Friday, September 29, 2006

Bad Bossology

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

on a more sober note.  I learned yesterday that there are valid reasons for sites like Bad Bossology. I want to check this site out depth.

Alfonso Ribeiro Wins at Celebrity Duets

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

I am sure that the news had traveled and re-traveled around the globe. The results from Celebrity Duet are out, and Alfonso Ribeiro walked away with the hundred grand for his favorite charity. After listening to Alonso performer his solo at the opening of Friday night show, I knew that he would was the winner. Lucy Lawless a winner in her own right was runner up in this contest but America let her know that it loves her. Hal Sparks did make the final two, but he also showed that he was a singer.

Robert Talbot, Lucy Lawless, husband, was in the audience as were many Xenites with posters of "We want a Xena Movie". All any I can say on that subject is "Ah, come on, Universal, lighten up. Give us Lucy and Renee in a new Xena Warrior Princess movie!” Nevertheless, there no new news on an upcoming Xena movie in the works, and we fans of XWP will need to continue the campaigned

Lucy Lawless next television gig is on the long awaited series Battlestar Galactica, which is schedule to begin airing its third season on October 6, 2006 at 10 PM on the SCIFI channel.

Evelyn Out.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Celebrity Duets Finale

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Celebrity Duets Finale

Most of my favorite Xena/D' Anna sites are quiet. We are all awaiting the outcome of the 2-hour series finale of Celebrity Duets on Friday September 29, 2006. This is when Wayne Brady announces and awards the hundred grand to the winner of the Celerbity Duets for his or hers charity. This Thursday will be our last chance to vote for Lucy Lawless. She has done well, and handled Maria Osmond’s snappish remarks about her looks and talent with perfect humility. Good for Lucy! 

It is a good thing the winner will be announced on Friday because if Lucy were not to win, the heartbreak would be mirrored in the faces of her fans across the globe. And, still might be come Monday. Nevertheless, I feel confident that Lucy Lawless will triumph and walk away with the prize. 

The final show will include the celebrities sent home previous show and they will performance one last tine. I admit to being somewhat bias in my voting for Lucy each Thursday evening. I am not unlike like millions of other of Lucy lawless fans in this. We all want Lucy to win. We rarely get to see her act as we did when XWP was on the air, so to see her is a great.

What is that old song called? "There's a hush around the world . . .". I think it is true.

Evelyn out.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Just surfing!

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


I did some catching up on some of my favorite series. I learned a little more about Lucy Lawless. For those of you who do not know much about this international star (I cannot imagine why not), Lucy was born the fifth child in seven and that she mostly attend Catholic convent schools where she developed her interests in acting and singing.


After a spell at the Auckland University, Lucy traveled around Europe and later, she worked as one of a few female miners in a gold mine based in the city of Kalgoorlie, Australia where she did such jobs as digging, mapping, and driving trucks. When she returned home to New Zealand, she renewed her interest acting and at age 20, got her first acting role on the television series called Funny Business.

In addition to Lucy's six year run as the star of Xena Warrior Princess, her new role as the evil Cylon, D’Anna Biers, on Battlestar Galactica, promises to be just as exiting for her long standing fans. Lucy Lawless others roles includes appearances on The X-Files, Bernie Mac, Two and a Half Men, Less than Perfect and Just Shoot Me. She had appeared in such as films as Spider-Man, Eurotrip, and Boogeyman. She recently starred in the miniseries Locusts and Vampire Bat, and she can currently be seen on Celebrity Duets on Fox.


Her most recent screen credit includes as role in the psychological thriller The Darkroom as the character Cheryl. The film is directed by Michael Hurst, the Shakespearean actor who played Iolaus in both Hercules: the Legendary Journeys and Xena Warrior Princess.


Now that Lucy is one of three remaining celebrities remaining on Celebrity Duets, I am anxious for the outcome of the show.


The following link goes to IF Magazine which has news on season three of Battlestar Balactica, which is said the be more awesome than season two.


Evelyn Out.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Time for All Things of God Making

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

As many of you may know, I went to the "Rock The Universe" concert at Universal Studios in Orlando on Friday September 8, 2006. Our youth ministry took a group of teens up there and it turned out to be an awesome adventure for everyone. Although we did not get to see many of the Christian’s bands that had played that night, we did see "The Newsboys", who are among my favorite bands. 

