Saturday, June 30, 2007

"Senior Sleuths" And Consumer Protection

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


Below is Attorney General Bill McCollum’s latest newsletter detailing a new crime prevention programs entitled, "Senior Sleuths" which is ran purely on volunteer efforts. Like this blog, the purpose of “Senior Sleuths" is to bring awareness to its community of the available resources it can use to report and the help put an end to crime. Moreover, the main goal of Senior Sleuths" is consumer protection and protecting the elderly from identity thefts.


Since I was the target for such a crime by unknown persons as recent a week ago, I am glad that such programs like “Senior Sleuths" exist. I am grateful the state that the attempt to get my banking information was unsuccessful and incident reported.



 June 29, 2007


A Message from Attorney General Bill McCollum


Often, I encounter people who are uncertain about what the Attorney

General’s Office does and how it works on behalf of the people of

Florida. While this office has a wide range of responsibilities within

our state, the underlying principle is very simple - the Attorney

General’s Office was created to protect the citizens of our state.


Consumer protection is the very basis of what this agency does every day.

This week, the Attorney General’s Office sponsored two very unique

programs which I am proud to say were innovative and proactive

approaches to addressing very serious crimes that victimize Floridians

on a regular basis - identity theft and crimes against the elderly.


Identity theft is a pervasive and devastating crime. It tears apart

its victims’ lives, stealing not only their financial resources, but also

their good names and reputations. Prevention is essential to protecting

yourself from this crime. On Tuesday, the citizens of Sarasota joined

me at a shred-a-thon as we put into practice the maxim that an ounce of

prevention is worth a pound of cure.


Together with a local bank and a shredding company, we shredded more

than a ton of consumers’ old bills, credit card receipts and other

personal documents, destroying the information that identity thieves

often use to target their next victims. Local law enforcement was also

on site to provide information about filing reports of identity theft

and what to do if you are a victim. Our proactive approach to protecting

personal information was an effective step to prevent future incidents

of identity theft.


After leaving the shred-a-thon, I traveled to Manatee County where I

had the privilege of opening Florida’s 29th Seniors vs. Crime facility.

As your Attorney General, I am committed to protecting Florida’s senior

citizens from individuals who attempt to defraud and exploit them. The

Seniors vs. Crime program helps us achieve this goal with a creative

peer-to-peer approach. Volunteers called "Senior Sleuths" staff the

facilities, taking complaints from fellow senior citizens, reporting

new scams or unethical sales tactics to local law enforcement, and

participating in undercover investigations of unfair or illegal business



In six years of operation, Senior Sleuths have recovered

more than $5.3 million for seniors and have been directly responsible

for well over 100 criminal charges being brought against companies and

individuals. I was joined at the Manatee County opening by several Senior

Sleuths, all ready to begin fighting crime on behalf of their friends

and neighbors within their community.


Nothing is more important to me and this agency than protecting the

residents and guests of our state. We can take better care of ourselves

and those around us by encouraging our communities to become more

involved in consumer protection efforts.


Thank you.



Evelyn out.

Newer Insurance Reform with More Coverage Option For Florida's Homeowners

hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,

last weekend Governor Crist pent time in is home town of St. Petersburg unveiling a new portrait of himself, which is mounted for viewing in the lobby of the St. Petersburg Museum of History. This week among his other duty as governor, he and his office took steps toward further improving Florida homeowner’s insurance options.


Now Governor Cahrlie Crist with "Notes From the Capital".




Dear Friends,
This week we took another important step in the right direction for Florida's homeowners. We launched "Shop and Compare Rates," a Web site to help consumers comparing homeowners insurance rates.


Shop and Compare Rates
Many Florida homeowners find it difficult and frustrating to compare the cost of homeowners insurance. This site is a valuable tool. It can help you find the insurance policy best suited to your needs. The Web site is available at or
Insurance Reform
This week, I visited an elderly couple in Miami – Rafael and Susanna Rodriguez. Their roof was damaged in Hurricane Katrina. We discussed legislation I recently signed to continue the reforms of the January Special Session. The legislation makes affordable property insurance available to more Floridians.


