Thursday, January 24, 2008

Consumer Advisory - From Attorney General Bill McCollum: Seniors Should be Wary of Reverse Mor

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with Consumer advisory from the Office of The attorney General Bill McCollum.


January 24, 2008


      TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today issued a
 consumer advisory warning Florida’s senior citizens about a
 mortgage-related scam that may target them directly. As he unveiled
 legislation this week to combat mortgage “foreclosure rescue” scams, the
 Attorney General also cautioned senior citizens about scams associated
 with reverse mortgages, a type of home equity loan frequently abused by
 con artists and scammers. These loans are often popular options for senior
 citizens because they offer a cash source which can help meet unexpected
 medical expenses, supplement social security and more.

      “When our senior citizens are concerned about finances and are
 seeking a legitimate option for financial relief, they should not have to
 worry about predatory lenders or brokers trying to capitalize on their
 precarious position,” said Attorney General McCollum. “Consumers should
 take every precaution to avoid scams and situations which could leave them
 in even worse financial shape.”

      Reverse mortgages are a special type of home loan that allow
 homeowners who are 62 and older to borrow against their home equity
 without having to repay the money until the home is sold or the borrower
 passes away or moves out permanently. When the home is sold, lenders
 recover their principal plus interest.  The remaining value of the home
 goes to the homeowner or to his or her survivors.

      Unfortunately, as the popularity of reverse mortgages grows, so does
 the potential for fraud. Predatory lenders, unscrupulous loan agents and
 dishonest brokers may target senior citizens who may be anxious about
 their financial security. Deceptive practices and allegations of
 high-pressure sales tactics are being more frequently encountered as
 senior citizens are being taken advantage of under the guise of a helpful
 and legitimate reverse mortgage. Borrowers also run the risk of being
 steered into inappropriate loans and annuities by sales agents and
 insurance brokers who could be working together without disclosing that
 relationship to the borrower.

      Attorney General McCollum noted that reverse mortgages can serve a
 purpose when financed through legitimate lenders. According to the U.S.
 Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), homeowners who take out
 a reverse mortgage can receive payments in a lump sum, on a monthly basis,
 or on an occasional basis as a line of credit. Homeowners whose
 circumstances change can restructure their payment options.

      HUD-approved housing counseling agencies are available for free, or
 at minimal cost, to provide information, counseling, and free referral to
 a list of HUD-approved lenders. HUD does not recommend using an estate
 planning service or any service that charges a fee just for referring a
 borrower to a lender. This information can be obtained by calling HUD at
 1-800-569-4287. More information is available at HUD’s reverse mortgage
 website at




Evelyn out.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


With an update on the bullying families. Some of which were selling Illegal drug on the corner not so long ago. There appears to be a movement among these families to retaliate against myself, my family and others who have oppose their bullies and intimidating us for the control of our lives, our block as well as our neighborhood during the night.


Of late, I have had to contact the police department more about the increasing problems of stalking, loud music late at night in cars and of harassment when we (my family) are out and about town and  in our cars. This increase in harassment now appears to involve a corrupt teenage boy who lives on the same block and whose grandmother, mother, and several men folks are responsible for setting off the harassment of my family and many other families going as far back as 2000. An early attempt by me to get a restraining order against the grandmother failed. So, this teenager’s grandmother walked away only step up her harassment of me with the use of others friends, families and sadly neighbors. Her attempt included misleading (lying) to the police officers who came here to see about a reported situation. The legal system called this type of harassment – Third Party – with persons acting on the behalf of the person under the restraining order.


In 2003, I did succeed in getting a two-year restraining order on one of the male in that family, who in turned had used third parties the continue his harassment, which brought about my discovery of the families who were selling and using illegal drug. One of these families is the family who were at the same time selling candy and cookies to children, blocking our streets with traffic from an unlicensed daycare center, which of course masked their illegal drug involvement. The children who are heard nearly everywhere by some form natural or audio magnification are known and encouraged to some of these families.


