Monday, April 28, 2008


Hello Everyone, 

Evelyn here,

with an excerpt from Mike Allen’s Playbook.


By: Mike Allen

Apr 28, 2008 08:56 AM EST

PARADIGM SHIFT - Karl Rove, in the new Newsweek, suggests Senator Obama notch an accomplishment in the Senate despite the campaign - 'Dear Senator Obama ... President Bush's former senior adviser offers advice for fighting the 'elitist' label':

'1. Your stump speech is sounding old and out of touch. ... 2. When you get into trouble, pick one, simple explanation. And stay with it. ... 3. Your lack of achievements undercuts your core themes. ... 4. You speak of the 'fierce urgency of now' that calls leaders to confront important challenges. Sounds good, but people are asking, what urgent issues have drawn your enormous talents? It's counterintuitive, but spend less time campaigning and more time working the Senate. Pick a big issue and fight hard for it. Win or lose, you'll give your argument substance. ... 5. Stop the attacks. ... 6. To answer growing questions about your inexperience, people need to know, in concrete and credible ways, what they can expect from you as president.'

YOUTUBE OF THE DAY - DNC Chairman Howard Dean, who appeared on five morning shows, announces a new ad hitting McCain on 'a hundred' years and showing a still of him with an arm around President Bush.

RNC Spokesman Alex Conant says the ad 'deliberately distorts John McCain's statements in a way that major media and fact check organizations have consistently called false and misleading.'  

Yep. But that doesn't mean it's not effective.

CONVENTIONAL-WISDOM CONVENTION - Results of the GARDEN BRUNCH POLL on who you THINK will be president: Obama, 43 percent; McCain, 37 percent; Clinton, 19 percent. Voters included Florida Gov. Charlie Crist. There was one write-in for David Bass. (No, it WASN'T him. It was Hope.) Mark Penn was there but we're not sure if he voted. Mr. Russert, who knows the answer, respectfully declined.

MAKING NEWS TODAY: Paul Begala and Joe Solmonese, President of the Human Rights Campaign, will hold a media conference call at 10 a.m. to announce a $7 million election plan (targeting 5 million 'pro-equality Americans' in GOTV) and a series of Human Rights Campaign endorsements in battleground states. Begala is going to talk about the state of the electorate, and how it's different from 2004 in terms of wedge-style politics.

The Wash Times illustrates 'McCain backers combat age as issue in campaign' with a front-page photo of the candidate and his Mom, Roberta McCain, 96.

Senator McCain delivers a health-policy speech at Miami Children's Hospital at 10 a.m. Eastern: 'The next president will have to take on the parochial interests that thrive in the health care system. Doctors must do a better job of managing our care and keeping us healthy and out of hospitals and nursing homes. We will need alternatives to doctors' offices and emergency rooms. Hospitals must do a better job of taking care of us when we are there, commit fewer deadly and costly medical errors and generally operate more efficiently. Pharmaceutical companies must worry less about squeezing additional profits from old medicines by copying the last successful drug and insisting on additional patent protections and focus more on new and innovative medicine. Insurance companies should spend more on medical care and less on 'administration.' '

SETTING THE AGENDA- Jake Tapper on ABC's 'Good Morning America,' re Obama and Clinton: 'Tensions between the two are now so uncomfortable, Democratic Party leaders are now openly worrying that Democratic voters will not be able to unify after a nominee is chosen.'

 *** Bloomberg News, 'Obama's 'Gigantic' Database May Make Him Party's Power Broker,' by Christopher Stern: 'Even if the Democratic presidential candidate doesn't succeed in his White House bid, [his] data will make Obama a power broker in the party for years to come. For the interest groups or Democratic candidates he chooses to sell it to, it would provide a gold mine of information and access to potential donors.

'Almost 2 million people have entered personal information on Obama pages on social-networking Web sites such as Facebook, MySpace and his campaign's, offering home addresses, phone numbers, their views on specific issues and the names of friends. The data have allowed Obama, 46, to raise more than $200 million, fill sports arenas with supporters across the nation and motivate millions more with custom-tailored messages.'

Politico's David Paul Kuhn, 'Obama has difficulty wooing seniors': 'Barack Obama's difficulty attracting older voters now far exceeds Hillary Rodham Clinton's own weaknesses with youth. Repeatedly during the tight race for the Democratic presidential nomination, Obama, who's been defined in part by his popularity among young voters, has seen that strength undercut by his failings with seniors.

