including state and local law enforcement, have voiced strong opinions that the illegal drug trade is not only growing in the state of Florida, but that it is also being used more frequently to fund other more dangerous activities, such as violent and organized gangs throughout the state.


"Despite the strong response across Florida, drugs continue to destroy lives and devastate families and communities. Drug trafficking is an international, multi-billion dollar business transacted on our local street corners," said Colonel Janes, Florida’s Drug Czar and the Director of the Florida Office of Drug Control. "I welcome the opportunity to join our law enforcement officers during this important session of the Florida Cabinet."


An important focus of the presentation will be on the growth of hydroponic marijuana and the increase in the drug’s potency, as well as the phenomenal spread of commercial marijuana grow houses. In addition to hydroponic marijuana, presenters will address the explosion of prescription medications in the illegal drug market and how internet pharmacies and doctors who write prescriptions without seeing patients as well as patients who are "doctor shopping" are contributing to the problem.


The workshop is scheduled to follow the December 4th meeting of the Florida Cabinet and will encompass reports from federal, state and local law enforcement. Additional information will be available at a later date.


Evelyn out

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Columbia County Group Home Manager Arrested for Neglecting Disabled Adults

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


***This following message is a highly emotional and true account of an incident that happen to me back in 2002. As the author I ask that all children and youths under 21 be restricted from reading it.***


I seldom that a speak out on an issue, however, a recent newsletter from Attorney General Bill McCollum earlier this week stirred up some bitter memories - particularly of one stay at a local hospital. I went in the hospital because of profuse nose bleeding, and came out a victim of abuse caused by a young nurse. This young nurse for reasons I have always suspected had something to do with the families who were selling drugs on my avenue, which at that time was not as well known by the police department as it is now. Nevertheless, these families wanted to hide their involvement in the illegal drug trade, and get a little revenge for my getting a restraining order out on one of their members.


During November 2002 hospital, and the night before the procedure I was to have done the next day, the night nurse in charge of seeing that my IV site in properly and flushed, viciously and repeatedly jabbed and rotated a needle into my IV site , which was located on the back of my hand for approximately two to three  minutes. She ignored my every appeal for her to stop. 


Being a former nurse having inserted and flush a few dozen IV sites in the past myself, I knew then as now the difference between trying to opening a site with a gentle pressure and viciously jabbing into a patient. In addition, she stated did it because of some offenses unknown by me and for her co-worker. Her remarks began something like this, “And this is for ….” Like I said, this was clearly intentional patient abuse and I was that patient. 


I reported the incident to my then doctor, the police department, and the nurse in charged. Whether I was believed or not I have never known. I left that hospital vowing never to return and never recommend it. I have left out many of details here, but all was written in full just after it happen back on 2002. 


There was some scarring to my hand, which had faded. There is still have minor nerve discomfort caused by the nurse’s persistence digging and jagging and it sometimes felt wherever I continuously type. Although the major physical pain and scarring of the incident is gone, the emotional scarring remains. 


I was neither justly treated back then nor have I ever felt that the incident was resolved to give me a sense of peace that this malicious treatment would never occur again. As I stated above, I was a former nurse, and I had to give up the practical because of back damage as the result of an auto accident. However, when I practice I had a genuine love for the field and I was a good nurse to patients in my care.


The abuse of that one nurse upon me changed my views  and opened my eyesto the fact that the nursing field and the medical field as a whole is not perfect and that there has to be stronger methods of weeding out potentially bad medical personal is needed.


Although I do not blame all care givers for what that one young nurse did that night. I felt then as I do now that a great institution that I had once practice in, highly respected and loved failed me that night.


Below is the attorney general newsletter of November 15, 2007 about the charges brought against a woman was arrested on charges that she neglected two disabled adults under her care at a group home.



Bill McCollum

Attorney General

News Release


November 13, 2007           


Columbia County Group Home Manager Arrested for Neglecting Disabled Adults



                TALLAHASSEE, FL - Attorney General Bill McCollum today announced that a Columbia County woman was arrested on charges that she neglected two disabled adults under her care at a group home. Molly Melissa Jarrard was formerly employed by the Columbia Advocates for Citizens with Disabilities group home where she worked as the house manager. She was arrested today by authorities with the Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.


                Investigators with the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit began investigating Jarrard after receiving information from the Florida Department of Children and Families, Adult Protective Services about possible neglect at the group home. According to authorities, Jarrard was responsible for coordinating prescription refills, supervising the administration of medication and providing prompt attention to the residents’ medical needs. Investigators determined that on two separate occasions, Jarrard failed to provide two separate individuals with the appropriate medical attention required because of their conditions.


                The first incident allegedly occurred when Jarrard failed to provide a mentally-disabled adult with his prescribed medication over an extended period of time, which eventually caused the resident to have a severe seizure.  A second infraction was recorded when Jarrard purportedly denied a second resident her required medical equipment which resulted in a decubitus ulcer, which is characterized by a partial loss of skin and may appear as an abrasion, blister or pressure sore.  Authorities also allege that Jarrard failed to seek proper medical treatment for that ulcer.