Just three days ago, and as my husband and I were coming home, two black females in a maroon car attempt to crowd us on a narrow folk road just as we entered it. This road begins in front of a police officer’s home. His squad car was not in front of his home, as it sometimes is, so the two women probably felt safe to pull their little stunt. Having failed in forcing us over, they then followed us to a quiet residential intercession and pulled beside up us and beginning shouting as if we were responsible for what happened. By their slow easing into our path severs as proof to me that they knew prior to pulling away from the curve that we were passing by them. Upset, I in turned shout for them to move on their way and not to trouble us anymore. Once at home, I did reported in the incident. Nevertheless, I in no way believe that this teenage boy is acting along -  as he could not be blasting music in at least three different places in the area at nearly the same time. This too was reported.

With the above is added that teenage boy’ playing the music in his car loud; however, he is not along in the household when it comes the harassing people, and the night before one of them did it and left the car unattended while in the home.


Furthermore, the young woman related to one of those families on the corner, and who was hired shortly after me, is now gone, but not before leaving behind suspicions and ill feelings caused by her lying to others and her other deceptions. Of those who remain and I still work among, they are not happy that she lied to them and I am sure they are not happy with me for not talking to them about the situation out here on this block and neighboring area. However, when I reported her presences to my office managers, I made is clear that the situation was an ongoing police matter. Before that, I never mention the crimes out here and I do not talk about at the work place now regardless the harassment I have received.


As I stated before, I do not believe this teenage boy is working along. All incidents say that he is acting along with all the families on this street and that corner who are known troublemakers. Their deceptions have been revealed. On this block, their selling of illegal drugs had been curtailed if not completely stopped. Their attempts to pull even more innocent people into furthering the harassments is failing. They overlook that some of those people have lost their jobs, and that more people are beginning to see them for who they really are and the destruction they cause in others families lives.


I hate to think that my family and me are being singled out, but to my knowledge others are not forthcoming in what they might be experiencing.


I can only hope that they read this and will continue as I have done by informing the police department and others of what is really happening on our streets.


Evelyn out.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with an Attorney General Consumer Alert.





Parents cautioned against giving over-the-counter

medicines to children under the age of two


January 17, 2008


    TALLAHASSEE, FL - Attorney General Bill McCollum today issued a consumer advisory on the heels of an advisory from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that warned over-the-counter cold medicines should not be given to children under the age of two years old. The FDA advisory cites possible side effects that could be serious and potentially life-threatening in babies and toddlers and warns parents that while the medicines might appear to ease cold symptoms in older children, there is no evidence that they actually help younger children.


    "It is imperative that parents get this important message of safety for their young children," said Attorney General McCollum. "When a child is sick, our first instinct is to do whatever we can to make them feel better, but parents need to be aware that medicines once thought to be safe could instead be deadly."


    Attorney General McCollum reminded parents that cold season is still in full swing and parents should make sure they don’t give their younger children medicine they may have purchased to give their older siblings. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported last

year that more than 1,500 babies and toddlers wound up in emergency rooms over a two-year period because of the drugs. The FDA has also found more than 120 child deaths have been directly linked to antihistamines or decongestants over the past 40 years.


    The FDA has not yet determined whether older children are also at risk but offered the following guidelines for parents when giving older children the medicines:


-   Follow the dosing directions on the label of any over-the-counter medication;

-   Understand that these drugs will NOT cure or shorten the duration of the common cold;

-   Check the "Drug Facts" label to learn what active ingredients are in the products because many over-the-counter cough and cold products contain multiple active ingredients; and

-   Only use measuring spoons or cups that come with the medicine or those made specifically for measuring drugs.


    More information, including the FDA advisory, is available on the FDA’s website at


Evelyn out.


Council on Social Status of Black Men and Boys Releases First Annual Report

Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


The new release below concerns the First Annual Report of the Council on the Social Status of Black men and Boys.


