Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
with a special news release from Attorney General Bill McCollum on the selection for the 2007's Officer of the Year.
Bill McCollum |
Evelyn out.
"Got news that's helpful to the community? Email it here, widescreennetworknews@gmail.com. No names nor sign-up are required as long as the information helps the residents of this community protect it and is true."
Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
with a special news release from Attorney General Bill McCollum on the selection for the 2007's Officer of the Year.
Bill McCollum |
Evelyn out.
Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
with a new release from the Attorney General, Bill McCollum.
Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release
February 26, 2008
Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys
Announces New Chair, Committee Leaders
TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today announced that
the Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys has chosen its new
Chair and set its goals for 2008. Christopher Norwood, last year’s Vice
Chair, was nominated by Secretary of Juvenile Justice Frank Peterman and
subsequently elected the new Chair for the Council. Dr. Anthony McCoy was
elected Vice Chair. In addition to its existing committees, the Council
also created a Criminal Justice committee to add to its mission.
“We should strive to provide today’s youth with the resources to make
the choices that will send their lives in a positive direction,” said
Attorney General McCollum. “I am confident this dedicated group will
recommend sound strategies to achieve that goal.”
Norwood is the Director of Lawyers for Children (LFCA), a child
advocacy organization protecting the rights of children who are victims of
abuse, neglect and abandonment by providing quality pro bono legal
representation and collaborating for systematic change to improve the
lives of children. He was appointed to the Council by the Speaker of the
House in 2007. Vice Chair Dr. Anthony McCoy is the Statewide Forensic
Treatment Coordinator for the Department of Children and Families, having
studied clinical psychology, psychology-law and statistics at the
University of Alabama. He serves the Council on behalf of the Department
of Children and Families.
“It is an honor to be chosen as Chair, and I accept this opportunity
with a humble spirit,” said Christopher Norwood. “The statistics are
disheartening. Florida’s Black men and boys are suffering by any measure,
but there are beams of hope throughout our state. We must focus our minds
to discover the positive and promote it, while learning from the
challenges already before us.”
Mr. Levi Williams, last year’s Council Chairman, will chair the
Committee on Criminal Justice, which will focus on addressing criminal
justice issues among Black men and boys, including the issue of criminal
gangs as well as prevention and intervention programs. Dr. Billy Close
will chair the Committee on Improving Educational Outcomes and will study
career academics as a secondary reform issue. Mr. Torey Alston will chair
the Committee on Improving Economic Outcomes and will work to promote
employment for Black males with criminal backgrounds. Ms. Lillian Lima
will chair the Committee on Improving Foster Care and Family Issues and
will focus on fatherhood initiatives and removing traditional barriers for
families. Dr. Eddy Regnier will chair the Committee on Improving Health
Status and will address the issue of learned helplessness of young Black
men. The Committee on Legislative Review will be chaired by Dr. Emile
Created by the Legislature during the 2006 Legislative Session, the
Council is charged with making a systematic study of the conditions
affecting Black men and boys including homicide rates, arrest and
incarceration rate, poverty, violence, drug abuse, death rates, disparate
annual income levels, health issues and school performance. The Council’s
mission is to constantly strive to alleviate and correct the underlying
conditions that affect Black men and boys throughout the State of Florida
to bring about an environment that promotes the values of learning,
family, prosperity, unity, and self-worth among Black men and boys. Its
goal is to be dedicated to being a leading entity that provides and
promotes an environment that is conducive to productivity, success, and
excellence for all Black men and boys in the State of Florida. More
information about the Council is available online at:
Evleyn out.
Hello Everyone,
Evelyn Here,
I am addressing this message to those like myself who are dedicated to keeping our avenues, corners, and neighborhood safe and crime free. As you know, there has been an increase in the number of vehicles that are either driving through the neighborhood and/or sitting in driveways blaring loud music that is filled with inappropriate lyrics, which send the wrong message the our young.
Moreover, there is a nest of families on one of cornered on my street, who until recently and because of our struggle to keep their illegal drugs and other crime off our avenue, have been trying to resurface.