Coverage Options
Insurance reforms will help Floridians like the Rodriguez Family by creating coverage options as well as stability in the Florida insurance marketplace. It is part of my commitment to providing you with broad-based, meaningful and comprehensive insurance reform. 

May God continue to bless you and the great state of Florida,


Evelyn out.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Embarq To Enforce Anti-Cramming Policies

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Below is Attorney General Bill McCollum news release on Embarq, a protection company that prevent third party from billing Florida citizens for services they never requested. This practice is called, "cramming,” which occurs when businesses and particularly internet based businesses fail to inform customers that the shopping coupons and other discount incentives they use when purchasing a product is not free. These businesses will then add their charges to the phone bills the customers’ knowledge.




Bill McCollum

Attorney General

News Release

June 25, 2007


Embarq Agreement Protects Consumers from "Cramming"



~ Company to enact policies to prevent third-party billing without consumers’ consent ~


                TALLAHASSEE, FL – Floridians will receive enhanced protection from third-party billing under an agreement reached between Embarq and the state of Florida, Attorney General Bill McCollum today announced. Under the initiative signed with the Attorney General, the company has developed an early warning system to identify third-party companies that may attempt to place unauthorized charges on phone bills, a potentially deceptive practice known as “cramming,” enabling Embarq to further protect its customers from the illegal practice. The agreement follows the recent nationwide settlement with Email Discount Network (EDN), a company that charged more than 250,000 consumers nationwide a monthly fee for shopping coupons and discounts the company advertised on the internet.


                “Every effort businesses make to protect consumers from questionable tactics is welcomed by my office,” said Attorney General McCollum. “I appreciate the level of responsibility being shown by this company as it works to prevent third parties from taking advantage of its customers.”


                The settlement states that Embarq will require billing and collection clearinghouses and merchants to forward all consumer complaints referencing “cramming” to the phone company. If 40 complaints within the 18-state Embarq region reference the same company over a month-long period – an average of less than three complaints per state – Embarq will take action against the company to protect telephone consumers. These actions may include the requirement that the company accused of cramming send out written notices to all new Florida subscribers notifying them of their service subscription; the date the charges will begin to appear on their Embarq bill; the amount of the charges, and how the consumer may cancel the service subscription. If cramming continues, Embarq may cease doing business with the merchant.


                The case involving Embarq was initiated last September when the Attorney General's Office filed a lawsuit against EDN, alleging that the company’s websites failed to clearly disclose that the shopping coupons and discounts the company advertised on the internet were not free. Additionally, it was not made clear that customers who submitted personal information to the company would be charged unless they contacted EDN to cancel the charges. In conjunction with the EDN lawsuit, the Attorney General’s Office and the Office of Public Counsel filed a joint petition before the Florida Public Service Commission against Embarq, Verizon and BellSouth seeking to protect Florida consumers from these deceptive practices.


                The agreement with Embarq will substantially increase the level of protection afforded the company’s Florida customers against cramming, which occurs when unauthorized charges from third parties appear on phone bills. Attorney General McCollum also cautioned consumers to examine their bills carefully because extra charges are often difficult to distinguish and consumers who are victimized by this practice are often unaware the extra charges are being placed on their phone bills.





Evelyn out.

Monday, June 25, 2007

"The Woman Within" Reaffirmed!