                Jarrard is charged with two counts of neglecting a disabled adult, a third-degree felony. If convicted on both charges, she could receive up to 10 years in prison and $10,000 in fines.  The case will be prosecuted by the State Attorney's Office for the Third Judicial Circuit. 



Evelyn out.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A Special Message from Governor Charlie Crist

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Below is a special message from our governor, the honorable Charlie Crist.


November 15, 2007
Dear Friend,
Wednesday was a historic day for Florida.  I joined Mitchell Cypress, Chairman of the Seminole Tribe of Florida, to sign a compact that has the potential to provide billions of dollars to Florida’s schools.
As you may know, the federal government threatened to issue procedures this week allowing the Seminole Tribe to operate slot machines at their existing facilities.  While some may argue that the federal government could not force Florida to accept gambling on tribal land, I did not have the luxury of waiting for the case to play out in the courts.  That was a gamble I was not willing to take.
The federal government has made its position clear.  It believes that, as a result of the Class III gaming authorized by constitutional amendment, the tribe has the right to engage in similar activity on their lands.  As early as today, the federal government was prepared to grant the tribe the unlimited right to do so without requiring any benefit whatsoever to the people of Florida.  I believe it would have been irresponsible to let that happen.
Therefore, I authorized my staff to enter into negotiations with the tribe to achieve three main goals:  maximizing the revenue the state receives, minimizing the future expansion of gambling activity, and ensuring appropriate safeguards are in place to protect our consumers.  I believe the gaming compact signed yesterday achieves all three goals.
Because the federal government is prepared to give slot machines to the Seminoles with no benefit to the State, we had to offer the tribe something more in return.  In return for the right to operate slot machines and banked card games in the seven existing facilities on tribal lands, the Seminole Tribe has offered to pay the State a significant portion of its earned revenue.  The benefits of this portion of the compact are twofold.  It will provide much-needed revenue the Legislature can appropriate to worthy programs like education, and it provides a significant disincentive for the future expansion of gambling in other areas of Florida due to the resulting loss of guaranteed revenue that would occur.
The compact does not dictate how the funds received by the state should be spent.  The Florida Constitution gives the power of the purse to the Florida Legislature.  However, I recommend that the majority of the funds – up to 95 percent – be dedicated to the education of Florida’s children.  I have also recommended that the Legislature designate a smaller portion to local governments near the tribal lands to assist with increased economic activity, tourism and anticipated ancillary development likely to occur.
The compact will also require independent annual financial audits, a process for redressing injuries caused to patrons and a strong commitment to a compulsive gambling prevention program. In light of the complex relationship among the Indian Tribes and federal, state and local governments, I believe these are significant steps toward protecting the safety and welfare of the people of Florida.
I certainly understand that my signing of this compact will not please everyone, but I hope you will agree that we have done our absolute best to balance all of the competing needs and desires of both the people of Florida and the people of the Seminole Tribe of Florida.
May God continue to bless the people of Florida and the people of the Seminole Tribe,



Evelyn out.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

"Notes from the Capitol" And Proof Positive That Our Government Works

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Below in "Notes from the Capitol"  is proof positive that our government works with the success of Governor  Charlie Crist's tax reduction plan for the homeowner within the state of Florida.


Notes from the Capitol and Governor Crist

November 2, 2007

Dear Friends,
This week was a great week for Florida's homeowners.  The great Florida Legislature has given the people the opportunity to create a historic $12 billion property-tax cut.  This tax relief is in addition to the $15 billion tax cut passed earlier this summer.  Together, they add up to $27 billion in property-tax cuts over five years.  I believe Florida's homeowners will agree -- that's good news for Floridians.  And your approval on January 29th could bring even better news.
Lt. Governor Kottkamp and I visited with homeowners throughout the state to share the good news about the historic tax cut that will go before the people of Florida next January.  In less than three months, the people of Florida will have the opportunity to approve a tax-cut package that will provide more property-tax relief to Florida's homeowners. 
By approving the property-tax cuts, homesteaders will be able to take their SaveOur Homes tax savings with them when they move to a new homestead.  In addition, the homestead exemption will be doubled, helping every homeowner.  Property taxes on businesses and second homes will be capped so that they never increase by more than 10 percent in one year.  Businesses will also receive a new $25,000 exemption for tangible personal property. 
Giving homeowners this flexibility will help jump start Florida's housing market and strengthen our economy even more.  I congratulate the Legislature for their bold leadership and determination to pass property-tax cuts.  What they have done represents the first step.  The next step is up to you – the people of Florida. 
* * * * *
 As another step to help strengthen our economy, next week I will be in São Paulo, Brazil, for a five-day trade and economic development mission.  While there, I will meet with Brazil's business leaders and senior government officials.  Brazil is our state's top international trade partner, and we will reaffirm our vital connection and learn from their success in areas such as renewable energy, ethanol and the aviation industry. 
Brazil is a leader in the production of biofuels such as ethanol, and -- because there is gold in green -- Florida's growing renewable energy industry can benefit from Brazil's shared understanding.  The more than 200 Florida business and government leaders joining us for this trade mission will have the opportunity to develop new partnerships with Brazilian companies and business executives.  I am confident this trade mission will open doors for Florida's economic and renewable-energy future. 
May God bless you and the great state of Florida,