'In the Pennsylvania and Ohio primaries, Obama lost older whites by 30 percentage points, while Clinton split white voters under age 30 in both critical contests. Obama's senior problem is even greater among Hispanics. The Illinois senator lost older Latinos by 40 to 60 percentage points in Texas, New Mexico and California.'

Fareed Zakaria in the new Newsweek: 'On March 26, McCain gave a speech on foreign policy in Los Angeles that was billed as his most comprehensive statement on the subject. It contained within it the most radical idea put forward by a major candidate for the presidency in 25 years. Yet almost no one noticed. In his speech McCain proposed that the United States expel Russia from the G8, the group of advanced industrial countries. ...

'What McCain has announced is momentous-that the United States should adopt a policy of active exclusion and hostility toward two major global powers. It would reverse a decades-old bipartisan American policy of integrating these two countries into the global order, a policy that began under Richard Nixon (with Beijing) and continued under Ronald Reagan (with Moscow). It is a policy that would alienate many countries in Europe and Asia who would see it as an attempt by Washington to begin a new cold war.'

WashPost A1 - 'Democrats Registering in Record Numbers': 'The past seven states to hold primaries registered more than 1 million new Democratic voters; Republican numbers mainly ebbed or stagnated. North Carolina and Indiana, which will hold their presidential primaries on May 6, are reporting a swell of new Democrats that triples the surge in registrations before the 2004 primary.'

OBAMA PHONES SUPERDELEGATES - Don't miss this in the Zeleny-Nagourney front-pager, 'Eyes on Blue-Collar Voters, Obama Shifts Style':

'A victory in Indiana, some Obama associates said, might make it more difficult for Mrs. Clinton to go on and send even more superdelegates toward his camp. Which was why Mr. Obama, on a trip through central Indiana this weekend, spent his spare minutes dialing uncommitted superdelegates. Back in Chicago, a more sophisticated operation was methodically checking in with superdelegates who had already pledged to Mr. Obama - just to make certain there had not been any slippage.' (Hat tip: Avi Zenliman)

WONK DIRT! - The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza has a 'Talk of the Town' on 'Bill vs. Barack,' saying that Clinton has been 'dismissive' of Obama in private conversations and quoting a Clinton adviser as saying: 'I think this campaign has enraged him. ... He doesn't like Obama.'

But it's not for the reason you think. Ryan explains: 'The focus on Clintonian error has obscured a serious debate that Obama and the former President tried to have. Obama has been arguing that the country's economic troubles are as much Clinton's fault as Bush's-he blames Clinton-era deregulation of the telecommunications and banking industries-and he implicitly accuses Bill Clinton of surrendering to special interests. ... That is what offended Bill Clinton. ... In the closing days of the [Pennsylvania] campaign, Obama gave at least three speeches criticizing the former President, who, ever vigilant of his legacy, defended himself at every stop. Few paid attention; Barack and Bill were like two boxers trying to have a fight but both getting pelted by a mysterious third force-the saturation gaffe coverage.'

*** And, by the way, if you didn't read the article about elevators, everyone's still talking about it.

BOOKERS/PRODUCERS/BLOGGERS - We missed this in the Sunday N.Y. Times, but this is a conversation-driver - 'McCain Frequently Used Wife's Jet for Little Cost,' by Barry Meier and Margot Williams: 'Given Senator John McCain's signature stance on campaign finance reform, it was not surprising that he backed legislation last year requiring presidential candidates to pay the actual cost of flying on corporate jets. ... But over a seven-month period beginning last summer, Mr. McCain's cash-short campaign gave itself an advantage by using a corporate jet owned by a company headed by his wife, Cindy McCain, according to public records. For five of those months, the plane was used almost exclusively for campaign-related purposes, those records show.

'Mr. McCain's campaign paid a total of $241,149 for the use of that plane from last August through February, records show. That amount is approximately the cost of chartering a similar jet for a month or two, according to industry estimates. The senator was able to fly so inexpensively because the law specifically exempts aircraft owned by a candidate or his family or by a privately held company they control.'

