Sunday, October 7, 2007


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

below is a message from our honorable Governor, Charlie Crist.  In this message he addresses the issue of government spending.  Governor Crist also acknowledged President Ken Pruitt and our House Speaker Marco Rubio and other members of the Florida Legislature for their responsible leadership, strength, courage, and outstanding diplomacy in bringing about this year’s fiscal state budget. 

The Legislature also took action on Florida's no-fault law and personal injury protection requirements, ensuring that Florida's drivers continue to be protected while also reducing the possibility insurance fraud.


Now For Governor Crist . . .




Dear Friends,


This week, the Florida Legislature returned to Tallahassee to focus on the state's budget and how to spend the people's money wisely. 


Last May, I signed a fiscally responsible state budget.  Current revenue estimates indicate that we must continue to tighten our belt in order to live within our means, just as Florida's families do every day.  We must do what is right.  I know that our Senate President Ken Pruitt and our House Speaker Marco Rubio believe that, too.  We have a duty to balance Florida's budget, and it is a constitutional duty. 



It is an honor to serve alongside leaders like President Pruitt and Speaker Rubio.  I applaud them and the other members of the Florida Legislature for their leadership and their strength, their courage and their outstanding statesmanship.  They care, as I do, about the people of Florida -- our boss -- and doing what is right for our great state. 


As we tighten our belts, we must be sure that we re-fire the economic engine that is Florida.  I have proposed providing help for first-time home buyers, appropriating funds for school construction projects and fast-tracking some of our transportation projects.  By taking these steps, we can re-fire that economy more quickly. 


We must also remember that there is gold in green, that renewable energy such as solar and wind -- as well as ethanol and hydrogen -- are important to Florida's economic future, as well as the health of our environment.




This week, the Legislature also took action on Florida's no-fault law and personal injury protection requirements, ensuring that Florida's drivers continue to be protected while also reducing the possibility of fraud.  I applaud the great leaders of the Florida Legislature for serving the best interests of the people and reforming personal injury protection.  I want to thank President Pruitt and Speaker Rubio, and especially Senator Bill Posey and Representative Ellyn Bogdanoff, who have worked tirelessly to find common ground on this important issue.


May God bless you and the great state of Florida,




Evelyn out.

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