Saturday, April 29, 2006

Swerving Driver

Hello everyone,

Evelyn here,

The corner that I wrote about in my previous entries is still the source of many of the problems that affect my street and, to my surprise, extends along its side street. I have often asked the Jesus why some people seeks to make problems for others to only fall from grace in my direction. The Lord knows that I am not looking for them, but there they are trying to intimidate and bully an innocent out of exposing evil when they where not even on the list or where unknown for whatever they wished to hide.

Too religious, well this should help. The bad asses on that corner and apparently the bad asses that I knew nothing about tried to intimidate me yesterday by swerving a car in front of me. The driver might have gotten away with it had he not driven into his driveway before I even passed him.

I think the above incident falls under the heading of what I have heard called "Dumb Crimes.” If he was trying to warn me away, he failed. I knew of him or those of his household. He has only made me suspicious of him and those who were in his car. This all happened as I was returning to work from spending my lunch hour at home.

 The avenue behind me is not happy in knowing that I writing about happen here, some one has to say something. At least one household was openly trying to harassing shortly after I got my car, but report that situation to the police department.

I am not trying to make anyone happy by reporting this situation, but as a resident and home owner on this street, I am very fed up with the people that living of that corner and their activities. They moved in and brought with them their crime, their illegal drugs, and their brutally. They care noting for this neighborhood and some have never cared for the fact that I have tried in the past to keep this and other types of crimes out of our area, only to have myself be mock, laughed at, harassed my son harassed and mistreated and lied too about my intentions toward our neighbors. My family was torn apart because of people wanting to hide their illegal drug sell activities. To stop it I attempted to get a Crime Prevention Program started in here, but as I started before I was mocked and harassed and I and my family has been subject to the same mistreatment ever since. 

Back then, I was not supported. Today support is not the issue. Safer streets are the issue. I was told some months ago that there is a crime watch program in action here, but it not working for those of us who are tired of the harassment of crime and the illegal drugs sale.

Someone said that I awoke a sleeping lion, but truth is that the people selling these drugs believed that they bullied and cowered the residents of my street and probably this neighborhood enough that they felt safe to carry on with their illegal activities. However, I am not backing down and I believe that am not alone in wanting safer, quieter, drug-free streets.

For those to mistakingly believe that the trafficking, selling and use of illegal drugs carries no consequences, I want to add this excerpt from the Attorney General Charles Crist New Release dated April 28, 2006.


Miami-Dade Jury Convicts Marijuana Trafficker


            TALLAHASSEE - Attorney General Charlie Crist today announced the conviction of a Broward County man for trafficking in 654 pounds of marijuana. Howard Reynolds was found guilty by a Miami-Dade County jury and was immediately taken into custody. The case was prosecuted by Crist’s Office of Statewide Prosecution.


            Reynolds, 31, of Hollywood, was involved in a drug trafficking ring that brought large amounts of marijuana to Florida from Los Angeles. He was arrested in February 2003 after he and co-defendant Christopher Solomon went to a warehouse near Miami International Airport to pick up a shipment of 654 pounds of marijuana, valued at more than $500,000. Solomon was also arrested, but fled the country after posting bond and remains a fugitive.


            "Many problems faced by society can be traced to illegal drug use," said Crist.  "Those who traffic in illegal drugs must pay a steep price."


            Paperwork found on Reynolds and in his van at the time of his arrest suggest he was involved in trafficking more than 10 tons of freight, which may have been marijuana, between October 2000 and February 2003.


            Reynolds was found guilty of trafficking in cannabis and conspiracy to commit trafficking in cannabis, both first-degree felonies. He faces up to 60 years in prison. Sentencing will be announced on May 31.



Although this happened in other county, it can very well happen here.


Evelyn out.


What is Widescreen Network News? Formerly The Constituent, this site is an informational website for some of today’s issues, such as consumer product alerts, health, education, & political views. This site also is for informing people of crimes in the community with the intent of preventing further crimes through awareness. This website is intended for readers 21 & over. It is not intended as a source of information for causing harm to others. THEREFORE, PARENTAL CONTROL IS STRONGLY ADVISED!