COMMUNICATORS ALERT - WSJ, 'New Rival for 'Morning Edition,' ': 'On Monday, a new morning show called 'The Takeaway' launches on public radio stations in New York, Boston, Baltimore and several other, smaller cities. The show has a forward-looking twist that allows listeners to interact with it in real time via the Internet. It is spearheaded by public-radio giants WNYC in New York and Minneapolis-based producer and syndicator Public Radio International Inc., with editorial input from the British Broadcasting Corp.'s World Service; The New York Times, of New York Times Co., and WGBH, a public radio station in Boston.'

Go to Playbook Now >>


Evelyn out

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

McCollum Recognizes 38th Anniversary of Earth Day with Statewide Environmental Groups

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with the latest news from the Office of the Attorney General of Florida, Bill McCollom.


April 22, 2008


TALLAHASSEE, FL –Attorney General Bill McCollum today recognized the
38th anniversary of Earth Day with representatives from statewide
environmental groups by planting a tree at the Florida Capitol. At the
tree-planting ceremony, held next to the House Office Building’s rose
garden, the Attorney General spoke about the importance of conservation
and preservation and his commitment to safeguarding those ideals for

“It is vitally important to ours and future generations that we make
conservation and preservation high priorities,” said Attorney General
McCollum. “By protecting our state’s natural resources, we are
safeguarding its treasures for years to come.”

The tree, an Arapaho crape myrtle, was chosen for its ability to
thrive in hot environments with little water. The crape myrtle was
provided by Tallahassee Nurseries, a nursery locally-owned in Tallahassee
since 1938.

Prior to the tree-planting, the Attorney General met with members of
1000 Friends of Florida, Audubon of Florida, the Nature Conservancy, the
Florida Wildlife Federation, the Florida Recreation and Parks Association,
and the Trust for Public Land. The meeting was organized to create
dialogue between the groups and the Attorney General, who often engages in
environmentalist issues as a member of the Florida Cabinet.

“We salute Attorney General McCollum for his continuing commitment to
Florida's environmental land protection legacy,” said Lester Abberger,
with 1000 Friends of Florida, a non-profit organization founded to serve
as the state’s growth management watchdog. “We look forward to working
together with him to extend and enhance that commitment for the benefit of
this andfuture generations of Floridians.”

“Earth Day is a time when we can appreciate the nature's bounty and
beauty and recommit ourselves to conservation and green living,” said Eric
Draper, Deputy Director of Audubon of Florida. “The day also gives us a
chance to remember that, through the good works of our state leaders such
as Attorney General Bill McCollum, Florida's environment is protected for
future generations.”

Conservation and preservation have long been priorities of Attorney
General McCollum. As a U.S. Congressman, he led the effort to designate
the Wekiva River as part of the National Wild & Scenic Rivers System.
Recently, the Attorney General was instrumental in helping the Florida
Department of Environmental Protection and Weeki Wachee Springs enter into
a proposed agreement which will preserve the attraction by converting
Weeki Wachee Springs into a state park.

The first Earth Day celebration was held on April 22, 1970, when 20
million Americans gathered to show their support for a healthy,
sustainable environment. This movement eventually led to the creation of
the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the
Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts. Today, through its
own environmental protection laws and land acquisition programs, Florida’s
water and air quality have improved over the years, and more than four
million acres of habitat have been preserved for future generations.

A photograph of the Attorney General and Tallahassee Nurseries
co-owner Nate Prosser planting the crape myrtle is available online at:$file/tree.jpg.


Evelyn out.

Politico Daily Digest for Wednesday April 23, 2008

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with the latest political on Election 2008 news from Politico.Com. As you can see the tide has turn once again in the race the Democratic nomination for presidency with Hilary leading the pack, Obama trailing close behind, and Edwards out in the cold.

POLITICO Daily Digest: The stories that drive the political conversation every day
Wednesday April 23, 2008
Clinton frames win as sign of strength By: BEN SMITH

Clinton victory ensures primary will continue, with same patterns of strength and weakness that were present before.

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The Politico: Clinton frames win as sign of strength
Why Clinton won Pennsylvania By: DAVID PAUL KUHN

Hillary Clinton wins with base of white women, working-class voters and white men that has sustained her candidacy for months.

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Obama can't shake off Clinton By: ROGER SIMON

Clinton says Obama can't "close the deal," even though he's won twice as many contests as she has.

