Sunday, January 13, 2008

Unemployment Is Down And the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI) Comes To Port St. Lucie

Hello Everyone,

Evelyn here,

will the current doing from capital hill. according to Governor Cris underemployment is down, yet few people are moving to Florida. Port St. Lucie and the Governor Cris welcome the Vaccine And Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI). The VGTI is a top biotech centers in the nation with an international reputation for rapidly moving discoveries from the laboratory to the clinic for use as medical treatments to help people with ailments.


Dear Friends,


    I am happy to report that many of the signs say that Florida's economy is strong. The average wage is up. Unemployment is down. The number of visitors to our state is up. But of course, we want our economy to be even stronger.

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This week I was pleased to welcome the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI) to Port St. Lucie. VGTI has an international reputation for rapidly moving discoveries from the laboratory to the clinic for use as medical treatments to help people. This addition firmly establishes the Sunshine State as one of the top biotech centers in the nation — and even the world. Our economy will benefit from the collaboration among Florida's biotech companies, which will also lead to better medical treatments and a better quality of life for us all.


    This week, I also announced plans for how we will build Florida's innovation economy in 2008. The entrepreneurial spirit is woven into the DNA of Florida's economy.


    We can build an economy that is founded on innovation. Innovation leads to being more productive. Productivity leads to competitiveness— and a competitive state becomes a prosperous state. And prosperity is our goal— for our people, for our communities, and for our state.


    Innovation can make Florida a leader in clean technologies as well. The technologies that make renewable and alternative energy like ethanol, solar power, wind energy, and wave energy a viable alternative are beneficial to our economy — and our environment.


    Florida's brightest days are truly ahead of us. We must tap into Florida's entrepreneurial spirit and create opportunity for Florida's unparalleled prosperity.


    May God bless you and give us a very prosperous new year in 2008. Thank you very much.




Dear Friends,
    I am happy to report that many of the signs say that Florida's economy is strong. The average wage is up. Unemployment is down. The number of visitors to our state is up. But of course, we want our economy to be even stronger.
This week I was pleased to welcome the Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI) to Port St. Lucie. VGTI has an international reputation for rapidly moving discoveries from the laboratory to the clinic for use as medical treatments to help people. This addition firmly establishes the Sunshine State as one of the top biotech centers in the nation — and even the world. Our economy will benefit from the collaboration among Florida's biotech companies, which will also lead to better medical treatments and a better quality of life for us all.
    This week, I also announced plans for how we will build Florida's innovation economy in 2008. The entrepreneurial spirit is woven into the DNA of Florida's economy.
    We can build an economy that is founded on innovation. Innovation leads to being more productive. Productivity leads to competitiveness— and a competitive state becomes a prosperous state. And prosperity is our goal — for our people, for our communities, and for our state.
    Innovation can make Florida a leader in clean technologies as well. The technologies that make renewable and alternative energy like ethanol, solar power, wind energy, and wave energy a viable alternative are beneficial to our economy — and our environment.
    Florida's brightest days are truly ahead of us. We must tap into Florida's entrepreneurial spirit and create opportunity for Florida's unparalleled prosperity.
    May God bless you and give us a very prosperous new year in 2008. Thank you very much.


Evelyn out.

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