January 15, 2008




Council on Social Status of Black Men and Boys Releases First Annual Report


~ Prominent among recommendations is the need to make the Council, housed in the Attorney General’s Office, a permanent commission ~

TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum and Levi Williams, Chairman of the Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys, today announced that the Council has released its first annual report. The report covers the topics addressed by the Council’s five subcommittees on improving economic outcomes, foster care and families issues, education outcomes and health status and developing legislative review.

“I am honored to have the opportunity to work with this distinguished group of individuals,” said Attorney General McCollum. “It is important to bring together both the people and the resources needed to help today's youth make the choices that will send their lives in a positive direction.”

The Council is committed to developing dynamic recommendations to change the social paradigms in education, health, and economics and to improve the overall well-being of this population through long-term committed efforts in the legislature and individual communities throughout Florida. One of the recommendations in the report is the suggestion that smaller local councils be created in each of Florida’s 67 counties to create a network for communication, education and action. Chairman Levi Williams stressed the importance of community support in the efforts to raise awareness about the socioeconomic conditions affecting Black men and boys in the state of Florida.

"The Council's Report is not a panacea for all that ails the Black community, but an opportunity for the man and woman in the mirror to use it as an outline for an increased quality of life,” said Chairman Levi Williams, Esq. "The Council's efforts, as with each of us, are but a drops in the roaring river of change!"

The Council recommended that GovernorBush’s Ex-Offender Task Force suggestions be reconsidered for potential implementation. The Council also encouraged opportunities for joint-ventures between and among Black-owned businesses to increase contract performance capacities, shared costs, and increased outcomes. An educational recommendation was made to identify intervention programs with proven records of success working with Black Males, such as Role Models of Excellence. A joint health status and families issues recommendation was to invest in public education drive about the benefits of early screening for health care. Other recommendations include the request that the Council be made a permanent commission which can be accomplished by legislative action.

In addition to the annual report, the Council also recently unveiled its website,, which includes its statutory authority, mission statement, council members’ directory, and news releases as well as links to many resources valuable to its mission.

The Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys is housed in the Office of the Attorney General. Created by the Legislature during the 2006 Legislative Session, the Council is charged with making a systematic study of the conditions affecting Black men and boys including homicide rates, arrest and incarceration rate, poverty, violence, drug abuse, death rates, disparate annual income levels, health issues and school performance. The goal of the Council is to propose measures to alleviate and correct the underlying causes of the conditions described above. These measures may consist of changes to the law or systematic changes that can be implemented without legislative action.

The Council’s next full meeting will be on January 22, 2008 at the Capitol. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the recommendations included in the report. The meeting is open to the public.

A copy of the report is available on the Council’s website here.


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Evelyn out

Statewide Grand Jury Makes Significant Anti-Gang Recommendations in First Interim Report

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a message from the Office of the Attorney General, Bill the first interim report of the 18th Statewide Grand Jury, tasked with investigating criminal gang activity.


Statewide Grand Jury Makes Significant Anti-Gang Recommendations in First Interim Report

McCollum: State needs to provide enhanced tools for law enforcement

and focus on arresting and prosecuting gang members

TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum and Statewide Prosecutor Bill Shepherd today released the first Interim Report of the 18th Statewide Grand Jury, tasked with investigating criminal gang activity. The Attorney General and the Statewide Prosecutor reiterated that criminal gangs in Florida are not only growing, but are also becoming more violent. The report acknowledges that law enforcement and prosecutors are attacking the problem, but increased enforcement tools and long-term joint investigations are critical. The Attorney General said developing and implementing a state strategy to combat gangs is a top priority and a commitment to arrest and prosecute gang members and gang leaders is a crucial part of this strategy.

“For the first time, the state is fully focused on the growing and deadly threat gangs are posing to our state,” said Attorney General McCollum. “The Grand Jury has provided its recommendations, and we will take up this charge to protect our state and turn back the dangerous tide of these organized criminal operations.”

