As we all know evaluation of job performance comes around each year. Well, today I had mine done , and I felt that if I had disagreed, then I would have been crucified on the spot. I mean fired. In a couple of past entries, I stated that I did not have any friends at work, and now I believe it.
As for how the eval went, I listened and I learned that any lengthy reply I might have made in the defend of my performance would have been unwelcomed. Regradless of the pressure I felt, I managed to state the truth of my performance, and that made me feel better about the whole ordeal.
So for the moment I still have a job, but I understand more now than before that I am very friendless and isolated there.
However, the amazing thing is that I still feel increditable good about my work day, and I can rest easy knowing that I give my best.
Evelyn Out.