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FEC stalemate leaves McCain hanging By: MARTIN KADY II

Senate stalemate over nominations leaves the FEC powerless to act on anything.

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GOP lobbyist greenbacks turn blue By: JOHN BRESNAHAN

Former GOP leaders have new cost of doing business with Congress run by Democrats: writing checks to them.

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BlogMiss. election heading to runoff By: JOSH KRAUSHAAR

Dems almost pick up heavily Republican seat, but their nominee came up hundreds of votes short.

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©2008 Capitol News Company, LLC
The Politico Daily Digest

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Florida Attempts To Balance The State's Fiscal Budget Effects Thousands of State Workers

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

In the news earlier this week, Pinellas County Sheriff, Jim Coats was quote as saying that his office will stop investigating newly reported crimes of child abuse if that state legislators continue with it present statewide plan to cut funding previously allotted to aid the sheriff office in its investigation of these brutal acts against children.

This cut back in state funding, which has trickled down to the sheriff office of Pinellas county is just one of the state run agencies effective by Florida's government attempt at fixing its fiscal budget.  In recent months many state employees' have left state employment for private or civil positions. It has also been reported that if the budget cuts continues, several thousand state employees who hold jobs in law enforcement and particular the that correctional and prison system will lose their jobs. Which means, early release for some prisoners, who might out be ready for reintegration is the regular life in society. The samecould be true of those patient within state run healthcare and mental health institutions.

The recent months has shown that not all state jobs positions are being filled and that the ones that are being filled are the positions where help the most needed. For this reason if has been stated that any state employee who plans to leave or has left his/her position might not be filled by someone.

When will legislator mend the fiscal budget? All I can tell say to my fellow state employees - don't rush before leaving.  Think out your decision to leave thoroughly. Don' t panic,  and remember this recession will end.

Evelyn out.

National Crime Victims' Rights Week

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with an excerpt from "Generally Speaking" a weekly report from Attorney General Bill McCollum.


Weekly Message from Attorney General Bill McCollum

This week, I had the opportunity to participate in several events which touched on issues very important to me, not only as the Attorney General, but as a husband, a father and a grandfather.

On Tuesday, I passed a Cabinet resolution recognizing the third week in April as CyberCrime Awareness Week. One of the most significant aspects of our efforts to educate Floridians about CyberCrime is our CyberSafety program, presented to middle and high school students throughout the state. More than 100 members of my staff have taken this project on voluntarily, and I know, through the feedback we are receiving from our principals, that these programs are saving lives. I cannot express enough my appreciation to all of my CyberSafety volunteers.

Wednesday, I was joined by the Governor to recognize law enforcement officers and victim advocates who have made serving victims of crime their top priority. This week is National Crime Victims' Rights Week and the emphasis of the week is on providing justice to crime victims and their families. This justice comes not only in the form of court rulings and convictions for the perpetrators of crime, but also in the form of providing services, care and support to these victims and their families. I am proud of the role the Attorney General's Office, through my Victim Services Division, plays in this great effort.

Yesterday, I had the privilege to join the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence as we unveiled the expansion of a program designed to save the lives of domestic violence victims. Modeled after a highly successful program in Jacksonville, the Intimate Violence Enhanced Services Team (INVEST) program is a cooperative community effort that identifies victims at high risk of becoming homicide victims and intervenes, providing the women with protective services and makingthe batterer accountable for his actions. The program is now in five counties throughout the state, and I look forward to the day when we can expand it statewide.

Whether we are protecting children from internet child predators or preventing domestic violence homicides, the Attorney General's Office will continue working to make Florida a safer place.


Sail Boat

Palm Trees



Daytona Speedway


Evelyn out.

Mike Allen's Playbook: Hillary wins Pennsylvania

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Below is an excerpt taken from today issue of Mike Allen's Playbook.



Poll finds Hillary wins Pennsylvania hunters and bowlers, but splits beer-drinkers


By: Mike Allen

Apr 20, 2008 09:43 AM EST

Steve Thomma of McClatchy Newspapers - "Clinton holds lead in Pa., including among bowlers, gun owners":

"Hillary Clinton leads among bowlers, gun owners and hunters in Pennsylvania, a blue-collar trifecta that is helping her hold an edge over rival Barack Obama heading into Tuesday's pivotal primary there. The New York senator leads by solid margins in all three slices of working-class Pennsylvania - the political battleground where the two Democrats have waged war for control of the state, according to a new poll conducted for McClatchy Newspapers, MSNBC and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The one group where she does not have a solid lead is among beer drinkers; they split evenly between her and the Illinois senator.