I called that corner the “L” because there are a number of houses on it and this street that are involved in the trouble that has overtaken whatever house “they decide” to harass or otherwise create problems for in the neighborhood. It is usually residents like myself who want a peaceful and a drug free neighborhood that they target. It is our misfortune that we have such a large concentration of crime families in this one tiny area.
However, we must continue to report their activities by actively patrolling the streets in our cars and on foot whenever necessary and follow up with calls the STPD when suspicious and oblivious attempts to disturb the peace occurs.
Beware of the fact that these families have used children (their own and other families) in the past to deflect their activities and to discredit residents who are really trying to stop the crimes out there on the street. These crime families are attempting to do the same thing now. I have been the target of such harassment of late and it has increased to the point where teenage boy the across the street planned and attempted to carry out an attempt follow me and push me to drive faster on a dangerous winding road as I drove to work.
The boy failed, and the disturbances on this avenue and other streets in the neighborhood saw an increase in cars driving by fast, blowing their horns, and playing loud music, which could heard several streets over. Therefore, I am advising every member of the crime watch to take care because not only will they using their children to try and hurt you, they will attempt to ruin your reputation in the community with the police department and elsewhere.
Just remind faithful to the idea of safer, drug-free streets and continue to call police when necessary.
The truth about those families has surfaced and they have exposed themselves for being criminals and liars. In addition, these attempts at harassment might be their way of trying to keep us from patrolling our streets so that they can surface with their illegal activities which includes illegal drugs. We must not let this happen.
Evelyn out.
P.S. As I stated earlier this morning, I wrote this in a hurry. I was rushing and not paying much attention to how I wrote, and it looked to me like brainstorming. I should never post entries in such unedited conditions, but I do believe the major point of the message came through. We have a problem with those families, and I believe they are activity trying to return to their illegal activities on our avenue corners again. So, they bare careful watching. I truly believe they are trying to discourage me and others from patrolling our streets and reporting their activities. Again, we must not let this happen.
I am aware that we never got an additional street lamp on that corner, and those families do not always keep their porch lights lit. This is a great concern because once in addition to their drug activities on the corner, in their meanness they parked a black in the center of road and walked away from it for some hapless driving to run into. Luckily this did not happen and the incident was reported. So now, the only way to be sure of what is happening up there is to go up there. Nevertheless, I intend to call the Mayor Action Center again and try to get one out there. Hopefully, I will be able impress upon the person in charge of issuing those street lamps the important of having it installed.
Evelyn out.
Hello Everyone,
Evelyn with an excerpt from Governor Charlie Cris' "Notes From the Capital".
Dear Friends,
The quality of life for every Floridian rests on the health of our people, a strong education for our children, and a very vibrant economy.
I have recommended to the Legislature a plan to increase competition and efficiency in our health care marketplace. By lifting the cap on the KidCare program, 23 percent of our uninsured children could receive the medical attention they deserve. By developing consumer choice benefit plans and increasing access to dental care, we can improve access and quality of care for Floridians.
I am proposing legislation that promotes transparency in school spending and reallocates unused funds from the Teacher Merit Award Program. The unused funds will go towards increasing teacher awards through the program. I am also proposing $100 million in incentives for middle schools that enroll students in physical education.
State government is leading by example to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. I am recommending $200 million for an energy and economic development package to boost Florida's renewable and alternative energy. This includes funding for research and development opportunities for businesses and projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Home ownership is a cornerstone of the American dream – and our economy as well. Yet, many Floridians are losing that dream – and losing hope. This week, I announced a task force to examine the high rate of home foreclosures in our state and explore ways that we can reverse this trend. Our goal is to provide recommendations that will help us provide hope to the families and individuals facing foreclosure.
I have also proposed $10 million for new technology that will equip every child protection caseworker with a handheld device that can verify the location and time of every home visit. This tool will help our protective investigators focus on doing casework, instead of paperwork – and revolutionize how we protect Florida's foster children. It is time we harness the technology that is available to provide the safest environment and care for Florida's children.
Thank you and may God continue to bless Florida. Top Center: Governor Crist takes time to play basketball with a few middle school students as he champions the need for physical fitness in Florida's schools — which is reinforced in his proposed legislation.