The Statewide Grand Jury’s recommendations focus on acknowledging the gang problem and resolving, through all levels and branches of government, to attack it; protecting witnesses by enhancing witness tampering statutes and by closing the revolving door of automatic pre-trial bond releases; streamlining the statutory definition of criminal gang member to close existing loopholes and updating the criminal RICO statute; providing additional training and resources for law enforcement and prosecutors; and ensuring law enforcement’s continued collection and sharing of criminal gang intelligence. The Grand Jury also recently announced its first indictments, charging 10 members of the dangerous statewide gang SUR-13 with criminal racketeering charges in December.

“It is critical that we strengthen our enforcement capabilities and enhance penalties for gang members,” said Statewide Prosecutor Bill Shepherd. “By taking innovative approaches and maintaining a determined front against these criminals, we are taking back our state one arrest, conviction and sentence at a time.”

Statistics show that more than 1,000 gangs with an estimated 65,000 members are active in our state. These gangs are highly organized national and international criminal operations that recruit new members on a daily basis. The Attorney General and Statewide Prosecutor were joined by members of the law enforcement community who commended the Attorney General’s anti-gang commitment across the state.

“The effort to combat gangs must start in our communities and our neighborhoods and this report lays out the recommendations which will be essential to this all-encompassing effort,” said Baker County Sheriff Joey Dobson, president of the Florida Sheriffs Association. “I commend the Attorney General for his leadership and his commitment to fight the growth and spread of gangs in our state.”

Organized by the Attorney General’s Office of Statewide Prosecution, the Grand Jury has been charged with investigating criminal gang activity and indicting individuals for crimes which can include drug trafficking, robbery and assault, as well as violations of the Florida Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organization (RICO) Act. The jurors are also studying various criminal issues and through the report have made recommendations to the legislature on needed laws to deter gang activities and punish those involved in these pursuits. Additionally, jurors are tasked with providing educational and prevention recommendations to law enforcement agencies, schools, churches and other community based organizations to assist in keeping Florida’s children safe. The Grand Jury has been presided over by Palm Beach County Judge Kathleen Kroll and has been immensely assisted by State Attorney Barry Krischer, Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and Palm Beach County Clerk Sharon Bock.

The Attorney General also expressed his commitment to working during the upcoming Legislative Session with Senator Jeff Atwater (R-Palm Beach) and Representative William Snyder (R-Stuart), the sponsors of the gang legislation originally filed in August, to add the Grand Jury’s recommendations. The filed legislation is House Bill 43 and Senate Bill 76.

A copy of the report is available here.

For a copy of the report and images of the gang members indicted in December go



Evelyn out.


Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a annoucment from Attorney General, Bill McCollum and the Florida Education Commisioner Eric J. Smith.



JANUARY 17, 2008










       TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General BillMcCollum and Education Commissioner Eric J. Smith today announced a statewide CyberSafety challenge to school principals to sign their schools up for the Attorney General’s CyberSafety Education presentations. The challenge is part of Attorney General McCollum’s goal to reach every middle and high school in the state with his CyberSafety presentation.


      “One of the most important lessons we can teach our young people this year is how to protect themselves from internet child predators,” said Attorney General McCollum. “By challenging our principals to sign up their students to receive CyberSafety Education presentations before the school year ends, we hope to ensure as many children as possible have the tools they need to stay safe online. I appreciate Education Commissioner Smith joining with me on this important issue.”


      Two challenge winners will be announced in May – the district that signs up the largest total number of schools for presentations and the district that signs up the highest percentage of its schools for presentations. The winning districts will receive special CyberSafety presentations hosted in person by Attorney General McCollum and

 Commissioner Smith next fall.


      “Nothing is more important than student safety,” said Education Commissioner Eric J. Smith. “We must strive to do all that we can to equip our children with the knowledge they need to protect themselves as the explore the many benefits the Internet hasto offer.”


