Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Few Word From Attorney General Mccollum on January Mentoring Month

Hi Everyone,

Evelyn here,


with a message from the Attorney General Bill McCollun on Jaunary beign National Mentoring monther and the importance of mentoring a child.


Generally Speaking
  Publication of the Office of the Attorney General • Volume 6, Issue 2 • January 11, 2008

Orca Jumping at Seaworld


Space Shuttle



Sea Birds

Week in Pictures CyberCrime UpdateConsumer Protection Actions Criminal Proceedings News Releases Text Version En Español Additional Notes Contact Us Attorney General's Website Subscribe Unsubscribe Message from Attorney General Bill McCollum

January is National Mentoring Month, an extraordinary campaign designed to raise awareness about the importance ? and power ? of mentoring. The campaign invites people to think of mentors theymay have had in their own lives and to not only thank those caring individuals, but to also consider becoming a mentor themselves.

I encourage all Floridians to think about volunteering to mentor a child. Whether you are helping a child develop strong reading skills or providing guidance about choosing a profession or career direction, mentoring is a sound investment in the lives of children who might not otherwise receive guidance from a knowledgeable adult.

An excellent example is the Women of Tomorrow Scholarship and Mentoring Organization, of which several of my staff are members. These women mentor female high school students who have been identified as at-risk. They meet with the girls once a month to provide real-life information regarding domestic violence, health awareness, and other relevant topics. They also mentor them to develop stronger self esteem and provide career guidance.

Last month, after presenting a session on dining etiquette, the women realized that many of the students were not versed on how to conduct themselves at a business or professional dining function. The women decided to expand the lesson a little further and reached out to several fine dining establishments in South Florida to see if any were willing to host the program for the girls.

As a result of their dedication to these young students, more than 80 at-risk girls received professional ethics and etiquette training during a workshop and luncheon hosted by the elegant Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Miami. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will certainly be a memorable occasion for these girls and their mentors!

I commend this organization and so many others like it for taking the time and effort to provide such a positive influence in the lives of our children. Florida?s future and the future of our nation rests in the hands of these children, and I can think of no better way to directly influence the years to come than to help guide as many as possible to become successful and productive adults.

Bill McCollum

Sail Boat

Palm Trees



Daytona Speedway


Evelyn out.

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