"Overall, Clinton leads Obama by a margin of 48-43 percent, with 8 percent still undecided. The telephone survey of 625 likely Pennsylvania voters was taken April 17-18 and had an error margin of plus or minus 4 percentage points. 'Clinton leads in Pennsylvania,' said Brad Coker, the managing partner for Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, which conducted the poll. 'However, the lead doesn't indicate she's going to win by a large enough margin to make a serious impact on Obama's overall delegate lead.' ...

'Clinton seems to have won the better part of the culture clash, leading among hunters by a margin of 56-31 percent, among bowlers by 54-33 percent, and among gun owners by 53-28 percent. Her shot and a beer gambit apparently didn't pay off, however; self-identified beer drinkers split 44-44 percent between the two. Coker said one reason could be that beer drinkers include more African-Americans - Obama supporters - than the bowlers, gun owners or hunters."

It's just too good - we won't ask what the margin of error is for "self-identified beer drinkers."

CLICK OF THE DAY - Those wacky funsters at Hillary Clinton for President have posted a "POP QUIZ: The Republican Attack Playbook," using an interactive, 14-question format to argue that some of the most divisive slaps at Senator Clinton have come not from Laura Ingraham, Hugh Hewitt or John Fund, but from "The Obama Campaign," "Barack Obama" or "Top Barack Obama advisor." Bill Burton is in there twice.

WARNING: There are a couple of trick questions. "Tucker Carlson" - not "Barack Obama's chief strategist - is the correct answer to, "Who said Hillary Clinton is 'overbearing and scary'?"
After you get your score, the game tells you: "Barack Obama recently told CNN, 'We've been very measured in terms of how we talk about Senator Clinton.' MEASURED?? He and his campaign have called Hillary calculating, polarizing, divisive, dishonest, secretive, disingenuous and untrustworthy. So who's using the Republican playbook? SEND THIS QUIZ TO A FRIEND >>" 



Go to Playbook Now For More >>



Evelyn out.





Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

It did last long.  the peace and quiet we experienced out here for a couple of night did not last.  The boom cars drivers and horn blowers began their annoyances sometime yesterday morning.  It seen that despite all we do to keep them from playing their car stereo systems loudly, they want the push to limits of our endure.  A few calls were made to the police department but as with most calls of this sort they are usually anonymously and the callers generally do not speak to the police department, and unless a caller sees the police officer driving by or stop at the offending address, we are not sure whether the boomers got the message to stop with the loud noise.  From the way they continue playing their one would think not or that this is what the boomers want us to think.

In either case, they are still breaking the law. also, wherever they allow their family members and friends playing their car stereos loud, they have the responsibilities that make them stop because to allow them to do it is against the law.  

Playing loud music in cars is simply against the law no matter where the driver is parked or if he is just driving by on a street.

The photo above is a copy of NoiseOFF Billboard that all drivers can see as they drive down  9th Street and 15th Avenue South toward downtown St. Petersburg.  It was created by Judy Ellis of NoiseOFF, and it is one of the 5 billboards sponsored by NoiseOFF and it clearly says. "TURN IT DOWN, IT'S THE LAW."

More Neighborhood Crime Prevention News: The families that sold drugs on the corner of my avenue do indeed have a couple more homes in the middle of this avenue. I have already stated that some good people have moved off on this street. It is true the troublemakers have moved into the homes of that moved away.  I alos believe that those who moved are victims of these corrupted families that have replaced them.

If anyone want to reply to this or any article posted here, email me at Beware that all replies are reviewed for approval before posting, and that under Florida's broad public records law all correspondence emailed to me may be subject to disclosure to the proper authorities.

Evelyn out.

UPDATE: I have also suspected that the troublemakers had the address to my sites, and they confirmed it in the past 1/2 hours by crating as much noise as they could with their car engines, blowing horns, and some boom car stereo playing loudly. 

I guess they aren't feeling very faltered by the written truth of their lives among those people they victimize.