Middle Left: Governor Crist visits with a family that was given hope by the Amendment 1 property tax bill. This HOPE task force is designed to do the same for families in danger of foreclosure. Bottom Left: Governor Crist shows a Florida child protection caseworker the new handheld devices that will help cut down on paperwork and allow for more time in the homes of Florida's foster children. |
Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
with an excerpt from the Attorney General, Bill McCollun weekly news report, "Generally Speaking".
| ||||
Evelyn out.
Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
with some breaking news from http://www.politico.com/ about Ralph Nader telling NBC's "Meet the Press" that he is launching a third-party campaign for president.
Click the link for more detail information.
Evelyn out.
Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
with an update on the Attorney General Office’s plans for the education of, prevention of, and rehabilitation strategy for gang members of this state.
Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release
January 30, 2008
TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today released the
full recommendations from his December Gang Reduction Strategy Summit
which featured speakers and presentations from members of the Attorney
General’s Gang Reduction Strategy Executive Group. The Summit consisted of
six breakout groups targeting community resources, infrastructure and
implementation; intervention; suppression and deterrence; prosecution and
criminal justice system enhancements; rehabilitation and re-entry; and
risk-based prevention.
“At the end of the day, gangs cannot continue to exist if we can keep
our youth from joining these criminal organizations,” said Attorney
General McCollum. “We need to reduce and eventually stop the growth of
gangs before we can declare a victory for our state, and education and
prevention will be key factors in that effort.”
Last week, the Attorney General joined legislative leaders to
announce tough anti-gang legislation. The proposed bill includes
streamlined definitions for gang members and stronger sentences for
criminal gang organizations. The Attorney General today recognized the
importance of a heavy-handed approach for those already indoctrinated as
active gang members, but also emphasized that slowing and eventually
stopping the growth of gangs in Florida will depend significantly on
preventing recruitment through education and rehabilitation for former
One of the key recommendations is to establish a process for gang
prevention and intervention that will engage multiple community sectors.
The focus on neighborhood and community involvement will be essential in
the cooperative anti-gang efforts as communities rally collectively
against criminal gangs. Other important recommendations suggest the need
for parent resources, including support groups, as well as the proposal
for vocational or educational programs which could divert at-risk youth
from gang recruitment.
Drug trafficking and abuse remain one of the key factors in the
growth ofgangs in Florida. Additional recommendations from the summit
include recognition that rehabilitation and re-entry efforts aimed at
Florida’s juvenile and adult inmates must begin much earlier in their
incarceration and be more comprehensive if those efforts are to be
successful. Participants in the summit also acknowledged that the
successful effort to reduce gang and drug activity will be closely tied to
finding ways to reduce the demand for illegal drugs.
The full recommendations from the Strategy Summit are available
online at http://www.safeflorida.net/safestreets. The Executive Group will
now turn its attention to developing Florida’s statewide strategy, based
on the recommendations from the Summit's breakout groups and other expert
sources. The strategy report is expected to be released later this spring.
Evelyn out
Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
with some belated but important news on the new Cybercirme unit.
Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release
Bill McCollum
Attorney General
News Release
January 30, 2008
TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today announced that
the Taylor County School District is the first district in Florida to sign
up all of its middle and high school students to receive the Attorney
General’s CyberSafety Education presentation. Attorney General McCollum,
together with Florida Education Commissioner Eric Smith and Florida
Association of District School Superintendents CEO Bill Montford, issued a
CyberSafety Challenge earlier this month urging all of Florida’s school
districts to sign up their middle and high schools to receive this
critical safety message by the end of the school year.
“We have seen too many incidents where our children have been
victimized by online predators Florida as well as on a national scale,”
said Attorney General McCollum. “I want to congratulate Taylor County’s
educators for meeting the CyberSafety Challenge and recognizing the urgent
need to ensure all our students know how to keep themselves safe online.”
The CyberSafety Education program, developed by Attorney General
McCollum, combines real-life stories and examples to help students
identify ways they could be victimized by online predators. Members of the
Attorney General’s Child Predator CyberCrime Unit have been bringing the50-minute CyberSafety program to students statewide since the beginning of
the school year.
“It's a great program and it's desperately needed,” said Taylor
County District School Superintendent Oscar Howard. “In today's world with
the trash that's out there, we need to all take part in giving guidance
and direction to our young people.”
