Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
with the Attorney general Bill McCollum Labor Day message of Generally Speaking.
For those you traveling this weekend, Have a safe and Happy Labor Day Holiday!
Evelyn out,
Attorney General's Weekly Newsletter
| Publication of the Office of the Attorney General • Volume 6, Issue 35 • August 29, 2008
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Weekly Message from Attorney General Bill McCollum
This weekend, we will celebrate Labor Day as an opportunity to recognize the extraordinary efforts of our state's workers. Our nation has officially been celebrating Labor Day since 1894, and I believe it is important to take time to recognize and appreciate jobs well done by countless Floridians.
As Florida's Attorney General, I want to draw specific attention to the public servants in our state who work tirelessly in a variety of areas from public safety to education. These government employees take care of our seniors, help keep our neighborhoods safe, and keep our state's legal system operational. They protect justice and peace, health and safety, and so many other necessities of our daily lives. Additionally, within the Attorney General's Office, many work to save money and protect resources for our state and its citizens.
I am honored to have many exemplary public servants working in the Attorney General's Office and I know there are many others working in state and local government agencies throughout Florida. These men and women deserve our sincere appreciation for the hard work and dedication to our state and its citizens.
I would also encourage our citizens to remember that although Labor Day is symbolically recognized as the end to summer, this year's hurricane season has not ended and is instead becoming more active. Every Floridian should make sure they have a disaster plan and can obtain more information from http://www.floridadisaster.org. Enjoy this holiday with your families and please remain prepared.


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