Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mike Allen's Playbook: Hillary wins Pennsylvania

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Below is an excerpt taken from today issue of Mike Allen's Playbook.



Poll finds Hillary wins Pennsylvania hunters and bowlers, but splits beer-drinkers


By: Mike Allen

Apr 20, 2008 09:43 AM EST

Steve Thomma of McClatchy Newspapers - "Clinton holds lead in Pa., including among bowlers, gun owners":

"Hillary Clinton leads among bowlers, gun owners and hunters in Pennsylvania, a blue-collar trifecta that is helping her hold an edge over rival Barack Obama heading into Tuesday's pivotal primary there. The New York senator leads by solid margins in all three slices of working-class Pennsylvania - the political battleground where the two Democrats have waged war for control of the state, according to a new poll conducted for McClatchy Newspapers, MSNBC and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The one group where she does not have a solid lead is among beer drinkers; they split evenly between her and the Illinois senator.

"Overall, Clinton leads Obama by a margin of 48-43 percent, with 8 percent still undecided. The telephone survey of 625 likely Pennsylvania voters was taken April 17-18 and had an error margin of plus or minus 4 percentage points. 'Clinton leads in Pennsylvania,' said Brad Coker, the managing partner for Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, which conducted the poll. 'However, the lead doesn't indicate she's going to win by a large enough margin to make a serious impact on Obama's overall delegate lead.' ...

'Clinton seems to have won the better part of the culture clash, leading among hunters by a margin of 56-31 percent, among bowlers by 54-33 percent, and among gun owners by 53-28 percent. Her shot and a beer gambit apparently didn't pay off, however; self-identified beer drinkers split 44-44 percent between the two. Coker said one reason could be that beer drinkers include more African-Americans - Obama supporters - than the bowlers, gun owners or hunters."

It's just too good - we won't ask what the margin of error is for "self-identified beer drinkers."

CLICK OF THE DAY - Those wacky funsters at Hillary Clinton for President have posted a "POP QUIZ: The Republican Attack Playbook," using an interactive, 14-question format to argue that some of the most divisive slaps at Senator Clinton have come not from Laura Ingraham, Hugh Hewitt or John Fund, but from "The Obama Campaign," "Barack Obama" or "Top Barack Obama advisor." Bill Burton is in there twice.

WARNING: There are a couple of trick questions. "Tucker Carlson" - not "Barack Obama's chief strategist - is the correct answer to, "Who said Hillary Clinton is 'overbearing and scary'?"
After you get your score, the game tells you: "Barack Obama recently told CNN, 'We've been very measured in terms of how we talk about Senator Clinton.' MEASURED?? He and his campaign have called Hillary calculating, polarizing, divisive, dishonest, secretive, disingenuous and untrustworthy. So who's using the Republican playbook? SEND THIS QUIZ TO A FRIEND >>" 



Go to Playbook Now For More >>



Evelyn out.



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