Because of the overlapping timing of each bands performance, it was impossible to see them all. However, there were many attractions, ride, and food to keep fuel to keep us on the move through the theme park. I did take same 60 pictures and at least three 5-minutes video shorts. The photos will show up here from time to time and the video will be uploaded to "TWWI News and Entertainment Channel", which will not be fully active until I upgrade my system from dial-up. So be patient I haven not forgotten about my channel. I am just flirting with the idea of going broadband or DSL. I will have to make a choice soon because uploading video clip over dial-up appears impossible.

Last Sunday, I was ordained as a Catechist Minister. It was a special honor and one I am inspiriting to live up to as Catholic and as a woman. There are some heavy responsible with this new station and like everything else I do, I take the position seriously.

As a LifeTeen core leader, I am working on a weekly new project. I find the group interesting because I have never been a part of anything quite like it. The teens who attend are a great group and all them are willing participate in the various skits and other projects all while learning to understand God and how He fits into their lives. I find this concept awesome and humbling because it is also helping me with my own understanding of where God is in my life, and how much of me had grown spiritually since answering His call.  

With youth ministry and our two choirs (the Contemporary and the Traditional choirs) that I am juggling weekly, my time outside of work is quite limited but wonderfully fulfilling.

Evelyn Out.

"Welcome Aboard!"

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

After careful consideration, I am happy to impart that I have decided to keep the "The Woman Within" as a public blog.  Because of its useful help links, current news, as well as the crime issues I have addressed on many of these pages, I have come to realize that through my blog I am providing a public service that informs, educate, and perhaps gives hope to those in need of it.  "The Woman Within" will also maintains its creative and entertaining content as well.

To all my old readers "Thank You" for reading, and to my new readers "Welcome Aboard!"

Evelyn Out!


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Sexual Battery in the Lynn Lake Area

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

The following links are from  news releases posted by the St. Petersburg Police Department. The reports concerned the recent sexual assaults of two male Lakewood High School students as they were walking home from school. The first attack occurred on September 14, 2006 with the second assault occurring on September 19, 2006. All parents should be on high alert and make sure that their teens and younger children who walk to and from school each day go in pairs or in groups. Parents should also impress upon their teens and children the importance of not stopping and/or talking with strangers for any reason.

Both victims gave the police department a description of the suspect. If anyone has information that would help the police department find and arrest this suspect, contact Detective Chris McClure, Crimes Against Children, 727-893-7264 or the Communication Center at 727-893-7780

Evelyn Out.


Friday, September 22, 2006


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

I am leaving you with some very good news this morning before heading out  to work.  Last week, I learning that John MichaeLTalbot was returning to Blessed Trinity, my parish, to do a second concert. At first, it was stated that he would not need the choir and that we would be able to sit and enjoy the concert.  However, I got an update during last night choir rehearsal, and the news is that Mr. Talbot has requested that our choir sing backup for him.  Everyone in the choir are all exited and looking forward working with him again.  The date of the concert is not known, but it is thought that he will perform here during Lent of 2007.

Well, this has been a little news brief.  Have a good day!

Evelyn Out.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


As we all know evaluation of job performance comes around each year.  Well, today I had mine done , and I felt that if I had disagreed, then I would have been crucified on the spot. I mean fired.  In a couple of past entries, I stated that I did not have any friends at work, and now I believe it. 

As for how the eval went, I listened and I learned that any lengthy reply I might have made in the defend of my performance would have been unwelcomed.  Regradless of the pressure I felt, I managed to state the truth of my performance, and that made me feel better about the whole ordeal. 

So for the moment I still have a job, but I understand more now than before that I am very friendless and isolated there. 

However, the amazing thing is that I still feel increditable good about my work day, and I can rest easy knowing that I give my best.

Evelyn Out.



Saturday, September 16, 2006

More Girl Power!

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Speaking of "Girl Power", there has been some show of it here in our office with the election of Susan Bedinghaus to a position of judge in the Pinellas County Court system. Susan, who for the last few years has worked as an Assistant Attorney General, will begin her new position as Judge Bedinghaus in January of 2007.

We at the office are proud of Susan's accomplishment, and proud to have known her. Good Luck, Susan!

Evelyn Out!


Simply Lucy!







Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


If your interests are similar to mine, then you probably know that I have been watching the Fox presentation of Celebrity Duets. The show has finished its third week and the remaining celebrities are Lucy Lawless (Battlestar Galactica), Alfonso Ribera (The Fresh Prince of Bell-Air), Jai Rodriguez (Queer Eye), and comedians Creech Marin (Nash Bridges) and Hal Sparks (Queer as Folk). Wayne Brady is the series host.