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Below is a message that I was going to send to a new friend, but I decided the post it for everyone to see, because there are times that, I believe I have to reinstate the purpose of this blog. Although it started out as a hodge-podge of unrelated topics, it is now the focus point for conveying what changes – bills, legislations and new laws-  in our government benefit us, the people of Florida, as well as from some of my experiences, what rights we need to protect. Now the message:


Yes, I am "The Woman Within,” and believe it or not I have done some good with this site. Although the criminal elements that created a great deal of problems for me, my family, and the rest of the community remains, my avenue is a little bit safer. My readers whether for me or against me know without a doubt that I am civil minded and will step forward to help to see that the changes within the community are achieved for the good. This does not make my popular with many people, but I make no apologies to anyone for my methods of getting the message across that crime has a price. I show my support to the representatives of these agencies by posting their articles and links to their homepages in the hope that readers in need of their services will find help instead of remaining trapped in the cycle of hopelessness of their situation and therein victimized more.


As a Christian like myself, I am sure you can see my point of view. I am known for my views and this puts me in a precarious and perhaps dangerous position, but I am fed up with the criminal elements on our streets. Now all I need is another streetlight on that corner.




Evelyn out.


Sunday, June 24, 2007


Hello Everyone.



Evelyn here,


The unveiling of Governor Charlie Crist’s new portrait at the St. Petersburg Museum of History went off a planned. Joining the governor for the unveiling was his family including his father, Dr. Charles Joseph Crist, who just turned 75 years old, Mayor Rick Baker and his wife, and members of the St. Petersburg Museum’s Board of Trustee. In addition and in attendances, to celebrate Governor Crist’s accomplishments were other city officials, members of the governor’s staff, and employees of the Attorney General Office, who worked with Governor Crist during his years as Attorney General. The Governor’s portrait will be a permanent exhibit in the museum’s lobby. 





Although the unveiling of Governor Crist new portrait was free to the public, the “Barbeque on the Bayou” was a $75 per person fundraising affair held on the Southside of the city at the Rutland/Farley Estate. The funds raised by the barbeque will go to the Education and Operations department, which will use a portion of the funds to model the interior of the museum. At the Rutland/Farley Estate, there was a live Blues band playing at poolside and the dinner of barbeque ribs, baked chicken, baked beans, salads and pecan pie was catering by Lee Roy Selmon’s restaurant.


bb       bb   


All in the entire event was a huge success and this Cinderella would not have missed it for the world.



Evelyn out. 



Thursday, June 21, 2007

overnor Crist Signs New Legislation Provide The Largest Tax Cut In Florida’s History

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Below is a message from our governor, Charllies Crist.




June 21, 2007

Dear Friends,
Today I signed landmark legislation that will provide the largest tax cut in Florida’s history to the property owners of our state.  This tax cut is yours – the people’s tax cut – because you called on your legislators to make it happen.  And you have called on me, too, since last year on the campaign trail.  I am honored today to fulfill our promise to you and make property taxes drop like a rock.
The legislation I signed today will first roll back all property taxes to last year’s levels. All property owners will benefit, whether you own homesteaded property, a second home, or rental or commercial property.  Depending on where you live, you will see a tax cut of five to ten percent.  Statewide, the average property owner will save about $200 this year, and all property owners are expected to save approximately $15 billion over the next five years. 
Second, this legislation gives you the power on January 29 to cut your 2008 property taxes – and beyond – even further.  After approving the constitutional amendment, homeowners will see a substantial decrease in property taxes.  Then you will get to choose the tax savings that works best for you.  You can continue with your current homestead exemption and Save-Our-Homes cap, or you can select the new, so-called “super-sized” homestead exemption.
This super-sized tax cut will exempt 75 percent of the first $200,000 of your home’s value, and 15 percent of next $300,000.  At a minimum, this super homestead exemption will double your current $25,000 homestead exemption, which is a promise I campaigned on last year.  
Other property owners will benefit, too.  Low-income seniors will see a minimum $100,000 homestead exemption.  Affordable housing and working waterfronts will be taxed based on the income from the property.  And businesses will receive a tax exemption on the first $25,000 of their tangible personal property. 
Altogether, the constitutional amendment will save Floridians between $10 and $15 billion over four years.  These savings will make a real difference in the lives of Floridians like the ones I met with today.  Property taxes could drop by two-thirds for people like the Lewises in Tallahassee, the Waddles in West Palm Beach, the Mohans in Miami and the Garcias in Tampa. 
The constitutional amendment in January gives you the opportunity to exercise your right to choose even lower property taxes.  In this way, we can ignite Florida’s economy and create a better bottom line for Floridians – and all of Florida.
For additional information,  click here to visit our website.
May God continue to bless you and the great state of Florida, 

Evelyn out.