The official challenge winners – the first district to sign up the
largest total number of schools for presentations and the first district
to sign up the highest percentage of its schools for presentations – will
be formally announced in May. The winning districts will receive special
CyberSafety presentations hosted in person by Attorney General McCollum
and Commissioner Smith next fall.
Principals can visit http://www.safeflorida.net/safeschools to log
into a site developed specifically to register their schools and sign up
to receive the Attorney General’s CyberSafety presentation. Principals can
then schedule the presentations at their convenience.
Evelyn out
Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
with the latest issue of Attorney General Bill McCollum's Generally Speaking.
Evelyn out
Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
with a messgae from Governor Charlie Crist on advncing florida as a leadder in clean technologies and environmental protection.
Dear Friends,
This week we have been advancing Florida as a leader in clean technologies and environmental protection.
As the Sunshine State – it makes sense that we would harness the sun's energy. I attended the dedication of the state's largest solar power facility. I am grateful for the leadership of Florida Power & Light and Sarasota County for this achievement.
They are joining businesses around the state that are finding there is gold in green – and are creating a great model for the rest of Florida. Businesses like Cott Corporation in Tampa, whose new headquarters will use green technology, help stimulate our economy and preserves our environment.
State government is leading by example. This week we announced that scorecard, a measurement that measures state government's greenhouse gas emissions, is in effect. Our goal is to reduce our emissions by 10 percent by 2012.
I also met with Florida's Congressional Delegation to discuss our federal
Thank you and may God bless our Florida.
Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
with a comsumer alert from the office of the Attonery General, Bill McCollum.
Malicious computer viruses could be attached to Valentine emails from
“secret admirers,” other “romantic” sources
TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today issued a
consumer advisory warning Floridians to be cautious of Valentine’s Day
emails from unknown senders. Recent reports from the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) and other computer security sources have indicated
that malicious computer programs could be attached to the emails
ostensibly sent by “secret admirers” or other supposedly romantic sources.
Once downloaded, the malicious programs could not only disable or damage
computer systems, but can also forward itself to any email contact
addresses in the recipient’s computer.
“Unfortunately, cybercriminals attempt to take advantage of
unsuspecting citizens when they could be most vulnerable,” said Attorney
General McCollum. “On a day when we celebrate love, these emails could in
fact be very damaging.”
Subject lines such as “Sweetest Things Aren’t Things!,” “Valentine’s
Day,” “The Love Train,” and other similar subject lines, including "I
Love You,” “Rockin' Valentine,” “You Stay in My Heart,” “My Heart For
You,” and “Thinking of U All Day” have been identified as potentially
damaging emails. The email text may look like a romantic greeting card
with a link to a website or an attached file. Another version may direct
the recipient to click on a link to retrieve the electronic greeting card
(e-card), thus enabling the malicious program to download.
According to the FBI, clicking on the link downloads malicious
software to the internet-connected device. This infects the computer and
could link it to a network of compromised machines under the control of a
single user which can then facilitate criminal activity such as spam
e-mail, identity theft, denial of service attacks and spreading malicious
software to other machines on the internet.
The Attorney General advised Floridians to be wary of any e-mail
received from an unknown sender and urged them not to open any unsolicited
e-mail or click on any links provided. The Attorney General’s Office
offered the following tips to avoid the damaging emails:
- Unexpected or unidentified emails should be suspected of spam or
- Look for poor grammar or misspellings in the subject line or text of
the email message.
- Be cautious of emails you know you wouldn’t likely receive from the
supposed sender.
- Suspicious emails received in work email accounts should be deleted
unopened or sent to your company’s Information Technology Department for
their review.
Last year, authorities reported that viruses capitalized on various
holidays by sending millions of e-mails advertising an e-card link within
the text of the spam e-mail.
A graphic of an example of the potentially dangerous email is
attached below. An advisory from the Office of Information Security,
Agency for Enterprise Information Technology is available at:
Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here
with a message from our venerable governor of the State of Florida, Charlie Crist about The passage of Amendment 1 and property owners should know and do in the coming year.
Evelyn out.
What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!