This week saw the lost of Olympian winner Curly Patterson, but she vows that we will hear more from her. So, now there are just the five remaining contestants, and not only is Lucy Lawless the last woman standing, she is the highest rated celebrity to receive telephone votes from the American audience. This phenomenon dazzles the mind. Just imagine what the response to Lucy’s appearance would be if the studios’ phone lines were open worldwide. The world loves Lucy, and America has proven that it does too.

On Thursday night’s show, it was easy to see that some Xenites were presents, and I believe it was the huge, all too tale-tale poster of “We Want A Xena Movie!” that gave the Xenites presence away. While listening to the judges, it was easy to see that Lucy enjoyed seeing her fans. 

I was please to see Lucy singing with Dionne Warwick who in her own right is an all-time international Diva. As Lucy stated, she enjoyed performing with singers like Kenny Loggins and Smokey Robinson, but it was time to show some girl power”, and for the last two nights, “girl power” is what those two incredible women gave us.

If for whatever odd reason you have missed the series, it airs on Fox every Thursday and Friday nights at 9 PM ET. The celebrities perform on each night with Thursday night being the night for audiences voting and the results of the voting being revealed on Friday nights.

Will Lucy Lawless win this competition of the stars for her charity? All the world is waiting with abated-breath.

Below is the link for Celebrity Duets.

The above desktop wallpaper I approximately call, “Lucy Lawless”.  I created it after watching this Thursday night’s show. I am pleased with the new imagines because there are hundreds and hundreds of photos of Lucy in her Xena persona. It is refreshing to see her as herself.

Evelyn Out.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Oop! Bad Grammar!

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

Before I leave for choir practice, I want to apologize to my readers for the grammar errors in last night’s entry. I had had less than 3 hours sleep the night before, and I wrote and posted the entry without thoroughly editing it. However, I have made some corrections this evening. 

However,  I hope that the important of the message was not reduced because I was sleepy and careless with my grammar usage.

I am now off to choir practice. Have a nice evening!

Evelyn Out! 


Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


The war to end the sell of illegal drugs and to put away those persons responsible for flooding ours streets and destroying countless of lives is one that had raged on for decades. However, according a news release dated September the first, Florida is doing its part in cleaning up ours neighborhoods. With three new convictions under the belt of the Office of the Attorney General, Charles Crist, some residents in the tri-county areas of Florida can feel a little safer with the knowledge that the supply of cocaine on their streets has been short circuited.


With this said, let me also state that closer to home the people who have been involved in the illegal sale of drug and now find themselves under suspicion are the most vindictive,  dangerous and untrustworthy people one can run across. I say this because I do not know how much my of writing about the drug problem on the corner of the avenue near where I live has brought awareness to the others residents in the area and particularly our local police department. All I know for sure is that there is less activity on that corner and that if they wanted to the residents really can go out at night for an evening stroll without being harassed or intimidated. 


This is all very good; however, those who brought in the drugs and then have tried to dominate the corner at night are still trying to interfere in my life. They have had me watched, stalked and they are still tying to sway others against me. This I expected, and I know that they are motivated by their want to rid anyone who disagree with what they have done and to get suspicion off themselves. I suspect they want to discredit me by playing the same ridiculous mind games, but I am very aware of what happening out there and strangely I am not intimidated. I believe that they will make a big mistake and that it will help to put an end to them altogether, and perhaps put some of them in jail.


I have not reported every little thing I see and/or all that happens, but I am positive that they are just waiting for a time to strike like snakes with their malice. I am sure of this because of how they have recently tried to insinuate themselves into some personal portions of my life with the soul purpose of trying cause me problems. Nevertheless, many times when I see it I generally ignore it.


Still, it would foolish on my part to ignore the fact that they are still manipulating people, and because I live in  this environment, it does  makes me feel good to see that good things are happening out there to stop and put away those who wish to profit by destruction of  other people lives.  NO Drugs!


Below is the September 1, 2006 New Release from the O office of the General, Charlie Crist about the conviction of three such men.











                TALLAHASSEE - Attorney General Charlie Crist today announced the sentencing of three members of a Northeast Florida drug trafficking ring after they were convicted for their roles in a massive cocaine trafficking operation. The three individuals received their sentences following a successful prosecuted by Crist’s Office of Statewide Prosecution.


                Sentenced today were Tremayne Justin Whitty, Michael Sabrina Ann Chambers, and Shameka Nakia Whitty. Six additional ring members, including the ringleader Victor James, will be sentenced at a later date.


                The three individuals and at least 28 others were involved in a cocaine trafficking ring that sometimes trafficked in as much as 10 kilograms of cocaine every month. The ring, which operated for approximately four years, utilized sources in Northeast and South Florida and ran the drugs up and down the east coast of Florida.