Governor Crist Signs A Landmark Legislation That Provide The Largest Tax Cut In Florida’s History

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

today our governor, Charlies Crist, signed into legislation the biggest tax cut in Florida's recent history, which help the property owners of Florida.


June 21, 2007
I signed landmark legislation that will provide the largest tax cut in Florida’s history to the property owners of our state.  This tax cut is yours – the people’s tax cut – because you called on your legislators to make it happen.  And you have called on me, too, since last year on the campaign trail.  I am honored today to fulfill our promise to you and make property taxes drop like a rock.
The legislation I signed today will first roll back all property taxes to last year’s levels. All property owners will benefit, whether you own homesteaded property, a second home, or rental or commercial property.  Depending on where you live, you will see a tax cut of five to ten percent.  Statewide, the average property owner will save about $200 this year, and all property owners are expected to save approximately $15 billion over the next five years.  
Second, this legislation gives you the power on January 29 to cut your 2008 property taxes – and beyond – even further.  After approving the constitutional amendment, homeowners will see a substantial decrease in property taxes.  Then you will get to choose the tax savings that works best for you.  You can continue with your current homestead exemption and Save-Our-Homes cap, or you can select the new, so-called “super-sized” homestead exemption.
This super-sized tax cut will exempt 75 percent of the first $200,000 of your home’s value, and 15 percent of next $300,000.  At a minimum, this super homestead exemption will double your current $25,000 homestead exemption, which is a promise I campaigned on last year. 
Other property owners will benefit, too.  Low-income seniors will see a minimum $100,000 homestead exemption.  Affordable housing and working waterfronts will be taxed based on the income from the property.  And businesses will receive a tax exemption on the first $25,000 of their tangible personal property. 
Altogether, the constitutional amendment will save Floridians between $10 and $15 billion over four years.  These savings will make a real difference in the lives of Floridians like the ones I met with today.  Property taxes could drop by two-thirds for people like the Lewises in Tallahassee, the Waddles in West Palm Beach, the Mohans in Miami and the Garcias in Tampa. 
The constitutional amendment in January gives you the opportunity to exercise your right to choose even lower property taxes.  In this way, we can ignite Florida’s economy and create a better bottom line for Floridians – and all of Florida.
For additional information,  click here to visit our website.
May God continue to bless you and the great state of Florida, 

Evelyn out

Cocaine Dealer Gets 4 Year Prison Sentence

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

Below is the latest news on the Attorney General Office's fight against the sale and trafficing of illegal drugs. This release further the fact that illegal drug, drug dealers and drug runner are not welcome in the State of Florida.


Bill McCollum<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Attorney General

News Release

June 20, 2007 



Cocaine Dealer Gets 4 Year Prison Sentence



            TALLAHASSEE, FL - Attorney General Bill McCollum today announced the sentencing of a Miami-Dade County man who pled guilty to cocaine trafficking. Arnaldo Gonzalez Rondon was sentenced to more than four years in prison, a sentence which includes a three-year minimum mandatory term. He was prosecuted by the Attorney General’s Office of Statewide Prosecution.


            Rondon, 44, was arrested in January 2006 after undercover investigators purchased almost two ounces of cocaine, worth more than $1,800, from him during a controlled buy in Naples. The buy was arranged through a co-conspirator, Jose Diaz, of Collier County. Diaz told the undercover officers that Rondon, aka “Gordo,” was his partner from Miami, and the person who actually had the cocaine for sale. Diaz was also arrested in January 2006 for participating in the buy, and has since pled guilty and been sentenced to three years in prison. The investigation and arrest were conducted by the Collier County Sheriff’s Office.