      The CyberSafety program, developed by Attorney General McCollum for middle and high school students, combines real-life stories and examples to help students identify ways they could be victimized by internet predators. Members of the Attorney General’s Child Predator CyberCrime Unit have been bringing the 50-minute CyberSafety program students statewide since the beginning of the school year.


      “"This is an excellent opportunity for a partnership between the Attorney General's office and the Florida public school system to help ensure the safety and welfare of all students,” said Bill Montford, CEO of the Florida School District Superintendents Association, an organization which has endorsed the CyberSafety initiative and has committed to helping ensure all districts participate in the CyberSafety Challenge. “Schools throughout Florida will eagerly accept this challenge and opportunity to help raise awareness of the need to take every step to ensure the protection of Florida's youngest and most vulnerable.”


      Principals can visit to log into a site developed specifically to register schools to receive the Attorney General’s CyberSafety presentation, and then sign up for presentations at a time that works with their schedules. The presentations are available to schools as well as parent groups. Since the beginning of the school year, more than 70 schools have received presentations to more than 24,000 students.


     More information on the AttorneyGeneral’s CyberSafety initiative is available online at




Evelyn out.




Sunday, January 13, 2008

Attorney General McCollum has Issue An Comsumer Advisory

Hello Eveyone,

Evelyn here,

with an comsumer advisory from AttoneyGeneral Bill McCollum on the danger to comsumer from deceptive auto dealers.


January 10, 2008


CONSUMER ADVISORY –the Attorney General Warns

About the “Too Good To BE True” Auto Sales.


McCollum: 'Don’t let misleading auto

advertising take you for a ride!'


      TALLAHASSEE, FL – Attorney General Bill McCollum today issued a consumer advisory warning Floridians about potentially misleading auto advertisements. The Attorney General cautioned consumers who may be buying automobiles during any new year’s sales to watch out for advertisements that may not be entirely accurate and high pressure sales tactics or scams that may unfairly ensnare consumers in unfavorable purchase agreements. Common misrepresentations include promises that dealers will pay off a consumer’s lease or loan and claims that consumers can be pre-approved for any vehicle of their choosing.


      "Floridians who may be trying to take advantage of sales during the first month of the new year should be wary of any deal that sounds too good to be true," said Attorney General McCollum. "Buying an automobile is an important and often carefullyplanned decision and it is imperative that consumers are not preyed upon by unscrupulous advertising or salespeople who are more concerned about making a sale than looking out for the customer’s best interests."


      The "We'll pay off your loan OR lease no matter how much you still owe!" claim is deceptive because consumers rarely realize that if the dealer pays off the debt, the consumer will then owe that debt to the dealer and will often receive a steeply de-valued price for their trade-in vehicle. Leases and loans are contracts and cannot be dissolved without steep penalties, which are also assumed by the dealer and charged back to the consumer. To mask the higher total cost, dealers may extend the term of the new loan to keep payments low, but will ultimately benefit from the end cost. To avoid getting caught in this trap, consumers should wait to trade in their automobile until they owe less than the vehicle’s value.


      The pre-approval sale is another potentially misleading device that specifically targets individuals concerned about their credit score and the impact it could have on financing options. Consumers often receive advertisements letting them know they have been pre-approved for a loan amount. A dealer can then manipulate the consumer into purchasing whichever vehicle provides the best benefit to the dealer because the consumer believes he or she has no additional financing options. A third common advertising gimmick is the "Super Sale," which occurs when an auto dealership hires a third party sales team to conduct the entire sale. The outside company typically increases the cost of each vehicle and then calculates new, lower payments based on the longest possible term with a deceptively low and enticing down payment. There is no real discount available and consumers may even end up paying more than necessary for the vehicle.