                "It is always a good day when illegal narcotics and drug dealers are taken off the street," said Crist. "This case should send a message strong penalties await those who sell drugs."


                The members of the drug ring were arrested in 2005 after a five-month investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Tri-County Narcotics Task Force and the St. Johns County Sheriff's Office's Special Investigative Unit. Approximately $54,000 in cash and 4.5 pounds of cocaine, with a street value of $172,000, were seized at that time.


                Another co-defendant, Septimus Clyde Connor, 26, of St. Augustine, was sentenced in March to 12 years in prison. Charges are pending against three additional co-defendants, while another has since passed away. The Seventh Circuit State Attorney’s Office is prosecuting another 17 defendants whose criminal activities were confined to St. Johns County.


                A breakdown of the sentences received by each defendant following their May guilty pleas is as follows:


                Tremayne Justin Whitty, 21, of St. Augustine - 364 days in St. Johns County Jail, followed by three years of supervised probation; pled guilty to possession with intent to distribute


                Sabrina Ann Chambers, 23, of St. Augustine - 364 days in St. Johns County Jail, followed by three years of supervised probation; pled guilty to possession with intent to distribute


                Shameka Nakia Whitty, 28, of St. Augustine - 18 months in prison, followed by three years of supervised probation; pled guilty to conspiracy to traffic in cocaine, 400 grams or more.




Evelyn Out.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Diocesan of Saint Petersburg: The Victim Assistance Ministry

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


Below is the email address for Ms. Marti Zeitz the Victim Assistance Minister for the Diocesan of Saint Petersburg. E-Mail Address:


If you know of any priest, religious, deacon, diocesan employee, or volunteer who has sexual abuse you or someone else, please contact Ms. Zeitz at the above email address.


The Victim Assistance Ministry is part of an outreach program for victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse, and it offers pastoral care and counseling as well. If you have problems with the above email address or for additional information on sexual abuse, click the link below and read the article entitled "How to Recognize, Respond to, and Prevent Child Abuse".


Evelyn Out.

Friday, September 8, 2006

"Rock the Universe" A Christian Rock Concert



Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

I have had and interesting and busy week. In about an hour, I will on the road to see "Rock the Universe” the Christian rock concert at the Universal Studios in Orlando, Fl. As a core leader, I will be attending the concert with our church’s youth group. I am looking forward to seeing the bands. Tonight bands include the Newsboys, Relient K. MXPX, Pocket Full of Rocks, and Andrea Webber. As usually, I will have my trusty camera and will return home with some great photos.

The “Rock the Universe” concert is a two night event and tomorrow night bands include Third Day, Audio Adrenaline, Superchic, Day of Fire and Al Denson. The fun starts at 4 PM and ends at 1 AM on both nights.

The above article was taken from Thursday's St. Petersburg Times newspaper. I scanned, framed, and added special filters to make it web ready.

Have a Great weekend!

Evelyn Out.


Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Coming Soon - " TWWI News and Entertainment Channel" -

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn Here,

It has been nearly a year since a I created and started hosting  "The Woman Within". I have done so well with it that I have created and launched the "TWWI News and Entertainment Channel".

"TWWI News and Entertainment Channel" is a video extension of the  "The Woman Within". Like the blog, the channel will be dedicated to bringing women informative, helpful and entertaining topics that may often times enhance an entry posted here.

"TWWI News and Entertainment Channel" is still in its infancy, but once I have added more contents, I post its address on this blog.

Although, "TWWI News and Entertainment Channel is a public channel, I will post the warning of  "PARENTAL DISCRETION ADVISED" on contents I deem not suitable for younger viewers. I doubt that this will occur, but the warning will probably be posted.

TO MY FRIENDS:  I will accept video entries which aren't copyrighted or where copyright is granted. To send a video entry email me at: Not all entries will be posted but all will be screened.. Video entries must be in  either .avi, .mov, or mpeg format and no longer than 10 minutes.

Evelyn Out.


Saturday, September 2, 2006

“Woman Thou Art Loose” – Touches on the Truth!

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


I am not usually one for specking out on the political side of religion. By this I mean, I  believe that no matter what a person religious beliefs  might be, if he/she believes in God and tries to live their lives by following His will, who would I or anyone else to say that his/her religious beliefs and ways of delivering God’s message is any less than mine. 


Why do I bring such a hot topic up?