            Rondon pled guilty to one count of trafficking in cocaine, 28 grams or more, a first-degree felony. In addition to his 50-month prison sentence, Rondon was ordered to pay $50,000 in fines and investigative costs. The sentence was handed down by 20th Judicial Circuit Court Judge Franklin G. Baker.


Evelyn out.




Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Governor Crist Signs SB 1004 Into Law

Hello Everyone, 


Evelyn here,


Today Attorney General Bill McCollum was presents as Governor Crist signed SB 1004, the CyberCrimes Against Children Act of 2007 into law.







JUNE 20, 2007                                   





~ McCollum Shares Florida’s Success with Attorneys General at National Meeting ~


                TALLAHASSEE, FL - Attorney General Bill McCollum today thanked Governor Charlie Crist for signing into law the CyberCrimes Against Children Act of 2007 (SB 1004), a measure that substantially toughens penalties for those who use the internet to prey on children. As a result, Florida is one of the national leaders with the some of the toughest laws against child pornography and internet solicitation of children. Additionally, Florida is now the only state that specifically targets “grooming,” which occurs when the internet predator lies about his age in order to break down his victims’ inhibitions.


                “Our CyberCrime Unit now has the full support of some of the toughest laws in the nation as they work to keep our children safe from internet predators, said Attorney General McCollum. “Not only has Florida distinguished itself with efforts to protect its youngest citizens, but our state’s leadership has clearly demonstrated their commitment to enabling our investigators and attorneys to continue their fight against cybercrime.”


                Over the next 18 months, the CyberCrime Unit plans to expand throughout the state, opening new offices in six additional cities. The new enhanced penalties for internet predators also include a new, separate penalty against those who communicate with a child online and then travel to meet that child for the specific purpose of further sexually abusing him or her. The designation of the new crime has been hailed by law enforcement and prosecutors within the state as the tools necessary to launch more investigations and build stronger cases against the people who are targeting Florida’s children on the internet.


                “Attorney General McCollums legislation will shine the light on all those sexual perverts hiding in the dark of cyberspace and bring them out in the open where law enforcement and prosecutors across the state will slam the prison doors shut on them,” said State Attorney Norman Wolfinger for the 18th Judicial Circuit. State Attorney Bernie McCabe for the 6th Judicial Circuit agreed, stating that the new law will be helpful to state prosecutors as they work to protect Florida’s children.


                 Speaking today at the annual summer meeting of the National Association of Attorneys General, Attorney General McCollum remarked on the growing national threat to the 40 state Attorneys General in attendance, stressing the importance of working on a national level to combat internet crimes against children and emphasizing Florida’s successes in the legal fight against cybercrimes.


                Another important aspect of the new laws includes a new reporting requirement for registered sex offenders in the state of Florida. All sex offenders and sexual predators must now submit their email addresses and internet screen names to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to be included on the sex offender registry. This information will then be made available to popular social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. MySpace has already been in contact with the Attorney General’s Office, providing the CyberCrime Unit with the names of all Florida registered sex offenders who had MySpace accounts. The company has since deleted all of the offenders’ accounts.


                More information about Attorney General McCollums CyberCrime Unit is available online at:




Evelyn out.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Florida's Attorney General, Bill McCollum, To Sign SB 1004 Into Law

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

 On Wednesday, Attorney General, Bill McCollum will be present in Tallahassee for the signing of SB 1004, which is the CyberCrimes Against Children Act of 2007.  Passing SB 1004 into law will strengthens the penalties against online predators by making it a major crime for those contacting children online and then travel to meet the children for the intent purpose of engaging in illegal sexual acts and abuse with them. SB 1004 also increases penalties for the possession or distribution of child pornography and for behavior known as “grooming.” Grooming occurs when internet predators misrepresent their age in order to make a child feel more comfortable for seducing him or her over the internet (May 4, 2007 News Release).