This following is very important.  Do not let anyone that is not living your life among these criminals tell you that you are not being victimized. Such people do not have a clue to what these criminals have done to the multitude of families on this avenue along.  It is now 6:26 PM and there is a boom car in the area loud enough for me to hear but not see.


Some safety tips for reporting boom car drive. Try not to put yourself in danger.

1. Get the their plate number from the rear of their car. This very important.

2. If known at the time of the report add the driver's name and address.

3. Do not let them bait you into a confrontation and add all attempts on their part to do so on the offical report.

For more tips and to add your voice go and join NoiseOFF.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Praise and Thank You For a Job Done Well!

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

What a glorious homecoming I had this evening. As my husband and I rounded the corner to our avenue, we saw Progress Energy workers installing an entirely new streetlight on the troubled corner where some of the residents who live up there sold illegal drugs.  

I believe this additional streetlight will help those of us who patrol our streets and avenues as members of the neighborhood crime prevention program. It will certainly make the other families here feel safer as they go out for an evening walk. 

As for those on the corner, at least two of the women from the main house that once sold the drugs challenged me. I reported them, but not before telling them exactly, what I thought of the activities with the illegal drugs, their terrible influence on the children, particularly with children from families in their paid care. Most importantly, I told them that the corners of this avenue, up the street and down the street are off limit to all who want to sell illegal drugs. 

Two days ago, I discover that these women have at least one other family home a few doors from where I live. This is a household of younger family members, and I believe they too have played a part in the troubles this avenue and neighborhood has experience since 2003. Good families are moving out and the trouble makers are moving in. Also, the boom car drivers are still active, but it involves some of the same people that I have already reported.  All we can do about this troublemakers is keep reporting them to the police department.

I am also getting calling from people who I am assuming have the last names of states. I am reporting these calls to the police department. If they continue, I will have Verizon trace the callers.

Nevertheless, the installations of this new streetlight is a clear message to the troublemakers on the corner that we, their neighbors, do not want their continued crime up there any longer, and that we will band together with persons in authority to stop them and make changes for the betterment of our avenue and neighborhood.

To the workers of Progress Energy, those employed with the Mayor Center, Mayor Rick Baker, and the Saint Petersburg Police Department - Praise and many Thank You for a job done well. 

Evelyn out.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Orlando Heroin Trafficker Receives 25-Year Prison Sentence

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with more on the battle to catch and prosecute those that deal in the drug trade, a news release from the Office of the Attorney General, Bill McCollum.


Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release                                 

April 7, 2008

           Orlando Heroin Trafficker Receives 25-Year Prison Sentence           

      TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today announced that
an Orange County man was sentenced to 25 years in prison for his role in a
heroin trafficking operation that was responsible for distributing heroin
throughout Central Florida. Wense Armando Gonzalez pleaded guilty to
criminal charges in late 2006 and was prosecuted by the Attorney General’s
Office of Statewide Prosecution. In addition to the lengthy prison
sentence, Gonzalez must reimburse the state for the costs of prosecuting
him and the costs associated with extraditing him from New York where he

      Gonzalez, 39, was originally arrested in April 2006 after a lengthy
investigation by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration. The
investigation revealed that Gonzalez and a group of associates were
bringing large amounts of heroin into Central Florida. The group would then
repackage and distribute the narcotics to heroin dealers throughout Central
Florida. Prior to his sentencing date, originally scheduled for September
2007, Gonzalez fled to New York and became a fugitive. He was tracked to
Brooklyn, New York by agents from the United States Drug Enforcement
Administration and rearrested in November 2007.

      The Office of Statewide Prosecution charged Gonzalez with conspiring
to traffic in heroin, 28 grams or more; trafficking in heroin, four grams
or more; and delivery of heroin. He was sentenced by the Honorable Robert
P. LeBlanc, Circuit Court Judge for the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Florida.
Six of Gonzalez’s co-defendants have previously been sentenced to prison or
probationary sentences; two are awaiting sentencing later this spring; and
one is currently a fugitive.


Evelyn out.

Attorney General Obtains $1.3 Million Judgment Against Jacksonville Debt Collector

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a bi-weekly news release from the Office of the Attorney General, Bill McCollum that should give debt collect pause.


Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release                                 

April 7, 2008

    Attorney General Obtains $1.3 Million Judgment Against Jacksonville Debt Collector                                    
             Court awards significant damages from 2005 lawsuit 

      TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today announced that
a Jacksonville resident and his debt collection agency have been ordered to
pay $1.3 million in restitution and civil penalties for violations of
Florida and Federal collections laws. Ted Ellis Crosby, individually and in
his capacity as owner and director of Ellis Crosby & Associates, was found
to have engaged in willful violations of Florida’s Deceptive and Unfair
Business Practices Act and Florida’s Consumer Collections Practices Act.
The case was litigated by the Attorney General’s Economic Crimes division.

      “This case should put similar operations on notice that the penalties
for such deceptive business practices can be very costly,” said Attorney
General McCollum. “Florida authorities will not tolerate unscrupulous
individuals who victimize our citizens in potentially difficult financial

      The Attorney General’s lawsuit, filed in June August 2005, alleged
that Crosby and his company used deceptive practices in an attempt to
scare, harass and intimidate debtors into paying amounts far in excess of
their debts.  Testimony from victims and witnesses revealed that Crosby and
company used tactics such as posing as law enforcement officers,
threatening seizure of property, and even threatening bodily harm. More
than 380 victims filed complaints with the Attorney General’s office.

      Duval Circuit Court Judge L. Haldane Taylor ordered Crosby and his
company to pay $388,000 in consumer restitution, $700,000 in fines for
violating the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Business Practices Act, and
$253,000 in fees and costs, totaling more than $1.3 million. The Judge also
entered a permanent injunction which prohibits Crosby and his company from
engaging in any activity within the State of Florida which is related in
any way to the ownership, processing, administration or collection of
consumer debts.

      More information about protecting yourself from improper debt
collection tactics is available online at:!OpenDocument


Evelyn out.

True Heroes - Special Olympics Athletes of Florida

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with an excerpt from Attorney General Bill McCollum, Generally Speaking.


Weekly Message from Attorney General Bill McCollum

This week, I had the distinct honor to preside over the 2008 Law Enforcement Torch Run Ceremony as Honorary Chairman of Special Olympics Florida. This torch run, driven by our finest in law enforcement and eagerly attended and cheered along by the athletes, is one of the Special Olympics' proudest traditions.

The law enforcement community has been, for decades, a formidable and caring legion of protectors and supporters for Special Olympics around the world. The torch run serves as the signature event that captures this spirit of support and commitment. For 25 years, the "Flame of Hope" has traversed our state in a relay of simultaneous routes throughout Florida, covering countless thousands of miles.

Statewide, the participating chiefs, officers, sheriffs, deputies, agents and cadets from virtually every branch of federal, state, county and municipal law enforcement, represent more than 300 different agencies. It is truly a momentous event.

While the law enforcement officers' commitment to this cause is laudable, the true heroes are the athletes. Special Olympics Florida provides the unique atmosphere of an Olympic-style competition to children and adults with intellectual disabilities, as well as the sports training needed to compete in the events. Currently, approximately 15,000 athletes participate in these events every year.

As the "Flame of Hope" stood in our Capitol's courtyard this week, I had the opportunity to observe the athletes in attendance. In their eyes, you could see a true love of sports, of competition, and of having the opportunity to shine.

These men, women, boys and girls are already winners because of their commitment to excellence and toward encouraging their peers to achieve the same. It is these athletes and these law enforcement officers who remind us what it is to work hard to achieve a goal and to protect others' pursuit of that goal. As we prepare for the 36th annual Special Olympics summer games, I wish everyone involved the very best.


Evelyn out


Sail Boat

Palm Trees



Daytona Speedway

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Governor Talk About High Cost of Insurance

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a excerpt from Governor Crist's Notes From the Capital.


                         Notes From the Capitol
                                                       April 11, 2008
Dear Friends,
This week I had the opportunity to meet with a group of Floridians concerned about the high cost of health insurance.  They are just a few of the 3.8 million Floridians who are uninsured, and therefore, do not have access to health care.
I heard from business owners who have been unable to afford health insurance for themselves and their 12 employees.  I heard from a couple with pre-existing conditions that insurers do not cover.  Another fellow Floridian pays $670 each month for insurance and is thinking about dropping it because of the high cost.
I believe it is time for us to help uninsured Floridians.  Moving through the legislative process right now is Senate Bill 2534, which would allow state government to negotiate with health insurers to develop affordable health insurance coverage for our uninsured fellow Floridians. Under the plan, private health insurers have indicated a willingness to provide benefit packages for as low as possibly $100 per month.
I believe we can make affordable health coverage available to Florida’s uninsured – and do it at very low cost to the state.  I encourage you to contact your legislators and let them know that we need to provide affordable health care coverage to uninsured Floridians – particularly during these challenging economic times.
Thank you very much and may God continue to bless our great Florida.

