Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Bitter Pill on The Job

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

One note about the problems I have had on the job. Well, shortly after I was hired a woman was hired that turned out to be related to one of the families on the corner where drugs have been sold. She has tried on more than one occasions to create an incident by saying things she felt would upset me enough to lash back at her, but I had already reported her presence to a superior so my saying anything to cause further upset was not necessary.

However, since I have been reporting and writing about the illegal drugs sold on the corner, she has tried to cause even more trouble. When she started working on the job, I knew she would try to cause trouble eventually, but I believed that she should have a fair chance to prove me wrong. She has only proved me right. Her latest harassments are being reported also.

Last night was a prime example of how badly the pushers want that corner back. I believe they are responsible for a black car that was parked in the middle of the street, which is the street between two of three houses that they live in. It is a dark street and anyone driving and turning onto that corner from the opposite avenue would have driven straight into the back of it. A driver would have has to be quick and turned sharply either to the right or the left of the street as well as driven onto a lawn to avoid hitting the car. There was no other way around it. 

Fortunately, I came around the other entrance to the street. When I noticed the black car sitting where it sat, I did not understand the purpose, but early today I did mentioned it to someone who said, "It sounds like an insurance thing". An insurance scam. I believe that person is right, and I believe that a great deal of vengeful motivation went into planning it.

Many people drive from that opposite avenue and onto that corner. Whoever owns that black car whether he/she/they were seeking revenge, insurance money or both did not think of the multitude of people who use that street. It could have been one of their youth racing around it. Several times in the past week, I have heard someone loud and insanely riding a motorcycle around these streets. Nevertheless, I do not think the driver of the black car was being carelessness. I think they sought revenge and that the insurance money wouldhave been a bonus. In short, they had a plan.

This is strange but for some odd reason they have come to believe that the police department will not step in and arrest them. All I can impart on this kind of thinking is, “Do not listen the rumor mill.” The police department knows without a doubt that I, for one, want the illegal drugs off these streets as well as the harassment stopped. If it takes arresting a few of them, let it be so. They want me to stop writing of this. I will not. They want that corner back for their dubious purposes. I, for one, say “NO.”

For those who wanted to know, I sleep well.


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