I just watched the 2004 movie, “Women Thou Art Loose”, which is based on the Bishop T. D. Jakes’ book of the same name. As with other human interest nature stories I wanted to know more about the film’s background. I was surprise at what I found. I discovered that some online reviews of the film read more like attacks on the Bishop T. D. Jakes and his ministry than writing honest appraisals of the movie’s storyline and the message that the bishop was trying to get across to the viewers.


In my opinion it is high time that people accept that sexual and physical abuse against children and women occur at an average of one in every thousands beginning at the age of twelve here in the US (U.S. Department of Justice - Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics for the year 2004: ). The movie “Women Thou Art Loose” was released in the same year as this statistic, which seems to punctuate the important of seeking ways of stopping and of helping victims of such crimes. I believe the Bishop T. D. Jakes found one way of reaching people and informing them of these horrors and I believe he should be afforded greater respect than what some reviewers gave him.


The movie is based on the fictional account on a young black woman named Michelle Jordan, who is the product of a single parent environment. At the age of twelve, Michelle is raped by Reggie, her mother current boyfriend who is the last of a long line of "uncles" to Michelle. Years later and as a parolee, she tries to change her life after having leaded a g life of drug addition, prostitution, and physical abuse. She is seeking answer to a better way of life and discovers that by laying her burden down at the foot of God’s altar at the ministry of Bishop T. D. Jakes’, she will finally be free of what has crippled as woman.


The movie is done with each of the main characters in the film has an aside where he or she speak his or her relationship with of Michelle. Through each character aside, one can see where saving Michelle has failed. Most of the characters so badly flawed that the eventual shooting of Reggie by Michelle is all to clear. 


Everyone Michelle know fails her. They either used her for their own gain, such as Dupree the pimp, or were not able to cope with their own demons like Cassie who knew the truth but preferred to believe Reggie’s lie.


To understand how Cassey failed Michelle, we must understand that she was not ready for motherhood, and we later discover  that Cassey was also sexually abused by her father and that her own mother who cares so little about Cassey‘s pain as to tell her something like, “Welcome to the sisterhood. It happened to me before you, so deal with it.” When Cassey is confronted with Michelle’s rape, she accuses her daughter of laying to breakup her relationship with Reggie. Cassey even goes so far as to wait for him with a butcher knife.


There is a history of sexual abuse and each woman learned to cope with it in her way. They either avoid the subject and/or try escaping it with self-denial. However, each woman is torn by it, and her interrelationship shows it.


Michelle is shown as a brave but desperate young woman who is willing the fight off the evils of her past such as her relationship with Dupree. She even finds without looking the chance for true love and a family with Todd her childhood friend. Each day is a trial that she must find the enter strength to conquer, and each day she wins a little more.


Nevertheless, the one demon to which Michelle believed she has overcome proves to be her ultimate downfall. The morning that she feels ready to free herself of what the rape that changed her life proves too much when she see that one who raped her, Reggie,  who too is seeking forgiveness and salutation by letting loose of what binds him. What has bound Michelle is the rape and she for years she has held on to the blood stained dress from that crime. She wanted to place it at the altar as proof of her conversion. For Reggie was the marijuana. However, his conversion was not real until he seeks forgiveness from Michelle. She in turn is horrified the see Reggie in the church and in her torment, she can not forgive him. Instead, she turns from the new life she has been building with Todd to kills Reggie. His conversion came too late and as he said about his death, “I didn’t see it coming”.


This destroy Michelle, we understand why she is in prison and on death row. As she relates her story to Bishop T. D. Jakes (plays by Himself), we see her building a house out of tissue paper and glue. She is very good at it and the Bishop point out to her that she never put a door on the house. She states “Why when no one living in it.” The Bishop tell her that without a door no one every will. She understood and at the closing of the film we see her empty cell but her little house remains with an open doorway. 


One can conclude that Michelle did not get a stay of excursion. The makers of “Women Thou Art Loose” state that although Michelle Jordan’s story is fictional her story is a composite of thousands of women out there.


For additional and information help contact the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence as listed below.


Florida Council Against Sexual Violence
1311 North Paul Russell Road, Suite A204
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Phone: 850-297-2000
Toll-Free: 1-888-956-7273
Fax: 850-297-2002


For all other states, use the following link to find your state.


Rape - No Joking Matter


Below is a link to an article entitled, “Why Are Men Still Joking About Rape?” by Sara K. Gould,  on the AlterNet.  This article is so intense that it has drawn some 316 responses. The article was sparked by a recent episode of "Rescue Me" on the F/X channel and dramatized one of the main characters raping hiswife as punishment for talking back.


Evelyn Out.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!