Happy Holidays To Everyone!
Evelyn here,
What a fantastic Christmas day I had yesterday. It was the first Christmas that I spent at my son's place. I, my husband, yes I have one of those, spent the evening with our son and his girlfriend. Itwas the first time the four of us spent a holiday together and it was better than I could have hoped for. We are becoming a tight little family slowly but surely.
With the except of a few troublesome people, our holiday was great. It ended as it started, with a beautiful feeling of wellbeing and feeling blest. I did something new. I purchased a turkey meal for the first time. I do not buy it because I can not cook. I cook very well, and when I am in the mood I can cook some pretty tasty meals Baking has always been a pleasant adventure for me because I like baking from scratch. It is always a joy to watch something I put together rise and fill the house with delicious smells.
As it is now, my life is a busy one but I am not complaining. I do not miss the cooking. This past week I only has one evening day home, and that was because someone made a mistake. "God, I got to get a car?" Anyway, I was out the rest of the week.
I worked during the day and I attended both choirs rehearsals. Satuurday night which was Christmas Eve, I attended Midnight Mass where I sang. I was in bed about 2:30 A.M. Christmas morning, and then was up and out again by 8:15 A. M. Once I reach the church, I sang at the 9:30 A.M. mass and 11:30 A.M. mass.
When the last mass was finished I went directly to my son place and you know the rest.
As for my upcoming web site, I will probably build it and without the logo and add it later. There has been a delay because the artist, my son. was not sure quite what I wanted. My vision is clear to me, so what's the problem. Just joking, but having a clear vision of what I want is important. When the holidays are over I will start working of the site after work. I think once I have something up, my ideas will flow even more and more clearly.
I brought myself a digital camera for Christmas. What a miraculous piece of technology. I am learningto work with the software that came with it. I have also learned to integrated the other and large graphic programs that I own into it and I can do some pretty amazing thing with photos I took during this holiday. the use of this camera will greatly improve my the photo section of the site as well as my blog.