Hello readers,
Evelyn here, and I am in great spirits. I do not get to write on this blog as much as I would like, and I do not like some of the things I have written. However, part of this blog is a venting area for where the truth of what is happening with me is not hidden. Today, I am acknowledging God, my known friends, as well as my unknown friends for keeping me from harm when I needed them. My life should be less troubled at this period in my life but it is not. I can not complain of my life as being boring, however, it could be less troublesome.
Anyway, I am in the Christmas mood and I am planning to take a cruise to some place exciting. Where? I do not know but I will begin my search tonight. There are so many places in the world that I want to see, and now that I have decide to see a few of those places, I do not know where to start. I greatest interest is in England but that would be a extended trip of a week or more and would take much planning. I am thinking more of a 3-4 days trips. More on where I will travel later.
I just wanted everyone to know that I still here and still writing.
Update: The Christmas cruise is off. I have looked at some cruise ships offerings for this season, but there is not enough time for me to gather all the information needed to meet a ship's departure date. But I am not discouraged, and I now planning a trip to England. I have always wanted to go, so now is the time. I should be fully prepare for a spring trip to England and back home. Hopefully, I will be able get a around trip package. If not I might take the cruise over there and then fly back home.
The best part of this is the planning. It is all new to me and I find is as exciting as the trip itself will be.