      The Attorney General's Office regularly investigates allegations of misleading or deceptive advertising or business practices which are prohibited under Florida’s Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act. Recent settlements related to auto sales include a November 2007 agreement with Bill Heard Chevrolet that resolved concerns about the company’s print and radio advertisements and direct mailers. The company agreed to alter its marketing practices and improve the process for addressing consumer complaints.


      To encourage consumers to make wise decisions when purchasing a new or used automobile, the Attorney General offered the following suggestions:


 -    Be cautious of extremely low monthly payments, as these may indicate a longer payment term. If possible, focus on the full price of the automobile.

 -    Pay attention to the actual terms of the sale rather than the "deal"

 being offered by the dealership. Ask questions about any terms that seem excessive or unnecessary.

 -    Salespeople may offer various incentives (cash back, "customer loyalty" discounts, special financing deals, etc.) that can be worth

 several thousand dollars off the new car price. Compare incentives and use  them as a negotiating tool if possible.

 -    Do research on how much your trade-in is worth. Some salespeople may try to lower the actual value of the trade-in during negotiations.

 -    Do not make an emotional care purchase or let a dealer know you are purchasing a car because you absolutely must.

 -    Know your credit score and what kind of financing options should be provided to you because of your score. Avoid giving this information to a salesperson before a price is agreed upon.

 -    Investigate any and all available financing options rather than simply accepting the financing terms provided by the dealership.


      Consumers are encouraged to contact the Attorney General’s Lemon Law program if they believe they have been sold a "lemon."  Florida's Lemon Law applies to new or demonstrator vehicles sold or long-term leased in the state of Florida. When consumers buy or lease a new or demonstrator motor vehicle, the selling dealer or lessor is required to provide a copy of the "Consumer Guide to the Florida Lemon Law." This publication explains consumer rights, gives steps to follow to resolve problems and contains a toll-free number for the Lemon Law Hotline and a form the

 consumer can use to notify the manufacturer of chronic defects and time out of service for repair. Last year, the Florida Lemon Law Arbitration Program surpassed the $350 million mark in refunds and replacements for consumers who bought incessantly defective new vehicles. Since 1989, the Lemon Law program has produced refunds or replacement vehicles for more than 13,300 consumers. More information is available online at


Evelyn out.

Unemployment Is Down And the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI) Comes To Port St. Lucie

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

will the current doing from capital hill. according to Governor Cris underemployment is down, yet few people are moving to Florida. Port St. Lucie and the Governor Cris welcome the Vaccine And Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI). The VGTI is a top biotech centers in the nation with an international reputation for rapidly moving discoveries from the laboratory to the clinic for use as medical treatments to help people with ailments.


Dear Friends,


    I am happy to report that many of the signs say that Florida's economy is strong. The average wage is up. Unemployment is down. The number of visitors to our state is up. But of course, we want our economy to be even stronger.

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This week I was pleased to welcome the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI) to Port St. Lucie. VGTI has an international reputation for rapidly moving discoveries from the laboratory to the clinic for use as medical treatments to help people. This addition firmly establishes the Sunshine State as one of the top biotech centers in the nation — and even the world. Our economy will benefit from the collaboration among Florida's biotech companies, which will also lead to better medical treatments and a better quality of life for us all.


    This week, I also announced plans for how we will build Florida's innovation economy in 2008. The entrepreneurial spirit is woven into the DNA of Florida's economy.


    We can build an economy that is founded on innovation. Innovation leads to being more productive. Productivity leads to competitiveness— and a competitive state becomes a prosperous state. And prosperity is our goal— for our people, for our communities, and for our state.


    Innovation can make Florida a leader in clean technologies as well. The technologies that make renewable and alternative energy like ethanol, solar power, wind energy, and wave energy a viable alternative are beneficial to our economy — and our environment.


    Florida's brightest days are truly ahead of us. We must tap into Florida's entrepreneurial spirit and create opportunity for Florida's unparalleled prosperity.


    May God bless you and give us a very prosperous new year in 2008. Thank you very much.




