Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Hello Everone,

Evelyn here,

The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has launched a new web+\site called,
Safety First.


The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has unveiled a new
website with safety tips for Florida drivers. Some examples of the types of
tips include identity theft and driver license fraud, teen driving safety
and a personal safety primer. More information is available online at:



Evelyn out.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

F.AS.T Annual October Rally

F.AS.T Annual Rally this Monday night (October 27, 2008)

Members check with your pastor for location, time, and car pooling.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Noisy Neighbors

Helllo Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a brief note. I have very, very noisy neighbors. It sounds like many of the residents in the apartment building I live in are boomers. I have had to contact the police department and the apartment's security nearly every night since I moved in here back in September. Many know that I am a member of NoiseOFF, but this has little effect in their behaviors. To make the problem worse they have grouped together, and when one group get caught the buck is moved to the next group. I sincerely think security would be more effective on-site 24/7.

More on this later.

Evelyn out.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

I called myself peeking at my email this morning but before I could get there I spied the article on Gov. Sarah Palin use of government fund to paid for her daughter's travel expenses.

Palin Charged Alaska for Kids' Travel

Below is my posted comment that is buried among thousands of others displeased constituents.

06:55 AMOct 22 2008

I say. Until Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter become a full time working member of the State Alaska, that Palin should paid for her daughter's travel expenses from her personal funds and that she needs to repay the State of Alaska in full.To put her daughter travel expenses on the State of Alaska show the type misuse in government funds that tax payers are trying to get away from. Voters need to really think about this before casting their votes this November.

I need not say more.

Evelyn out.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Reckless Drivers

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

As I was coming home from classes last night, a very reckless and foolhardy driver is a olive green jeep-jeep sped in front of me and continued in that matter until the reaching the intersection. Then and with little warning the driver came to a short and abrupt stop before turning right and onto the adjacent street. I and the driver behind me had little time to adjust our own speed before this thoughtless wonder of a driver completed the turn.

Because the driver of the jeep could have caused an accident if not for quick thinking, I want to share a report from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.

According The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration recent report on auto accidents resulting in injuries and fatalities last year 41,059 motorists were killed in motor vehicle and 2,491,000 people were injured.

Why? Thoughtless and foolhardy drivers like the one I encountered last night caused those accidents. Fortunately, no accident occurred last night. We were lucky but many others were not and are now the victims of drunken drivers, drivers speed to nowhere, road-ragers, or young drivers out on the town with friends.

Although this National Highway Transportation Safety Administration report is based on a two-year study which shows a decrease in the overall number of auto accidents between 2006 and 2007, this number is still too high and I do not want to be added to a 2007 - 2008 list.

To conclude and for those drivers out there driving without regards of the other drivers around you, drive responsibly as you are sitting behind that steering wheel. Think about us your potentials victims and it slow down within a acceptable time that will inform the drivers behind you of what your intention are.

The NCSA Report:

Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Fatality Counts And Estimates of People Injured for 2007, which is based on The Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)and The National Automotive Sampling System General Estimates System (NASS GES); ); DOT HS 811 034 September 2008 DOT HS 811 034 September 2008,

Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Fatality Counts & Estimates of People Injured for 2007

Evelyn out.


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a consumer advisory from the Office of The Attorney General, Bill McCollum.



For Immediate Release
October 21, 2008


TALLAHASSEE, FL – In recognition of National Protect Your Identity Week,
October 19-25, Attorney General Bill McCollum today issued a consumer
advisory warning Floridians about mortgage fraud-related identity theft.
The crime can occur when “straw borrowers” are recruited to perpetuate a
mortgage scam on a lending institution. The person who allows their good
credit to be used as a straw borrower typically ends up with ruined
credit, significant debt and potential criminal charges. The crime can
also be perpetuated through criminal identity theft, which occurs when
thieves steal a person’s identity or personal information, unbeknownst to
the victim, and use that information to secure mortgages or other home

“Identity theft can be one of the more personally damaging results of
mortgage fraud,” said Attorney General McCollum. “This financial
destruction can ruin a person’s name, credit, and other personal financial
aspects, and may even result in litigation against a straw buyer engaged
in a mortgage fraud scheme.”

Just last month, Attorney General McCollum sued 10 companies and 15
individuals for a massive $37 million mortgage fraud scheme utilizing
straw borrowers in Central Florida. In that case, the ringleaders
allegedly defrauded banks by recruiting straw buyers with good credit to
create false mortgage loan applications. The scammers also allegedly
created fraudulent supporting documentation for the applications including
bogus employment information for the straw buyers. In many cases, the
defendants failed to make the required mortgage payments on behalf of
straw buyers and allowed at least 50 properties to fall into foreclosure.
Six alleged straw borrowers are named as defendants in the Attorney
General’s lawsuit.

Tips to avoid mortgage fraud-related identity theft and fraud from the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development include:

- Be wary of any attempt to persuade you to make a false statement on
your loan application, such as overstating your income or the source of
your down payment, and failing to disclose the nature and amount of your
debts or how long you have been employed. Lying on a mortgage application
is fraud and may result in criminal penalties.

- Be wary of any attempt to persuade you to borrow more money than you
know you can afford to repay.

- Never sign a blank document or a document containing blanks. If
information is inserted by someone else after you have signed, you may
still be bound to the terms of the contract.

