Saturday, June 9, 2007

Protection for Florida’s Pension Fund from Unscrupulous Businesses

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


with more news “From the Loft to The Streets”.  In this week’s “Notes from The Capital”, Governor Crist centered on preparations that coastal Floridains can take during this upcoming hurricane season, new legislation that protect Florida’s pension fund from unscrupulous businesses with business ties in Iran and Sudan, and his hopes that legislature will find ways to relieve Florida’s home owners by lowing property taxes this fiscal year.  Stay in the Know!




June 8, 2007 
Dear Friends,

The first week of hurricane season brought us rain across much of the state and provided some drought relief.  However, I encourage you and all Floridians to continue to use caution with sources of fire. I also encourage you to take advantage of the sales tax holiday going on until Tuesday, June 12.  We have already seen two named storms.  While we pray for a quiet hurricane season, these storms remind us to be prepared for any possibility. 

Protecting Florida’s Investments Act
This week, I signed legislation that will divest Florida ’s pension fund from businesses that deal with Iran and Sudan. As I said last week from Israel, Florida will not idly stand by and allow businesses to foster terror in Iran and the Sudan.
Property Tax Relief
Also, we will not stand idly by while you – the people of Florida – need relief from high property taxes.  Property taxes have soared out of control.  Local governments have raised excess revenue on the backs of Floridians.  The Legislature returns to Tallahassee next week to tackle this important business.

Florida's economy is strong, and reducing property taxes will send a sonic boom through our economy.  We can free people trapped in their current homes.  I am optimistic that the Legislature will once again do the right thing and lower your property taxes this year. 
For more information about disaster preparedness and the Hurricane Sales Tax Holiday, visit and click on “Get a Family Plan” or “Get a Business Plan.” 
If you would like to learn more about important issues facing Floridains, please view my weekly Podcast at or contact my office by visiting
May God continue to bless and protect the Great State of Florida,




Here is a bit of insider’s news. In the very near future, Governor Crist will be unveiling his new portrait for the governor’s mansion. The unveiling will be a “by invitation affair”, and to my current knowledge the time and the place has not been set, butI am looking forward to it.


Evelyn out.


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