Evelyn out,

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


Below is a news release from the Office of the Attorney General, Bill McCollum Attorney General for the State of Florida.  This new release relates to signing of the “Victim Compensation Bill”, which would allow Floridians who are victims of violent crime while serving in our armed forces, vacationing, working, attending school out of the United States to be eligible for compensation under the Attorney General's Crime Victims Compensation Fund. This new law also provides for appropriate medical and emergency services.




June 13, 2007




                         VICTIM COMPENSATION BILL


     ~ New law offers increased support to victims of violent crimes ~


      TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today praised the

Governor for signing legislation that takes important steps to provide

resources to Floridians who fall victim to crime while traveling abroad.

Attorney General McCollum worked with bill sponsors to add language to the

legislation which would allow for Floridians who are victimized by a

violent crime while out of the United States to be eligible for

compensation under the Attorney General's Crime Victims Compensation Fund.

This benefit also includes appropriate medical and other emergency



      “This new law extends essential support to the citizens of our state

should they fall victim to a crime while traveling abroad,” said Attorney

General McCollum. “The leaders of our state recognized the need for this

level of assistance for those who are unable to obtain emergency services

while out of the country. It’s the right thing to do, and I commend the

Governor and Legislature for their leadership on this issue.”


      Alisha Cohen, a Florida resident, worked with the Office of the

Attorney General and state legislators to champion the legislation in

memory of her father Robert C. Cohen, who was murdered in Costa Rica. Cohen

attended today's bill signing.


      “Unfortunately, we know firsthand the struggle Florida crime victims

and their families have faced in the past and can say with assurance how

invaluable the provisions of this new law will be," said Cohen, who was

joined by her mother, Sue Cohen. "Today is not only a personal victory for

me and my family but also for the citizens of our state who will now

benefit from Florida’s commitment to victims of crime. I thank Attorney

General McCollum for his support.”


      Additionally, the new legislation provides for a victim advocate to

be present – at a sexual offense victim’s request – during a forensic

medical exam. It also requires the court to order specified defendants to

undergo an HIV test within 48 hours after the victim requests such testing.

Current law allows the testing but does not have the 48-hour requirement.

The legislation now raises the amount avictim is paid by the Attorney

General's Crime Victims Compensation Fund for the forensic exam from $250

to $500.


      “The provisions of this new law will make a world of difference for


victims of sexual violence,” said Jennifer Dritt, Executive Director of the

Florida Council Against Sexual Violence.


      Attorney General McCollum commended bill sponsors Senator Mike Fasano

(R-New Port Richey) and Representative William Snyder (R-Stuart) for their

leadership on increasing the level of support offered to Floridians who

fall victim to violent crimes while traveling abroad.


      “Florida victims of violent crimes deserve every measure of

assistance possible when facing some of the most difficult moments of their

lives,” Senator Fasano stated. “I am proud that the Florida Legislature

demonstrated their commitment to providing these extra provisions and I

commend the Governor for singing this bill into law.”


      “This new law is an incredible asset in providing further protections

to victims of very serious crimes," said Rep. William Snyder. “As a former

law enforcement officer, I have personally witnessed the devastating

physical and emotional effects that violent crimes have on the lives of

victims and their families and I know just how important assistance is in

these times of great need."


      More information about the Attorney Generals Division of Victim

Services and Criminal Justice Programs is available online at:




Evelyn out.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Introduction of "A Catholic's Life"

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

I have created a faith based homepage "A Catholic's Life" and  a journal entitled, "A Catholic's Life Archive". I am using a similar themetic format as I used on the BTCC YM website. You can use the link below or the one on the link sidebar.

A Catholic's Life:

A Catholic's Life Archive:

Evelyn out.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

St. Petersburg Museum of History Hosts Unveiling Ceremony for The Honorable Crist's New Portrait

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

I received my invitation to the unveiling of Governor Crist's new portrait today and a invitation to the private barbeque with the governor that follows it.  The unveiling ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 23, 2007, at the St. Petersburg Museum of History at 4 PM, and the barbeque at the Rutland/Farley Estate at 6 PM.

