Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Harassment Continues with som New Faces Added

The Harassment Continues With Some New Faces Added

The drug pushers, their families’ members, and d members of that defunct Christian school (some who are part of the drug pushing families over on 53rd south) are still harassing and lying about me to people I must associate with on a normal basis. The problem with them is that they believed that we left St Pete a year ago because of their harassment and interference in our personal business. To which I must once again inform those we do business with that these trouble making people of up to their old tricks and to contact the police department. They were wrong. Our move to Largo and our move back to St Pete have nothing to do with them.

The truth of that hit they hard and they became venous to the point of allowing one of their family members to harm me physically. She is in the medical field which made it is easy for her to harm me. It was bad enough that they lied to other medical personnel members and had they attempting to threaten me and interfere with my medical treatments, they also have people attempting to scam me with fake bills that I and my insurance already paid.

Now I live in midtown and I discovered that it is not a good part of town and that the drug pushers not only have family members near me but some lunatic friends as well. Some of the older black men here have also been told stupid lies and one, in particular, has been harassing me ever since I told him that I knew that there are a lot of bad residents here and that I did not and do not want them coming around. Apparently, he was offended, and went on to prove what I was told is absolutely true.  

Here are a lot of bad residents here. 

As usual, because of them (drug pushers, their families members, and members of that defunct Christian school), I have had problems with strangers on the bus mostly black. There are drivers among them who drive past our bedroom windows playing extremely loud music and blowing their horns in the dead night to wake us up, and recently there was an attempted break-in of our home.

Now, I did nothing to these people but they are so quick to believe lies about people that they never attempt to discover the truth, which that the troublemakers are the ones that tell them many lies for the purpose the having cause the harm they do not want to be caught doing. That method of revenge has cause many otherwise non associated and innocence to commit the crimes and lose jobs that they the drug pushers, their families members, and members of that defunct Christian school do not want to lose their jobs over and/or go to jail for.

They are truly evil people.   

All of this I have written above has been reported to the police department, and what is disturbing is that many of the officers now are younger and apparently unaware of what has happened me and family because of these trouble makers. Therefore, when trying to report something to one of them, it is like starting anew because this situation has a long history of harassment and abuse caused by these trouble makers and done to me and my family over more than a decade.

 As I stated before, these are truly evil people and they don't think anything of the people they have used among other races. So long as they do the harassment and admit the crimes, they don't see these other race of people losing their jobs of any consequent to themselves.

Nevertheless, Widescreen Network News is once more open to the public for viewing.


Related: The True Intentions of the Widescreen Network News

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!