Dear Friends,
    I am happy to report that many of the signs say that Florida's economy is strong. The average wage is up. Unemployment is down. The number of visitors to our state is up. But of course, we want our economy to be even stronger.
This week I was pleased to welcome the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI) to Port St. Lucie. VGTI has an international reputation for rapidly moving discoveries from the laboratory to the clinic for use as medical treatments to help people. This addition firmly establishes the Sunshine State as one of the top biotech centers in the nation — and even the world. Our economy will benefit from the collaboration among Florida's biotech companies, which will also lead to better medical treatments and a better quality of life for us all.
    This week, I also announced plans for how we will build Florida's innovation economy in 2008. The entrepreneurial spirit is woven into the DNA of Florida's economy.
    We can build an economy that is founded on innovation. Innovation leads to being more productive. Productivity leads to competitiveness— and a competitive state becomes a prosperous state. And prosperity is our goal — for our people, for our communities, and for our state.
    Innovation can make Florida a leader in clean technologies as well. The technologies that make renewable and alternative energy like ethanol, solar power, wind energy, and wave energy a viable alternative are beneficial to our economy — and our environment.
    Florida's brightest days are truly ahead of us. We must tap into Florida's entrepreneurial spirit and create opportunity for Florida's unparalleled prosperity.
    May God bless you and give us a very prosperous new year in 2008. Thank you very much.


Evelyn out.

A Few Word From Attorney General Mccollum on January Mentoring Month

Hi Everyone,

Evelyn here,


with a message from the Attorney General Bill McCollun on Jaunary beign National Mentoring monther and the importance of mentoring a child.


Generally Speaking
  Publication of the Office of the Attorney General • Volume 6, Issue 2 • January 11, 2008

Orca Jumping at Seaworld


Space Shuttle



Sea Birds

Week in Pictures CyberCrime UpdateConsumer Protection Actions Criminal Proceedings News Releases Text Version En Español Additional Notes Contact Us Attorney General's Website Subscribe Unsubscribe Message from Attorney General Bill McCollum

January is National Mentoring Month, an extraordinary campaign designed to raise awareness about the importance ? and power ? of mentoring. The campaign invites people to think of mentors theymay have had in their own lives and to not only thank those caring individuals, but to also consider becoming a mentor themselves.

I encourage all Floridians to think about volunteering to mentor a child. Whether you are helping a child develop strong reading skills or providing guidance about choosing a profession or career direction, mentoring is a sound investment in the lives of children who might not otherwise receive guidance from a knowledgeable adult.

An excellent example is the Women of Tomorrow Scholarship and Mentoring Organization, of which several of my staff are members. These women mentor female high school students who have been identified as at-risk. They meet with the girls once a month to provide real-life information regarding domestic violence, health awareness, and other relevant topics. They also mentor them to develop stronger self esteem and provide career guidance.

Last month, after presenting a session on dining etiquette, the women realized that many of the students were not versed on how to conduct themselves at a business or professional dining function. The women decided to expand the lesson a little further and reached out to several fine dining establishments in South Florida to see if any were willing to host the program for the girls.

As a result of their dedication to these young students, more than 80 at-risk girls received professional ethics and etiquette training during a workshop and luncheon hosted by the elegant Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Miami. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will certainly be a memorable occasion for these girls and their mentors!

I commend this organization and so many others like it for taking the time and effort to provide such a positive influence in the lives of our children. Florida?s future and the future of our nation rests in the hands of these children, and I can think of no better way to directly influence the years to come than to help guide as many as possible to become successful and productive adults.

Bill McCollum

Sail Boat

Palm Trees



Daytona Speedway


Evelyn out.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Special Message from Governor Charlie Cris

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

with a special message from Governor Charlie Cris.


