I have repeatedly reported them to the police department, and their landlord. I was going to report them to the Pinellas County Board of Education. However, in an article I that found while searching for the the board, I discovered that the teachers in that christian schools might fall into one or two categories, "(a) they couldn’t pass the state certification tests required to teach in a public school and/or (b) they didn’t have the interview chops to pass through the rounds and rounds of interviews to land a job". In either case, reporting them to the school board would be a waste of time.
The article I read is "5 Reasons We Don’t Send Our Kids To Christian Schools".
As for this Christian group, the people that run that school
have just as must of a thug mentality as any other thug out there on the
P.S. The school name is King/Queen Christian School, and because
of what I have observed and been a victim of I would not recommend sending your
children there.