Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Reflections on Truth and Breaking down The Myths: Defining Intolerance

Hello everyone,


While searching for research material, I came across information that defines the difference forms of intolerance.  




Defining Intolerance of Others


Author: unknown





negative Thoughts

negative attitudes 

negative behavior



Stereotyping: developing an association between the behavior of a single person and generalizing to an entire group of people who share some obvious dimension with that individual (gender, race, national origin, language, occupation, sexualorientation )

Stereotype : A belief about the personal attributes of a group of people based on singular experiences or passive adoption of other peoples attitudes.

Stereotypes are typically inaccurate over generalizations which are highly resistant to change

Stereotypical responses are often so automatic that their existence can be detected by simple response measures like the Implicit Association Task. (Greenwald 1991)

Prejudice : an unjustifiable negative attitude toward a group and its individual members based on stereotypes. These negative attitudes stem from emotional associations, negative beliefs, and the need to justify behavior. Prejudice is often reflected in speech.

Discrimination: Unjustifiable negative behavior toward a group or its members.

Without doubt the two most common forms of discrimination within America are

Racism : Both an individuals prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behavior toward people based on racial distinctions and institutional practices that discriminate against people of a particular race.

Sexism: Both an individuals prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behavior toward people of a given sex and institutional practices that discriminate against people of a particular sex.




As informative as this list of definition is, it, like so many other definitions on racism and prejudices attitudes in America, has overlooked a hidden and little known form of racism of what I called, for the lack of better term, same-race racism or same race discrimination. A form of racism that I have only learned of in my years here. Before moving here, I could have never dreamt of such a thing existing.


Same Race Racism/ Same Race Discrimination. is a form of racial intdiscrimination or prejudice that a member or members of a racial group fostered against one of the same racial group. The methods of discrimination and the harmful acts of intolerance are no different from racism committed by a member one racial toward a member of a different racial group, and both form can lead to violence. Acts of same race discrimination is hard to detect because victim and the perpetrator are of the same race and some time gender. 


The factors for the existence of same-race racism or same race discrimination have it origins the same roots as others form of racial intolerance. 


Gender and Sexism – where a woman is continually humiliated, harassed, and rejected for saying “NO” and maintaining her rights and beliefs reject unwanted advances.


Education level

Lack of employment

Geographical location

Improper medical care

Illegal drug use



These factors also increase crime, such black on black crime, domestic abuse, and illegal drug use to name a few.


Evelyn out!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Reflections on Truth and Breaking down The Myths: "On Racial Intolerance ..."

Below is a copy of a letter printed on a US college campus from back in January 2003. I have removed all references of the identity of the writer to protect to him.  Although he posted it on the web, I still feel that I must to protect my source due to the nature of the letter. Otherwise the letter is in its entirety. He wrote it two years ago.  I have found no follow up. Nevertheless, it is proof that racial intolerance in ugly business and dangerous if left unchecked. I concur with the writer.


Letter: Cartoonist against racial intolerance

Posted: 1/31/03



This past week I ran a series of comic strips dealing with the issues of intolerance and stereotyping. For those who missed out on them, the plot was, loosely, that the main character       had a (questionably) "intolerant" thought, and was whisked away to "stereotype land," an obviously fictional locale where various groups of people exhibited the behaviors that have been attributed to them via stereotyping. I won't elaborate on or rehash the particular stereotypes that I dealt with, but few people, if anyone, were spared by the parody. The point of the strips was to illuminate the absurdity of such sweeping generalizations, and this point was driven home by punchlines like the one in Thursday's comic, where in it was implied that the prejudices concerning homosexuals and African-Americans were shared by people like deposed Senate majority leader Trent Lott. As with most comedy, the humor was apparently lost on some people. As of early Thursday afternoon, I have received voice-mail from both the head of the Asian-American Cultural Center and the head of the               Center, requesting to speak with me concerning this week's strips. I have nothing but the utmost respect for those and all other cultural organizations on campus, but I have not heeded their requests at this point, opting instead to explain myself once in this forum. Stereotypes and generalizations are a dire matter; when they are taken seriously they can lead to the dehumanization of the afflicted groups, setting the stage for something as horribly grand as the Holocaust, or the lesser-scale, but just as serious, attacks on innocent Muslims immediately after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. One way to combat stereotypes is to show, in this case through satire, how ridiculous they are. Regular readers of "              " (of which there are probably fewer of than I'd like to think) know that I routinely employ satire and parody to get my various points across. I have a nagging feeling that this week's uproar was partially caused by those who saw words or images that offended them, without fully considering or understanding the context in which they were created. I will not make an apology on behalf of myself or The                 , for I don't feel that I have done anything to warrant an apology. I do feel badly that misunderstandings were made and that feelings were hurt, and I hope the campus community as a whole can continue to work towards being a diverse, safe and tolerant place for people of all cultures, ethnicities and orientations. If anyone would like to contact me further about the matter, feel free to email me at                                      .