Whoa! This Cinderella is going to the ball.

              Governor Charlies Crist

Evelyn Out

P.S. More good news.  I have joined the volunteer staff of radio station Spirit FM 90.5 here in Tampa Bay.  It is the radio station of the St. Petersburg Catholic Diocese.  I am looking forward to working with the other members of the volunteer department as well as all the radio personalities of Spirit FM. 



Statement from Attorney General Bill McCollum on Flag Day

Hello Everyine,

Evelyn Here,

Today is Flag Day, and below is a message from Attorney General Bill McCollum.




Press Release  


Statement from Attorney General Bill McCollum on Flag Day

         "Today our nation celebrates the recognition of one of the most
      enduring symbols of freedom – the flag of the United States of
      America.  I was first taught by my father, a WWII veteran, the
      importance of honoring the American flag and the values it
      represents.  During my service in the United States Navy, I was
      reminded everyday of the overwhelming significance of protecting
      those values.

         "Today, the flag symbolizes the heroic sacrifices being made by
      our courageous men and women in the armed services, including my son
      who is currently serving in active duty in the United States Army.
      My wife Ingrid and I could not be more proud of his fierce loyalty to
      our beloved country.

         "I believe it is rather appropriate for us to be recognizing the
      significance of the American flag on the 232nd birthday of one of our
      great institutions – the United States Army.  The men and women in
      our armed forces are fighting to protect our right to display this
      banner of freedom.  I’m sure you will agree this is one of our
      greatest democratic privileges.  I encourage you to instill the same
      sense of honor and respect for the flag in your own families,
      especially your children, and to continue to fly your flags with
      dignity and pride."


Evelyn out.


Saturday, June 9, 2007

Protection for Florida’s Pension Fund from Unscrupulous Businesses

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


with more news “From the Loft to The Streets”.  In this week’s “Notes from The Capital”, Governor Crist centered on preparations that coastal Floridains can take during this upcoming hurricane season, new legislation that protect Florida’s pension fund from unscrupulous businesses with business ties in Iran and Sudan, and his hopes that legislature will find ways to relieve Florida’s home owners by lowing property taxes this fiscal year.  Stay in the Know!




June 8, 2007 
Dear Friends,

The first week of hurricane season brought us rain across much of the state and provided some drought relief.  However, I encourage you and all Floridians to continue to use caution with sources of fire. I also encourage you to take advantage of the sales tax holiday going on until Tuesday, June 12.  We have already seen two named storms.  While we pray for a quiet hurricane season, these storms remind us to be prepared for any possibility. 

Protecting Florida’s Investments Act
This week, I signed legislation that will divest Florida ’s pension fund from businesses that deal with Iran and Sudan. As I said last week from Israel, Florida will not idly stand by and allow businesses to foster terror in Iran and the Sudan.
Property Tax Relief
Also, we will not stand idly by while you – the people of Florida – need relief from high property taxes.  Property taxes have soared out of control.  Local governments have raised excess revenue on the backs of Floridians.  The Legislature returns to Tallahassee next week to tackle this important business.

Florida's economy is strong, and reducing property taxes will send a sonic boom through our economy.  We can free people trapped in their current homes.  I am optimistic that the Legislature will once again do the right thing and lower your property taxes this year. 
For more information about disaster preparedness and the Hurricane Sales Tax Holiday, visit and click on “Get a Family Plan” or “Get a Business Plan.” 
If you would like to learn more about important issues facing Floridains, please view my weekly Podcast at or contact my office by visiting
May God continue to bless and protect the Great State of Florida,




Here is a bit of insider’s news. In the very near future, Governor Crist will be unveiling his new portrait for the governor’s mansion. The unveiling will be a “by invitation affair”, and to my current knowledge the time and the place has not been set, butI am looking forward to it.


Evelyn out.


What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!