hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
last weekend Governor Crist pent time in is home town of St. Petersburg unveiling a new portrait of himself, which is mounted for viewing in the lobby of the St. Petersburg Museum of History. This week among his other duty as governor, he and his office took steps toward further improving Florida homeowner’s insurance options.
Now Governor Cahrlie Crist with "Notes From the Capital".
Dear Friends,
This week we took another important step in the right direction for Florida's homeowners. We launched "Shop and Compare Rates," a Web site to help consumers comparing homeowners insurance rates.
Shop and Compare Rates
Many Florida homeowners find it difficult and frustrating to compare the cost of homeowners insurance. This site is a valuable tool. It can help you find the insurance policy best suited to your needs. The Web site is available at www.ShopAndCompareRates.com or www.flgov.com.
Insurance Reform
This week, I visited an elderly couple in Miami – Rafael and Susanna Rodriguez. Their roof was damaged in Hurricane Katrina. We discussed legislation I recently signed to continue the reforms of the January Special Session. The legislation makes affordable property insurance available to more Floridians.
Coverage Options
Insurance reforms will help Floridians like the Rodriguez Family by creating coverage options as well as stability in the Florida insurance marketplace. It is part of my commitment to providing you with broad-based, meaningful and comprehensive insurance reform.
May God continue to bless you and the great state of Florida,
Evelyn out.