Evelyn out

Statistics: Marijuana Is the Still Most Popular Illegal Drug in America

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,



In this week's edition of the Attorney General's newsletter, “News Briefs”, Attorney General Bill McCollum speaks about marijuana the most popular illegal drug here in America and it dangerous physiological problems, which is caused by continuous use. The General also speaks about the increase risk that the rise in the trafficking hydroponic marijuana will have on our children and our neighborhoods if those manufacturing the drug as well as trafficking it are not brought to justice.




November 2, 2007


Message from Attorney General Bill McCollum



Statistics show marijuana is the most popular illegal drug in America,

but the most alarming aspect of marijuana's resurgence is the much

greater potency of today's plant, particularly the hydroponic variety.

In the 1960s and '70s, the average THC content (THC produces the high

and causes physiological problems) in marijuana was approximately

four percent. The THC level in the hydroponic marijuana grown today

in Florida has tested up to 30 percent, and the level continues to

rise through plant cloning by growers.


This increase in potency has increased not only the dangerous physical

effects of the drug, but also the addictive nature of marijuana use.

Experts believe that the rate of addiction among daily marijuana users

is now higher than that among daily alcohol drinkers. Given the fact

that more than half of our young adults between ages of 19 and 28 say

they have used marijuana, this is no small threat but rather a

widespread addiction sweeping our nation.


The increase in the drug's potency has also caused marijuana's market

 value to skyrocket. Hydroponic marijuana in some areas actually

trades ounce for ounce with cocaine. The drug is so lucrative that

grow houses are popping up in some of the most affluent neighborhoods

in the state. These "Marijuana McMansions" are home to

multimillion-dollar growing operations and have been detected in 41

of Florida's 67 counties. Florida had the second-highest number of

grow-house seizures in the country in 2006.


As the profit incentives increase for trafficking hydroponic marijuana,

the risks to our children and fellow citizens also increase. Grow

houses are often the targets ofother violent crimes, including home

invasions and robberies carried out by rival criminal groups, as the

plants alone are worth tens of thousands of dollars. Marijuana is no

longer grown and traded by amateurs - it is being trafficked by

organized and dangerous rings of criminals who are intent upon

bringing this poison into our communities and neighborhoods.


Taking this threat seriously, our state must pass tougher laws to

crack down on these sophisticated growing operations. I am supporting

legislation sponsored by state Sen. Steve Oelrich, R-Gainesville,

and state Rep. Nick Thompson, R-Fort Myers, that lowers from 300

plants to 25 plants the standard for creating a presumption that

a person is intending to distribute for profit. The bill also creates

a new penalty for growers who own a house for the purpose of

cultivating marijuana, as well as a new penalty for people who

live in or are the caretakers of marijuana grow houses.


It is our responsibility not only to educate our citizens,

especially those who are younger and may be more susceptible

to drug use, about highly potent marijuana, but also to implement

new strategies for curbing the spread of this new and dangerous threat.


Thank you.




Evelyn out

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


Below is an important news release from Florida’s attorney General Bill McCollum. Last Thursday the General visited with a local high school, its teachers, and its Administrators and spoke about the importance of cybersafety. he also spoke about the cyber safety program, and the Cybercrime Units that are at work throughout state with the nearest unit being setup in Tampa. Please read.




A News Release

From Attorney General

Bill McCollum


Date: October 30, 2007     







Student Safety Message Reaching Thousands Statewide


TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today visited Northeast High School in St. Petersburg and spoke to students, teachers and administrators about the importance of cybersafety.  Designed to empower children to recognize and avoid cyber predators, the program combines real-life stories and examples to help students stay safe online.  Attorney General McCollum and members of the Attorney General's Child Predator CyberCrime Unit have been bringing the 50-minute cybersafety program to middle and high school students statewide since the beginning of the school year.


"The internet provides our young people exciting, ever-expanding opportunities for learning, but online dangers are also growing and evolving," said Attorney General Bill McCollum.  "We must take every precaution to keep students safe and that process begins with education and outreach."  


During the presentations, students learn about internet dangers and tactics used by online predators.  They learn what constitutes a cybercrime, how to report it, and how to recognize when a friend is in "cyber danger." Victim advocates can also offer counseling to any child who discloses victimization and can refer any reported offenses to law enforcement for investigation.


                For tips on safe surfing, parents, students and educators are encouraged to log on to the Attorney General's new cybersafety website, The site also allows school principals to log onto a calendar developed specifically for them and register their school to receive the Attorney General's cybersafety presentation.  The Attorney General's CyberSafety Education Initiative is supported by the Florida Association of District School Superintendents, the Florida Association of School Resource Officers, and the Florida School Board Association. 




Evelyn out.

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