- Read everything carefully and ask questions. Do not sign anything
that you don't understand.

- Be honest about your intention to occupy the house. Stating that you
plan to live there when in fact you do not violates federal law and is a

Consumers who believe they may be victims of identity theft or fraud may
contact the Attorney General's fraud hotline at 1-866-9-NO-SCAM
(1-866-966-7226) or file a complaint online at http://myfloridalegal.com.
Additional information about identity theft, tips to protect individuals,
and recovery information is available online at:


Evelyn out.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Welcome to the new home of the "The Constituent". I just love technology when it works. The transition here was fast, painless, and without casualties. As this site is my own domain, I am looking any years of writing and posting current, resourceful, and meaningful articles.

Thanks for joining me!

Evelyn out!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Judge Sentences Rap Music Fan to Bach, Beethoven & Chopin

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

I haven't quite made the move yet. However, I working on it.  In the meantime here is an interesting, if not amusing, development in the fight against boom car drivers.



Judge Sentences Rap Music Fan to Bach, Beethoven

URBANA, Ohio (AP) -- A defendant had a hard time facing the music. Andrew Vactor
was facing a $150 fine for playing rap music too loudly on his car stereo in
July. But a judge offered to reduce that to $35 if Vactor spent 20 hours
listening to classical music by the likes of Bach, Beethoven and Chopin.

Vactor, 24, lasted only about 15 minutes, a probation officer said.

It wasn't the music, Vactor said, he just needed to be at practice with the rest
of the Urbana University basketball team.

''I didn't have the time to deal with that,'' he said. ''I just decided to pay
the fine.''

Champaign County Municipal Court Judge Susan Fornof-Lippencott says the idea was
to force Vactor to listen to something he might not prefer, just as other people
had no choice but to listen to his loud rap music.

''I think a lot of people don't like to be forced to listen to music,'' she

She's also taped TV shows for defendants in other cases to watch on topics such
as financial responsibility. As she sees it, they get the chance to have their
fine reduced ''and at the same time broaden their horizons.''


The poor guy. Just think of what his mental and emotional state would have been if the judge has insisted that he listened the those classics and paid his fine as well. The inhumanity!

Evelyn out.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

News Protect Florida' families and Businesses From Rising Crime

Hello Everyone,

Eveyln here,

with an excerpt from the Attorney General "Generally Speaking for this week.


Weekly Message from Attorney General Bill McCollum

This past Wednesday several new laws took effect, four of which were my top legislative priorities during the 2007 Florida legislative session. These laws will help protect Florida's families and businesses from a wide range of dangers including violent gangs, child pornographers, shady foreclosure rescue companies and unsafe products.

Among those laws is the new anti-gang law which enhances numerous penalties against convicted gang members. With this law in place, Florida?s law enforcement and prosecutors have essential new tools to protect our communities from the threat of criminal gangs and gang violence.

Another important law will give victims of Florida-based child pornography a voice in state court proceedings against individuals who are downloading and distributing those images. Victims will also be able to seek civil remedies of no less than $150,000 against those defendants.

Also timely is the Foreclosure Fraud Prevention Act, which protects and educates consumers of their rights when they are signing a contract with a foreclosure rescue entity and includes additional protections for homeowners who face foreclosure. The fourth and final law targets those who manufacture, distribute or possess counterfeit goods with the intent to sell them. Key provisions of this bill include enhanced penalties for those whose counterfeited goods cause bodily injury, serious bodily injury or death.

The safety and security of Floridians is my top priority, and these four new laws will make an important difference in the lives of our citizens.


If you missed it. The Constituent and my fan page "It's A Woman Thing" are moving to other sites. These new sites are within my own domain. I will the post addresses once the sites are up and running. 

It has been great here at AOL Journal and AOL Hometown, but now that they are closing the sites down to concentrate of providing better email service. Nevertheless, it is time for me grow into my own domain.  For me starting my own domain was never far from my mind. I just needed the push in its direction.

Evelyn out.

Turning off engines helps De Queen officers

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

I spent a great afternoon at the Mahaffey Theater watching Daniel Ulbricht and Friends: An Afternoon of Dance.  It was a delightful way to spend as afternoon and the proceeds from the ballet goes to help fund dance students here in the Tampa Bay area.

I have here a excerpt from an article on the latest process on the battle to stop boom car drivers.

Turning off engines helps De Queen officers

Method saves gas and leads to discovery of noise violations

By: Jim Williamson - Texarkana Gazette - Published: 10/03/2008
Turning off the engines to their patrol cars has helped the De Queen Police
Department save gas and listen for loud noises.

To conserve gasoline, De Queen police started turning off the engines for
about one hour per 10-hour shift, said De Queen Mayor Billy Ray McKelvy. The
policy was implemented about two months ago.

When the patrol car engines were turned off, officers became attuned to
noises and have issued 19 citations for loud music in eight weeks.

The loud noise violations were created by car stereos...


Our Saint Petersburg Police Department could benefit from De Queen example.

Evelyn out.

Friday, October 3, 2008



Along with the “It’s A Woman’s Thing" fan page, this site will be moving to a new domain by the end of this month. The address of the new site will be posted here once the site is up and running.  As with this site, the new site allow for a lot of original graphics and expansion of my creativity.

Stay tuned!

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!