More to follow.

Evelyn out.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Good Job!

Hello every,

Evelyn here,

but just briefly to give a thank you the the city's street cleaners for the great job they did on our avenue. 

So again, Thank you!

Reflections on Truth and Breaking down The Myths

Hello everyone,


Evelyn here,


It may appear that I have gotten off the central theme of this blog. However, the “Woman Within’ is right on target. The topics and events I have entered here are important to women, and have origins based on fact. My one wish is for all my women readers to find something of value from the entries here. However, what the reader takes away from is based on the reader understanding of what is written. This is why I present my entries as raw and open as possible. Perhaps, I am not as raw as I could be, but my readers will find truth.


When this blog was only an idea, I was aware of the fact that some people do not like, will not like, and would object to some of what I write. I expected it, and  I still committed myself to presenting a truthful and informative blog.  I do not believe it is good for me as a writer to let the dislikes and objections of some readers to detour me from writing on topics that make them uncomfortable and/or angry. When confronted with open objection, distortion of what is plainly written, and other display of disapproval I feel affirmed that I on the right track and have done a good job of it.


However, I want it known that I have dislikes and objections of my own that stem from people open display of intolerant and prejudice. I believe such people to be naïve, insecure, and in much need of either more social enlightenment as to where we are trying to go today as a people, or as resulting from some examples presented to me, in need of psychological help. 


Nevertheless, as a woman and an intelligent woman within the working community, there is couple of topics that I hoped that I would never have to touch. The first topic that I speak of is the prejudices that falls in the ranges of gender, age, and sex. The second topic is about maintaining truth, and integrity in the work place and what happens when these two factors break down.


As in my narration of Doris in “A Little Nickel Bag”, the topics I will present within the following entries will take time, as I do not want to hurry the writing and lose the essence of the topics with unnecessary emotions. I try to will present the topics from the most objective point of view that I possess. 


In closing, I invite all readers with similar views and/or experiences to share their thoughts and email me at a special email address I have created just for these upcoming entries. All submissions that I post will be treated as anonymous to protect those senders wishing it.   I can be emailed at reflections589@yahoo.com.


Evelyn out!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

Of the incidents I have described in these recent entries, I want to make clear that there is no romantic interest on my part toward anyone involved in the problems here.  That is false information put out by those who want to diminish the seriousness of the problems in area. 

I see such talk as bias and demeaning.   To try to link a love interest in all this malicious harassment and the flow and use of illegal drug on that corner is just plain dumb. It will not change the fact that there are real and very serious problems here that are in need of police attention to put a stop too it.  The problems with the people up the street and on that corner will only increase  and worsen if not addressed and stopped.  I consider this a serious police matter.

So, cut the crap!


Monday, May 15, 2006

Singled Out! Updated

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

As you may have guessed, I have been singled out for open but subdued harassment. This is nothing new to me. It is just a little more apparent because I have taken the stance to rid that corner of the illegal drug sell and use that have occurred there. 

The police department and perhaps some unknown residents of my area are helping to keep the corner clear of all the extreme actions that happens there; however, there are more vehicles driving by and around the area that are playing loud negative music. I also believe that those who are spreading their negativity are or have tried to influence governing members of my church. Although I have spoken out about wanting to rid this street and corner of the criminalistic behavior that occur on it, there are very few that I have spoken directly to about this matter. And, I am not unaware the this negative talk is an attempt to discredit if not me than my motives for wanting these pushers and their goons to stop harassing me and others that I know as well as stopping the drug flow on that corner. 

I am not surprise. This type of thing was done that first time I reported these people. However, I was very naive of the backlash that could come from reporting such activities and my family and I suffered greatly because I wanted a drug free avenue. I am no longer that naive and their actions and motives are all to clear for me to miss.

Nevertheless, I am continuing with my present course to keep the drugs off that corner.

