Saturday, October 13, 2007

Gangs, Drugs, and Family Crime an Important Update

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


With an update on my “Gangs, Drugs, and Family Crime” article posted on September 30, 2007. As with any of the articles posted here some people are not going to be pleased by what I write or what I choose to post from others sources, but I have already stated in a very early post that I am not trying to win awards or anyone popularity contest. Therefore, when I receive backlash or little acts of disrespect about an article I wrote, I am neither surprise nor intimidated by their reaction to it. However, I am a little awed by the fact that knowing that they are the subjects of the articles, they would attempt to interfere in my life with acts of nonsense.


When it became clear to the families who where and still might be deeply involved in selling drugs scene who live on the corner that I was writing about them, there was a little display of defiant. In addition, I suspect that that some of the women from those families had groups together with their male partners or friends to stage of little show of defiant by parking their cars on that corner and milling around each evening. I saw them there several evenings when I arrived home from work or another outing. They did not keep it up for long, so I believe the waited for me. I got a few meaningful glances my way but as I stated I was not surprise, and I honestly hope that none of women were parents of the teenagers who brutalized that other teenage boy who lives up there. Still, I just believe those people really do not see what I am truly saying in my article about their behavior and what they have done to this community with their continuous rebellion, crime, and revenge seeking. They do not see the many lives they have damaged. I thank God that many of us have learned to bounce back and carry on with our lives in spite of what these people have done.


Some of the older children as well as those who visit them had developed the habit of standing in that street, as I would drive by. This street is the same one, on the same corner, that I have stated is in need of an additional street light. This corner is nearly pitch dark at night and anyone wearing dark clothing and who is standing in that street cannot be seen until a driver is almost on them. Because this corner street is where the drugs sales were happening, it is also the street where someone from one of families parked a dull (it looked unpainted) black car crosswise in the center of it. You can imagine what would have happened to anyone driving around that corner a little too fast or his or her mind on something else. This is not a nice group of people.


Furthermore, I keep excluding a fourth house. Until lately, I have seldom seen the occupants across the street and two houses up from me, so I have rarely thought of them. However, I am speaking of the family who triggered this whole revenge thing. Theirs reasons, I once tried to get a restraining order on the grandmother and couple years later I got a restraining of one of the male in their family both for harassment. They, their male family members, and the pushers on the corner are all linked, and I believe there are some blood ties among them along with one other their families on my block. Yet, in the center of all this is their illegal drugs, and their need the control this area, my street, that corner where they live, and intimidation and sometimes brutal intimidation has been their tools over their  neighbors.



This revenge thing has been going on for nearly a decade and these people have nearly destroyed this community with their deceitfulness, damaging other people property, relieving their pit bulls on pets and other forms bullying in the neighborhood. Some of what they have done and have started to do again is tailing me, and attempting to start problems for me and the employees and managers in the places that I frequent. Yesterday the man, who made a rude sexual gesture as a teenage girl and I were passing by, tried this dirty trick; he decided it would be a good idea to come on my property. It was a very, very bad idea. He and the others involved with their vendetta know without thinking about it that I would never want them on my property. It is bad enough that they have taken advantage of husband lack of good judgment in some people character by attempting to make this situation appear milder or harmless by inviting his to sit with them or some other nonsense when the police are around, this man would try this subtle intimidation with us on our property. It did not work, and I made sure he left the property with the words that he is to never, ever step of this property again. I backed up my actions and statements with a call to the police department because I meant every word that I said to him.


Remember, that these are same families who have influenced other people so badly that some people have been fired from their jobs because of acts they committed to create a scene or create problems for me. These families have not given up on their vengeful acts, and they certainly do not like the fact that other residents in the neighborhood want their crimes and vendetta to stop.


They hate me. It has been stated. They hate me because I am informing the community of their actions. My family was just one of their victims but there are been more and some were forced to move away. However, I do not want the good people who live here to believe that they have to live under threats, watch criminals’ sale their poison on our streets, brutality children in public, or use the infirm to mislead the authorities for their own purpose. Many residents are exercising their rights to have a cleaner and safer neighborhood, whichis free of illegal sale, adult and teen violent, other criminal acts come with them.


As I stated early in this article, I knew that those involve with these crimes would try to retaliate in some way; however, I believe in truth and all the other things involving goodness; so I will not stop doing what I know to be is right.


Evelyn out.


It is better to be hated for things done for the betterment of a sociality, than to have placidly given in to its corruption and done nothing at all.




What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!