Sunday, November 18, 2007

Columbia County Group Home Manager Arrested for Neglecting Disabled Adults

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


***This following message is a highly emotional and true account of an incident that happen to me back in 2002. As the author I ask that all children and youths under 21 be restricted from reading it.***


I seldom that a speak out on an issue, however, a recent newsletter from Attorney General Bill McCollum earlier this week stirred up some bitter memories - particularly of one stay at a local hospital. I went in the hospital because of profuse nose bleeding, and came out a victim of abuse caused by a young nurse. This young nurse for reasons I have always suspected had something to do with the families who were selling drugs on my avenue, which at that time was not as well known by the police department as it is now. Nevertheless, these families wanted to hide their involvement in the illegal drug trade, and get a little revenge for my getting a restraining order out on one of their members.


During November 2002 hospital, and the night before the procedure I was to have done the next day, the night nurse in charge of seeing that my IV site in properly and flushed, viciously and repeatedly jabbed and rotated a needle into my IV site , which was located on the back of my hand for approximately two to three  minutes. She ignored my every appeal for her to stop. 


Being a former nurse having inserted and flush a few dozen IV sites in the past myself, I knew then as now the difference between trying to opening a site with a gentle pressure and viciously jabbing into a patient. In addition, she stated did it because of some offenses unknown by me and for her co-worker. Her remarks began something like this, “And this is for ….” Like I said, this was clearly intentional patient abuse and I was that patient. 


I reported the incident to my then doctor, the police department, and the nurse in charged. Whether I was believed or not I have never known. I left that hospital vowing never to return and never recommend it. I have left out many of details here, but all was written in full just after it happen back on 2002. 


There was some scarring to my hand, which had faded. There is still have minor nerve discomfort caused by the nurse’s persistence digging and jagging and it sometimes felt wherever I continuously type. Although the major physical pain and scarring of the incident is gone, the emotional scarring remains. 


I was neither justly treated back then nor have I ever felt that the incident was resolved to give me a sense of peace that this malicious treatment would never occur again. As I stated above, I was a former nurse, and I had to give up the practical because of back damage as the result of an auto accident. However, when I practice I had a genuine love for the field and I was a good nurse to patients in my care.


The abuse of that one nurse upon me changed my views  and opened my eyesto the fact that the nursing field and the medical field as a whole is not perfect and that there has to be stronger methods of weeding out potentially bad medical personal is needed.


Although I do not blame all care givers for what that one young nurse did that night. I felt then as I do now that a great institution that I had once practice in, highly respected and loved failed me that night.


Below is the attorney general newsletter of November 15, 2007 about the charges brought against a woman was arrested on charges that she neglected two disabled adults under her care at a group home.



Bill McCollum

Attorney General

News Release


November 13, 2007           


Columbia County Group Home Manager Arrested for Neglecting Disabled Adults



                TALLAHASSEE, FL - Attorney General Bill McCollum today announced that a Columbia County woman was arrested on charges that she neglected two disabled adults under her care at a group home. Molly Melissa Jarrard was formerly employed by the Columbia Advocates for Citizens with Disabilities group home where she worked as the house manager. She was arrested today by authorities with the Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit.


                Investigators with the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit began investigating Jarrard after receiving information from the Florida Department of Children and Families, Adult Protective Services about possible neglect at the group home. According to authorities, Jarrard was responsible for coordinating prescription refills, supervising the administration of medication and providing prompt attention to the residents’ medical needs. Investigators determined that on two separate occasions, Jarrard failed to provide two separate individuals with the appropriate medical attention required because of their conditions.


                The first incident allegedly occurred when Jarrard failed to provide a mentally-disabled adult with his prescribed medication over an extended period of time, which eventually caused the resident to have a severe seizure.  A second infraction was recorded when Jarrard purportedly denied a second resident her required medical equipment which resulted in a decubitus ulcer, which is characterized by a partial loss of skin and may appear as an abrasion, blister or pressure sore.  Authorities also allege that Jarrard failed to seek proper medical treatment for that ulcer.


                Jarrard is charged with two counts of neglecting a disabled adult, a third-degree felony. If convicted on both charges, she could receive up to 10 years in prison and $10,000 in fines.  The case will be prosecuted by the State Attorney's Office for the Third Judicial Circuit. 



Evelyn out.

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