I have also been singled out as unwelcome by some in other parts of the city but the motives behind it runs deeper and I believe that those wanting the discredit me are using race as an issue. It is true that racism and a lot more isms still are alive in our society; nevertheless, I am appalled that these people in my area would use such an inflammable subject, as a way to start problems for me elsewhere is this city. However they have done this in our past encounter also, and I do not intend to be bullies by the people they have triggered into negative actions such as shadowing out me of an area or trying to cause an incident once, I reached this area. Those who try are showing me a lack moral maturity that is present which in a reasonable adult and that intimidation, stalking, and other harassment is what drives them. Then, I am speaking persons who have demonstrated strong criminal personalities. Regardless of their attempts to cause problems, I will conduct my business as usual, no matter where I am, and I will report any open display of bias behavior that I know is stemming from the above situation on this street.

I want a drug free street. I want streets that I can walk through at night and not be harassed and intimidated and overwhelmed by the smell of marijuana. 

I never expected to be loved for my stance on wanting a drug area, however, I do expect to be respected and not mistreated and/or singled out for my views and actions to rid that corner of its criminal actions. 

In short, as I have stated to a member of the police department I want these people to "Stop Hassling Me! 

If those who are harassing and singling me out or trying drive me out of another area are so against what I am trying to do here, then leave the matter along, and not make it worse. Two wrongs do not make a right.

I know that getting rid of the drug activities here will take time, and that these people have to be caught in the act by members the police department before their actions are truly stopped. I believe that this will happen in time and I do not believe the residents of here who, like me, neither  want the drugs nor the crime that come with should has to wait for police intervention to stop it. I believe these people have been reported enough times for the truth not to be known. So, if there are others who cannot or are unwilling to help stop the crime, here please do not add to it by falling for the one we are fighting against to gain a drug free area. Their string of negativity is only put out to break me goal for having this street and others drug free.

The police department might not be happy with my method but I am not committing any crimes.

Here! Here! For a crime free area and out with the illegal drugs!

Evelyn out.

TI wrote this earlier morning, since then I have been monitored and perhaps photographs while working but outside. The green vehicles still drive by in multiples when a reach this section of the neighborhood. I know it is done on purpose but as I stated before it something they done in the past when I was trying to get the crime watch going and I became aware of the fact that we have a predator one over from us. Someone told the guy and people have been trying to harass me since. Unfortunately, the person that told is among the group who are causing of the trouble. 

I suspect that many people never knew why that particular color car.  It was all about stopping the crime watch program from coming in or my bringing it in.  No matter, the drivers are wasting gas. At nearly $3.00 a gallon, I say to them, "Keep wasting your gas."

Evelyn out again


Saturday, May 6, 2006

Manipulators and Predators

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

I have concluded that the people who are harassing me, and particularly those with interest in the illegal drugs that get used and sold on this avenue, think that I am a lame-brain. I did notice the unusual number of individuals driving green vehicles within the last two days. 

Purpose? My best guess is that the same people who I have complained about stir others who they think can intimidate me or they are trying to prove to someone that I might not be paying attention to what is happening around me. In either case, they are dead wrong.

For two days, green vehicles trailed or cut in front of me even as I passed a police officer one morning.

I caught two women at it this evening. They were waiting for me and they slowly followed me and when I turned the turn and stopped, they turned in the opposite direction. These women were not lost. At the other end of the street, these women mimicked my moves until I waited them out. I reported them and I can recognize them should appear again. 

Where they part of the crime prevention team in this neighborhood or someone else sent to harassed and stalk me.? I do not know. However, it a sure bet that those on the corner knew what was occurring. These women changed noting in my decision to see that corner stayed clean of drugs.. Those wanting to continue with their previous behavior on the corner changed noting, but they proved that they were trying some old tricks. They tried similar harassment a few years back. They are trying mental harassment and intimidation, which is why it was so hard to convince the police department that my complaints were real. I know that it will take time to catch them attempting to sell the drugs but I am patience. 

Let me say that I do not like it when good people are manipulated for an evil purpose. Those who have harassed me as well as others, all these years, are selfish, and they only want to continue with their illegal practices. This avenue is a powder cask and the people up the street from me and on that corner are the fuse. They used you before the harm an innocent family, mine, so that they could hide and change selling illegal drug while running day-care center at the same time. After lying to others, like you, they were given the impression that my family and I did not matter and they processed to harass and have us stalked and in some cases physical harmed. 

I do not want them on my block. I do not want them living on that corner. I do not want them in this neighborhood, but I understand what they fail to accept, which is, I cannot move them no more than they can move me, so their illegal drugs and their harassment (by first, second and/or third party) must stop.

I want those you who have jumped on the band wagon of harassing to re-read the entries of this blog. Do you really want to continue as a party in their crimes? My family and I are residents here and we have been made victims long enough.

I say not only must the pushers’ illegal drug sale stop but also the abuses on that corner must stop. 

Evelyn Out.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!