Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Hello Everyone,


Evelyn Here,


Just when I thought that fantasy was becoming humdrum and the magic that brought millions of viewers from around the world to their television sets was becoming a thing to be remembered the ABC Family Channel premieres Fallen.


Fallen is the ABC Family Channel attempt to fill the void left opened when fantasy series like Xena Warrior Princess; Bully the Vampire Killer, Angel, and Beast Master ended their long reign in  both the fantasy and the sci-fi spheres of television alternate reality programming.


The story opens with Aaron Corbett, played by actor Paul Wesley, an adopted teenage boy who until his 18th birthday is your average high school senior. He is a member of the wrestling team, his grades and wrestling skills are so good that he is being sought after by different universities and to his special delight he has attracted to attention of the most popular girl in school, Vilma. 


All appears grand in Aaron’s world except he soon learns that his destiny is to be rewritten and that his nightly dreams of a dark figure chasing him are no nightmares. Then couple these discoveries with the fact that he can speak with his dog and others animals as well as speak all languages with ease. He is soon befriended by a self-seeking fallen angel named Ezekiel “Zekes” who as a bum tells Aaron not only who he is but what he is, which is a Nephilim borne of one angel parent and one human parent. Once, again the Book of Enoch touch is in play within a storyline.


As the story goes on Aaron tried to fight his new found powers as well as the facts told to him by Zekes and the mysterious dark angel of his dreams, Camael, who was once a former Nephilim killer but who is now Aaron’s protector. Both Zekes and Camael believe that Aaron is the long awaited for and searched after  “Redeemer” of  prophecy who is said to possess the power the redeem all fallen angels from ages past and who fought along side you know who in the attempt to overthrow heaven.


Aaron understandably reject what the two angels tell him and tried to live his life as normal as possible. Nevertheless, he soon is forced to accept his destiny when the angel, Verchiel, is sent by the “Powers”, along with her hordes of angelic cutthroats to threaten Aaron’s adopted family. Talk about your misnomers or oxymorons. Her mission is  to find and destroy all of the Fallen and their Nephilim’s offspring.


Intrigued? I am! Furthermore, I will be tuning into ABC Family Channel in the summer of 2007 when they air the seven part mini-series of Fallen. 


Fallen has the stuff to become a weekly series and its religious base theme makes it that much more of a temptation. I could not resist the pun or the fun. The television movie and its fore coming mini-series are based on a Thomas E. Sniegoski’s book called “The Fallen”, which is the first book in a series of four. The books are The Fallen, The Fallen: Aerie The Fallen: Leviathan, and The Fallen: Reckoning.


The cast of Fallen includes:


Aaron Corbett, Paul Wesley

Ezekiel “Zekes”, Tom Skerrit

Camael, Rick Worthy

Verchiel, Lisa Lackey

Vilma, Fernanda Andrade


The following link is to “Fallen” where there is more information on the movie. There is also an alternate reality game where players can save the damsel in distress. The community has a very serious (as in hair pulling) debate on the presenceof angels and their role among us mortals in its forum.


Evelyn Out.

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