Photo Captions
Top left: 
Governor Crist (right) listens to Stephanie and her husband Jeff from Marianna as they discuss their challenges with purchasing health insurance.
Middle right: Governor Crist visits Lee Memorial Hospital to discuss his plan to provide affordable health insurance for uninsured Floridians.
Bottom left: Governor Crist (right) visits Lee Memorial Hospital to learn more about health care services provided through the hospital's trauma center and emergency room. 





Evelyn out.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

As a country founded by men seeking release from royal rule of scruples’ kings and overzealous religious leaders, we must wonder how important is it that our government official have strong mortal belief grounded in a religious life?

Below is a link to an article about Senator McCain reluctant to speak about his religious belief. An in-depth discussion might greatly influence voters who need answers and change is the laws that now govern religious base issue, such the right to life of an unborn child or fetal tissue gathering for it limited effects in the treatment of certain diseases and that issue of cloning.

These are all hot issues and issues that I believe that Senator McCain will do well to address and not depend on an act of separation of Church and State in win voter confidence.



Evelyn out.

A Consumer Advisory

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Below is a Consumer Advisory from Bill McCollum, Attorney General of the State of Florida. Today advisory cautions consumer about the risks involved with shadowy email and other Internet scams targeting wire transfers or bank deposits.    



 Scams are evolving to look more “official,” often appearing to be government documents 

      TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today issued a
consumer advisory warning Floridians about evolving email and internet
scams, particularly those which solicit assistance in moving large sums of
money through wire transfers or bank deposits. The Attorney General
cautioned that as technology develops, con artists are becoming more adept
at using the internet to prey on their victims, hiding behind the
internets anonymity while offering business opportunities that cannot be
passed up or stories begging for a recipient’s compassion.

      “The internet is a wonderful tool, but unfortunately unscrupulous
individuals use it every day to scam victims out of hundreds or even
thousands of dollars through every type of scam imaginable,” said Attorney
General McCollum. “Floridians should be very cautious of entering into any
financial transaction with a stranger over the internet and should report
suspicious internet activity to the authorities.”

      Earlier this week, a member of the Attorney General’s staff received
an email from someone purporting to be a high-ranking government official
in South Africa. The individual claimed to have a large sum of money but
needed to transfer it to a “silent partner” to protect it from any
economic instability. The email and attached letter were formatted to
appear to be official documents from the government of South Africa. The
individual promised a portion of the funds to any willing participant and
claimed the entire process was perfectly legitimate, even asking for
personal phone numbers to call and reassure interested participants, but
when questioned further by staff with the Attorney General’s Office, the
individual refused to provide additional information about the

      The wire transfer and deposit scams are a new variation on the
classic overpayment scam, where a con artist “accidentally” sends a check
or a money order to a consumer in an amount greater than the purchase
price, but asks the overpayment be wired back. By the time the consumer
wires back the difference, the original check has been discovered to be
fraudulent and the consumer has lost the amount wired back.

      Attorney General McCollum offered the following tips to avoid falling
prey to this scam:

-    Know who you are dealing with. Independently confirm the individual’s
name, address and telephone number.
-    Never wire money to a stranger or a third party at a stranger’s
request. If someone insists that you wire funds, end the communication and
transaction immediately –legitimate individuals won't pressure you to
send money.
-    If selling an item, accept only cash if possible. If you do accept a
check for payment, do not turn over the item being sold until you verify
that the check has cleared the issuing bank.
-    Never accept payment for more than the purchase price of an item, no
matter how tempting.
-    Resist any pressure to “act now.”

      Consumers who believe they have been victimized by these or other
types of scams can contact the Attorney General’s fraud hotline at
1-866-966-7226 or can file complaints online at

      A copy of the original email related to the "business opportunity" is
available online at:$file/DFandEA.pdf.


Evelyn out.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!