January 9, 2008
Dear Friends,
During recent months, I have met with business leaders throughout the state to discuss ways to keep Florida's economy vibrant and enhance our business friendly environment.  I have also received input from the Florida Chamber of Commerce, Associated Industries of Florida, the Florida Economic Development Council and Enterprise Florida's board of directors.  Florida's business leaders are some of the most innovative in the nation and have tremendous insight into how we can strengthen our business friendly atmosphere.
I want to share with you some of the ideas we have planned for the future of Florida's economy.  Our goal is to make sure that Florida is competitive in the global market.  We are developing our plans based on sound research and proven practice.  To keep Florida competitive, we must expand our capacity for innovation.  That means attracting industries focused on finding ways to do things better and faster.
Innovation is the heart of the entrepreneurial spirit, and the entrepreneurial spirit is woven into the DNA of Florida's economy.  Innovation – doing things better and faster – will set off a chain reaction that will fire Florida's economic egines.  Innovation leads to being more productive.  Productivity leads to competitiveness, and a competitive state becomes a prosperous state.  Prosperity is our goal – for our people, for our communities, and our state.
I look forward to working with members of the Florida Legislature and business leaders to build on these principles and move forward with a strategy to strengthen Florida's economic future.  My framework for achieving Florida's competitive advantage includes six essential drivers for Florida's innovation economy. 
  • Sustainable growth will ensure that our communities grow in a balanced way, that we preserve our state's beauty and that we are a leader in clean technologies.
  • A competitive business climate can be nurtured by lowering the cost of doing business in Florida.  January 29th is a step in the right direction, but we have more work to do. 
  • A multimodal infrastructure created by improving all of our ports – seaports, airports, spaceports and railports – will ensure paths to and from markets. 
  • Research and development will create new products and processes in targeted industries such as the clean technology. 
  • Entrepreneurial systems such as improved access to capital and business incubation will ensure Florida-based businesses – in urban and rural communities alike – grow and prosper.
  • Improved education and workforce training will ensure Florida has world-class talent available in an innovation economy.
Florida's brightest days are ahead of us.  I believe we can build on our past success by learning from sound research and proven practice.  We can tap into Florida's entrepreneurial spirit and create opportunity for unparalleled prosperity.
May God bless you and give us a prosperous new year.


Evelyn out.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Florida's Attorney General Newsletter Has New Name - New Format

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

A few months ago, the media office of the Attorney General Office issued a statewide email inviting state employees to participate in a renaming contest for the General's news releases. Many of us send in our entries, but alas only one of us could be the winner. So staring with this issue, the Attorney General's newsletter will formally be called, Generally Speaking.  Congratulation to the winner!


Generally Speaking
  Publication of the Office of the Attorney General • Volume 6, Issue 1 • January 4, 2008

Orca Jumping at Seaworld


Space Shuttle



Sea Birds Message from Attorney General Bill McCollum

As Florida?s Attorney General, I represent the legal interests of our state and provide other assistance to the people of Florida. Whether offering consumer protection through my Economic Crimes Division, fighting to protect our citizens through our Office of Civil Rights, working to develop a strategy to protect our communities from gang violence or even educating our children aboutcyber safety, my office is dedicated to serving individuals and families in our state.

I believe it is essential for Floridians to have as much information about the Attorney General?s Office as is possible and, to further provide access to that information, I am excited to unveil this new newsletter, of which today?s edition is the very first. In the updated newsletter, we?ll provide top stories of the week, more information about the Attorney General?s different functions, interesting updates about our initiatives, and other news of note. Through a more user-friendly format, the weekly newsletter will now feature an update on our cyber crime actions, information from our criminal prosecutions, our consumer protection activities, and our litigation responsibilities. I hope you will find the newsletter interesting and informative.

As I begin the second year of my term as your Attorney General, I will continue to address the most pressing issues facing our state and to develop solutions to better serve all Floridians. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you, the people of Florida, and thank you for taking the time to read my weekly message to you.

Bill McCollum

Sail Boat

Palm Trees



Daytona Speedway


Evelyn out.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!