Saturday, January 19, 2008


Hello Everyone,


Evelyn here,


With an update on the bullying families. Some of which were selling Illegal drug on the corner not so long ago. There appears to be a movement among these families to retaliate against myself, my family and others who have oppose their bullies and intimidating us for the control of our lives, our block as well as our neighborhood during the night.


Of late, I have had to contact the police department more about the increasing problems of stalking, loud music late at night in cars and of harassment when we (my family) are out and about town and  in our cars. This increase in harassment now appears to involve a corrupt teenage boy who lives on the same block and whose grandmother, mother, and several men folks are responsible for setting off the harassment of my family and many other families going as far back as 2000. An early attempt by me to get a restraining order against the grandmother failed. So, this teenager’s grandmother walked away only step up her harassment of me with the use of others friends, families and sadly neighbors. Her attempt included misleading (lying) to the police officers who came here to see about a reported situation. The legal system called this type of harassment – Third Party – with persons acting on the behalf of the person under the restraining order.


In 2003, I did succeed in getting a two-year restraining order on one of the male in that family, who in turned had used third parties the continue his harassment, which brought about my discovery of the families who were selling and using illegal drug. One of these families is the family who were at the same time selling candy and cookies to children, blocking our streets with traffic from an unlicensed daycare center, which of course masked their illegal drug involvement. The children who are heard nearly everywhere by some form natural or audio magnification are known and encouraged to some of these families.


Just three days ago, and as my husband and I were coming home, two black females in a maroon car attempt to crowd us on a narrow folk road just as we entered it. This road begins in front of a police officer’s home. His squad car was not in front of his home, as it sometimes is, so the two women probably felt safe to pull their little stunt. Having failed in forcing us over, they then followed us to a quiet residential intercession and pulled beside up us and beginning shouting as if we were responsible for what happened. By their slow easing into our path severs as proof to me that they knew prior to pulling away from the curve that we were passing by them. Upset, I in turned shout for them to move on their way and not to trouble us anymore. Once at home, I did reported in the incident. Nevertheless, I in no way believe that this teenage boy is acting along -  as he could not be blasting music in at least three different places in the area at nearly the same time. This too was reported.

With the above is added that teenage boy’ playing the music in his car loud; however, he is not along in the household when it comes the harassing people, and the night before one of them did it and left the car unattended while in the home.


Furthermore, the young woman related to one of those families on the corner, and who was hired shortly after me, is now gone, but not before leaving behind suspicions and ill feelings caused by her lying to others and her other deceptions. Of those who remain and I still work among, they are not happy that she lied to them and I am sure they are not happy with me for not talking to them about the situation out here on this block and neighboring area. However, when I reported her presences to my office managers, I made is clear that the situation was an ongoing police matter. Before that, I never mention the crimes out here and I do not talk about at the work place now regardless the harassment I have received.


As I stated before, I do not believe this teenage boy is working along. All incidents say that he is acting along with all the families on this street and that corner who are known troublemakers. Their deceptions have been revealed. On this block, their selling of illegal drugs had been curtailed if not completely stopped. Their attempts to pull even more innocent people into furthering the harassments is failing. They overlook that some of those people have lost their jobs, and that more people are beginning to see them for who they really are and the destruction they cause in others families lives.


I hate to think that my family and me are being singled out, but to my knowledge others are not forthcoming in what they might be experiencing.


I can only hope that they read this and will continue as I have done by informing the police department and others of what is really happening on our streets.


Evelyn out.

What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!