Hello Everyone,
Evelyn here,
It had been nearly a year since Bill McCollum became Attorney General for the State of Florida. Many in my office did not think that we would meet the new boss, but today we were pleased and surprise to meet the elegant persona who is Bill McCollum.
During his visit to our office, General McCollum praised us for our dedication toward securing support for the innocents that need it, and the comradeship we display toward getting the job done. He also spoke about the work of the newly developed Cybercrime unit and catching predators of children before they strike.
It was an inspiring first meeting, which ended with a photo session. I introduced myself to General McCollum and told him of my website and my dedication to bringing the latest news from the Attorney General’s office to us, the people.
I spoke to him about his Cybercrime units, the fight to stop illegal drug trafficking and those who sell it, as well as the plans to curtail gangs and gang crime in Florida’s neighborhoods. The General said that what I was doing was a good thing and he gave me the thumbs up sign. So here I am tonight.
Evelyn out.